HIGH WIRE ACT Garrett Hitz breaks PC’s school pole vault record in Union. – PAGE A10 Grant County’s newspaper since 1868 Contributed photo/Nancy Hitz W EDNESDAY , A PRIL 29, 2015 • N O . 17 • 18 P AGES • $1.00 www.MyEagleNews.com MNF projects draw managers worldwide International seminar coming to John Day By Scotta Callister Blue Mountain Eagle -2+1'$<±)RUHVWHUVDQGODQG managers from across the globe will FRPHWR*UDQW&RXQW\QH[WPRQWKWR see collaboration and restoration in action. 7KHYLVLWVHWIRU0D\LVSDUW of an International Seminar on Forest /DQGVFDSH 5HVWRUDWLRQ D JDWKHULQJ that also will include programs and ZRUNVKRSVLQ3RUWODQGDQG%HQG3DU WLFLSDQWV ZLOO À\ LQWR 3RUWODQG$SULO 27 and depart May 13. 2UJDQL]HUVVD\2UHJRQLVDQLGH DOORFDWLRQWROHDUQDERXW³LQQRYDWLYH DSSURDFKHV WR IRUHVW ODQGVFDSH UHV WRUDWLRQ ZLWK LWV GLYHUVH HFRV\VWHPV DQG UDQJH RI UHVRXUFH XVHV´ 7KH program aims to give participants WRROV IRU DVVHVVLQJ DQG LPSOHPHQW ing landscape restoration plans and IRVWHULQJ FROODERUDWLYHV DV ZHOO DV opportunities to network with other professionals. 7KH*UDQW&RXQW\OHJRIWKHWRXU ZLOOLQFOXGH¿HOGYLVLWVWRWKH&DPS &UHHN 5HVWRUDWLRQ$UHD WKH 2[ERZ &RQVHUYDWLRQ$UHDDQGWKH0DUVKDOO Devine project area on the Malheur National Forest. Organizer Lindsay Buchanan said the seminar has drawn 19 participants IURPDVIDUDZD\DV0DODZL&KLQD Brazil and Philippines. They will be ORRNLQJDWWKHUDQJHRIUHVWRUDWLRQDF WLYLWLHVLQDFWLRQIURPVWUHDPZRUNWR economic effects. She said the itinerary includes the Malheur because it is home to the 6RXWKHUQ%OXHV5HVWRUDWLRQ&RDOLWLRQ See MNF, Page A8 Restoration gets boost on Malheur September by the Malheur Forest VWDII DQG WKH IRUHVW¶V WZR FROODERUD -2+1'$<±5HVWRUDWLRQHIIRUWV WLYHJURXSVWKH%OXH0RXQWDLQV)RU on the Malheur National Forest are est Partners and the Harney County JHWWLQJDYRWHRIFRQ¿GHQFHIURPWKH Restoration Collaborative. 7KHVODWHRI&)/5ZRUNFXUUHQW top. /HVOLH :HOGRQ GHSXW\ FKLHI RI O\ UHFHLYHV PLOOLRQ SHU \HDU national forest systems for the Forest above normal funding to help pay up 6HUYLFHUHFHQWO\DSSURYHGDQH[SDQ to 50 percent of the cost of carrying VLRQ RI WKH 6RXWKHUQ %OXHV 5HVWR RXW DQG PRQLWRULQJ HFRORJLFDO UHV UDWLRQ&RDOLWLRQ¶V&ROODERUDWLYH)RU toration treatments on the Malheur est Landscape Restoration (CFLR) Forest. boundaries. See BOOST, Page A8 The revision was requested last Blue Mountain Eagle New queen takes the reins By Angel Carpenter Blue Mountain Eagle TRAVELING ABROAD ... WITHOUT LEAVING THE GYM Humbolt kids explore Europe with NatGeo %\&KHU\O+RHÀHU Blue Mountain Eagle &$1<21&,7<±1RSDVVSRUWV±RU HYHQ VKRHV ± DUH QHHGHG IRU WKLV RYHU seas venture. Humbolt Elementary students are getting to know the lay of the European ODQG WKDQNV WR D *LDQW 7UDYHOLQJ 0DS IURP1DWLRQDO*HRJUDSKLF 7KHE\IRRWYLQ\OPDSFRYHUV QHDUO\KDOIWKHVFKRRO¶VJ\PÀRRUDQG FRPHVZLWKDWUHDVXUHWURYHRIDFFHVVR ULHVWREHXVHGLQDYDULHW\RILQWHUDFWLYH DJHDSSURSULDWHDFWLYLWLHVDQGJDPHV 6WXGHQWVGLVFDUGWKHLUVKRHVDQGHP EDUNRQDQH[SORUDWLRQRI(XURSH¶VFOL PDWHQDWXUDOUHVRXUFHVODQGPDUNVDQG GHPRJUDSKLFV ± DOO ZKLOH OHDUQLQJ OHV VRQVLQPDWKVRFLDOVWXGLHVVFLHQFHDQG geography. ,Q VRPH DFWLYLWLHV FKLOGUHQ ZRUN LQ Eagle photos/Cheryl Hoefler pairs or teams to identify such items as Humbolt teacher Caroline Colson helps a few of her students, from left, ODQGPDUNV SHQLQVXODV RU FDSLWDO