TRUMPLT CALLS Colendi». Coleridge fourni solace fv< bin troll- bles in thè forgetful lie*« induced by opium, ami when under iti* inlluvms» would ait for hour« threading the dreamy imi/ea of his own mimi. Our \K Indleat Spot. Although the Tari tic »nvan ia coin- paiaitVA’Iv írn» o( atornu«— Lunev ite name—Point Rcvtm, Cal., i.* the wind!- eat placa in the Lnitv I Staivi. Hy St« Hundred Mil»». The pigeon'a rapacity for flight la marvelous Manx have down from Nantea to I anra'.hire, 4 id mile*, in a day, and the winner of a race from Shetlands to London, over 600 miles, made the journey in Id houra at an average t|*eed of 3' mi Ira an hour. An Anckni Work on Angling. The greatest work of antiquity on angling is said to l>e the “llalieutica" of Oppian, a Greek poet w ho tlouriahvd in the lime of N» ver us, A. P. I UH, from which we learn that many artifice* in fishing thought to be modern were known to ancients. We also learn from Athencua that *« vvral other writ ers had written treatise* or povma on fishing some centuries Udon* the Chris tian era. Bronchitis •• I have kept Ayer's Cherry Pec toral III my h0UM fof agirai many years. It I» the beat medicine in the world for cougha and colds.” J. C. Williams, Attica, N.Y. All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat. You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Use it also for bronchitis, consumption, hard colds, and for coughs of all kinds. Tkrvu •!«•• : Ik . M< . IL AH d««n***»* Palac» l)iBcuv«r«g. In the coiiri*' of the rxpluration work now procrv«ling hi B*»*otia, on the iih* of OrvhomeiivM, at one time a »mall Greek nt Ale, which wmm destroyed by the Thebans in 367 B. C., a tine royal palace has just been discovered, A number <»f frencoc»« adorn th«* wall« . t the stale rooms. Tiw Baby Humorist. “Of course," said Mrs. Extrvgotal, "you are fond of bright, precocious heldee?” "Oh, yes; certainly,” replied old Batch, "but I draw the lino on tho sup posed smart sayings made tip by the parent« and loaded off on poor infante.” —Baltimore American. Hood’s Sarsaparilla Which has cured thousands. Th« Prickly P»»r. now -w nuit The prickly pear of Africa i* so tena cious of life that a leaf or even a small portoin of a leaf if thrown on the ground strikes out roots almost imme diately and l>ec«>mvn the parent of s fast growing plant. <• offer <>»• Hundred hollars Reward far nay rase of < altar th that can not bocursd by Ha41 catarrh ‘ arv F. J VIIKNKT ACo . ».ps.. Toledo. O. IK a the unde: sig ned. have Known K J < b«»ey far th pad I‘ »car«, and believe him p«-rfe« t.y b- n rsbialuM > u»inra» tranaactb.ns and fit». at;<- a h able I ' « a*ry nulaoy ubllgatiuna •-ad» by thetr 0rn>. Wn»? A Tavai. Wh'deaai» i’rtifglsts. Toledo, * »U.IM kt**AN A Maavta, Wbolauv |>»1 gg Sts. Toledo, o, R*ir»r«tar?h l'ora ie taken Internally acting -,-------------------- • i an - - • t --- eirvctly on ih» bl tnt>»»u»' snAaar. J Ola ayate ta. Frta» 7&r p* r bolli» •u.d hi aU iniettate Troll troni aie tre* Malìa .'»¿UH/ HI.» */« ihe beli. Divorce kiwi and Divorces. The country w ith ¡»erhaps the ninat lenient divorce law* in the world is Sweden, and there the divorce rate is lower than in the Netherlands, which, after England, ha* the strictest laws in the world. Th» Safa Sid». THEBE IS NO ^OWEBÿ SLICKER LIKE IRjrfO TorV years &qo and aftrr irwy years of us« on the eastern coast. Tower'a Vtoterprosf Oiled Coats were introduced n the West and were called Aiders bv the pioneers and c^wbeys Ths graphic name has come mto such geieral use that it is frequently though wrongfully applied to many jiiwtitutes You wont the j.-rurc Look for the Ajn of the f oh. and the narte T<wr on the buttons. / ' MAi t M KA<g AN» YIU.OW A*Z> W» PISO S CURE FOR’ ----------iFti f gj. i i i w n w III ■ in i!—- IJfcr*» ;- ajj 1 l-wW i ••You’ll l«v aorry aotne day that you didn't get married if y«»u don't." "Well, I’d rather not la* married and 1st« sorry I wasn't than to la* married ami la* aorry 1 waa."