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About Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19?? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1903)
VOL. XX BUHNN, OllEGON. HATUKDAY. DECEMBER 21, EVENTS OF THE DAY GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE TWO HEMISPHERES. Comprehensive Rsvlsw of tho Import ant Happenings of the Past Week, Presented In Condensed Form, Moot Likely to Prove Interesting to Our Many Readers. Senator Hoar severely criticise* the Panama policy of Roosevelt. Japan will reject the answer of Rua- aia to her lar eastern demand*. The house has passed the |>ension a| - proprialion bill carrying $138,150,100, The Nebraska grand jury ha* re turn*! an add it b>n* I Indictment against Senator Dietrich. The kaiser’s sister is found to be suffering from • cancer and tiie news create«I a aenta'lon in Berlin. American troop* who hav* lero landed have discovered a tor** of Co lombians which is probably building a r<aul t<i*ar«l Panama. MORE MONEY TO CRATBR LAKH. Kscrslary of Interior Asks L Moral Ap propriation tor Park. I interior Washington. Dec. ¡9.—The department recognises that more lllier- al appropriations are necessary for the improvement of tho Crater lake Na tional Park than have lawn made In tiie past. The last sundry civil bill ap propriated only ♦2,000 for thia work and out of this an allowance g<s«s to th* salary <>f the su|M-rlnten<ienl. With such a meagre appropriation lit tie progress eau lie inaile in the dircc- lion of constructing roads and making other Improvem-nts which will facili tate the access to Crater Ijtke and other |H>lnl* of scenic Interest scattered all through the park. This year, the s<-c re I ary of the treasury ho|w* to have at least $1,0(81 made available so that the -improvements can be made during the summer of 1904. Mount Rainier National Park in Washington ia so tar without a superin tendent, »ml, beyond a rise I surrey made last summer, little has lawn done looking to it* improvement. The sec retary now asks for $2,6(8) to l<e ex pended in th* management and im provement of thia park amt on the im provement of road*. The Washington delegation will ask for* larger amount, although there is some doubt it they will succeed in getting it. Colombia has ordered the American cruiser Atlanta to quit tiie gulf <d l»ar- leu, but the unler ha* not lawn heeded. Tiie Atlanta has diaroverwd a detach ment <>f nearly 2,000 Colombian troop* on the western «ide of the gulf. Hhe also came U|am a schooner carrying SAW THIIR WAV TO LIBERTY. armed men. Tho lewis ami Clark vx|*«ition ia Arts*«* Prisoner* Mak* a Ssassllonal rapidly gaining friends in the senate. Jail Break. flie senate committee will recom Tombstone, Ari*., Doc. 18 —A scusa- mend tiie promotion of General Wood. tional jailbreak occurred bere tonight Tammany will pul up Boink* Cock- and 13 prisoner* effected their liberty ran to sticcve«! Mayor elect McClellan by sawing the jail bsr* and breaking In congress. through the jail wall*, Two of the President R«a*evelt has refuaol to al prisoners, Bert Alvord and W. A. low a jislge if tlrangem-n to use bis Htiles, were held as the principals in photograph on a bauncr. the Cochise train hold-up in this coun Perry Heath ami other ox-officials ty a year ago. The former was under are seriously Involved in the Cotirad- Honeparte report on postal Irregular!- sentence of two years to the peniten tiary, and the latter had six indict lie*. W. A. McKowan, secretary of the ment hanging over him on tho same U«r<l of regnets, robbed the univeristy charge. The other esea;>ed prisoners of California of $40,009 and spent it on are Mexicans held for petty crime*. races. The prisoners left In a body, haadad It wan The friars ar* to get $7,250,000 for toward the Mexican line. their lamia In the Philippines. They learned that the fleeing escapes appro originally asked $13,000,000 ami Gov priated ■ horse la-longing to a cltiscn living below town. The Mexicans on ernor Taft offered them $4,000,000. the outside are suspected of assisting A Ranlo Dominican plot to kill Min the prisoners to e*ca|>e. ister 1’owell baa been unearthed. Immediately after the alarm two Southern friemla of Hann* still have posses of well armed deputies started hope* that he will run for president in pursuit. The territorial ranger Mayor Collins, Democrat, has been force ami