Classifieds Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, June 10, 2015 A17 GAME ANSWERS Public Notice Continued from A14 Employment Employment HOCUS-FOCUS NOTICE OF BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING Employment a graduate of an accredited Nursing program and currently licensed in the State of Oregon or eligible to obtain licensing in the State of Oregon. OB experience is YLX\PYLK,_JLSSLU[ oral and written communication ZRPSSZHYLYLX\PYLK Ability to read, write, speak and understand the English language. Must be self TV[P]H[LKHUKHISL to deal with people in a professional manner at all times. *VTWL[P[P]L^HNL HUKILULÄ[ package. Apply at: www.bluemountain- DIFFERENCES: 1. LIGHT IS MISSING 2. BOX IS SMALLER 3. COLLAR IS SMALLER 4. SHIRT DESIGN IS DIFFERENT 5. HAT IS MISSING 6. PICTURE IS MISSING A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the City of Granite, Grant, State of Oregon, to discuss the budget for [OLÄZJHS`LHY1\S`[V1\UL^PSSILOLSKH[ City Shop, 1378 Main Street. The meeting will take place on June 23rd at 10:00 a.m. The purpose of the meeting is to YLJLP]L[OLI\KNL[TLZZHNLHUK[VYLJLP]LJVTTLU[MYVT the public on the budget. This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Committee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and discuss the pro- posed programs with the Budget Committee. A copy of the budget document may be inspected of obtained on or after June 17, 2015 at City Shop, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. BLUE MOUNTAIN HOSPITAL is accepting applications for a Registered Nurse. This is a full-time, 7pm to 7am, night shift position. Orientation WYV]PKLK4\Z[IL CHECK OUT THE NEW Public Notice NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE MALHEUR NATIONAL FOREST Public Notice NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Fox Cemetery Maint. District will be held on June 12, 2015 at 6:00 pm at 54888 Fox Valley Lane, Fox, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the I\KNL[MVY[OLÄZJHS`LHY1\S`HZHWWYV]LKI`[OL Fox Cemetery Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 54888 Fox Valley Lane, Fox, Between the hours of 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of ac- JV\U[PUN[OH[PZKPɈLYLU[[OHU[OLWYLJLKPUN`LHY0MKPɈLYLU[ [OLTHQVYJOHUNLZHUK[OLPYLɈLJ[VU[OLI\KNL[HYL! Contact: Yolanda Galbreath Telephone: 541-421-5425 The Campground Sale is located within T 19S R 26E Section 29, T 20S R 25 E Section 34, T 18S R 32E Section 23, T 19S R 26E Section 30, T 20S R 31E Section 23, T 20S R 31E Sections 27 and 34, and T 20S R 27E Section 1. The -VYLZ[:LY]PJL^PSSYLJLP]LZLHSLKHUKVYHSIPKZPUW\ISPJH[ 4HSOL\Y5H[PVUHS-VYLZ[:\WLY]PZVY»Z6ɉJLH[!(4 SVJHS[PTLVUMVYHULZ[PTH[LK]VS\TLVM **- of Ponderosa Pine and other coniferous species sawtimber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. The Forest Ser- ]PJLYLZLY]LZ[OLYPNO[[VYLQLJ[HU`HUKHSSIPKZ0U[LYLZ[LK WHY[PLZTH`VI[HPUHWYVZWLJ[\ZMYVT[OLVɉJLSPZ[LKILSV^ A prospectus, bid form, and complete information concern- ing the timber, the conditions of sale, and submission of bids PZH]HPSHISL[V[OLW\ISPJMYVT[OL4HSOL\Y5H[PVUHS-VYLZ[ :\WLY]PZVY»Z6ɉJL7H[[LYZVU)YPKNL9VHK1VOU+H` 69 ;OL<:+(PZHULX\HSVWWVY[\UP[`WYV]PKLYHUK employer. Public Notice NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING Public Notice INVITATION TO BID JOHN YOUNG MEADOW FENCE PROJECT 0UKP]PK\HSS`ZLHSLKIPKZ^PSSILYLJLP]LKMYVTX\HSPÄLK]LU- KVYZI`.YHU[:VPSHUK>H[LY*VUZLY]H[PVU+PZ[YPJ[OLYLPUHM- [LYJHSSLK+0:;90*;H[:V\[O*HU`VU)V\SL]HYK1VOU Day, Oregon 97845 until 3:00 PM PST, June 23, 2015 for the construction of approximately 1.5 miles of 4-wire fence along the South Fork of Murderers Creek in Grant County, Oregon. Immediately thereafter, Bids will be publicly opened. )PKWHJRHNLZ^P[OWSHUZZWLJPÄJH[PVUZHUK)PKMVYTZ^PSS be distributed at the pre-bid conference and tour. The point VMJVU[HJ[MVY[OPZ0U]P[H[PVU;V)PKPZ1HZVU2LOYILYNH[ 575-0135 ext. 110 and e-mail QRLOYILYN'VY[LSJVUL[ (W\ISPJTLL[PUNVM[OL.YHU[*V\U[`:JOVVS+PZ[YPJ[ will be held on June 17, 2015 at 6:30 pm at Prairie City School, Prairie City, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is [VKPZJ\ZZ[OLI\KNL[MVY[OLÄZJHS`LHYILNPUUPUN1\S` HZHWWYV]LKI`[OL.YHU[:JOVVS+PZ[YPJ[ )\KNL[ Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at Mon- ument School District between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as [OLWYLJLKPUN`LHY0MKPɈLYLU[[OLTHQVYJOHUNLZHUK[OLPY LɈLJ[VU[OLI\KNL[HYL!5VTHQVYJOHUNLZ Contact: Ryan Gerry ;LSLWOVUL! ,THPS!NLYY`['NYHU[LZKRVY\Z The Project location is approximately 15 miles south of [OLQ\UJ[PVUVM/PNO^H`HUK-VYLZ[:LY]PJL9VHK -PLSKZ*YLLR9VHK(SS^VYRHZZVJPH[LK^P[O[OPZ0U]P[H[PVU To Bid must be completed within a 30 day Contract period commencing the day a Notice to Proceed is issued by the DISTRICT. A pre-bid conference and tour of the work area will be conducted June 15, 2015. Tour participants are to meet at !(47:;H[[OLQ\UJ[PVUVM-VYLZ[:LY]PJL9VHK -PLSKZ*YLLRHUK/PNO^H`)PKKLYZT\Z[WYV]PKL[OLPY own transportation. Attendance at the pre-bid conference tour is mandatory for vendors interested in submitting a bid. )PKZZ\ITP[[LKI`]LUKVYZ^OVHYLUV[PUH[[LUKHUJLH[ the pre-bid conference and tour of the work site will not be considered. Project will require the use of a mechanized post pound- er, Shaver Manufacturing Company LLC Model HD-8 or DISTRICT approved equivalent, capable of driving a 6 inch pointed wood post to a depth of 3 feet in undis- turbed rough terrain. 0UKP]PK\HSS`ZLHSLKLU]LSVWLZVYWHJRHNLZJVU[HPUPUNIPKZ HUKZ\WWVY[PUNKH[HHZZ[PW\SH[LKPU[OL0U]P[H[PVU[V)PK and shall be clearly marked with the fence project name, JOHN YOUNG MEADOW FENCE PROJECT. Bids sent by THPSZOV\SKILMVY^HYKLKI`JLY[PÄLKTHPSYL[\YUYLJLPW[ YLX\LZ[LKHKKYLZZLK[V[OL+0:;90*;HZZOV^UHIV]LPU care of Pat Holliday, and likewise shall be clearly marked or endorsed as stated herein. )PKZYLJLP]LKHM[LY[OL[PTLLZ[HISPZOLKMVYYLJLPW[VMIPKZ ^PSSUV[ILJVUZPKLYLK)PKZTH`IL^P[OKYH^UVYTVKPÄLK in writing at any time prior to bid opening, following the N\PKLSPULZLZ[HISPZOLKPU[OL0U]P[H[PVU[V)PK The DISTRICT may reject any Bid not in compliance with all WYLZJYPILKW\ISPJIPKKPUNWYVJLK\YLZHUKYLX\PYLTLU[ZHUK YLZLY]LZ[OLYPNO[[VYLQLJ[MVYNVVKJH\ZLHU`VYHSS)PKZ PU^OVSLVYPUWHY[\WVU[OLÄUKPUNVM[OL+0:;90*;[OH[P[ PZPU[OLW\ISPJPU[LYLZ[[VKVZV[V^HP]LPYYLN\SHYP[PLZUV[ HɈLJ[PUNZ\IZ[HU[PHSYPNO[ZHUK[VWVZ[WVUL[OLH^HYKVM the work as necessary for a period of time not to extend be- `VUK[OPY[`KH`ZMYVT[OL)PK6WLUPUN+H[L)PKWYPJLZ X\V[LKZOHSSYLTHPUÄYTMVYHWLYPVKVM[OPY[`KH`ZMYVT