—San Francieco Wasp. Wothara will flati Mn Winilnwe OnrHMng evrup th« beet rattiwUy u> uaa tur their childrao 'M taatblug aaaaua. A» lt la Today. Farnoua Patient—Itortor, pira*» give me my medicine now. 1 tortor-— Pan Ion me. I'tn aimply the doctor in rharge of isauing bulle- tina; the other ductor wIII be hvre prca- rntly. m The goapel flic flint«« I« the gompvl fur Ilium I ----------- Agri in st Winter Catarrh in Its Many Phases Neglected Cold* In Children Otten Billig DUaitrou* ItCRUttM. No iuaii was ev««r yet «’rushed other people'» rare». attoiil«! I« lie tini»*. MUcev'M 1« the teat of tin* Mttil. There are no wa.te« with that our own trial« teat our frtemia. kept In the la ait li III*, h» a drug •t«>re, baml «iruepl tiu •ubali Wandering« tiring to w.-akne««. Itoueaty 1» aimply heart health, ’liter« la no progrvaa without Hod front. In l’vru-na Protects Ilio Mr*. J. M. lln»*ti, D uip nrgnn M|iririg».Mu.,writr»i •’My little datighter thru« year» obi wun troubled will» a very La«l it High whirl« rrhialimd uftrr un attn< k of cMtiirrbnl fi ver. Hlir Inna takrn one I mi HI o «•f I’* run a through which •hr ha« obtaint'd a roiit- pb t< , lire -I m | ■ MMF a» aril and happy a-* a liltl» 7Jrl ran I*- Wh« n our rirnd« >ny h*>w well »he hmk* I tell them Peruna ihtl It •• In n tali r I' ttrr «he »ay»: •’Our little daughter continue» to have good health." I entire Household Against Catarrhal Diseases. A» a* the vaiti» of Perlina »* filli* Mt>prvrlgtv<l by wrry huuav h«4d, ln»tii a» n pmriitlvr uixl cure ••t t ntarrhnl altra Unii», Irli* <»f IlioUe* V uelt life la all sport to us the devil Mini« uf live» will Ire »ave<l, »ini hun- <iiv«l* of tbottRanil« uf chr«*ni«*t lui la the hunter. gvring < «iMpa <»f ili*« a»v preventeil The hope of glory deja-nd* on tits rrruua 1« a huneeiiuld •«f‘ guar*l. bold on Christ ta* balanced with It I, no use praying for the thing, you will not pay fur. Mlu needs to shine In s|a*ls to hide Its whole aordldueaa Our rtn.-lency depends ou (loti la our audlcleucy wheth.*r It 1« aafrat It. Rev from the act that will not ta-ar rutlectlon. Mn. Kc hsh'r, 4-b» B<»| kj A v »., HI. Ixiuis, Mn , writ«»! ••In (he early part of la»t year I wrote to you for aiKka fur my daughter Alke. four years of age. She had hern a run« ..I,ki,. ailing thild sin.e her bitih. she had «on.ul.ion. and «aiarrhal fever. I wa, alwaya doctoring until we nimmcmed to use Peruna. She grew strong and well. I’eruna 1» a wonderful tonk; lite beat mcdkinc I have ever u ed. ■'I was In a very wrcUhcd condition when I commenc ed to take Peruna. I had catarrh all lltrongli an whole body, but thank God, your medlUne set me all right. I would not have any other medicine. •■Peruna cured my baby boy of a very bad spell of cold and fever, tie 1» a big h -althy boy fifteen month, old. I have given him Peruna off and on since he wa« born, I think that 1« why he 1« so well. I cannot praise Peruna enough. \X e have not had a do.tor since we began to use Peruna all praise Io II Mrs. Schafer. Well l«*gun la half done, but only half doue la all undone. Better not pick up any rocka until your own rtaord Is clean. The preacher cannot .tody how live by living In hla study. If all men Were I nie would souu be made new. the to world The devil never yet made a lock that the love of God could not break. Mennona preached for the inri of God will reach the heart» of men. The Bible ta never too deep for the child nor too »hallow for the aged. lie Sure to llevo Pe-ru-na on Hand THANSANOEAH HAILWAY. During the I rule me nt .Month» of Fall and W.ntcr. Work on 3.w M...4 la II.In« I'u.l»^ on Ih.ite of Mountain. During tl.o la.t acovlou of th. I'bl- Ittoii cungrr... w bleli cl<Mr<t In 1'obru- •ry. ■ bill wa. tMt.Mtl |>n>v Ulin, for tb. rouatrucllon of it railway over Ilio Atulo. Mountain«, to coiinvct Huellos Ayrv. with Nnnthigo a id Valparaiso. I'c-ru-n« Kept In llie House tor Five Years. Mr. Albert l.irtsman, I «MM Milwau Till« will bo tho lirot Hue to erose tho kee Aw., Chicago, III., writes: "I am only too glad to inform you .'ontinout of Mouth Atnori.-a Thia rail way wa« projectnl twenty y.