all the local officer* in the re-elected mayor of B«xlon by a large county have lieen notified, and orders have lieen given to patrol the lioundary plurality,. line to prevent tho prisoners from J. Hen'/ Booth, re< eivor of the Rose getting into Sonora. This is the sec burg, Oregon, laml office will not la» ond jail break made by Htiles *|id Al reappointed. vord within a year. Htiles wounded Chicago citixen* have organise«! to Jailor Bravin at the time of the first put an eml to the lawlessness which break. reigns there. SAYS BRITAIN WILL LOSE IT. A Connecticut Ixnk cashier, whom accounts ar* short, on being surprised by tho Ixnk examiner, committed sui Carnegie Makes This Prediction Regard ing South Africa. cide. New York, Dec. 19.—At a meeting Prealilent Loubet, of France, will here today of the Armstrong associa visit Rome in April. tion, Andrew Carnegie surprised hie The remain* of Horlxrt Rpsncsr, the hearers by asserting he believed Great philosopher, were cremated. Marines from the cruiser Prairie Britain would surely some day lose have Iwen lande«l at Colon and sent to South Africa. He said: "It is alrout as certain as we are liv Panama. The Utah fuel company says any ing that Great Britain will lose Routh miner who desires to return to Work Africa, Irccause the Dutch population maiit give up tiio union. « tlieie is increasing, while the British Senator Itailey holds that the Cuban are not. The Kaffirs won t work. reciprocity bill is invalid becauaa it did What would Great Britain give for 9,- not originate in the house. 000,000 negroes, as |>eaceable and as Rev. Edward Everett Hale, of Bos loving as those in th1* country. These ton, has been appoint*! chaplain of the men give us about 11,000,000 bales of senate for the m-aaion beginning Janu cotton every year and thin, I contend, helps make the United States the moat ary 1. powerful nation in the world. Suppose Senator Foster has introduced a bill a fleet of British warships would attack dividing Washington into two judicial us. The president need only raise his districts, north and eouth. Ilia bill hand and say stop exporting cotton, and placea Seattle in one district and Ta- the war would bo won. Whpt a happy eoma and Spokane in th* other. country this ia to have the negro. "My knowledge of the question leads The cotton milla at Adame and North me to the opinion that no political Adams, Muse., and Norwich, Conn., measure can ever nave or benefit the have made a 10 |>er cent reduction in negro. The Hampton institute shows wages. The order affects fl,000 ojiera- the only useful solution." tivea. ■G. M. Stuart is likley to b> reap pointed postmaster at Seattle. Comment at St. I’eterbenrg on Roose velt’s messag-.« is very friendly. W. J. Rryan and eon, who are tonr ing Europe, lield an audience with the pope. United States Senator Clark, of Mon tana, ia much improv*! and should lie out in three weeks. Secretary Hitchcock may remove J. Henry Booth, register of the Rossburg, Oregon, land office. John W. Proctor, president of the civil service commission, died very sud denly in Washington. The senate committee on privileges and elections will ask Smoot to reply to the chargee made against him. The national Republican committee has chosen Chicago as the convention city and fixed June 21 as the date. FOR THE 1905 FAIR May Bo Ordered to Isthmus. Washington, Dec. Hi—Brigadier-Gen eral George E. Elliott, commander of the marine corps, may lie ordered to the isthmus to make a reconnaissance of the country and, should the situation demand, to assume command of the marine forces there. The matter has not yet been decided, but it was said by a high official of the navy depart ment today, that the subject was re ceiving serious consideration. The de cision to send General Elliott will de pend largely upon whether he can lie spared here at thia time. Frlsr l and Issue Settled. Manila, Pec. 19.—An agreement has been reached by Governor Taft and the friars providing for the settlement of tho friar land question. The pope his given his approval of the terms of set tlement, and the approval of the war department is awaited. MAKES ELOQUENT PLEA NO. 8. KO AS IB IN WRECK. Iowa Passenger Train Is Derailed on a High Bridge. MITCHELL 1903 HAPPENINGS HERE IN OREGON Ottumwa, la., Dec. 16.