A10 %OXH0RXQWDLQ(DJOH :HGQHVGD\-XQH WEDNESDAY June 3, 2015 Pros end season in Stayton Rams’ batting barrage too much for GU By Angel Carpenter Blue Mountain Eagle STAYTON – The Prospector base- EDOO WHDP FDPH UHDG\ IRU EDWWOH EXW IHOO LQ WKH ¿UVWURXQG VWDWH SOD\RII JDPHWRWKH5HJLV5DPVHQGLQJ *UDQW8QLRQ¶VVHDVRQ The Prospectors had a good start in the game, played last Wednesday in Stayton, and held the lead through WKHIRXUWKZLWK*DUUHWW0F&RQQHOODV VWDUWLQJSLWFKHU Then the Rams loaded the bases DQGXQOHDVKHGWKHLUEDWV “They’re a very good team,” Grant 8QLRQKHDGFRDFK%ULDQ'HODQH\VDLG RIWKH5DPV³7KH\¶UHGH¿QLWHO\PRUH complete than us – they’re loaded ZLWK VHQLRUV DQG KDYH D ORW RI H[SH rience, and they hit the ball extremely ZHOO´ 'HVSLWH WKH ORVV 'HODQH\ ZDV SOHDVHGZLWKKLVSOD\HUV ³, IHHO WKDW ZH HQGHG RXU VHDVRQ RQDSRVLWLYHQRWH´KHVDLG³:HOHG WKH JDPH WKURXJK IRXU DQG RXU ER\V ZHUHPRUHSUHSDUHGDQGUHDG\IRUWKDW JDPHWKDQ5HJLVZDV:HSOD\HGJUHDW VPDOOEDOODQGWHDPEDVHEDOO2XUGH IHQVH ZDV VROLG DQG *DUUHWW WKUHZ D JUHDWJDPH´ 0F&RQQHOORQWKHPRXQGIRUIRXU DQG D KDOI LQQLQJV WKUHZ SLWFKHV DQG VWULNHV DQG JDYH XS IRXU KLWV DQG¿YHUXQV -XVWLQ *UDYOH\ VWHSSHG LQ IRU WKH ¿IWKDQGVL[WKLQQLQJWKURZLQJ DQG=DFK'LHWHU¿QLVKHGWKHVL[WK The Eagle/Angel Carpenter Regis pitcher Blake Minten threw Grant Union first baseman Billy Copenhaver (20) makes the RYHUVL[LQQLQJVJLYLQJXS¿YH grab on a play against Baker with Zack Dieter (13) backing up. This was the Prospectors’ last home game before heading to See PROS, Page A18 the state playoffs. Contributed photo Denali Twehues races around the barrel at the Cinnabar Mountain Playdays Rodeo in Mt. Vernon. She finished second in the Intermediate Division on May 31. PETTIT FLIES TO STRONG FINISH AT STATE Eighth-grader plans to continue in the sport By Angel Carpenter Blue Mountain Eagle MONUMENT – Sophia Pettit, a Monument School eighth-grader, has reached championship status in Ore- JRQWUDFNDQG¿HOG 6KH ZDV ¿UVW LQ WZR RI her events at Saturday’s Middle School Statewide &KDPSLRQVKLSV LQ /D 3LQH 7KHPHHWGUHZDWKOHWHVIURP 51 schools, including small- er schools such as Mitch- ell and Crane, and larger schools such as Newport DQG6FDSSRRVH 6KH ¿QLVKHG LQ ¿UVW place in long jump at 15- DQG WKH PHWHU dash, where she logged a WLPHRIDIWHUD SUHOLPLQDU\UXQ She also placed third in WKHZLWKDQHZSHUVRQDO EHVWRILQWKHSUHOLP LQDULHV DQG D ¿QLVK LQWKH¿QDOVDQGVKHSODFHG 10th in the high jump, clear- LQJWKHEDUDW “I enjoyed how well I SHUIRUPHG DQG WKH VSRUWV PDQVKLS RI HYHU\RQH WKHUH´VKHVDLG Pettit has been working DW WUDFN VLQFH ¿IWK JUDGH but said she had her “real VWDUW´LQVL[WKJUDGH “When I started, I had no idea that I could be compet- itive in those events – you just have to go out there and WU\ LW´ VKH VDLG ³0\ GDG has helped me a lot with ev- HU\WKLQJ´ See STATE, Page A18 Youth ride fast in Playdays rodeo Blue Mountain Eagle 07 9(5121 ± 5RGHR youth competed in this year’s ¿UVW&LQQDEDU0RXQWDLQ3OD\ GD\VURGHRRIWKHVHDVRQODVW 6XQGD\ 7KHUHZHUHULGHUVFRP peting at Burton Arena in 0W 9HUQRQ (YHQWV RQ WKH schedule included barrel rac- ing, pole bending, goat tying, GXPP\ URSLQJ NH\KROH ÀDJ UDFHDQG¿JXUH The next Playdays rodeo ZLOO EH DW DP 6XQGD\ -XQH DW WKH DUHQD 5HJLV WUDWLRQRSHQVDWDP Results: Leadline division 1st - Caja Jo Timko 2nd - Gus Rowell 3rd - Josie Kimball Peewee Division 1st Cooper Holly 2nd Anna Jacobs 3rd Tatyn Harper Junior Division 1st Wyatt Nolan 2nd Garrett Nolan 3rd Bailey McCracken Intermediate Division 1st Paige Pentzer 2nd Denali Twehues 