-ara ago. that I am feeling «plrndnl snd have never felt better in my lite. Through anti alnr« that tilin' oom« «or! of tu«ana arv ileallng with Ibo quootlon Im« the advice of a frieml I tried Peruna, boon Iwfore each aoaalt.n of I'ongrr««; and am gla«l to way it cured me to per I U’gan to tell a frieml about but t*arli In It« turn fallnl to |wu ouo fection. or thv other branch of tho law making Peruna the other day ami I had no hotly until Frb. 2M laat. when tiw sooner commenced than he told nu» bis hdka have kept Peruna in the house for gboVO inentlonetl bill tm-nnie a law A the pnM five years. 1 am mire I would railway eitemllng from llueno« Ayre. n't te without it. M< tlier also uses it to tbo Cuinbre of ibe I'onllllern. nt to keep herself in good health.” l'«pallata I’a««. to connect with tho llun from Valpnrala«>. la being con* atructod by tlie Argentine government Work on the new ron.l 1« being pu»li>nl forward on both aldo* of the moult- Inconsistency. tnlna, and pltoipecta are bright for dl- "Jenkins is a queer duck.” reel railway eonn.-ctlon« within n few •'What’s he done now?" year« Imtween tin».Atlntillc and I’acIHc "Why, last night he fretted ami coaat« over the Anile«, by n III»* ex tending through the heart of I'hllo fumed and finally slang«*I Is« num* his and Argentinn. Till« road will obort- wih iisik th re«« minute* to dress for a en the time Itetworn Eumpe nml t'till« car ride out to the park, and last* week he sat in an op* ii bout in the hot, broil by «lx or eight tiny«, n« trattle 1« now ing sun from 2 o'clock until H without via th« Hirn It of Magellan. getting a bite and enjoyed it."— Balti Tito railway from lluenoa Ay ret la more New a. completed a« far a« I'uenlt. tlel Inca, a abort tllnlance from th.* <', mid For roughs and rolda there it no tetter th« lln«> In citurae of ronatractlon In modkdnr than Pi»<»*s Cure for Consump ‘ ' 25 ernia. t'lille la completed a« far n« Malto tlel tion. Price Maldado. nl»o near the pa«« over tho Antaon Plants. Andi-«, nml during the nummrr month« The ant seldom Injures a plant, al —Novemla'r to April traffic la car though generally charged with all aorta rtetl on over tho niountnlna. along tho Oil the route of the propoaed rail« ( by mule of iniquity in this direction. contrary, they often do gotsl work in cnrnvmia. It requlroa only one day ri<l<ling tin* plants of the aphides, to make Hit* trip between th« riillwny which if left nbmc will Boon suck away termlnala. The pan. la croaaod nt an the sap which is the life of the plant. elevation of 13,OHO feet nlaivo tin- «.-a level; but the route an aurveyetl for tho railway provide« for n tunnel through tho mountain«, which will re duce the nltltmlc of till* hlghent point reached by the rnllmatl to conaldera- Ayer’s Pills arc good liver bly la-low (hat of lit« t'umbre, where fiills. You know that. The best the mule trunxporta cm«« CotiNUlar Croup, rapt larry bronchilia, and ar ticular rheumatism are tho »¡»ecial lianr«* of childhood. Three all alike re sult from ralrhing redd. One child rah h< * ce»|<| an«! scarri* its mother into hyatcrica by having croup in the dead of night. Anothei child ratchet r«dd, develops a »tublMirn rough that will not yield to ordinary rrmrvlir». The parent« arc fill«*! with f«»rl*odingM. Still another child ratchet» rold and develop« that moat fatal malady of chil dren, capillary brunchitia. The doctor it calle*I, pn>nounrea the rate pneu monia, ami if the chil«l 1» lucky enough to live it haa drvelo|»c<l weak lung* from which it may never recover. And yet another chihl cnt* h«*M cold and articular rheumatism i* th«* rreult. Viklea, knees, wrists and ellatws la*- <-otne suddenly swollen ami painful. A long disastrous illnevs (olloae. The child may live ami Itet-ttmeconvali-went, a miserable invalid of valvular dineaao of the heart. All these mishaps are the direct result <d ncglt-cletl cold. Be* runs is the safegttanl of the family. It a chilil eatclies cold, Peruna aituuld bo used immialiately. A few d.wes of Penina and a child's cold is gone. The apprehension of the parents tlee away. Tho household is free from fear once more. If you do not derive prompt anti at* iafactory results from the use of Peru ns, write al once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your caao ami lie «till ta* ploared to give you Ilia valuable advice gratia. Adreae Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, till io. ?