The Blue Mountain eagle. (John Day, Or.) 1972-current, March 18, 2015, Image 6

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Blue Mountain Eagle
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
John Day
Alma Joslin
JOHN DAY – On March
9, we had a really won-
derful lunch. It was bar-
becued sausage, baked
potatoes, green salad, gar-
lic bread and for dessert,
Shay and Lisa made peach
Billie Bullard and Mar-
ianne Morris greeted us at
the front desk. Francis and
Bonnie Kocis delivered
meals in the John Day and
Canyon City area, and Sara
Jane Moore delivered to
Mt. Vernon. A total of 31
meals were delivered. We
were served by the mem-
bers of the Redeemer Lu-
theran Church. Buzz Gilm-
ore led the flag salute, and
Francis Kocis asked the
I did the announcing
in the absence of Veanne
Weddle. I recognized two
guests that were with us:
DeeDee DeRosier and San-
di Hawke. DeeDee won the
Len’s Drug gift certificate,
and Billie Bullard won the
free meal.
On March 12, we had
corned beef and cabbage
with baby red potatoes,
baby carrots and fresh-
made dinner rolls. For des-
sert, we had Lisa’s “lime
delight.” It was all very
good, and we had a good
turnout. The entrée was
furnished by Ed Staub and
Greeting us at the desk
were Marianne Morris and
Gloria Kulis. Veanne and
Shay delivered 29 meals,
and then Veanne took 21
frozen ones to the outlying
Our servers were from
Cornerstone Christian Fel-
lowship. Carla Anderson
led the flag salute, and Pas-
tor Andy asked the bless-
Veanne announced there
will be a dance from 1-4
p.m. Saturday, March 28,
here at the Senior Center,
with live music by the Up
River Country Band and re-
Come join the fun and
cut the rug a little. It’s
even nice just to listen to
the band and visit with the
There will be a class
on budgeting Wednesday,
March 18, at Old West Fed-
eral Credit Union. You can
call them for more informa-
tion or call Veanne at 541-
We had some guests
today: Danielle Page and
Chris Wenzel. Also Hal
and Susan Smith joined
us today. Susan said they
have been here a couple of
times but I guess I missed
them so they are now offi-
cially welcomed. Come on
Lou Thoemke won the
Chester’s Thriftway gift
certificate, and Bob Larkin
won the lunch for two at
Valley View.
The numbers were way
down for bingo on March
12, so the pots were small,
but we all had a great time.
No one won the blackout
so come join us on March
19 and try your luck. It
is always a good time
“Shine as lights in the
world, holding fast the
word of life.”
Prairie City
Rose Coombs
Spring, spring, beautiful
spring, with all the wonders
and things it brings. Ever
heard that melody? Sure we
had snow two weeks ago,
but now it’s 60-plus degrees
and the birds are chirp-
ing, so all’s right with our
little corner of the world,
On March 11, we had lots
of helpers doing all kinds of
things. Set-up crew, servers,
registration desk, clean-up
crew and counters – each
and every one of you fulfills
a need. We couldn’t do this
every week without all your
help. So give yourselves a
pat on the back.
Buzz led the flag salute,
and “chairman” Joe asked
the blessing. Richard Boy-
er won the $5 in trade from
Prairie Hardware & Gifts.
Our servers included San-
di Rennels, Carla Wright,
JoAnn Phippen and Fran
Bunch. Donna had her little
St. Patrick bears on the ta-
bles. I asked if she had any
ceramic leprechauns. May-
be next year.
We had 67 names on the
book. The Blue Mountain
Care Center ladies, Lorna
and Jonie, brought Dorothy
Blasing, Lois Hill, Dollina
Humphreys, Floyd Morgan
and Ralph Wilson.
We had orange juice,
mashed potatoes, apple sal-
ad, chicken, rolls, and for
dessert, a delicious pineap-
ple upside-down cake with
real whipped cream. Oh,
was it ever good. Our cooks
sure know how to please us.
We’ll do most anything for
that kind of dessert.
Our table talk revolved
around driving in Portland.
We’re not the only ones with
a case of nerves negotiating
those streets. Always heave
a big sigh of relief when we
get to the turn-off in Biggs.
Then when we enter Grant
County out at Kimberly, we
give a loud shout of thanks-
giving. We’re back home –
Started any yard work?
It’s kind of hard to think
about it; it’s too early. But
the soil is warm enough to be
worked, so I got the spading
fork out and started turning
dirt. The worms were doing
their thing, which I took as a
good sign that it’s not really
too early – this year. If you
were in Chicago or Boston,
you’d be shoveling snow, so
count your blessings.
Forgot to ask Bruce if
he remembered how to de-
termine when Easter would
be. He had too many Grange
items on his mind for the
important meeting.
The Ensemble is mak-
ing great progress on their
Easter presentation, to be
presented at the combined
Easter service at the Prairie
City School old gym. There
will be a section with narra-
tion that gets very emotion-
al. Mark that on your calen-
dar, too.
Which makes me con-
template, how would we
live without a calendar of
some kind? What do the jun-
gle tribes use? Hmm. Will
have to ask the missionary
to Bolivia that question.
Psalm. 42:8 “By day
the Lord directs His love,
at night His song is with
me ...”
we were butchering ou r
cockerels, one would think
that some of our eleven
cats would come over and
investigate or make a nui-
sance of themselves but ab-
solutely none came to see.
Isn’t that strange? Cats are
usually very curious, but
maybe they knew death was
occurring and kept away.
Speaking of chicken,
we had chicken enchila-
das for lunch on Tuesday,
March 10. Our cooks, Ter-
ry Cade and Carrie Jewell,
whipped up some Spanish
rice and bean salad to ac-
company the enchiladas.
We had yummy brownies
with special vanilla ice
cream topping for dessert.
Weren’t we lucky? You
missed out if you weren’t
there. Our greeters were
Bob Blakeslee, Bodean An-
derson and Marva Walker.
Bob led the flag salute, and
Bodean blessed our meal.
Jamie Shafer won the free
meal, and Ellie Lucas won
a gift card. We had 41 peo-
ple present and eight take-
news: Carolyn Trujillo
went into the hospital with
a gall bladder infection,
and Johnny Gienger came
out of surgery and is doing
With this warm weath-
er, I have been doing some
spring cleaning. I cleaned
out our utility room and
now have some counter
space and no more dust. I
feel good going in there
to do my laundry. Nothing
like walking into a clean
space. Ahh.
Psalm 91:2 “I will say of
the LORD, He is my refuge
and my fortress: My God;
in him will I trust.”
Soo Yukawa
typing this article very re-
laxed this time. I am not in
a hurry or nervous about a
deadline. Whew!
Last week I wrote how
we were going to do away
with our four cockerels. It
has been done. We had our
friend, Jimmy Cole, come
over, and he “supervised
and advised” on how to
kill, dunk, pluck and gut
I was going to do the be-
heading but chickened (no
pun intended) out at the last
minute and had my hubby
do it. I did do the dunk-
ing, plucking and gutting,
though. Jimmy laughed at
me because I had to wear
a mask. I’m so glad I did
because there were a cou-
ple of moments when I
smelled the funky chick-
en smell and it made me
I must say, it wasn’t
as bad as I thought it was
going to be. I think I even
impressed Jimmy. He prob-
ably thought I would back
out because he thinks I’m
such a city girl. I washed
the chickens and dried
them, wrapped them up and
threw them in the freez-
er. My oldest helped with
the plucking and she did a
fine job, too. We had the
little ones watch to show
them where our food comes
from, and that we are so
grateful for their lives to
feed us.
though: I thought while

