Local and Gonoral. SoMi.Tiiix I Yol Illi I n ' t iiiiuii ANU W in i t .» Rim. According tn I de 1 advice, umili- po< is ugni i prrvibnt hi Biker Citv, Horn -To Mr. mid Mi«. J J. Don- imgan mi the 23 Inst, a daughter. M \ . Smith of l.iwcii.' mad* proof’ on hi, I’unber ami Stono entry, Tm »day. M irriid— At the Hotel Andcrsm, on Deo. 23<d , I’.iK.l, by B. W. Mlllvr J I’.,Mr. C>r«y E Bmylh and Mi»« Minnie M S. hull, both uf Happy Valley. In the cto * of Htnlo of Oregon vs. Cha* Nelson in Justice Miller’s Court. Dec 23, N< -Ison was placed under *75«) pi nee Bond which w»« r ndlly given, with H.im King and ••rem Hudspeth a« sureties. Mr, Tube Dunc an who has been seriously ill with lockjaw, nt the hulio- ol Mr. Dyk< Jameson, of this town, for st vi-tal day», ii pruiiounc- < d by hi" physician, Dr. Geary. |u be in a fair way to recover. "A ■ thè day» begin to lengtlic:i thv >• ild boglii» In ttrmgthcn" is mi« <>f ih« v«ry trito old saiLig«, and il inight nlso l>* truthfullv rmiark' l thnt ibi, yiar iwlitic* b'gi is to t'f igth 11, willi thè k'iigthening uf Ih« day* PASSED AWAY. On Sunday mottling hud, after a brief ¡R ip -« fi'im pnninmnia, Amy 1 'oiijiid*, tin1 twoti 1 nr old daughter of Mr and Mrs, Dira I’olijnde, I lined >ibuitlv into th« oth«r life. Little Amy was a bright, *we<t chill and the ahadow of sorrow east oyer her home by tho Saylor’s gentle etili "corno homo" in dei ply felt by jin member*. After th« fiitu rnl service» which were presid ili over by Itcvd. A. .1. Irwin, in th« pr<“cncn i,f many who knew and loved her, tho little one was Ini 1 to ret in tli« Burn* cemetery. T in’ many friend« of tho bereft family extend their kindly svmpa- lliy. BUSINESS LOCAL " I II i: s \ I ISl'At TOKV STOICI \vi: Il' VOL' ARE LOOKING 1’01 A BARGAIN READ THIS COLI MN non 1 x<; VERY COMPLETE JI T THE SORT OF f GM FORTAB I L STOCK J e Vo« n.i\ r: mvTiHNu to su i. I’ATKONIZK Till* i <>l I MX, i Oregonian und Iti'ins, ♦2.1X), ('allattilo II W. Welcome X Co's, pharmacy. They’ll tr»at you light. Best winter goods, at reasonable prices, at N. Brown X Son*. Crocheted skirts, aa<-q < h and ►lippci.i. Al- I full lice of lat< nt That wann very dqdimntic little fancy yarns at Mrs Robbins. piceo oí fli rling ¿u the part of tho Don't overlook our Itoys Cloth ll’-pub'de in commit tee by which ing Department. We will save Chicago was induced to write a you money. N. Brown X Bonn. ••heck for 't.iHi i in order to secure I don't claim to grow hair or. a th” convention next rear. Chi cago win the le.-ii a! choice ami the bald heft'I, but I do claim that I minds <>f th« jury were already can prevent hair from falling and mild • t.p, but a little judicious promote the growth. Tonic for -ul« contemplation of the advantages nt the Capital Barber Shop. offered by other cities, caused the . Baked Leans and Brown bread check to l>c forthcoming. Saturday nights and Sunday morn- An cistern piper tell« of two ng, at the New Home bakery. young people who become engaged - We sell the Hod kin's glove und on purely scientific principles. I inUts; known the ('oast over for There was no bother about love and all N- Brown 1 that kind <.f t immyrol.bat they |,holr wettrln« had planned out uti ideal* plutonic, ! i and an^ Bon«. KTYI.H HAVE ARE TUE SERVII HABLE KINDH ES (UZEH GF ALL A<. AGES (MZES 3 TO THE LATEST' ((J.ORING-t OF SI-.I.Ef TED AND QIALITIES TEN LEADING STYLES FOR BOYS LN THE LOT YOI WILL FIND ALI FA BRICH IN FA.N( Y MIXT’iRS, Y Bi.FE. STOCK OF MEN 8 CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS CANNO t p.E DUPLICATED PRICE WE ASK. WE ARE S1I OW ING OVERCOAT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Y IF TO INSPECT (HR STOCK ! El ORE YOF MAKE YOF It PURCHASE Nothing to Compare With Cur Shoejfor Quality :r.d lew Fiicc Sell tho QUEEN QUALITY ».-ientific n arriagc, one that the fa- Art goods, including pillow tops, imly phyt-: ;ian could indorse, one embroidery material, battenburg that was calculated to warm th« patterns, lace, thread and braid for C'M’klc* of tho heart of the psycho- sale at Mrs. Robbins. 