—Five per sons were killed and 10 injured in a IN THE SENATE. wreck this morning on the Chicago, Burlington A Quincy road, three miles ENGLISH PARTRIDGES THRIVE. SHOULD FORM DISTRICT. west ol Albia, la. The westbound pas S«ts Forth Facts Showing That "Orsgon senger train was in some manner de Cevsy Turns* Loos* Is Lies Count) Importane* ot a Corporation la Urged Country" Well Deserves AM of the railed while running onto the Cedar Has Multiplied. ■t Frsswatsr. Oovernmenl Hol*« the Rapt Atten creek bridge, ami five cars were wrecked Albany—A numlier of inquiries as to Freewater — A. D. Stillman, a prom collision with the steel giders of the by tion of All by His Powerful Argument the success experienced with the Eng inent att'irncy of Perni le t«,n, delivered bridge. Io- the Lewis an* Clark Exposition. The wreckage immediately took fire, lish partridges which were turned loose an a«l<jresa on the irrigation question of and several victims were badly burned. in Linn county have been received in this «listrict before a large attendane* Washington, Dae. 19.—"At the con Mildred Mitchen, the little 3 year- Albany. These queries came largely of fruitgrower* of this district. Th* from prominent Portland sportsmen, meeting was held in the s« hoolhou** clusion of this political bat tie 1 ask the old child of Mr. W I. Mil. hen, was who were instrumental in securing the north of her*. His principal object hung to uue of the bridge girders and senate to consider the lewis and Clark burned to death Is fore tiie eyes of the valuable addition to Oregon’s stock of was to show why government irrigation Centennial Exposition bill,” said Sen uninjured passengers and trainmen. game bird*. Edwin Stone, who se districts should be formed. ator Mitchell, a* he rose and was re« og- An election on this question will b* When the train was derailed just be- cured the covey of birds that were niz»-<! by the president pro tern of the fore reaching the bridge, tiie sides of turned into Linn county fields, and who held December 21. A deep interest is ha* kept an eye on the bird* since they senate, at the termination of a heated the care struck the bridge and were were freed, said to« lay that he had taken. Mr. Stillman «aid in part: "An irrigation district, organised un- torn out. The live coals from the Panama delmte that ha«l engage«! the stove were scattered throughout the heard from the English partridges re der the statute, is nothing more nor leader* of both sides of the chamlxr cars. The Mitcben child fell through cently, and they seemed to be thriving •ess than a municipal or public cor Twenty-four of the birds were turned poration. The irrigation district ax a «luring th* fore part of yesterday after the bottom of the car, its clothing catching to the girder, when it cried loose in Linn county by Mr. Stone in municipal corporation is of such recent noon . January, 1901. The partridges were origin that it is not generally under- Commencing at 3 o’clock, Senator loudly for its mother, who hail been secured by popular subscription. sVxxi, and it is probably for this reason instantly killed in the wreck. The Mitchell spoke continuously for more cars and the bridge were in a few sec When released, the bird* immediately that the inhabitants of a propiaed dis than two hours, Senator Fulton presid onds a mass of flames ami the child was flew away in divers direction*, but soon trict hesitate to assume the power* and burned to a crisp before aid could liegan whistling to each other, and in obligations of an irrigation district. ing over the senate. a abort time they were gathered into a ’ The irrigation «listrict is provided During the impressive delivery of hi* reach it. Just what caused the accident is a covey. They were turned loose on the for by the general laws ot the state of elaborate appeal for government aid, mystery. As soon as the engineer Lines place, at the Ixse of Knox butte, Oregon, act of 1895, which provide* Renator Mitchell held the rapt atten noticed there was something wrong, he about four miles from Albany. Wheat that the inhabitants of any given or tion of the senator* present, among applied the air brakes, but was unable was placed in the field for them, but limited area that is irrigated from a they did not remain to partake of the them being Renator« Aldrich, Lodge, to stop the train. Five cars were com- hospitality of their liberator*. They common source may form an irrigation district and assume the powers usually plotely burned, and the remainder of Hoar, Foraker, Gorman, Ankeny, Fou soon took to the butte, to orchards, exerc.sed by a municipal or public cor the coaches badly damaged. ler, Heyburn, Dubois, Cullom, Warren. poration.” The work of rescue was carried on small groves, etc. Since that time a numlier of English Fair’oanks, Clapp, Daniel, Scott, Bacon, with difficulty, as the cars took fire im game birds have been seen about the NEV/ LIGHTS AT CAPITOL. Gainnger. Newlan«!