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Pastor Michael Harvey
Historic Remnant
Early Worship .............. 8:45 a.m.
Sunday School ............. 9:45 a.m.
Worship ....................... 11 a.m.
Evening Worship .......... 6:30 p.m.
Prayer .......................... 8 a.m.
Bible Study .................. 6:30 p.m.

110 Valley View Dr. - 541-575-1216
Head Elder............................541-575-2914
Bible Classes (all ages)............9:30 am
Worship.......................................11 am
E. Main Street - 541-421-3033
Head Elder............................421-3468
Bible Classes (all ages).................2 pm
Worship...................................3:00 pm
Tune into
KSPL 98.1 FM
Blue Mountain Cable, Channel 2
Antenna; Digital Channel 15 & UHF Channel 8
Preparing for
Jesus to come
Meets Saturday at Mt. Vernon Grange
Sabbath School.....................................9:30 am
Church Services..................................11:00 am

Marcie Collins, Pastor
JOHN DAY, 126 NW Canton
Sunday Worship 9 am



Corner of S Canyon Blvd and SW 2 nd
Mon. - Fri. Mass - 12:05 pm
Saturday Mass - 5:00 pm
Sunday Mass - 9:00 am
Confession: Saturday 3:30 - 4:30 pm
Anytime by appointment 541-575-1459

Monument - Sunday at 12:30 pm

1st & 3rd Sundays at 2:30 pm
Monday - Friday 9 am - 12 Noon

Sunday Bible School (for all ages) . . . . . . . .8:45 am
Sunday Worship Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 am
Pastor Levi Manitsas
John Day Valley
Meeting every Sunday
at Mt. Vernon Grange Hall
Sunday School.........................9:30 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship......10:50 a.m.
Pastor Leland Smucker


300 W. Main, John Day • 541-575-1355
Strawberry Mountain
Sunday School for all ages . . . . . .9:00 am
Sunday morning worship . . . . . .10:30 am
Awana (Oct.-Apr.) . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:00 pm
Youth Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:30 pm
Sunday Services ........................10 am
Seneca Outreach..........................2 pm
Midweek Services also available

Fundamental • Premillennial
Prayer............10 am
(2 nd & 4 th Sundays)
139 S. Washington,
Canyon City
No Mid-week Services
238 N. McHaley St.
Prairie City
Pastor David Hoeffner
Sunday School 9:45 am • Sunday Preaching 11:00 am
Junior Church 11:00 am • Sunday Evenings 3:30 pm
Wednesday Bible Study & Master Club 7:00 pm
Saturday Men’s Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm
Eucharist & Sunday
School...............10 am

Church........................................................11 am

(1 st , 3 rd , 5 th Sundays)
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1st & 3rd Sunday Worship
& Communion .................................4:30 pm
2nd, 4th & 5th Sunday Worship ...........10 am
Wednesday Evening Bible Study...............6 pm
!" ! !"
Afternoon Service...................................... 1 pm
Terence K. Crabb, Pastor
A Bible believing church
“He that hath the Son hath life ...” I John 5:12


Sunday School......................................... 10 am

108 S. Washington Street, Canyon City
541-575-2688 or 541-575-0844
Calvary Chapel Outreach Fellowship

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170 SE Dayton, John Day
2nd & Ave. D, Seneca
Sunday School....................................... 9:45 am
Sunday Worship........................................11 am
Sunday Evening Bible talk ................... 6:30 pm
Saturday Men’s Study .............................. 7 pm

541-575-1202 Church
311 NE Dayton St, John Day
Pastor Al Altnow