Classifieds Blue Mountain Eagle Continued from B4 Employment /PYPUN*HYLNP]LYZ 4LK(PKLZ=HS- SL`=PL^:LUPVY 3P]PUN! JOIN THE HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY! Looking for great, caring people to join our team as resident JHYLNP]LYZTLK HPKLZ On-the-job training and all PUK\Z[Y`JLY[PÄ- cations obtained while on the job working. Varying shifts available. Experience is a plus. Wage depending on experience. Clean drug screen and background test required. Applicants please apply at 112 NW Valley View Dr., online at www., or email resumes [VLTWSV`TLU[' CHECK OUT THE NEW Wednesday, February 4, 2015 B7 Employment Employment Public Notice Public Notice BLUE MOUNTAIN CARE CENTER is looking for a few good CNAs. These are casual positions working varied shifts and rotating weekends and holidays with good possibility of work- ing into positions ^P[OILULÄ[Z(IPSP[` to read, write, speak and understand the English language, excellent oral and written communi- cation skills, and the ability to deal with people in a professional and caring manner is required. Must be a Team Player and willing to maintain the high standards of the department. If not currently cer- [PÄLK^LHYL^PSSPUN to provide training and CNA schooling. Wage will depend on experience. For more information contact: Brandi, Administrator/DNS, 541-820-3341. Closing date: 6WLU\U[PSÄSSLK Step Forward Activi- ties has immediate openings for part [PTLYLZWP[LZ[HɈ This position can lead to full time employment. Full- time positions carry ILULÄ[Z!TLKPJHS and life insurance, 401K, paid holidays, vacation, and personal time. Start- ing wage is $11.42 WLYOV\Y8\HSPÄLK applicants must be 18 years of age, pass a background check and have a valid Oregon driver’s license. Apply at 27877 Apple Road, John Day. Grant Weed Control will be applying herbicides on Grant County Road Right-of-Ways for the purpose of controlling noxious weeds. This is a reminder to adjacent landowners concerned about herbicide applications that it is your re- sponsibility to initiate a “NO SPRAY” agreement at the Grant :VPSHUK>H[LY*VUZLY]H[PVU+PZ[YPJ[VɉJL7SLHZLUV[L[OH[ these agreements need to be renewed on a yearly basis by February 28th of every year. For questions call Grant Weed Control at 541-575-1554. The monthly expenditures of the county which singly exceed $500 for the previous month are posted monthly, for public viewing, in the Court House lobby and at the County Library by ORS 294.250. Announcement ɑǸȽɜɄɤȽɜɴѼɕ NEWSPAPER DELIVERED YOUR WAY WANT PEOPLE TO SEE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD? A request for accommodations for persons with disabilities should be made at least 48 hours before the meeting to Lorraine Vogt, 541-575-0135 ext. 109. Public Notice Blue Mountain Eagle is available to view on any of these apps that are free to download. Must be a subscriber. IDEAL $40 PICK A PLAN THAT WORKS FOR YOU: YEAR $28 In-County or $48 In-State For Weekly Delivery PLUS 7-Day ALL DIGITAL S ELF -INKING STAMPS 6 MONTHS In-County or $36 In-State For Weekly Delivery PLUS 7-Day ALL DIGITAL YEAR For 7-Day ALL DIGITAL EAGLE Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 an election will be held for the purpose of electing Board Members to the following position and terms, including any vacancy which may exist on the board of: Public Notice 3,.(356;0*, >VSM=LNL[H[PVU4HUHNLTLU[,U]PYVUTLU[HS(ZZLZZTLU[ +H`5V[PJLHUK*VTTLU[7LYPVK The Malheur National Forest, Emigrant Creek Ranger District is proposing to treat approximately 23,130 acres of forested stands in the Wolf project area to move them toward historic ecosystem conditions with the use of commercial harvest, non-commercial harvest, and prescribed burning activities. Mile of open road in the subwatersheds would be reduced by 29% of current levels in order to reduce sediment in the area streams, reduce disturbance of wildlife species, reduce maintenance, and meet Forest Plan road density standards while meeting other management objectives. The Wolf Project area is 39,465 acres and is located within the Headwaters Wolf Creek, East Fork Wolf Creek, Squaw Creek Wolf Creek, and Duck Creek Wolf Creek subwatersheds within the Wolf Creek watershed. The major drainages in the project area are the West, Middle, and East Forks of Wolf Creek. Malheur National Forest Supervisor Steve Beverlin is [OL9LZWVUZPISL6ɉJPHSMVY[OPZWYVQLJ[ The Wolf Vegetation Management Environmental Assess- ment (EA) can be accessed on the Forest Service website at projects. A paper copy of the document or additional project information can be obtained by contacting Melissa Ward or Lori Bailey at the Emigrant Creek Ranger District, 265 Hwy 20 South, Hines, Oregon 97738, 541-573-4300, or by email H[JVTTLU[ZWHJPÄJUVY[O^LZ[THSOL\YLTPNYHU[JYLLR' Written, facsimile (FAX), hand-delivered, and electronic comments concerning this action will be accepted for 30 calendar days following publication of this notice in the newspaper of record for the Emigrant Creek Ranger District, the Burns Times Herald, Burns Oregon. The publication date in the newspaper of record is the exclusive means for calcu- lating the comment period for this proposal. Those wishing