the date of Bid Opening. Each bid must contain a statement whether the Bidder is a Resident Bidder. A Resident Bidder is one who has a business address in Oregon and paid income and unem- WSV`TLU[[H_LZPU6YLNVUK\YPUN[OL[^LS]LJHSLUKHY months immediately preceding the bid. ;OLHWWHYLU[Z\JJLZZM\S)PKKLYZOHSSWYV]PKLHSSYLX\PYLK WYVVMZVMPUZ\YHUJLHUKM\YUPZOHSSZWLJPÄLK*VU[YHJ[ZLJ\- YP[`IVUKZ[V[OL+0:;90*;^P[OPU[^LS]LJHSLUKHYKH`Z VMUV[PÄJH[PVUVMPU[LU[VM*VU[YHJ[H^HYK-HPS\YL[VWYLZLU[ [OLYLX\PYLKKVJ\TLU[Z^P[OPU[OPZWLYPVKTH`YLZ\S[PU)PK rejection. It is anticipated that work will start on or before July 1, 2015 with written Notice To Proceed from DISTRICT. .YHU[:VPSHUK>H[LY*VUZLY]H[PVU+PZ[YPJ[ )`!1HZVU2LOYILYN+PZ[YPJ[4HUHNLY Public Notice Notice of Budget Hearing A meeting of the Board of Directors of TEC will be held VU1\ULH[!HTH[ (KHTZ(]LU\L3H Grande, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting will be to dis- J\ZZ[OLI\KNL[MVY[OLÄZJHS`LHYILNPUUPUN1\S`HZ HWWYV]LKI`[OL;YHPUPUNHUK,TWSV`TLU[)\KNL[*VTTP[- tee. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at (KHTZ(]LU\L3H.YHUKL6YLNVUIL[^LLU[OLOV\YZ of 8 AM and 5 PM. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is consistent with the basis of accounting used during the preceding year. This budget is for: Annual Period. Public Notice NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING (W\ISPJTLL[PUNVM[OL)VHYKVM+PYLJ[VYZNV]LYUPUNIVHYK will be held on June 18, 2015 at 4:30 pm at Blue Mountain Hospital’s Conference Room, 170 Ford Road, John Day, Or- egon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget MVY[OLÄZJHS`LHYILNPUUPUN1\S`HZHWWYV]LKI` the Blue Mountain Hospital District’s Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 170 Ford Road, John Day, Oregon, between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as \ZLK[OLWYLJLKPUN`LHY0MKPɈLYLU[[OLTHQVYJOHUNLZHUK [OLPYLɈLJ[VU[OLI\KNL[HYL! Contact: Carl J. Flanagan, CFO Phone: 541-575-4152 ,THPS!JÅHUHNHU'IS\LTV\U[HPUOVZWP[HSVYN Public Notice NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the Grant County Extension will be held on June 17 at 9:15 a.m. at 201 S Humbolt, Canyon City, Or- egon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget MVY[OLÄZJHS`LHYILNPUUPUN1\S`HZHWWYV]LKI` the Grant County Extension and 4-H Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 530 E. Main St., Ste. 10, John Day between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., or online at http:/ This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. Contact: Shanna Northway Telephone: 541-575-1911 ,THPS!ZOHUUHUVY[O^H`'VYLNVUZ[H[LLK\ Public Notice NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A public meeting of the City Council of the City of Prairie City will be held on June 17, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, 133 S. Bridge, Prairie City, Oregon. The purpose of this TLL[PUNPZ[VKPZJ\ZZ[OLI\KNL[MVY[OLÄZJHS`LHYILNPU- UPUN1\S`HZHWWYV]LKI`[OL)\KNL[*VTTP[[LL( summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at City Hall between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. or on the City website This is an annual budget and has been prepared on a basis of accounting consistent with the basis used last year.