Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, October 24, 1903, Image 1

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    Harney Val ley Items.
VOL. 19.
How Hhall We Flaa lo Uei irom It All ilia
flood II t oo Ul«e?
What la aura to mak. it a red-letter
Whet la the very but way to spend It ?
flow shall we plan to get from it nil that
It can ghe? To make the very most of
a single day, a holiday, a day thut we
ara at liberty to spend oa we like, may
be something ot a puzzle.
It suggests the question—what do
jou care mo»l nbout doing with nil
your lime? Tim« is the stuff of which
life is made, and just to I* sure of w hat
we care moat to do with it is worth
thinking about.
Moat young people, and In fact pretty
much all persons, ha»« some favorite
oecu|wtion or study, or both ill one.
some special direction in which they
nre strongly drawn, that Iles outside ot
the dally necessary routine of work.
For those who have ordinarily but lit­
tle leisure (and In thia busy woik-a-flsy
world thia Includes th« majority), the
Indulgence ot this private liking is a
capital use for at least a port of the
nd. Have One» Cent
holiday. It may lead to Important re­
Buy a |>osial card and send lo The New York
sults or It may not—th« thing w« nre
most eager to do may tic a mere amuse­
Tribune Farmer, New York City, for a free
ment of which we soon tire, or it rnny be
«(teciiuen copy.
the thing that we were mad« to do,
The Tribunr Farmer is a National Illustra­
the real serious business of our Ilves,
which circumstances have hthik I to
ted Agricultural Weekly for farmer» and
put beyond our reach, yet w hich per­
their iauiiliea, and stands at the head of the
severance will enable us to achieve.
However that may be, there I k no
agricultural press.
Tlie price ie • ! 00 per
question about the pleasure of doing
year, but if you like it you can secure it with
the thing one likes beet
It rtay I"
your own favorite local tiewapaper, The
nuslc or history, or football, or wood
certainly I
ITEMS, at a bargain.
Both papers ♦! 50.
a very keen satisfaction in following [
Bend money and older to The ITEMS.
one's own personal taste.
And th«
-hnncea are that if you arc enough in
■ artiest, something worth while will,
come of It. Too much i* made of th*
motive of making money. It is well t<> I
L> •<!<• K>lr»<*»ry.
professional cards
remember that there is unothcr kind of |
•ntlsfactlon In good work, in every kin« ,
R vums Ixrou« No. 70, K of 1*.
of employment, done for its own sake.
Mortaavorv Fbursday night.
It does not make much difference wb»t1
F M Jordan. C. C.
the work is. Any kind-of useful or
worthy lady or gentleman to man­ l>euutlfiil thing done, in the measure
8. Motlier.liead , K of K B.
age husineee iu thia County and n which the heart is thrown into It.
io’ng one's very l»e,t for the sake ot
Hl’RNN CHAFFER. NO. <>. O. E. 8. adjoining territory for well and
eeir.g it well done, is gootl and satisfy-
.Meats sreoad and fourth Moadav of
favorably known Hour« of «olid ng. Time spent in this way is well
each m.Hitli in Másente h «II, Vosgtly I
»20.00 ztraighl ivnt.
Mrs M «ygi > Irvona, W. W financial »landing
there is nny such thing as a secret
Mrs. Runic. Tlioaipsati, H im .
cash salary and rxpenee«, paid each >f If happiness,
it is surely this— nr*kc |
M Monday by check direct from head- >thers happy. And all gool work la
BCRNH LODGE. NO 97. A F. <k A M.
Ex pen re money ad- •n antidote (nr selfishness. Not only
Meet« Hutur.lay on or before full moon quarters.
hat. but it is one of the rurr«t. mo-t
Qn.liHed l.nAliera fraternally Invited, vancrd; |>oaition permanent. Ad- ist ng .and rightful sources of con­
E Krnyon. W. M. F. S. Rieder, idress, Thomas Cooper, Manager,
nuni happiness. To talk alxiut work
ns the brat plnv—the best resource- -
I OSO Caston Bldg., Chicago.
for enjoying a holiday, rcetns on the
surface a contradiction. But th« I k st
Meets st Brown hall «vary Friday eve-
play ia not Idlerrsa merely.
To I*
Vlsitinu brother» fraternally in-
north having, it must l>e sone kind of
TI kih Majers, W M
Chas. N
activity, and to be really delightful, it
Cosbrsne, Recorder
must lie something loved. To make the
tnort of n holiday, then, it :s quite fair
to do the very thing that you car« for
Meets everv Saturday evening, B nan's,
personally, however unimimrtant it mny
Vimting tirothi-r. fraternally in ,
Burna, Oregon.
appear to somebody cl e.
Franko Jaikson, N.G.
Something is due to the day itself.
Minn At —opposite Bank
C. G. Hmi'h, Heeretsry.
Is it Thanksgiving day? Are we not
more rendv to give thanks in sincerity
for material blessings, for abundant
Woodcraft. Meet. 2nd and 4th Tues-
food and rich dress, prosperity in the ;
da« at Brown’s hall. Mrs Tillis .Ionian. M ARMPIN A OKARY
shape of money, houses and lands, than
.Mrs. lone Whiting,
for better culture and richer gains in
W L M«r»4.n,
John W. Osary.X building up our own characters and
Yet these arc worth more.
Pbyiirian» <C Surgeon».
Cliureh AniKHiiiccinrntM.