to comment should not rely upon dates or timeframe infor- mation provided by any other source. Written comments concerning the project must be submit- ted to: Christy Cheyne, Emigrant Creek District Ranger, 265 Hwy 20 South, Hines, OR 97738 or facsimile comments to: 541-573-4398. Hand-delivered comments must be submit- ted during business hours, 8:00 am-11:30 am and 12:30 pm-4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. Electronic comments must be submitted in a format such as an email message, plain text (.txt), rich text (.rtf), or ^VYKKVJ[VJVTTLU[ZWHJPÄJUVY[O^LZ[THSOL\YLT- PNYHU[JYLLR'MZMLK\Z0MUVPKLU[PÄHISLUHTLPZH[[HJOLK [VHJVTTLU[H]LYPÄJH[PVUVMPKLU[P[`^PSSILYLX\PYLKMVY objection eligibility. In cases using an electronic message, HZJHUULKZPNUH[\YLPZVUL^H`[VWYV]PKL]LYPÄJH[PVU E-mails submitted to e-mail addresses other than the one listed above, in other formats than those listed, or containing viruses will be rejected. Only those who submit timely and ZWLJPÄJ^YP[[LUJVTTLU[ZYLNHYKPUN[OLWYVWVZLKWYVQLJ[ or activity during a public comment period established I`[OLYLZWVUZPISLVɉJPHSHYLLSPNPISL[VÄSLHUVIQLJ[PVU It is the responsibility of persons providing comments to submit them by the close of the comment period and ensure that their comments have been received. Individuals and VYNHUPaH[PVUZ^PZOPUN[VILLSPNPISL[VVIQLJ[T\Z[TLL[[OL information requirements of 36 CFR 218. Published February 4, 2015 For the County of Grant The Estate of THOMAS V. JANEC Blue Mountain Public Notice No other stamp looks like it; no other stamp works like it! IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON $40 195 N. Canyon Blvd., John Day, OR 97845 541-575-0710 • CALL TODAY 541-575-0710 Probate No. 2448 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS For Sale 1&DQ\RQ%OYG_-RKQ'D\25 Agency: USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service Meeting: Grant County Local Work Group Meeting Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2015 Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. Location: ODF Conference Room, 415 Patterson Bridge Road, John Day, OR 97848 For More Information, contact: Lorraine Vogt, 541-575-0135, ext109 Purpose: NRCS is holding a local work group meeting to gather input from farmers, ranchers, state and federal agen- JPLZHNYPJ\S[\YLHUKJVUZLY]H[PVUVYNHUPaH[PVUZYLNHYKPUN natural resource conservation priorities and opportunities to invest collaboratively in Grant County. The USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. ASK ABOUT ADDING A BOX OR COLOR Blue Mountain Eagle Public Notice ESD At Large (1) 2 yrs Zone #1 4 yrs Zone #2 4 yrs Zone #4 4 yrs Zone #5 4 yrs School Dist #3 At Large (3) 4 yrs Zone #1 2 yrs Zone #3 4 yrs School Dist #4 Pos #3 2 yrs Pos #4 4 yrs Pos #5 4 yrs Pos #7 4 yrs School Dist #8 At Large #2 2 yrs At Large #3 4 yrs At Large #4 4 yrs At Large #7 4 yrs School Dist #16J Pos #2 2 yrs Pos #3 2 yrs Pos #4 4 yrs Pos #5 4 yrs School Dist #17 Pos #1 2 yrs Pos # 2 4 yrs Pos #4 4 yrs Pos #5 4 yrs Grant Co Transportation Dist At Large (4) 4 yrs At Large (3) 2 yrs John Day Rural Fire District At Large (2) 2 yrs At Large (3) 4 yrs Mt Vernon Rural Fire Dist At Large (2) 4 yrs Prairie Rural Fire Dist At Large (3) 4 yrs Parks & Recreation Dist At Large (2) 4 yrs BMHD At Large (1) 4 yrs Pos #1 2 yrs Pos #3 4 yrs Pos #4 4 yrs Pos #5 4 yrs Dayville Cemetery Dist At Large (1) 4 yrs Fox Cemetery Dist At Large (1) 2 yrs At Large (2) 4 yrs Long Creek Cemetery Dist At Large (1) 4 yrs Monument Cemetery Dist At Large (2) 4 yrs Mid-County Cemetery At Large (1) 4 yrs At Large (1) 2 yrs Prairie Cemetery Dist At Large (2) 4 yrs The election will be conducted by mail. Each candidate for HUVɉJLSPZ[LKHIV]LT\Z[ÄSLHKLJSHYH[PVUVMJHUKPKHJ`VY WL[P[PVUMVYUVTPUH[PVUMVYVɉJL^P[O[OLLSLJ[PVUZKLWHY[- ment of Grant County, Oregon, not later than the 61st day before the date of the regular district election. If the district election is held on the same date as a primary or general LSLJ[PVULHJOJHUKPKH[LT\Z[ÄSLKLJSHYH[PVUVMJHUKPKHJ` or petition for nomination not later than the 70th day before the date of the election. ;OLÄSPUNKLHKSPULPZWTVU 4HYJO -PSPUNWHJRL[:,3 JHUILKV^USVHK- LKH[^^^VYLNVU]V[LZVYN Signed by Brenda Percy, County Clerk Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Randall T. Vyskocil has been appointed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the Estate must present them, with ]V\JOLYZH[[HJOLK^P[OPUMV\YTVU[OZHM[LY[OLKH[LVMÄYZ[ publication of this notice, as stated below, to the Personal Representative at: LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT RASCHIO, P.C., 206 South Hum- bolt Street, Canyon City, OR 97820. Claims not presented within the four months may be barred. (SSWLYZVUZ^OVZLYPNO[ZTH`ILHɈLJ[LKI`[OL proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the Personal Representative, or the lawyers for the Personal Representative. Attorneys for Personal Representative: Jonathan Bartov, OSB 141434 LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT RASCHIO, P.C. 206 South Humbolt Street Canyon City, OR 97820 Telephone: (541) 575-5750 Facsimile: (541) 575-5752 VɉJL'YYSH^IPa +(;,+HUKÄYZ[W\ISPZOLK!1HU\HY` Crossword