* ami others, while mediately after the accident, and the butte and in the surrounding fields, bridge ia a high one. The injured every Oregonian now in Washington in anil always are seen in coveys. A com Incandescents Take the Place of UN were taken to Albia and Ottumwa. txhalf of the fair occupied a seat in the plaint has been registered that some Old Arc Lamps. one was following the birds with a gun BITTER COLD IN CHICAGO gallery. Salem — Electricians have finished in last fall, and kill*«! a number of them. Renator Mitchell’s sjxech will f-rm stalling a complete equipment of incan Firemen Cannot (Jet Through Snow - Several coveys of the birds, ranging the main argument on wihch the Ore from ten to sixteen in number, have descent lamps in the rotunda of the Switchman Frozen to Death. gon «lelegation will base its plea for a been seen this fall, and any number of capitol, to take the place of three arc Chicago, Dec. 16.—This was the cold liberal federal appropriation. Care est day in Chicago for this season of them have been beard whistling in the lights that have been used heretofore. The arc lamps hung in the center of fully prepare«! as to facts and details, the year since 1876. Early this morn field* around the butte. the rotunda, on each of the three floors. it forms a convincing argument, not ing the tem|«rature Ixgan to fall, until The incandescent lamps are arranged COAL IN ORANT COUNTY. at 8 A. M. it had reached 13 below around the edge of the large circular only showing that the government is in many way* in«!ebted to the Oregon zero. The only time that this mark Expert Says There Is Every Indication openings in the second and third floors. has lieen reached in the history of the There are 30 lamps in each of these •f Oood Quality. country, but the event whose 100th an weather bureau was December 9, 1876, circles. Around the base of the interi John Day — County Surveyor C. G. niversary it ia projuxe«! to commemo when 14 Ixlow was registered. During or of the ornamental dome a circle of rate is of such importance aa to warrant the day it liegan to moderate an to Caspary has returned from the newly 60 lamps has been placed in such a po discovered coal region below Mount foleral recognition, especially in view night it is hovering around the xero Vernon. He stated that he had just sition that the light will be thrown murk, and the indications for tom >rrow upon the m namented surface. At the of the government ai«l heretofore given are for warmer wv.’.*'*r, with snow completed the survey of 22 claims that top of the interior dome is a circular have been taken up by local investors, opening about 20 feet in diameter, cov to expositions held in various citie* of storm*. On recount of the cold and heavy chiefly Canyon City promoters. The ered with ornamental colored glass. the United States as well as for exhib condition of the streets owing to the claims are located under the United Above this has been arranged a group its abroad. heavy fall of enow yesterday the three States laws governing coal land entries, of 30 incandescent lamps. When all Renator Fulton had intended speak and aggregate 1320 acres. They are sit story department store of Bodxinksi A these lamps are lighted at nig’it the ing this evening, following his col Co., in West Twenty-second street, was uated north of the river, and a few rotunda of the capitol will be a place of league, but, owing to the lateness of destroyed by fire today. A special call miles below the original discovery near rare beauty. the hour, he gave notice he would ad- for engines was sent in, but before they the farm of James Small. Mr. Caspary, in speaking of the Creamery Talk at La Orande. dreaa the senate for 20 minutes or half could reach the scene of the fire probabilities of success in opening up through the drifts of snow, the build Fa Grande—There is a move on here