3rd Sam McCracken Runners ‘on mark’ for Gold Rush Run Historic sites part of 5K run and walk Blue Mountain Eagle Contributed photos Sophia Pettit, a Monument eighth-grader, takes the top of the podium for her first-place finish in the 100-meter dash at the Statewide Middle School Championships last Saturday. Top photo: Pettit competes at the May 30 middle school championships in La Pine. C YCLING DUO TREK U.S. CANYON CITY – All DJHV FDQ NLFN RII µ 'D\V with this year’s Gold Rush Run and Walk in Canyon &LW\DWDP6DWXUGD\-XQH The 5K course is a scenic loop that begins and ends in IURQWRI6HOV%UHZHU\LQ&DQ \RQ&LW\,WSDVVHVVXFKKLVWRU LFVLWHVDV+XPEROW'LJJLQJV +RJ3RLQWDQG5HEHO+LOO The event, sponsored by The Strawberry Striders and Whiskey Gulch Gang, attracts UXQQHUV DQG ZDONHUV RI DOO DJHVDQGVSHHGV 7KH FRXUVH UHFRUG RI minutes, 59 seconds was set LQ E\ %UHQW /DEKDUW RI 0W9HUQRQ7KHHYHQWLVVKRUW HQRXJK IRU VSHHGVWHUV SRVW season track athletes, young- er runners and those who are ORRNLQJIRUDPRGHUDWHO\FKDO OHQJLQJUXQQLQJHYHQW3OHQW\ RIZDONHUVMRLQWKHHYHQWHDFK year, covering the course in DERXWPLQXWHV The overall men’s and women’s winners in two age GLYLVLRQV DQG XQGHU DQG DQG RYHU ZLOO UHFHLYH ¶ 'D\V FRPPHPRUDWLYH DZDUGV 7KH WRS ¿QLVKHU LQ each 10-year age division will UHFHLYH ULEERQV $OO FKLOGUHQ DJHDQGXQGHUZLOOUHFHLYH PHGDOV Those who preregister pay D UHGXFHG HQWU\ IHH DQG ZLOO receive a heavyweight cotton 7VKLUW 5DFHGD\ HQWULHV ZLOO KDYH D FKRLFH RI ORJR VRFNV GXIIHO EDJV DQG SDVW \HDUV¶ 7VKLUWV 5HJLVWUDWLRQ IRUPV DUH available at the Grant County &KDPEHU RI &RPPHUFH : 0DLQ 6W -RKQ 'D\ 3UH UHJLVWUDWLRQ LV 5HJLVWUD WLRQIURPWRDPRQ UDFHGD\FRVWVDQGZLOOEH DYDLODEOHLQIURQWRI6HOV – Contributed by Hugh Snook Contributed photo The Grant County ASA Wildfire softball team poses with the Eagle at the Mother’s Day weekend tournament in Richland, Wash. The team placed second in the silver bracket. The Eagle/Angel Carpenter Thomas Hyatt, left, and Joseph Shearer toured through Grant County while on a 4,134-mile tandem cycle ride across America to raise awareness of organizations doing research and helping blind or visually impaired people. Hyatt has been blind from retinitis pigmentosa, a progressive genetic eye disease, for more than 26 years. The friends started in Florence and will end in Virginia, with the trip expected to take more than 100 days. Shearer’s wife, Susan, is driving along in a support vehicle. Both riders said they’ve been impressed with the friendly people they’ve met on their tour, including those in Dayville who allowed them to stay the night at a community church. For more information about BlindRide 2015 go online to www.crazyguyonabike. com/BlindRide2015 and click on the links for the Prineville, Dayville and Prairie City legs of the tour. 6RIWEDOOVXGV UDLVHJHDUIXQGV Team finishes 2nd in Richland Blue Mountain Eagle -2+1'$<±7KH*UDQW &RXQW\ $PDWHXU 6RIWEDOO $VVRFLDWLRQ :LOG¿UH WHDP is holding a car wash at /HV6FKZDE7LUHIURP DPWRSP)ULGD\ Iron Triangle sponsored WKHWHDPV¶XQLIRUPVIRUWKH VHDVRQ DQG WKH IXQGUDLV HU LV WR KHOS SD\ IRU RWKHU QHHGHGHTXLSPHQW The team placed second in the silver bracket at the 0RWKHU¶V 'D\ ZHHNHQG tournament in Richland, :DVK 'RXJ¶V 0RWRU 9HKL cle Repair and Towing See GEAR, Page A18 Eagle file photo Dogs enjoy trotting along with their owners during the 2014 Gold Rush Run in Canyon City. This year’s run, set for 7 a.m. Saturday, June 6, launches a day full of activities at the annual ’62 Days Celebration.