A2 Family Blue Mountain Eagle Wednesday, March 11, 2015 A MARRIAGE MILESTONE O BITUARIES Couple take out first license in Grant County and rights that heterosexual people have al- ways had, without thinking about it,” Han- son noted. She and Schroder say some of the im- By Scotta Callister portant ones for them include qualifying for Blue Mountain Eagle VSRXVDOEHQH¿WVEHLQJDEOHWRPDNHPHGLFDO decisions for one’s spouse, and automatic CANYON CITY – A Mt. Vernon cou- inheritances. SOHODVWZHHNEHFDPHWKH¿UVWWRWDNHRXWD They don’t expect marriage to mean license for a same-sex marriage in Grant major changes in their daily life. Hanson is County. a driver for the People Mover and an inter- 7HUU\+DQVRQDQG&DUOD6FKURGHU¿OOHG active media technology assistant for Blue out the license form last Friday at the Grant Mountain Community College, and Schro- The Eagle/Scotta Callister County Courthouse. der is an author. County Clerk Brenda Percy said she’s Terry Hanson and Carla Schroder Schroder notes there’s a psychological KDGDFRXSOHRIGRPHVWLFSDUWQHUVKLSV¿OHG prepare the license form for their lift from “making it legal,” and she quips, LQKHURI¿FHEXWWKLVZDVWKH¿UVWIRUDVDPH marriage. ³