Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, December 26, 1903, Image 2

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wí .
r;"l tei.*.'
Il««* l'< Lim-
VC C»HHt‘ to
I be «l««m* t«>
hat iMuntry.
the peace I X .it ii e ot \ «I l»l I I» t *0 f I .1 I lull \\ ¡ill
\V ill \iiiir \v<L
in Colom I«»
MTtKPVX tri« d a case !>»
once. The s
— HV—
T»> al I whom it inuv
The tiviCIIJH*
debl f«>r tm
i:. ,i M.w l i t
I?* hereby f .\ h that on I
. ’
wa< that the
ev ot Oct , VHK», the und
Justice was
i«l chap
by the countv vouti <
win» knew ii . i
ve h u<
app iuti
Entered at the
st finish«'«!, th«'
: .The P .a v tounlv,
Burna. Oregon, a* second cla** «'on rt kn< «vs
i« cas«' :idiiiihL<*(rutor *<lh will utt. chv I
the < <tntv of Pavid W. I'l.iyp »
th«- cutn haa
matter, Oct. 3’., I"I
AU ) < i>. Ob I
tn s«. « have g. I to ray and th«’ talk
of the law* rrs. Tie court will r»t
I'll I l¡'h)|»S, roitrs.t SHOES.
»lecide the ease ju't Iniv
The notified totih* thc-atno, duly \t
One Year in advance
> ASI» til XI S Fl RNISI1IMI tax >i»s
court will take the case ui d. r ad- tied a* bv law r»«|uirt<k with t‘ V
Six Months
clothing and hats
visem-'iit tor ttirve date and the undersigned within *ix
Three Mouths
court will then decide the c.te«' in from the I Ith <lav of Oct. 1903,
at l.iwrti, Oregon, or at the ullice
favor uf the plaintiff.
S r. 1 u* V”ur Mail Older.
SAT< Iti» XV
of Geo \V. Hay« ”, Burm, Oregon
S< UW \HT* A lit |»E! F\|
Iturxa, < »,< gun.
m . n. h
Th.» jx'op’.e of our city are asked with will annex d.
to contribute toward the S xcitjawea
statue to be ereetvd at the Lewin
and Clark fair.
< luir« li
Sunday School at Harney tho
tirst Sunday of < u<’h month ut ID
.. .do. k, A
Oil th*« ri innd,
third and fourth Sundays of each
m.mill at it o'clock P M
i ii g servios» every second Sunday
the only woman to necoi
Lewis amt Clark ex ¡edition, th?
was their guide and interpr
she provide»! for lhe;n food
horse* when destitute of b»»th,
also saved ti-.eir journals an!
uaide pipers at the risk of her OW n
life. S:.e wu« the only one of the
party «ho reciived ro ptetniarv
com pen-nt ion for
This heroine will be LouorcJ at our
fair in l?:'">and we will thus show
to the world that color makes no
difference, we give honor whir,
honor is due.
*Vi«h a good
record nf pnrtv
ec’iyi*m*ntR, their candidate pr»C-
ti'-a'lv «elected, and ncr^et harm­
ony amnn'r th* leader* qcd in th*
rank and fit*, th* chances of a r*
nubt'ean victory worn never bright-
er than they ar’ today.
Burns, Rev
Divine service* the lliltd and fourth
Sundays of <«ch mouth nt 11 n. in
and 7 >i) p. in
Sabbath school nt
IO ti tu every Sibbith luuriilug.
Pre .idling acrvl«'«'* at the Baptist
church every trt ami 2nd Hund*«)*»,
imuiiiug ami «* » *11iitg,
Sun tiny
•i hod every Snuda) ill l<> ». tn.
prayer iiim H i g every I hum lay
S< rm-rii at Cliri*tian ech-nce hall
every Suuday al 3 P. M
niony tm-etinga every W«<ln*sd iv
evening at 7;3<i P. M. Ev«'rvU»dy
im ilc<l tu allei.d lh> sv Bervitea.
can be founi here
» t *4l
HarntT, Orejóla.
