Community Blue Mountain Eagle W HAT ’ S H APPENING Wednesday, January 28, 2015 A3 S EEING SWANS The deadline for What’s Happening items is 5 p.m. Friday. Call Cheryl at the Eagle, 541-575-0710. THURSDAY, JAN. 29 GC Road Advisory Board to meet • 3:30 p.m., Grant County Road Dept., John Day The Grant County Road Advisory Board will hold a meeting in the Road Department conference room, 27941 Lower Yard Rd., John Day. SUNDAY, FEB. 1 Free church concert • 10 a.m.-2 p.m., First Baptist Church, John Day Pastor Darrell Hansen of Vale, who is also an accomplished musician and songwriter, will play guitar and offer songs of en- couragement. Lunch will be served at noon. All are welcome to the free community event at First Baptist Church, 300 W. Main St., John Day. Visit Hansen’s website at For more information, call the church at 541-575-1355. MONDAY, FEB. 2 Groundhog supper • 5-6:30 p.m., Strawberry Grange, Prairie City All are welcome to the Prairie City American Legion Auxiliary’s annual Groundhog Supper. The menu for the all-you-can-eat meal in- cludes sausage, eggs, pancakes, juice and coffee. The cost is $6 for DGXOWVDQGIUHHIRUFKLOGUHQXQGHU3URFHHGVEHQH¿WWKH$X[LOLDU\¶V programs. There will also be door prizes given away every half hour. FRIDAY, FEB. 6 ‘Clue’ dinner and silent auction Contributed photo A small flock of swans shares roaming territory with ducks and Canada geese on ranch property just south of Mt. Vernon. The swans have been spotted off and on in the area over the past week. District 3 seeks board applicants • 6 p.m., Grant County Fairgrounds, John Day The board game “Clue” goes live – with a Grant County spin – at a fundraiser in Trowbridge Pavilion. The dinner mystery features eight “suspects” – The Rustler, The Horsewoman, Sparky, The Rancher, The Bar Maid, The Cook, The Waitress and The Director. Participants will pick a suspect and team up with others in that section to try to solve the crime, determining the culprit, weapon and room. The menu includes homemade lasagna, salad and garlic bread. There will be silent and dessert auctions, a 50/50 drawing, and a no-host bar, “The Iron Horse Saloon,” which opens at 5 p.m. Business sponsorships are available and auction items are sought. Proceeds will go toward reader signs and a public address system for the fairgrounds. Admission is $10 a person, $15 a couple or $20 IRUDIDPLO\RIIRXU&DOOWKHIDLURI¿FH Departures from area leave 2 vacant seats Blue Mountain Eagle SATURDAY, FEB. 7 AARP Driver’s Safety class • 9 a.m.-4 p.m., John Day Senior Center The cost is $12 for AARP members and $14 for others. All ages are welcome. Those who successfully complete the course may qualify for an insurance discount. Call instructor Ron Dowse at 541-575-4268 or 541-792-0587. Clay pigeon shoot • 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Kimberly Rock Products pit The event will include a variety of shoots, jackpots, Annie Oak- ley, men’s, women’s and kids’ competitions, and more. The cost is $3 per shoot, with proceeds going toward medical expenses for Susan Horn. Monument School students in grades 5-8 will serve a baked SRWDWREDUDQGRWKHUFRQFHVVLRQVWRKHOSIXQGWKHLUDQQXDO¿HOGWULS This is the second in a series of four shoots to win a Savage 17 HMR EROWDFWLRQULÀH3DUWLFLSDQWVPXVWEHDWWKUHHRIWKHVKRRWVWRTXDOLI\ The best score out of 100 shots wins. The cost for that competition is $25 for 25 shots, with those proceeds not part of the Susan Horn