Blue Mountain EAGLE The GLAD GRADS Students achieve big milestone – PAGE A8-A9 Grant County’s newspaper since 1868 W EDNESDAY , M AY 20, 2015 • N O . 20 • 22 P AGES • $1.00 DEQ called in on JD fume probe Residents should air out their homes to clear the odor. “We don’t believe it is particularly harmful to people,” said Thomas Na- JOHN DAY – Southwest John dermann, an industrial hygienist with Day residents continue to report nasty Sterling Industries of Vancouver, Wash. smelling fumes rising from the ground “But is it an irritant? Absolutely.” LQWRWKHLUKRPHVDVRI¿FLDOVLQYHVWLJDWH Nadermann reported the situation to the source of the problem. the state Department of Environmental So far, the indications are the fumes Quality, which is expected to do a site don’t pose a health hazard, but resi- assessment this week. dents are urged to ventilate their homes &LW\0DQDJHU3HJJ\*UD\VDLGRI¿ By Scotta Callister Blue Mountain Eagle cials are hopeful the DEQ will quickly identify the source of the odor. She said WKH FLW\ SROLFH ¿UH DQG SXEOLF ZRUNV departments are ready to assist the state agency in its efforts. 1DGHUPDQQZDV¿UVWFDOOHGLQWRLQ vestigate when the Soil and Water Con- servation District reported the problem in March at its building on Canyon Boulevard. The other reports are much more recent, indicating the substance causing the odor is on the move again, underground. Nadermann and Michael Montgom- ery, a building contractor who special- izes in hazard mitigation, canvassed the John Day neighborhood last Wednes- day, May 13, to try to determine the extent of the problem. John Day Police Chief Richard Gray and Fire Chief Ron Smith also were in the neighborhood last week, checking new reports and talking to the neighbors. See DEQ, Page A12 OYSTERS, OYSTERS EVERYWHERE! %\&KHU\O+RHÀHU S Blue Mountain Eagle ENECA – Oysters must be accustomed to overcast skies and cool temperatures, coming from the coast. People attending the Seneca Oyster Feed didn’t seem to mind the gloomy weath- HUHLWKHUDVDJRRGVL]HGWXUQRXW¿OOHGWKHVPDOOWRZQODVW6DWXUGD\IRUWKHSRSXODUDQQXDO event. Typical of past years, a line of hungry but patient oyster-lovers wound through the park, while nearby, a crowd also packed around the hamburger stand. Despite the muddy ground, ball players continued with their softball games, while bun- dled-up spectators cheered. It was the 24th year for the event, which often draws visitors from well outside Grant County. Eagle photos/Cheryl Hoefler Neither softball players nor spectators let the cool, gloomy weather keep them from enjoying ball games during the oyster feed. S TUDENT ART From left, Kris Long, Brady Long, Shelby Mike McManus, left, and Thaddeus Long and Thaddeus Cowan Thompson Cowan Thompson dish out plates of keep warm tending oysters on the grill. oysters for the hungry crowd. Process is now in hands of FS regional staff By Scotta Callister Blue Mountain Eagle CANYON CITY – The Grant County Court is asking the Forest Service to hold off on road closures in the Mal- heur National Forest’s Elk 16 and Big Mosquito projects. In a letter drafted last Fri- day, the Court said they felt the bulk of the work of the projects could be done without immedi- ate road closures. The letter asks that the roads remain open until the agency can prove “one at a time” that proposed closures are being done legally, with the proper National Environmental Policy Act process and the support of the Court and the sheriff. The latter is required by a 2013 Grant County ordinance re- garding access changes on the public lands in the county. The letter, sent to the Forest 6HUYLFH¶V5HJLRQDO2I¿FHZDV drafted after a special Court meeting last Friday scheduled as the objection phase for the two projects comes to an end. It was signed by County Judge Scott Myers and Com- missioners Boyd Britton and Chris Labhart. The Court attached 29 pag- es, copies of letters and emails it received from the public on the issues, to the letter. Sheriff Glenn Palmer, one of those who submitted writ- ten remarks to the Court, also spoke at Friday’s meeting. He said he opposes any more road closures from a public safety standpoint and in keeping with the county ordi- nance. He cited problems for search and rescue, when roads are gated, bermed or barricad- ed, and he questioned the legal- ity of such measures. The Court’s letter didn’t rule out eventual closures. “We believe the proposed closures could take place, after taking a step back for a better look at the consequences of these actions,” the Court wrote. “Furthermore, this would give the Forest Service more time to build the much needed trust of the American citizens whom it serves.” Trust emerged as an issue in the discussion, which drew about 20 citizens to the Court- house. See ROAD, Page A12 A chance to hook a Chinook RXWWKH¿VKHU\DUHDZLWKFKHFNLQVWDWLRQ near Spray or Service Creek. Anglers are DVNHGWRFKHFNLQDVWKH\¿QLVK¿VKLQJ 6PLWK VDLG RSHQLQJ WKH ¿VKHU\ EHORZ Blue Mountain Eagle Kimberly should provide better angler har- vest opportunities than reported in special JOHN DAY – Anglers will get an un- ¿VKHULHV LQ DQG RQ WKH XSSHU usual opportunity over the next couple of mainstem. The river reach below Kimber- ZHHNVWR¿VKIRUVSULQJ&KLQRRNVDOPRQRQ ly is popular with boating anglers and has Wikimedia a stretch of the mainstem John Day River A male Chinook salmon. more public access areas for bank anglers. near Kimberly. There are three salmon populations that The Oregon Department of Fish and The open area will be from the Highway migrate through this reach to spawning Wildlife approved the opening of the Chi- 207 bridge, located .5 mile downstream grounds in the upper mainstem, Middle QRRN¿VKHU\WKLVZHHN,WRSHQVWKLV:HGQHV from Service Creek, to the mouth of North Fork, and the North Fork. Smith noted that day and continues through Sunday, June 7. Fork John Day River near Kimberly. The ³PRUH¿VKHTXDOVPRUHKDUYHVWRSSRUWXQL ty.” $FFRUGLQJWR%UHQW6PLWK2'):¿VK span is about 26 miles. $WWKHVDPHWLPHRI¿FLDOVVD\WKH¿VK biologist in John Day, this year’s spring ODFW set the bag limit at two adult Chinook return over Bonneville Dam has &KLQRRNDQG¿YHMDFNVDOPRQSHUGD\DQG ery is compatible with the ongoing efforts exceeded the escapement goals for the John DQJOHUVPXVWVWRSVDOPRQ¿VKLQJIRUWKHGD\ to recover the salmon runs in the region. Much of the recovery effort focuses Day River. once they harvest two adults. “Over 4,000 adults returning to the John Statewide salmon gear restrictions ap- on restoring rearing and spawning habitat, Day have crossed Bonneville Dam so far,” ply, as noted on page 9-10 of the 2015 Ore- but that is still limited compared to historic VWDQGDUGV$ODUJH¿VKUHWXUQPHDQVPRUH Smith said. “These high numbers can be gon Sport Fishing Regulations. credited, in part, to habitat and passage im- A Columbia River Endorsement and a competition for spawning grounds and for provements that have occurred throughout combined angling tag are required. ODFW food. If conditions are too crowded in the John Day basin – much of it on private land.” will conduct random creel surveys through- available habitat, the survival rate suffers. ODFW opens special fishery on JD River Jesse Randleas Grade 6 Humbolt Elementary Court: Put road actions on hold