The bar is supplied with none
la'll th" very test brand« nf
A in
l- .pior-. and Cnrbomt'rd
drinks, anu the Chuictst Cigar*.
\ ur | u’.ronage solicited.
C urte
is treatment tr. all.
Corner north of poM office.
W \ m t.t>—Faithful Per».>n To
I'ravel lor well v*t.«*di»h<d house
iii a few counti'-s, calling on retuil
merchants mid agents. Local Per*
rilory. Salary *20.00 per week
with rxpeuaes additional,
pavablu in cash each week, Mon-
vy fur expo isca advanred Pos­
Ilion permanent.
B islne*« sila
<<r»ful and
Hotisc, 330 Dearborn St. Chicago
Notice is hereby given that I
h ive duly appointed the Lofowing
deputy stock ina)H<ctors tor Harney
ouutv, < Irogon:
A It Colenbaugh
Burn n
John Jetiketis..
Pick Smith... .
A ndrvw «,
We will sell vou a Mitchell.
RuMlifur! or Webber l-'artu
Wngi'h ;
It. SMITH Ä I 0.
.'II steel Sk« iu
r::« » i'r: ^ tox \i < Ann-
Senator M >rgm charg"
Row-yelt with a vaulting a udii-
lion which »top« at nothin
desiring all the glory of tin- con­
Struction of th* Isthmian cansi for
bi« adniinistm on. The R 1<- •»■«!.
fn! eonsumstion of this pop .i
will be one of the greatest events of
Ainerican. if not w.ir'd, enginccr-
Doubtless the Presiilent is
ambitimi* tn -<»e th* canal built <lur
ng h'« a I n'ni«.-Vi >n. Why ml’
----- best
S'->,».•« aloof ra’’ron la to
built in the Inland Empire
v*ar arc numerous. These re-
have been c'rrm'a’n J for the
fiftm* years. When
• 4
road-* have not been
myetory. They are
w»«'id mv d:viAervl»
they will tie built, ft
r o
improbable tha* neyt year wiil
the work inangii-at*'1.
Trampa th-miho'»t the country
T’.* Rn»«T'Vi '.’Pu broadly inti-
Rr» reporte 1 very en'h'l«’ i«tic over mates that the En:t*d Stati«
th* d*c'a*atfon of a Chieaeo Pro talk of it» right« in Chins,
fe««or that hit hi nt i« infurimi*
can't enforce them
“Can't” is a
wor»| which this country In« V» t
General Wood hu« proelaimed the
to learn when it conic* to enf irci •
an'i elsverv 'aw in the entire Moro
II *ll ' *i ..‘io f, ./<»'*■/
•ur pa‘rona¿e
i . «Kur
.ak o
lite Iy
» i* < I
oy w
£Drinks mixed t<> uil your taste. Court'«»!» treatment guarantee
Th** CJ-Pi-k’ him a pealed ♦<» S. rro
tarv Hitrhcnrk tn
*tak'*n back
tinder tì.»* <’d !?r<ì tr^pty to rovo
tlipfo fr< in the c’ j :dity nf fbo )n! J
ffra'^-era. Jt
to I nth* fat#»
of ail th*8 ohfwiarfnai tribe« t- I »•
despoiled of th* ir pnGGf-up¡nr:s. nt »>
wav or another, b»jr impertir»».Ion«,
land •hfirk«. however c«v c il’v a
paternal pomr’n^nt m-iy ei.d 'ivor
to protect their intere«-’**.
of the President's
Tne campaign In.« beim hea’.e I and
several duel.« bare been fought.
The Canaiians are urging Gnat-
Britain’s coqieration in the pur­
chase of the is'a i 1«.
Th* new 'own ofLvtle in Crook
enun'v. no »he !i»'«.~hnt**. th'- pur
The Amerf-an M'nsni Cong-es* jm«eil termini! r>m’nt ltf ft,,, ,
v’ll have a bill intro hired in the •Ion of th* co'nmhia South« in I!