\sk Your Druggist for Free Pe-ru-na Almanac for 1004 4 50LD bY WtPUt SFNTATIVt TPADb THt WOULD OVER A J TOWtt <0 MMON. MASS USA TOWtk(MUkUH < I - TOtONfO CXM Even in a la ura nt a uiay rev »»a I religion. Genius needa to gentlemwa Means loss of vitality, vigor or tone, and is often a pre cursor of prostrating sick ness. This is why it is serious. The best, thing you can do is to take the great alterative and tonic INTERNAL REMEDY No C am Eii.ti it Will Not Coro I I If N I N <1 Idea» nr«» mn flic anni«» a» »«aiding PE-RU-NA PROTECTS THE LITTLE ONES only a man of grace can ta* a mean« of grace. No Appetite Th, q *5 A good blower la not alwaya a gmal striker. tirwk Perrin’s Pile Specific Na*'« Horn Soiimh • Warulng I Not« tu Ib» Bui »deemed. Growth of Hair. Like moot vegetation, tho hair grown lietior in light than in darkntM becauiie of th«* stimulating effect ot light ami aunaliino. It han often been not ice« I in the cam» of men who ait in oflicea with one aide always turned toward the light that the muatache or l»eard of that wide grown longer than on the other. I Wt NOTA SKIN DISEASE. It is natural to rub the spot that hurts, and when rheumatic pains arc shooting through the joints and muscles and they are inflamed and sore, the sufferer is apt to turn to liniments and plasters for relief; and while such treatment may quiet the pain temporarily, no amount of rubbing or bii dering can cure Rheumatism, because it is not a skin disease, but is in the blood and all through the system, and every time you are exposed to the same conditions that caused the first attack, you are going to have another, and Rheumatism will last just as long as the poison is in the blood, no matter what •’ou apply externally extern illy. Too much acid in the blood is one cause of ¡heumatistn ; stomach troubles, bad digestion, weak kidneys and torpid liver are other causes UNABLE TO BLEEP AT NIOHT. which bring on this painful dis Bidnoy, Ohio, August 20, 1003. ease, because the blood becomes A fnw months ago I was feslinir weak * I run and nnabte to <»*t al»«u at tainted with the [Miisonous mat night« I down foil • n ' reruely bar!, and also lnul rhuurnatio pains In my Joints and mus ter which these organs fail to cles. Ths medioina I us»d gnv« nifl only carry out of the system. Cer temporary relief al best; ao aoaing B. H H. highly recoin mended for such trou tain secret diseases will produce bl»». I began it» use, and after taking it Rheumatism, and of all forms for some lima wa» well pleased with th» result. It did away with th» rh»umatio this is the most stubborn and pains, gave m» refraahing »leap and built up my gensral avatam, giving ma severe, for it seems to affect ■ t rongth and energv. It ia a good msdi- every bone and muscle in the cine, without a doubt, and I take pleas ure in endoidintf lt. body. The blood is the medium n. V. D No. I. B. B. HOUGHTON. by which the poisons and acids are carried through the system, and it doesn't matter what kind of Rheumatism you have, it must be treated through the blotxl, or you can never get permanently rid of It. As a cure for rheumatic trou« bles S. S. S. has never been equalled. It doesn't inflame the stomach and ruin the digestion like Potash, Alkaliesand other strong drugs, but tones up the general health, gently stimulates the sluggish organs, and at the same time antidotes and filters out of the blood all poisonous acids and effete matter of every kind ; and when S. S. S. has restored the blood to its natural condition, the painful, feverish Joints and the sore and tender muscles are immediately relieved. Our special book on Rheumatism will be- mailed free to thosa desiring it. Our physicians will cheerfully answer