1 I igicol laboratory, The thing wa« I •‘The Woodmen of the World. »» (‘ha* J ihn«on of Liwen wasgnmng running along like clock work thè Itetns’vititor» this week. and when tn stepped one of the old A new aboe just out; New style« imi-tbs . .... ►sary arrang«tn«nts fashioned lovers tho kird father A crackerjack. For sale by Luna- (> bave ih« Itcm» an i Mixwcl '« n«ed to want to shoot at and science l erg X Dalton. Tho Chicago Weekly Inter C.cean Tili'invii r.- it t.» In« a-1 Irosa for' received a terrible »bort arm jolt. If you have any land or olio r is the only weekly newspaper pub oiiother y<tir. Mr Libinoti rnys Th« |>«y<’hologi<nl laboratory cn-1 property to »ell, li«* it with the lished in Chicago in connection I. iwen ia in n *rd nf a goni blacic- basement was broken ,«o quick i Items. Bond in a description and with the great daily pipers. It aiuith and a ¿ruggii.t. • sounded like a small boy nipping I contains a jtidiciou-!y selected we will sell for you. - o'f 11 bunk of p-anut candy with * summary 0! the news of the nation • |«»ilhn re > rn n 1 ilio i of thè hi» back teeth. Grandma will tell gtfi~ For Bale—.100 ton* of hay and world, the best stories, home, City lire drpvlliiotil al il» meeting. vo 1 that you cannot improve und C(*> acre* of pasture. Fur-par- 1 farm, woman's, and other special I i«t S md.-iy, Mr I S. G>-r. ha, much on tin goo I old fashioned ** ticu'ar» call on or address H.B, t departments, and fair, patriotic, b'et, appaiate ! t>y ih« ('¡tv c<> taci] ■ onrlin,’’ the . sleigh rides the Smith at the French Hotel Burn ¡able editorials, written from a Re a« Clllef Th» position is not a 1 ulking beei and tho "red ear." < )rc[ on. publican viewpoint. It is by far » a'ari • I un » bui it in fact a v< rv In th« face of glories »uch ns these, | the nest general newspaper o! the 1 he Io d Front Livery barn is Western States. The regular price i ni art mi one. We think tho up- tiros - p!i’*.’bo!ogicnl lubatory meth- Oil" would n >t l.i-l lift th minutes, catering to its patronage at.d has fin the Weekly Inter Ocean is ♦1,00 pointment a good one. — _ . . . . improv.-d its livery »«rvicc. Feed and for tin* Harney Valley Items One of ih* plcfi'imt Fo^ncx of If you want to know all about by the day or month at reasonable . IJ.50, but subscriptions will be re ('hi ntnns <lny in Ibis town, WAR the great irrigation schemes that ceived at this office for the two Hi« Band boys standing in thè are being carried out all over the papers ::i combination f r one year The Items has for sale a one half li g'it, narin rnvs of nn alinosi world; *hat our government is do ini' rest in a good sawmill, of 30, for only i 1.50. surtimer suo. nn I under a d-cp b'ue ing and purpoioK doing in this line, i OOO bet capacity; also »cction of , c'vbig thè < lo .d th-at thr.m:’ in all part* of our emtry, read fine timber land Business and lo C1IRISTMAS ciieei : ed the Street», a L-w dioico piece* Maxwell's Tailsnan, and when you cation good. This is surely a bar of inaimi ¡hive retd one number you will gain. Call on us or write for par Mr II. B Smith, who i« manne- surely wish to cntlnue rending it. Foit T he Gt an II oi . ihav T ime . ticulars. il g thè nffnirs ni tiro Abncr llob- Tho December number of this Jour For Hille or Trade.— IO acres of We have a spleudid sleek of arti bins'< 'tute, hns sold all tiro calile nal show s n beautiful picture of the cles suitable for presents, the kind lo thè I'. L S Co . and Ilio land tn Salt River reservoir site, in Ari Fine agricultural land, Fine bearing that brings cheer to the heart of orchard, small fruits in nbundai ce, .1 I Hit/ and I. M. Davis. M*. zona. where the Guvennncnt is the one who gives, as well &a the Hi’z purebnici! thè greater porti' n now beginning its work of rsclair.a- good two story 7 room house; g"od one who receives. shed, out building. For particul of ih« re i) • ’.'ite ; Mr Davis bo udii ; tion of a vast area of desert. The PRESENTS r.in EVERYBODY thè Drews’V ranch. This deal following is from tho Dec. number ar», inquire of this office. from the prattling baby to the placca Mr Sitai nome on Ih« list of the Tailsman.' The price of the New york Farm feeble grandma. of lar o’ lumi owners of thiscounty. Tho I'hoenix. Arizona paper report er is ♦1.00 a year, and the Hu rney <WI)AINTY ARTICLES that there is much activity at the "Old Santa ha* coinè no i goni1*’ Tonto basin reservoir site einco the Valley Items ie ♦ 1 .