F"de-a’ I'nnyrp«« prov-I r g for 'he R , which will !«■ »mit next n tn
creation ofa Den*r'm*nt of Mines m*r. i* «»’il to !■* Rtrietlv mi th*
Th* *(♦* fir !»>«■ tm-.'o ¡*
and Mining, the bead of which is to tonni
Is* a member
it ' I*
" M
Rv «electing J in* 21 tor th" tin»",
and Chicago as the place for hold­
ing th t n -xt convention, the rep ih-
1’can national committee has tak­
en th* first step iu the coming
presidential campaign. The meet­
ing of the committee at the Arlinz
ton Hotel in Woshiugton. tinder
An»lrru a
th«leadership of Senator Hanna,
V B*wt,
was hsrmonio is. All questions
brought before the lio lv were set­
», Smith Jr
tle I amicably and without dissen­
‘ t>A' .
tion, and after a cordial reception
I,. B. Carrell.
Li ! >n.
Frank Xeiiiy.
J om * i h Ik'd’V-
hr President Roosevelt ar.d a din­
I.’-’i V * nberg. .
N. > hd’en- r.
ner bv Senator H vuna. the com
i„ s. paiit.
<ì l.rr.-r.r, gu .
Smitox I. ilg-’s «ti; - ‘i-.ivi that
wiitteemen departed, well justified
J. C. Cat !» n
EtLoi1 < «r-un.
« nt pur-
in tneir belief that republican sue- the t'ni’e 1 Slates z
A. W. Morti«.
John S»nv‘h.
c*ss at the coming election was ch*so St. Pierre and Mi'i'ielon from
B. H. F . !e.
Jor. Rraylrni.
A I Jjlti«*.
France has become a eatnpaig ;n is-
J. 1. Kok* i.
5»,tl.i* herrb y i ¡veti tbit ili«* (or*
Perhap« th* most important re- sue in t!>» ia'ande during the elect-
petiri-m will 1M | rt-«»i !• ì t»> thv 1
suit of the comniitt* meeting wa« on of a iu-‘uiber of the Cbatub >er nf
the altn st una i no is exprv*.-ion of
approval of the present Admistra- favor til* s.de of'the is!a* ds arjue
t’on and the general a«»ursnce that •that the inhabi'snts would gain
President Roosevelt would be the gr, ally b v La«: • g •- fish enter« d
choice of th* convention f. r first ’rreofduty in tic I'nited State*
place on the party ticket, The
members of the committee are rep-
rvsentative pwty men: thev ea ne
fr-om eyerv s'a»* in th" Fnion and
knowing that th»«r re-ns-ks would
b> widely published, thev atte-npt-
< d m describe exactly th* sentiment
of th* districts which they repre­
One tnemh-r after ano'her
wa« interviewed on th* prn'.ab'e
nomination of thi President, and
alrn'is’ every m 'n declared that in
his district Mr. Roosevelt ws« first
choice. Th* e sentiment in his
f ivor wa« «0 general and sopo«:tive
• hat the further discussion of any
other candidate i« m*»** w ist* of
♦ime. Mr Rcoseve't will lie nnm-
mated hv acclamation, and th*
peneral realization of this fact will
do much to unify the republican
One «mall incident n.»rr*»l the
peneral ttood feeling of the meet­
ing or the commit teeeinen. A ne
«rm m*mher of th* commit*** w*«
invited with the n’h*r* to th* din-
n->r giy*n by Senator H’nnah.
A« th* colored man entered th*
d’n'ng room a comui'i’crman from
Notth GaroFna ro«e and left the
room d*claring tha* he had come
♦ o ’h* m*ot''ng a gentleman and in
tend*! to leave it a« on*
a*t-nn was ignore»! a« wore the
»♦a»em*n»s rA th* few committee-
rr.*n whn refu«e I to join in th*
g*n»aal indorsement of the Pre«-
\ ninnili, eiiidit*
risn. i - koof
FOK l-l fll'-ATtoN.
01J t ' I t
■ /.
I tin it*» Orrgott.
M Mi l I I N,
t'Kf nir.MF.M I «>/ THE IXTERtOR.
I TI;! I v (nN.