all letters asking for for special special information or advice, for which no charge is made. THE 8WIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATIAMTA, CA» i MW*' fMM . Good Pills lleporta. To Pleaae Illa t'rlllcn. Half a century ago Wagner wan no- »erely crltlelxed In lamtlon for con ducting concert« without a «core, lie wan giving nome llcethoven concert«, and he knew the maater*a aymphoulea by heart. After the flmt performance one of the Ixintlott paper« acolded lite com- poner of "Tnutilia<-u«er" for dlri*etlng the «ympltony without a acore In front of hlui. At the next concert young Wagner hail a laatk of tltualc open la-fore him on the tleak. The following day the name newapa- per printed a commendatory article, which prnlKcd him for hla better In terpretatlon of Becthovi-n, tin* Improve ment due, of cotir.e, Io the uai* of tin* wore. Wagner nnnotim <><1 for the ben ellt of Illa critic Hull the «cor.* Ill front of hint on the prerloua evening wa« that of ItoKHlnr« opera. "Tin Hat In r of Sevilla’’—turned upalde down. amily laxative you can buy. They keep the bowels regular, cure constipation. Want your moustache or beard CONSTIPATION **1 bat» tons IA »1 » Um» a wf *H* t»a»»»««l». not 1«Kg at • to mot« tb«m aBC»pl by uati-g but waist luXrtlona. Chronie tw > us 11 pat u>n fur »«•«•n ye»«» placed me In ibis terrible cotidiiioni during ibal time I did »r- erflbiHg I heard of but »ever f>>utid aitr relief auch was my ca»» until I began using < A*-'AhhlM I now have from «>ne tu liitr« « -»•<»• a day amt If I was rich I would »iv» |UW for « a. It n><>v<’tue«il| II I» au< b » relief ' A11 win I. lit *r. |<W Humll bi . IxuvU Hied jximi —--- - -------------- - I aally Doubled. Goodart— Here'« a brand new dollar bill, old man, that— Borough« — Oh, double It? tioo-liirt — Mitre, double it— ho — now I double it lignin —thtia. In tliia alinpe, you «tat, it lita anttgly in my pocketbook. Ho long.— Wood Haws, brag saws run tty «team or gas«. Ilnr engine», the l»te«t In »aw mill hi »* t'liincr). ettiitip puller*, well dnlliug iu achín« ary, etc . etc. u rite fur your nea*1a. REII RSON MACHINERY CO. M CANOV CATHARTIC todcaiao Portland l oot of Morrison Street Oregon X TMADI MARR »«OI»n»tO Ei^YS Arc ji PI»»*»M. r«laiat'ir r<’««nt. T a «»» Good. I»o UuuU. Never l*> 'licn. XV«»r Uri’-r iuc. büc ... CURI CONSTIPATION. »«•rltae «MM4- C«e»MF, CklM«». tM*. ■» >SEEDS> Deserve your confi In Society, dence. They have never failed— won t fail now. Sold by all dealers. ltM»l Recti Aunual postpaid, free. Tesa—Mias Nuritch talk* so much almut her mother’* aortal position be fore m I iu was married. J. Weir.’ Tew—Did she really have any posit ion in society? Jew—Oil, Iota of them. Siu* never accepted a piare na rook except in very swell families.—Brooklyn Engle. a beautiful brownor rich black? (Jae BUCKINGHAM'S DYE À KITCA 1 vrfd ,,uin *<■•«•*« »o tn VVA.1X1 l .1 z ’H'od b> lewrn ilm liAii-rr tra’» A idre IUhl o*'s tipanon. good w asea easy In Iram.iom ant prartlc*. I hr melhud I« right an<l the price nod tun«* required Ilie «M-rat |«>««ih}e to <l*e »at »fa. mry maullo. Write ft«r fall pirtlrtilara to the AM riti» AN KtH'iHl < «>Ll.l.U|>. (lue.). ÌM KkrrrU »U. rortlauit. Oregon. iCj D. M.FKRRY A CO. D»troltv Mich. P. N. U. l VII KN writing to nd vertí aera pleas« I y| mention this paper. PRUS s V an " WSuLTitY FOOD & A It makei Hens Lay and Keep* them . It cur»» Roup, Chol»ra and All Dlsnau»*. It itrcngthrn» young chick«, and ma’nM them grow. Price 25c and 50c. Mv young ohtckr-iiw rmnmt’H’M'd «lylnjc. •>»<' aftor Towing four ilowm I imr- eha».I a pm .T iar .. of your I’Hl *N|AN I OU1.TRY FOOl». whl.'h wlopp*» them Wk from tiyliiK «nd I hav. . ttimtantiy kept it on Uwud «vnr ain< «* I < an rr«x>iHtn«nd aMfewNMIP It a« JUMt whai It lu l led in raiaiiiu poultry. O H K1GGIN, Latah, Waeh. I’OIC I I.AN1> »1 11» CO., r«>rtland. Or.. <’«»a»t Agents. Ex< hange. He dot o Il!«*«elti7. Algy— Ho you nuked old Joma for hl* daughter’» haliti? Wlint did In* any Ferdy lie an Id: •Take her aid let me be biippy." I ] 4