B10 Sports Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, April 1, 2015 GU golfer prepares for Down Under competition is a practice day, another is an All-American Tournament, and WKH ¿QDOH ZLOO EH WKH ,QWHUQD- tional Tournament. The team also will do some sight-seeing in Brisbane and at the Great Barrier Reef. To help him raise mon- ey for the trip, the John Day Golf Club is hosting “Nathan Gehley’s Down Under Golf 6FUDPEOH´ RQ 6XQGD\ $SULO 26. The event, which is Geh- ley’s main fundraiser, includes a free hamburger feed with VDODGVDIWHUWKHJRO¿QJ7KHUH will be a dessert auction, and an auction of items including ¿UHZRRGDÀDWVFUHHQ79DQG more. Individuals and teams of four can sign up for the scramble. Registration begins at 8 “We played about as well as we could have this time of year,” Delaney said. “I was really proud of the boys and their focus.” “Dillon Winters pitched a great game and our defense was extremely solid,” Delaney said. “Every single one of those boys contributed. They played team ball with a great effort on everyone’s part. Not one kid stood out, but we stood out as a team.” Grant Union advanced to WKH¿QDOJDPH6DWXUGD\±IDF- ing Estacada, a 4A team that had defeated Culver 7-2 the previous day. The Prospectors played hard but came up short, losing 3-16. Grant Union had nine hits to Estacada’s 10, but had trou- ble capitalizing on them. Prospector Garrett McCo- nnell took the mound for his ¿UVWWLPHWKLVVHDVRQSLWFKLQJ four innings. Delaney said he threw well. “We were pleased with the innings that he gave us,” he said. “He got a good feel for it and threw his pitch count.” Problems cropped up in WKH¿IWKLQQLQJIRUWKH3URV “We had too many walks and a couple of costly errors, and Estacada had some good KLWVLQWKH¿IWKVL[WKDQGVHY- enth that were too much to come back from,” Delaney said. Friday’s fundraiser ban- quet attracted 275 supporters WR*UDQW8QLRQ-XQLRU6HQLRU +LJK6FKRROIRUDSXOOHGSRUN dinner catered by Kris and Kjer Kizer. “It was excellent,” Del- aney said. “We want to thank everyone who came out to support Grant Union base- ball.” Next up, Grant Union hosts the Culver Bulldogs at QRRQ 6DWXUGD\ IRU D GRX- bleheader, and then travel to La Grande for a 4 p.m. game Tuesday. Grant Union lost a close game to the Bulldogs in their ¿UVWRXWLQJRIWKHVHDVRQ The Eagle/Cheryl Hoefler and Delaney said he expects 6DWXUGD\¶V FRQWHVW WR EH D Grant Union Prospector Ricky Weickum is safe at first base in the game against Country Christian. good one. Golf scramble event to benefit trip By Angel Carpenter Blue Mountain Eagle -2+1'$<±*UDQW8QLRQ junior Nathan Gehley is pre- SDULQJIRUDELJJRO¿QJWULSWKLV July, to the land Down Under. +H UHFHLYHG D FHUWL¿FDWH last December to participate in a nine-day trip to the Down 8QGHU 6SRUWV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO Games on the Gold Coast of Australia, where he’ll com- SHWHRQWKH2UHJRQ6WDWH*ROI Team. Nathan is the son of David and Krista Gehley. ³7KLVZLOOEHP\¿UVWWLPH GU Continued from Page B1 Billy Copenhaver, an error, a walk by Ricky Weickum, a bases-loaded walk by Brady Burch, a two-run double by out of the country,” Nathan said. “It’s a once in a lifetime RSSRUWXQLW\ ± WUDYHOLQJ DQG competing on the other side of the world is an adventure I can’t pass up.” He added, “I’m up for the challenge of being the ¿UVW JROIHU WR UHSUHVHQW *UDQW County with Down Under 6SRUWVLQ$XVWUDOLD´ Gehley said he expects to go up against strong players from several countries; 66 golfers will attend from the 8QLWHG6WDWHV The trip includes three rounds of 18 holes of golf; one Tyler Manitsas and Hayden Young’s RBI single. Grant Union had 13 hits to Country Christian’s four. Winters was steady from the mound, pitching the entire game. +H KDG ¿UVWSLWFK strikes and six strikeouts. 