Lao'l ofirv, Jl ir’tM, Or'-K«’»’ Nov. : mi I'X-T
I *ud
Ilurn<. Orrguti, !•«’<*. i, I9»t*l
3Ì ‘n-rnby ffh'«*:i that FkE«> HAISES
5**U<e I* h.-rrby give«» lh*»l th* fnl|-»whtg
I Harney. H*rrey Go , Oregon b*s filed n »fir*
M*:ne<l »»tiler h*« tl.d ut.i'r«* nf big tt4eulh»n
[ hi» lutei tinti U» make
no bin «|s>»rrt
liuriiM, <> rosoti,
l«>nt<k* final ¡»roif m *iip|><>rlr»f bln «'I* rn. ai.4
1 <
2.7. f .r E’. « W„ -« f 2. I ® d.
that »*14 pro.*f will b» in* 1* be»*>re l*< xl*tvr íísr Main St —opposite Bank.
I- , W M bf f. re tl>* Kethlrr and
*it«l Kert iit-r *l
orfe tu,
<>u Jan H
Her ■elver at fliirn*. Orva »«. on T'ie-day th«» l. ’h
. M t. vii IM Entry, S«> n» 1. 4
He ii * ih *»« the t *II ow I m <
U*/ • <f Ju i ¡ary, ! <-4
.!••»» i il I. i « H*. rw
W it.' ’C • ■ to prove lb'-• "mplclc Irrigali'»'» «ini
• I
* - ■ . v
re«*! tarnation oí »*14 lai •!
M. 3.’ ■ I . H, M
I. i I'trHja I - J, I Iztwc Jame« Iltinyar l. J, o
IP t aitK-w ih « fotlovrhitf wIlneMr* tn pt or»«
Bun i}»rd -AH of Harney, On-imn
»Vtii »' A.ir r. ikcgiwt* r. big f » Hht i hi . rv ..4«nr* up*>u au i «-uHivaiimi
W I. M mim I cr .
w n*«rv,
nf »ei'l iao4. i Ii
■“ '• »-U. Em-jry Il li, ( nrneling A
t'ifuih t(' S ii rijroHN,
NOTI» F Foli P» IH.!* ATION,
M<'M¿h«Hi, Fíe 1 Hi In«* All of Hartley, Or
Wiu Pi««,-: F.i-gl trr.
Ü M MM «»flice. Bum» Oregon, |>e«' '• 1' 03
Humus Orrfon,
>ts»-e I» hcrebv <(¥••’« that th»* follow
£<y Ollii «• it rraitlfiii i», ’Phon« Jti.
«•a ord aeltifr ! a« filed n »f’r.« of hl< !»•'« 1
to ir.'iko final proof lit »t:; p. rt ui hl* claim.
• ••••-■If.r 'V. ,
er M i■ fattore Iteci tel
iv»-r ul H irn«, orftfon, o;i January n,
I'l st l; r I.INI'. FIS'AI.I'HtMiF -N'Ollt'K FOM
IM. rr'frr No I'M" of
J am *!» A TcwKk*
Rhiu • A nfGGA
tr. «, I an>! offlrr. li.irti.. Orsgaa, n. i- 21, imn
S ’ ’ í I- F.‘,¿ KF-M.
for the (. S
Her *
S.4'1’.. I* herrby
II.Rl J a * II. »KiSSAHa
bW Vii >< f .ft. IV . M I. “J, I W. M
w ni«r>.
• itCor-l. Malheur e.einly. or........ l,a. fl:*.|
Pulton lllftf*,
H<l 1
tie following WlfTtr-wi' « fn pro1 !»
ik . i eu »if In-enti >n I». m»iir pr.eU an lil* ,i«-.»>ri
. .t.'t -i j* r->, ‘l.-i.' e tip
I aii I < 1 r I. ii V, .’iu. f.rlh* M.i*.