fundraiser. The rock pit is located at the 9-mile marker on Highway 402 between Kimberly and Monument. Call 541-934-2143. JOHN DAY – Grant School District No. 3 is looking for two new board members to fill vacan- cies that cropped up this month. Both Ryan Joslin and Dr. Andrew Janssen have resigned from the board. Joslin, former Grant County district attorney, has moved from Mt. Ver- non to take a new job with the Benton County District Attorney’s Office in Corvallis. Janssen is preparing to move to Ethiopia, where he and his wife Dr. An- drea Janssen will practice and teach family medi- cine. He said their depar- ture from John Day won’t be until August, but he needs more time for fundraising and prepa- rations, along with the couple’s continuing work at Strawberry Wilderness Community Clinic. The school board last week wished them well in their new opportunities, and set up a process for filling the vacancies. District Superinten- B ACK IN THE MAYOR ’ S SADDLE AGAIN WEDNESDAY, FEB. 11 Gluten-free workshop • 6 p.m., John Day Elks Lodge Sandy Bupp will offer “Sweetheart treats” at the next gathering. There’s no cost, and anyone interested in gluten-free cooking and eating is welcome. didates, with the board expected to make the appointments later in February. The new members will be appointed only through June 30. To continue on the board, they must face election this spring along with any other qualified candidates. The filing deadline for the May election is in March. The newcomers to the board will join chair Chris Cronin, vice chair Zach Williams, and board members Mike Cosgrove, Gordon Larson and Tra- cie Unterwegner. Grant County School District #3 Board Vacancy Grant School District #3 has two board of director openings. Applicants must reside within either Zones 1 or 3 of the District #3’s boundaries. Those interest in applying may pick up an application from Superintendent Mark Witty, 401 N. Canyon City Blvd., Canyon City. Application deadline is 4 p.m. on Feb. 10. 4 Daddy-daughter dance • 6:30-8:30 p.m., John Day Elks Lodge This year’s daddy-daughter dance is a luau party, open to girls LQJUDGHV.DQGWKHLUIDWKHUVRUIDWKHU¿JXUHV7KHFRVWSHUIDPLO\ is $20 for those in the John Day/Canyon City Parks and Rec. Dis- trict, and $25 for others. The evening includes disc jockey music, dancing, dance contest, after-dinner snacks, prizes and a keepsake 5x7 photo. Additional photos will be available from Tanni Wenger Photography. The event is sponsored by Grant County Community Counseling Solutions. Registration forms are available from area VFKRROVRUDWWKH3DUNVDQG5HFRI¿FH%ULGJH6W-RKQ Day. Return with payment before Feb. 4. Call 541-575-0110. dent Mark Witty said the district will advertise the posts for 20 days, and in- terested people can pick up an application or get more information from the district office. Applicants must re- side in either Zone 1 or 3. Witty said the zone boundaries are a little complex, so people can call the district office to verify if their address is within the required area. The application dead- line is 4 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 10. A subcommittee of the board will interview can- The Eagle/Cheryl Hoefler Newly elected Prairie City Major Jim Hamsher takes the oath of office from City Recorder Taci Philbrook during a Jan. 8 city council meeting. A lifelong Prairie City resident, Hamsher previously served as Prairie City mayor from 2005-2007, and has