01631 Debbie Ausmus 245 South Canyon Blvd. John Day, OR 97845 OPEN WED. & THUR. 9 am - 5 pm Contributed photo/Tanni Wenger Photography Studios Nathan Gehley DPDQGWKH¿UVWWHHRIILVDW 9 a.m. Entry fees are $40 for indi- viduals and $150 for teams of four, including green fees and carts. *HKOH\ VWDUWHG JRO¿QJ with his grandfather, joined the Grant Union varsity team when he was a freshman, and has continued with the team since then. Grant Union golf coach Ron Lundbom said it’s an hon- or to be selected for the Down 8QGHU6SRUWVHYHQW “He’s very deserving and ZRUNVKDUG±KHKDVFRQWLQXHG on where he left off last year,” Lundbom said. Gehley said he enjoys golf as a fun sport that’s more re- laxing than most, and he ap- preciates Lundbom for helping him improve his skills. “I would not be near as good as I am without his coaching,” he said. Gehley added, “I look for- ward to seeing a lot of people at the scramble, or for the din- ner afterwards … I appreciate anyone who wants to be in- volved or has been involved or donated.” For more information, call Krista Gehley at 541-620-1566, or to obtain a scramble entry form by email, contact her at QDWH*6'8#JPDLOFRP 541-575-1113 24 hrs/7 days wk WEIGHTS debbie.ausmus@ countryfinancial.com A MAN WAKES UP in the morning after sleeping on... an advertised bed, in advertised pajamas. He will bathe in an ADVERTISED TUB, shave with an ADVERTISED RAZOR, have a breakfast of ADVERTISED JUICE, cereal and toast, toasted in an ADVERTISED TOASTER, put on ADVERTISED CLOTHES and glance at his ADVERTISED WATCH. He’ll ride to work in his ADVERTISED CAR, sit at an ADVERTISED DESK and write with an ADVERTISED PEN. Yet this person hesitates to advertise, saying that advertising doesn’t pay. Finally, when his non-advertised business is going under, HE’LL ADVERTISE IT FOR SALE. Then it’s too late. AND THEY SAY ADVERTISING DOESN’T WORK? DON’T MAKE THIS SAME MISTAKE Advertising is an investment, not an expense. Think about it! Blue Mountain Eagle MyEagleNews.com Don’t get left behind, call today! Kim Kell 541-575-0710 whelming, but as time goes on they start to grasp it,” he said. Continued from Page B1 As Grant Union’s ath- letic director and football 6KDUSVDLGZHLJKWOLIWLQJ coach, Miller said he sees is something he personally how weightlifting benefits enjoys. athletes involved in other “It allows me to live a sports. more active and healthier “It assists in condi- lifestyle,” he said. tioning, building strength, Miller said the class speed and agility,” he said. builds self-confidence in “Everything, athletically, the students. will improve if they work His weights and con- hard at it.” ditioning class starts with Recently, the students’ reviewing the basics, core workouts included “pow- lifts and safety. erlifting and an explo- “At first it seems over- sion of all the core lifts,” KH VDLG ± OLIWLQJ DV PXFK weight as possible, as fast DV SRVVLEOH ± DOVR VTXDWV deadlifts, bench press, power cleans and sprint workouts. He added students are encouraged to get ade- quate rest before work- ing the same muscles again. “Overall, the kids enjoy it and gain from it physi- cally and mentally,” Miller said. “It’s an integral part of athletics in almost every high school.” the +27 Online, over the phone, or in person, our mortgage professionals will help you secure the home financing you need in a way that’s convenient for you. Call us today! corner’s The Eagle/Angel Carpenter 6+7 EEK OF THE W ' ,//21 W ,17(56 School: *UDQW8QLRQ Grade: 11 Parent: 'DQQ\:LQWHUV Sport: %DVHEDOO What I like best about my sport: “The team connects like a family – we get along great. It’s a pleasure to be out there.” At BEO Mortgage Division, we like to make you feel right at home! Coach’s Comment: “Dillon’s done a great job of keeping a positive attitude this season on and off the field. His energy is contagious.” – Coach Brian Delaney Bob Quinton beomortgage.com NMLS #414459 Member FDIC NMLS #508278 VP/Loan Officer John Day 541-575-1862 Prairie City 541-820-3321 Proud sponsor of Grant County athletes 2 100 E. Main‡¬6WRSOLJKWLQ-RKQ'D\‡ Hadley Boethin, a freshman, deadlifts in the Grant Union weights and conditioning class. B OWLING RESULTS Nugget Lanes March 25 Nooners Senior League: Men High Game: Duane Daniels 164 Men High Series: Duane Daniels 463 Women High Game: Chris Rowe 147 Women High Series: Chris Rowe 425 March 26 Thursday Mixed 2K15: Men High Game: Doug Kruse 180 Men High Series: Grant Benton 475 Women High Game: Cheryl Leighton 184 Women High Series: Cheryl Leighton 437 FACEBOOKERS: Become an Eagle fan today! Go to: facebook.com/ MyEagleNews acebook