News Blue Mountain Eagle Here are the results from the May 23 Cinnabar Moun- tain Rendezvous Parade and winners of the drawings and bingo: Blue Mountain Eagle The Eagle/Angel Carpenter Cash Madden drives the Blue Mtn. Mini Market ATV in the Cinnabar Mountain Rendezvous Parade. C OPS & C OURTS • Andy Vott, Mt. Vernon, was cited for city ordinance. • Charles Hunt, 47, Mt. Vernon, was cited for city ordi- nance. • Casey Mortimore, 29, Chelsea, was cited for violation Circuit Court of the basic rule, 44/30 zone. CANYON CITY – The • Tiffany Davis, 25, Canyon Grant County Circuit Court re- City, was cited for violation of SRUWHG WKH IROORZLQJ ¿QHV DQG the basic rule, 64/55 zone. judgments: Dispatch • Keatley Martin Wyant pleaded guilty to harassment. John Day dispatch worked He was sentenced to bench pro- 127 calls during the week of bation for 12 months, 40 hours May 26-31. Along with the FRPPXQLW\VHUYLFH¿QHG YDULRXV WUDI¿F ZDUQLQJV WUHV and ordered to have no contact passing, injured animals, noise with the victim. The court dis- complaints and juvenile com- missed one count of third-de- plaints, these calls included: • John Day Police: gree criminal trespass. May 26: Cited a Prairie Grant County Sheriff City woman for speeding. CANYON CITY – The May 27: Trespassing report *UDQW &RXQW\ 6KHULII¶V 2I¿FH at Strawberry Village Apart- reported the following for the ments in Prairie City; arrested week of May 22-28: a John Day man for assault. • Concealed handgun licens- May 31: Report of a dis- es: 20 pute at Riverside Mobile • Average inmates: 13 Home Park in John Day; ar- • Bookings: 13 rested a Redding, Calif., man • Releases: 14 for third-degree theft; theft • Arrests: 1 reported at Les Schwab Tires; • Citations: 5 arrested a John Day man for • Fingerprints: 3 • Civil papers: 31 • Asst./welfare check: 4 • Search and Rescue: 2 • James Knight, 75, Glen- wood, Utah, was cited for care- less driving. Arrests and citations in the Blue Mountain Eagle are taken from the logs of law enforcement agencies. Every effort is made to report the court disposition of arrest cases. second-degree assault. • Grant County Sheriff: May 28: Suspicious circum- stances reported at the Canyon City Cemetery. • John Day ambulance: May 26: Responded for a man having a seizure. • Prairie City ambulance: May 26: Responded for a man with a high fever. Justice Court CANYON CITY – The Grant County Justice Court re- SRUWHG WKH IROORZLQJ ¿QHV DQG judgments: • Violation of the basic rule: Kameron C. Cummins, 38, :DOGSRUW ]RQH ¿QHG 'DYLG*OHQQ%UDGOH\ %RDUGPDQ ]RQH ¿QHG • Exceeding the speed limit: Michael Leonard Balloun, 66, -RVHSK]RQH¿QHG • Adam G. Jennings of John Day was convicted of third-de- gree theft. He was sentenced to 18 months probation, 40 hours FRPPXQLW\ VHUYLFH DQG ¿QHG +HZDVRUGHUHGWRQRWHQ ter Chester’s Thriftway of John Day. CANYON CITY - Vot- ers in the May election chose representatives for an array of seats on local school, parks, fire, trans- portation and cemetery boards. Most of the candidates ran unopposed, but two Blue Mountain Hospi- tal Board positions were contested. Unofficial returns from the Grant County Election show the results: For Position 3, Dotty Parsons was elected with 509 votes to Aaron Lieual- len’s 440. For Position 5, Marsha Delaney was elected with 549 votes to Hal Smith’s 400. Also elected to the hospital board was Karla Averett, with 930 votes, and re-elected were Vir- ginia Miller, 856, and Amy Kreger, 893. All three were running unopposed. Following are the win- ners of other district elec- tions in unofficial returns, including the write-in winners: ‡*UDQW&RXQW\(GXFDWLRQ6HUYLFH 'LVWULFW$WODUJH-RKQ6WHDUQV 865; Zone 1, Megan Brandsma, =RQH&KXFN$POLQJZULWH LQ=RQH%HFN\7DWXP =RQH0LFKDO0DGGHQZULWHLQ • Grant County Transportation 'LVWULFW$WODUJHSRVWV9HURQLFD Flanery, 767, Deronda Lallatin, 5RQ6PLWK6KHOOH\ %H]RQD%ODLQH+XIIPDQ ZULWHLQ ‡'D\YLOOH6FKRRO'LVWULFW1R 16 - Pos. 2, Casey Fretwell, 64; Pos. 3, Tandi Merkord, 54; Pos. 4, Sydney Thompson, 62; Pos. 5, Gina Fisher, 60. ‡/RQJ&UHHN6FKRRO'LVWULFW1R 17 - Pos. 1, Patti Hudson, 61; Pos. 2, Jasmine Cave, 46; Pos. 4, James Kreamier, 50; Pos. 5, 0LFKDHO*LEVRQ ‡*UDQW6FKRRO'LVWULFW1R 7KUHHDWODUJHSRVWV=DFK :LOOLDPV$P\6WLQHU 7UDFLH8QWHUZHJQHU=RQH 1, Kelly Stokes, 600. Zone 3, Ben +ROOLGD\ ‡3UDLULH&LW\6FKRRO'LVWULFW1R 3RV/LQGVD\5DXVFKZULWH LQ3RV'RXJODV(PPHO Pos. 5, Marge Walton, 150; Pos. 7, 5\DQ:LOOLDPVZULWHLQ ‡0RQXPHQW6FKRRO'LVWULFW1R 1R/HODQG6SHQFHU1R -DFNLH2DNOH\6ZHHNZULWHLQ 3RV-RVK+DPLOWRQZULWHLQ 3RV&DUULH-HZHOOZULWHLQ ‡-RKQ'D\5XUDO)LUH'LVWULFW$W large posts, Dean Elliott, 140, 'DOH6WHQQHWW%LOO:LOFR[ 7RGG0F.LQOH\(ULF -XOVUXGZULWHLQ ‡0W9HUQRQ5XUDO)LUH'LVWULFW Two at large posts, Steven Silva, 50; Neil Bauer, 56. ‡3UDLULH&LW\5XUDO)LUH'LVWULFW $WODUJHSRVWV0DUJH:DOWRQ Blaine Huffman, George Winegar DOOZULWHLQ • John Day/Canyon City Parks 5HFUHDWLRQ'LVWULFW$WODUJH SRVWV=DFK:LOOLDPV5XVV