an hour at the conclusion of the morn ing had lieen burned, causing a loss of large bodies of coal said: “You may to bring about the establishment of * say for me that there is every indica ing business tomorrow. $85,000. creamery. George Goodhue, of Salem, tion of good coal in large bodies in the So far but one death, that of Wil Senator Mitchell, in txginning his and Mr. Harper, of the Union cream newly discovered fields, and there will speech, said that almost half a million liam Duffy, a switchman, who was ery, are looking over the country with found frosen to death in the Chicago A most certainly be great coal mines a view to getting the ranchers interest dollars had Ixen raised by the sale of Northwestern yards, has been re- opened up. I have had a great deal of ed. The matter has been brought be stock in the Expixition company, and ported. experience in the coal fields of Pennsyl fore tho Commercial club, but no ac vania and the middle west, and have over $700,000 ha«l been lubacribed by tion has been taken. Mr. Goodhue AID TO BFFIENCY. made a careful study of the conditions, different states for the purjxxe of mak and Mr. Harper have also been looking formation and indications of coal de ing exhibit*, making a total of $1,086,- The British Remount System Pleases posits, and I am sure they are there, over the field around Pendleton, and they are desirous of establishing a General Carter. 907 of available money for the enter that is in that section.” plant there, which they say is an ex Robert Hinees, one of the most suc prise. He saitl a magnificent site of Ixmdon, Dec. 16.—General William cellent country for such a plant. over 400 acres had been secured on the H. Carter, of the United States army, cessful metal-mining men of the dis trict, has taken charge of development Willamette river, which had already- who has been investiagting the re work on these new claims. He has a PORTLAND MARKETS. mount system of the British army, been graded and planted to shrublxry. with a view to reporting to the general crew of men at work sinking and tun Wheat—Walla Walla, 719 72c; blue R|xaking of the event which the ex staff of the United States army, had a neling. This makes the third enterprise un stem, 77c; valley, 78c. position is intended to commemorate, farewell interview with H. O. Arnold- Barley—Feed, $20 per ton; brewing, Mr. Mitchell s»««l; Foster, British secretary of war, yester dertaken in the last few months. The "No other historical event in our na day. He will leave England tomorrow first to begin prospecting on a large *20(320.50; rolled, $21. Flour—Valley, $375.93.85 per bar scale was the Sumpter Valley railway tional existence of an individual nature for the Transvaal. Every facility has been afforded Gen people on the James Small place. The rel; hard wheat straights, $3.9094.10; has done so much towanl the develop ment of American occupation an«i set eral Carter here and he expresses his P. A. Snyder company then began de clears, $3.5593.75; hard wheat pat tlement, American commerce, domestic appreciation of the friendly spirit of velopment work near this place, 20 ents. $4.20 9 4.50; graham, $3.75; and foreign, and American civilisation, the war officials, and especially of the miles above the original location of the whole wheat, $4; rye flour, $4.509 4.75. as has the geographical scientific and remount bureau, which arranged for Sumpter people nad Boise people. Oats—No. 1 white, $1.10; gray, military expedition across the then hie investigations. At Ahlershott a $1.07per cental. Shipment of Beef Cattle. trackl<‘ss American contnient bv Cap squadron of the celebrated Fourteenth Millstuffs—Bran, $18 per ton; mid tains Meriwether I-ewis and William Hussars anti a battery of the horse ar Pendleton—Three carloads of beef Clark, 1(8» years ago.” tillery were paratied before General cattle were shipped to Seattle from this dlings, $23; shorts, $19; chop, $18; On Saturday after linseed, dairy food, $19. Mr. Mitchell made a careful estimate Carter, who highly praised these or point last week. Hay—Timothy, $16 per ton; clover, to show that the contributions of the ganisations and particularly the quality noon two were shipped, thus making a "Oregon '•"•’.ntry” to the national of their horses. shipment of about 200 head. The cat $12; grain, $12; cheat, $12. Vegetables—Turnips, 65c per sack; The