-»»• tii
Altornryi-al Law,
of raí I land, v iz
f.'i-oii b«-nne:t, Emory tllll. »'ofnell « M .'I.« ZI« I: •: F.. «-II I ,t, I *,|,| ... H,.,'. |M, I .JR H It
III ItXH. <i
te I W, M , I,'furs F,cl Fs mer, !' M C'.m'nl«
h.»n. Fr.« I Hair « . all of flarr>ey. Or
-.».I. t , J .r'lan. Valley, Orrif.m on Tu«><J*y, the Zs/ ' »Ilice in Hank building.
W 4 E abkk , keg Inter
.’n I .I*j ., Febrnary. IVM,
II» nani»- the billowing wllne*ees t»> prove
I » t’i J i“’i »• ( ' f irt of Stiri« P. » i ic t 'be »■• I ii .;*!.-:•• Irrliteilen an* reelntnail.m »»I I
»I IK'’* Th..»..** M Sessenni, Almira Si*
II ,r j y ( ' 1 1 it ■/, S’it*» <)r«xnn.
g w. MU.I.EIt,
W' «r.|, I 1»*- I. Coot, of i:<»r<l, Oregon Indir
Wel.:orne an I Sons Plfl’.
Iz- elaii'l, of JorJen Vsll.-y, Oregon.
T-a ’< r
Khnm )na
i o i Akiui ’-L'iL iLJir.i. tliii..-iLUjyiinam .vJL
I (• K hnf I i III • n i’ll** » Í the* SMfn <»
Volar? h r*’»y mimmowl to
ipp • »r b-f i!’’ th»* »nj'h róxnr I. a .hiwlire
»file* P»*!’”* for th j Pi 'ím-t. HÍor<*Ruiil,
cn I h •. 2S d iv of It • •••in'i.*r P.tKJ, nt I I d
■ o-l
I ur <•! 2‘ > :lo( k i'l afternoon of Hii l day
13; The S'-i r»f th.? Ht III
ii »»aid
>.>«> ai a., ft’. M
pre i i : t » jj-A.’r lo III« (’ompl-dnt <*i I
«.•ell IF I
h< i I * % i tu. oír I Pl-iinlill, V4 In r<-2n vail
f th» NW'4 «•r, 13
I a r.i ill’.i< rn imi * j i l/m ht iivainst yo i
«•y < r/thty, f rnon
o>fa und l»l-bur <• o'th* ii n of thirty oi » deliri ani
»’.I < ' ’» Vidi»' »•i.'hfy eitflit rnnlrt an I rost.M, diHbiirao*
. rh'corübir.rxjU
in nN ar, I <* qxinwf‘w of this action.
Yonv.il a! • > tike noti • • th it th-*
r. Il i^ het. b« p itv
S unni n-4 i« F'-rvi* 1 upon yo’i by pnbli-
c i» * >n, by an or I r of (ho above eiiti(l»?d
< ’ Hilt ¡10 I th it H li I
N. »ragna ha» recognized Pana­ «*..! «I nt BurnOreo ,n on the 12th «lay
mi. fl w«:il»l b* funny if Nieara- N Aeni'icr, 19 3.
H. W Mi l r.
g i» -li»> il»l ii.HÍst upon having h
.J IS' ire ,f t.ie I'e K O
Nie t-.i/’iHn Ciinal mid arm x Pan
Borii« I'r- « in< t
i for the p irpose.
Wu. F ahrs , Keylefer
Notary RuLlìr ami ^onrryant*rrt
There is one 'hing to be mid for
Japiii: .' <> matter how hard a boot­
ing the Czar tn iv give it, w uliun’t
heir anv yelping.
, rííL, eñrrrrtly niadi*
lll.ril*. Oregon
: • - - . .
YV” 1 1 AMM X
Thomton William.,
AUernsy at I aw,
The umili hoy with a big brother
uri'IerHtamlH l’iiuuma’s position as
Well ti» any body.
M. Ftt«x*ral»l.
rotary PnbHe,
l.air, Notarial anti Ural E.lalt
Burns, Oregon.
Litct reports from ('rook Co.
urn to th'* effect that all live »lock
there are wintering well.
S wm the
Big natura
lb* K'"* (',l1 i’’** Always 8 w.M
ttlici! in Masonic building
R mn the
i' ; J