FLWLHV Quinlan Taylor, Lane Clark, Mia Adams, Abbie Justice and Sivanna Hodge Others are games played as a group. try to find a location on the map. Top photo: Humbolt Elementary third- graders use clues and directions on cards to find locations on a giant See MAP, Page A8 map of Europe. E AGLE Q&A Local author still in the saddle By Scotta Callister Blue Mountain Eagle IZEE – Kristy St. Clair comes to ranching with some trepidation and an equal dose of good humor – and that combination makes for more than a few good yarns. ,Q KHU ¿UVW ERRN ³$F FLGHQWDO &RZJLUO $ &LW\ Slicker’s Life on an Eastern 2UHJRQ5DQFK´WKHORFDODX thor offered vignettes from her adventures with husband 3KLODVWKH\DGDSWHGWRUDQFK life in the Izee country. She continues the theme in her UHFHQWO\ SXEOLVKHG YROXPH DSSURSULDWHO\ WLWOHG ³$FFL GHQWDO&RZJLUO5LGHV$JDLQ´ The Eagle recently caught XSZLWK6W&ODLUIRUDFRQYHU VDWLRQ DERXW ZULWLQJ UDQFK Contributed photo Kristi St. Clair takes a break from the ranch chores she’s adapted to as a self-described “accidental cowgirl.” ing and what’s next. Q. For readers who missed WKH ¿UVW ERRN FDQ \RX JLYH us a brief explanation of the ³$FFLGHQWDO &RZJLUO´ PRQL ker? $ :KHQ ZH PRYHG KHUH LQ ZH KDG WR OHDUQ WR ULGH ZRUN FDWWOH HQGXUH D KDUVK ZLQWHU RU WZR DQG WU\ to be a good neighbor. Phil learned fast and became IDLUO\VNLOOHG±,VD\³IDLUO\´ because someone out there PLJKW ODXJK DW P\ H[SODQD tion. :HKDGDORQJZD\WRJR 3KLOJRWWKHUHDQG,VWLOOKD ven’t. But I wanted to help 3KLOZLWKWKHFKRUHVVR,URGH ZKHQ,ZDVSHWUL¿HGRIKRUVHV and stayed in the saddle even when following Phil and his horse on creepy rocky cliffs LQWKHGDUN:KHQ,ZURWHWKH ¿UVWERRN3KLO±NQRZLQJP\ fears – came up with the title. He was being kind. $IWHUZHGHFLGHGRQWKHWL WOH,*RRJOHGLWDQGIRXQGDQ RWKHU ³$FFLGHQWDO &RZJLUO´ book. The author’s copyright came after mine but with only a month’s difference. I also See Q&A, Page A9 -2+1'$<±5HLWWD:\OOLH of John Day has been chosen WR UHLJQ RYHU WKH *UDQW County Fair and Rodeo. 7KHQHZTXHHQLVWKHGDXJK WHURI/LQGVH\DQG&ROOHHQ:\ OOLHDQGJUDQGGDXJKWHURI'RQ QD:\OOLH 7KH WU\ out took place $SULO ZLWK 7UDF\ %LUG /DXULH +XHFN PDQ DQG .DU HQ 2I¿FHU DV Reitta judges. Wyllie T h e y VFRUHG :\OOLH on reining pattern and grand HQWU\ UXQ IRU KRUVHPDQVKLS interview and speech. :\OOLH ZDV WKH RQO\ JLUO WR VLJQXSDVDFRQWHVWDQWWKLV\HDU EXW IDLU TXHHQ DGYLVRU 'RQ na Palmer of Long Creek said VKH ZDV ZHOOTXDOL¿HG E\ WKH scores she tallied in the tryout. :\OOLHLVDVRSKRPRUHDW *UDQW8QLRQDQGEHORQJVWRWKH +DUQH\&RXQW\+LJK6FKRRO5R deo Club. She competes in barrel UDFLQJSROHEHQGLQJDQGJRDWW\ LQJ6KHDOVRSDUWLFLSDWHVLQ+ ³,¶PORRNLQJIRUZDUGWRUHS UHVHQWLQJ *UDQW &RXQW\´ VKH said. 3DOPHUVDLG:\OOLHDVTXHHQ ZLOODWWHQGYDULRXVIDLUVDQGUR GHRVLQ&HQWUDODQG(DVWHUQ2UH JRQWRSURPRWHWKH*UDQW&RXQ W\)DLUDQG5RGHRVWDUWLQJZLWK WKH0D\6SUD\5RGHR She’ll also help with events DW WKH IDLUJURXQGV VXFK DV WKH camp cookoff and Challenge of Champions Bull Riding events. :KHQ VKH¶V QRW EXV\ ZLWK KHURZQ+HYHQWVVKH¶OOEHRQ hand at the Fair and Rodeo. The last fair and rodeo queen was Desiree Robison in 2012 ZLWK SULQFHVV &KH\$QQH 0DOH\ DQG0DNDHOD6SHDNPDQDQG6D sha Juarez as ambassadors. $FRURQDWLRQGLQQHUZLOOEH DQQRXQFHG VRRQ 3DOPHU VDLG The event will be her main fundraiser. S TUDENT ART Mercedes Locke Grade 6 Humbolt Elementary