<«) a year, but useful and costing less than you l.i* ideigli wa» full to thè In ini i.-suancc of the order for the con ¡both papers will be sent to your would expect after examining with ilice thingr f ir thè pò qde. struction of tho dam. About 200 1 a Idress 11 full year, upon payment them. lo h v >11114 and old. bui hi* tvam men'arc employed alwut the vari- of $1.50 cash, to this paper. of r in lerr« se in d verv tired, and I ous work*, one-half of whom arc Harry Smith, proprietor of the conscqtienily thev didn l jiiule Apache Indians, and are said to be Red Front livery barn, wants your jangl • Ih ’ir bell, vere long for thè living excellent service nt ♦1.50 patronage and he will caro for cnlortàlnni nt of tì.o junior popu per day with board included, The horses entrusted to his cure in Int'on. white men rocclve ♦2.00 per day such a manner as to descry© it. Amm: th» m>r> impartan’, l i.vs anil rations, lodging, cto., and th The present extremely high pric piu • I at th * p.’M'nt senio 1 of our force is being increased as rapidly of hay h is cotnpallel a raise in l*gi<l it'i-i ar i th’ loll.i ving: as men make application for work, livery feeding mid after Dec. 1st II rin B II I, to r.’P’il th 11 ix 11 V «nd it will bo but a few weeks 5t>c per In ad will be the regular of I » )Î ; Hi tn Bill 2. to remait when the force will reach tho pro- prico for feeding. tin tr< liv >n it stoil b’fir.i the p irtions of a small army. READ THIS. Road building is tho principle roju'ar s’uion; lien’ Bill 21, detail at present — blasting through 111, ii Img th > a 1*. of 1 > t. s i ni ti Änöw hit’ >h d 1 ’n alili < x<-mpt- the Fox canyon to the Sult river For ♦ 1.50 in nd vaneo wo ion from txi’.ion on household and working into the Virginia pine send yon this paper and Maxwell’s forests it the Sierra Aneha moun Talisman for one year, beginning! goods, tools,Xc. tains, where saw mills aro to I»’ in- | with the Jan. number of the ' Last Tuesday evening, ns little ailed, an 1 fr<> n w'll jh section all Talisman. And genoral repairing Johny Morrill, w . ib Icavirg town, the lumber for the construction of JAMES SMITH. mi horseback, his horse slipped the great rest rvoir will be taken. All Arizona is all ready feeling According to a recent decision of and fell on the icy street, breaking X X tho larger b ine of tho bay's right the beneficial effect of the big wat- the supremo court of tho state, leg, below tho knee. Tho plucky ri ter project which promises so much Miller and Caldwell who were sent der never left his saddle however, for tho development of tho Terri 1 to the “pen" for the murder of War- 1 icii Curtis, nre to have another mid as hi« horse regained hi« feet, lory. trial here. They will be brought »Send nirtlel,» ho turned him and galloped to thn Tho farewell dance to tho Old f freoreport on patvntabllUv. For free book, liou’e of his relatives MiXMrsTt 111 Year will be given by the orchea- , here for appearance at next term of fcîiXï' TRAOE-MÄRKS Cummin*.. two or three streets dis circuit court, but may possibly not try Dec. <11, Locher’s hull. As (ant from the scene of tho accident lie retrii d at that time. Thev will 1901 is Leap year, after midnight wli -ro be wit» assisted in dismount, tho ladies will assume control, betried on a charge of manslaught ing. and whore he is now resting mid cnduct the ball to a successful er as that was the crime they were . sentenced tor. under th« care of Dr. Geary, and ' terminus. I pro *' «* : io.’ ■ l*Dfie!cily. BURNS, OREGON We solicit mail er. 1er*. •—- — NEW STOCK Is constantly arriving at our store- Our lines are complete nod now we can fill any order -withthe lu st of everything. Bring or send us your orders for Fancy Dress goods, Ready Made Wrappers, Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishing Goods Hats. Clothing, Boots and Shoes I > Fresh line of staple and fancy Groceres Lunaberg & Daltonj WALK-OVER” SHOES X X XX X XXX XX xxxxxxx* I ì ■i The Welcma Phar iracy X ; I Successors to R. A. Miller X Co.