also been on the city council and budget committee. He is a former president of the Grant County NPRA Rodeo and was a member of the Prairie City Community Association. Three city councilors were also sworn in at the Jan. 8 meeting: incumbents Les Church and Carole Garrison, and new councilor, Dottie Miller. FAMILY HEALTH Treatment and Surgery of Foot and Ankle • In-Grown Nails Bunions • Warts • Gout Corns & Callouses Diabetic Foot Screening Foot Odor • Athletes Foot Treatment for pain in feet, shins, heels, knees, lower back. Custom molded orthotics. MICHAEL RUSHTON, DPM Podiatric physician & Surgeon 'U5XVKWRQLVPreferred Provider IRU/LIHZLVHDQG%OXH &URVV%OXH6KLHOGDQGD0HGLFDWHSDUWLFLSDQW Ford Cleaners Providing a Quality Dry Clean & Laundry Service New location – pickup & drop off every two weeks at Kings in the John Day Plaza. Blue Mountain Hospital 170 Ford Road, John Day | 541-524-0122 1st pickup – Jan. 28th Call 503-522-7794 for more information 3 Grant County’s EDUCATIONAL HERO OF THE MONTH *STRANGE MAGIC PG Goblins, elves, fairies and imps, and their misadventures sparked by the battle over a powerful potion. FRI - SUN (4:00) MON - THURS 7:00 0DNLQJ*UDQW&RXQW\DEHWWHUSODFH From the Jan. 23, 1975, issue of the Eagle, an ad for an upcoming feature at the Grant County Drive- In Theater in John Day. Drive-in memories Last week’s photo in Throwback Thursday, a regu- lar feature of the Eagle Face- book page, stirred memories for local residents. Among them was Susan Howard of John Day, who said, “I remem- ber staying for a ‘3rd’ movie when they needed to preview one to see if they wanted to run it for the next weekend. Try to explain that one to your parents!” Check out the Throwback Thursday each week on Face- book, and join the conversa- tion. 2&&83$7,21 6HOIFRQWDLQHG &ODVVURRP 7HDFKHU +XPEROW (OHPHQWDU\6FKRRO&DQ\RQ&LW\25 )$0,/<0(0%(56+XVEDQG*OHQ-RKQVWRQ'DXJKWHU%ULDQQD :+< ,6 ('8&$7,21 ,03257$17 72 <28 $V D ILUVW JHQHUDWLRQ$PHULFDQ P\ PRWKHU DOZD\V HQFRXUDJHG XV WR GR ZHOO LQ VFKRRO DQG ³JHW D FROOHJH HGXFDWLRQ´ WR XVH WKH DGYDQWDJHV WKDW WKLV FRXQWU\ RIIHUV 7KH FRQILGHQFH DQG VXFFHVV RI LQGLYLGXDOV FRPPXQLWLHVFRXQWULHVDQGRXUZRUOGDUHEDVHGXSRQWKHTXDOLW\RIRXU HGXFDWLRQDO V\VWHP ,Q WKH ZRUGV RI *. &KHVWHUWRQ ³(GXFDWLRQ LV VLPSO\ WKH VRXO RI D VRFLHW\ DV LW SDVVHV IURP RQH JHQHUDWLRQ WR DQRWKHU´ :+$7 &$1 )$0,/,(6 '2 $7 +20( 72 +(/3 :,7+ 7+( ('8&$7,21 2)7+(,5 &+,/'5(1 &KHFN LQ ZLWK \RXU FKLOG¶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¶WVWRSDVNLQJXQWLOLWLV EDFNLQSODFH ...celebrates this month’s Local Hero 4 THE IMITATION GAME PG-13 During World War II, mathematician Alan Turing tries to crack the enigma code. FRI & SAT 7:00 9:40 SUNDAY 7:00 $GXOW6HQLRU&KLOG The doctor speaks Spanish - El Doctor habla Espanol. Peggy Murphy Eagle file photo OFFICE HOURS: EVERY OTHER TUESDAY AMERICAN SNIPER R The story of Navy SEAL sniper, Chris Kyle. Directed by Clint Eastwood. FRI & SAT (3:45) 6:45 9:30 SUNDAY (3:45) 6:45 MON-THURS 6:45 JUNIPER ARTS COUNCIL/GRANT COUNTY CULTURAL COALITION SEEKING GRANT PROPOSALS FOR OREGON CULTURAL TRUST GRANTS AWARDS The coalition has $6,000 from the Oregon Cultural Trust to distribute in Grant County to organizations for projects relating to culture. Applications are available from Karin Barntish, 131 W. Main Street, John Day or call Kris Beal at 541-932-4892 for more information or an application. Grant applications will be accepted until February 27, 2015 at 5:00 PM. 4