general thinks the excellence of tle shipments at the present time are treasury exceeded the amount ex|xnded there to the extent of $37,000.000. He the British cavalry and horse artillery about the same as they were last vear carrots, 75c; beets, 90c; parsnips, 759 sai«l that if the United States could is due to the system of supplying re at this time. During the early part of 90c; cabbage, 1911<c: tomatoes, $19 effort! to contribute over $6,000,000 to mounts and to the efficiency of the the fall, however, they were heavier 1.25 per crate; cauliflower, 75c9$l the Ht. Louis exposition, it could afford corp* of riding masters. than they were last year. The sales of perdoaen; celery, 40990c per dosen; General Carter visited Woolwich and the season are not as great of last year. pumpkins, leper pound; onions, Yel to give one third of that amount to the Sandhurst. He does not think these Buyersq uote lower prices than last sea low Danvers, 80c@$l per sack. Portland exposition. Honey—$393.50 per case. establishment* compare very favorably son, and the growers are determined to Potatoes—Oregon, choice and fancy, with th* military academy at West hold against the markets. Arlxona Fugitives Caught. 659 75c per sack; common, 50c per Tombstone, Aris., Dec. 21.—Of the I Point, but he says the results obtained sack, growers’ prices; sweet potatoes, Coming Event*. 19 prisoners who escaped from i the are more satisfactory. sacks, 2c; boxes, 2^0. Traveling Paswnger Agents ’ annual county jr.l! Tuesday night, two were Engine Pulls Down Train. Fruits—Apples, 75c9$2 per box; meeting, Portland, December 26. captured today. John James, indicted pears, $191.50 per box; cranbernea, Madrid, Pec. lfl.—While running at Northwest Fruitgsowers ’ association, for murder, and Pedro Sandoval, sen top speed today the express train from $6910 per barrel. tenced to the penitentiary for two year* Malaga for this city jumped the track Portland, January 11-13. Butter—Fancy Oregon creamery, 30« National Livestock convention, Port for smuggling. James was captured near Cabra, and 12 persons were in per pound; dairy, 20922Hc; store, 15 without resistence. He told the offi stantly killed, while 20 others were ser land, January 12-15. 91.5 tie. National Wool grower.»’ association, cers his comrades had separated and iously injured. Cheese—Full cream, twins, 14915c; The accident took are now trying to get across the Mexi place while the train was crossing a Portland, January 12-15. Poultry show, Albany, January Young America, 15916c. can line. The Mexican officials appre bridge spanning a ravine, and the loco Poultry — Chickens, mixed, 109 hended Sandoval. Mexican rurale* motive was the first to leave the rails. 12-15. 10He per pound; spring, 11c; hens, 11 Anogra Goat show, Dalles, January have six of the fguitives suroumled in It pulled the rest of the train after it, 912c; turkeys, live, 13c; dressed, 15c; 14-15. ________ the San Jose mountains. ducks, $697 per dosen; geese, 8c per the whole piling up, a mass of wreck Sale* of Swamp Lands. pound. age 50 feet below. All of the carriages Russia to Make Oreat Exhibit. Salem—As a result of a recent con- Eggs—Oregon ranch, 37)ic; East were reduced to kindling wood and that test over swamp land in Southern Ore- ern, 27930c. St. Louis, Dec. 21.—According toad- any escaped is miraculous. gon, east of the Cascades, in which con vices received at the World's Fair Hops — Choice, 22tic per pound; Britain Would Buy Ships. test there was mcuh evidence of keen prime, 20c; medium, 17c;common 15c. headquarters Russia will have the most extensive exhibit which that country London, l»ec. IB.—It is reported that rivalry over the right to purchase, the Wool — Valley, 17918c; Eastern has ever made at a foreign exposition. the British admiralty has made an offer state land b«vard has adopte«! a new Oregon, 12<aioc; mohair, 32935c. The exhibit space will cover more than to the Argentine Republic to buy the rule, ordering that hereafter all sales of Beef—Dressed. 5@6^ic per pound. 750,000 square feet, which will be oc- two cruisers Rivadavi* and Morona, wnsurveyeil swamp land be made to the Veal — Dressed, small, 898)ic; cupied by mor* than 2,500 individual now being built at Genoa for that gov highest bidder. Rale* will be made large, 596c per pound. after 90 days’ advertisement. exhibitors. Pork—Deseed, 6@6)ic. ernment.