Is it Christmas? 1^ we think of it
Burns. Oregon. aa a time of gifts, of merry making, of
Munday 8ehool at Harney the
unusual gayety aud «elf-indulgence, or
J^OIfirr st residence. ‘Phone 20.
do we can' first fof its higher mean­
first StHidav of each month st 10
ings? Do we make it a time of good
oc'ock, A M. On the second,
will toward all, a time for earnest
third and fourth Sundays of each
thought and generous deeds to pro­
mote the welfare of those w hoin we love,
I’rcach- glows a moos
month at 3 o'clock I*. M
first, but also, so far as wc may. of all
ing service» every eccond Sunday
our human brothers and sisters?
J. W Birf*.
Dalton Btgga.
at 8 P. M
Even on n holiday, and perhaps moat
on n holiday, when our time is free from
Al the Preahyterian church
ordinary claims, a little honest discus­
sion with one's self of the very best
Burna, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor.
Office in Bank building,
uses and objects to which we can de­
Divine services the third snd fourth
vote n little of our time w ill not conic
Hundsys of eaoli month at 11 a. tn.
miss.—Country Gentleman.
_ /
• I.HO I’rr Y mf .
Six Hou th* 75 («-ut».
Strang« Custom of the Mountain A U&lquo Farm Ln Now York tor
People of tho Foutb.
In von terra.
Hardware ol Every Description can be found here
< onilnctnl
AA Itbosf
A*> ( eresio*) uñé There Are
Yu l>ai(|Pfa or Çongraia-
veblruce of TlMM
iu brtlrntiflc Rcnearch
Queer Inst itulion.
In the heart of i'ew York state, -be­
yond tiic reach of the merely cunoa .,
yet open to a!! of a scientific turn ot
mind, is the only inventors* farm in the
v.orld. There is doubt Jr* i no st ranger
i Lice anywhere, for it is a farm where
I al loons are ‘•raised," aerial schemes are
tK.tchcd end air sir pi arc I mh .
Ho fur um the place at 1'rankfort.
L< rkinwk county, N. Y.. k surrounded
by fields and groves which give rx>EUg-
grstion of city life, it is a farm, bu* its
products are those of which the or­
dinary fo.nncr knows nothing. For
thewr products arc flying much inc«« bal­
loons, strange wliij * «hat—in tljcoty at
least—d.irt through the u ror skim the
ground like a bird.
Prof. Carl E. Myers, who has estnl/-
li.dicd the unique farm, is like most
iijen of purely scientific mind in thut be
js most conscmitive in his Ideas cf
publicity, and ib content «-> Eve in the
midst of v/ouder» v.ith h's ass’stant^
and thos * who. from time to time, ¡.re
n«i»ocfated with him. If an inventor has
an idea that he will )>e able to cv: rrorcc
the forces of net ire and courtract a
mechan ical bird, it will no longer be nec-
e:.>-.Try for him to spend fori tint s to
work out Ids ideas or die without cc-
cum ¡dishing liiw life’s object. AU h?
j risis t » do v.ill I m * to go to the inven­
tors’ farm »nd find there willing I nn Is
.nd fruitful brains, as well as ail ap
plkinces of this electrical age tOLSsi-.t
Almost in the renter of the big f irm
a modern country house, standing
mid many smaller building*, in which
,r? to be found the materials for every
ferm of experiment connected with
The lower portion of the
’arge house is given over to ¡¡ring
loom«, vbile a thied story and att cex-
tcnd’ng tire length of the building and
Occupied by balloon apparatus, iicres-
sories »nd wonderful devices for the
construct ion of air ships.
The farm was especially selected for
iU natural advantages. There are I
stretches of lc-el j*rotin«). gently ris­
ing slopes and f trong declivities. Thus
it doe-j not matter at what stage of work
the inventions vnoy Ire, u suitable grade
can always be found on the farm at
nhicJi trials ran be made. If it be an
air ship that has l*en constructed
jx I m » re there is a doubt ns to the exact
nature of its workings, it can be tested
on the slight grades, so that there will
be ns alight a riak us possible to humun
life cr to the ship.
Cloire to the main house, in a gicn. is
situated one of th»* n:ost important fea­
tures of the rami. I his : the spot de­
signed for the making of fabric for ali
manner of flying machines i-t.u balloons.
On this half acre of ground, which is
skirted by the higher ground and : rees.
the fabric is stretched to receive the
coatings of gasproof varnish. For this
application of varnish a special machine
has been invented ami constructed by
Prof. Myers, so contrived os to supply
a complete coating of thick varnish ¡¡nd
then to remove the coating u ith th?ex­
ception of an exceedingly delicate film,
difficult to be measured by instruments.
Ono section of the attic of the big
house is a workshop containing all tools
necessary for the construction of ap-
¡ aratus from wood, metal cr textile, in­
cluding lathes of verious and original
designs, steam eng nes, nil classes of
wood-working machinery ar.d kindirtl
rppnratus for r.akirg c n.puati^?
tests. This is the section in which is
constructed the material for the fuli-
i siz.etl machines of th? air after working
models have been tested. Another sec­
tion cf the attic is given over to space
■ and machinery for rhe construct‘on of
and 7:30 p. tn. S«hbath school at .
models especially of kites, nercplircs,
^yn.LtAMs a rnzock.«LD
wind-borne or self-propelled n ot'-rs.
10 a. tn. everv Rahbath tnortiing.
Why the Family l.vtt the Country Wlth-
w inged apparatus \ otftvd by hand ¿nu
M. Fitzgerald,
out Delay.
Preaching services at the Baptist Thornton Williams,
feet, gas vessels propel led by screws or
Attorney at Law,
Notary Publie.
A family, consisting of man and wife
,‘crving to support other devices for
ehqrcb every 1st and 2nd Sundays,
a 3 four or live small children, were
safe trial by their inventors.
Lor, Notarial and Real Estate
morning and evening. Sunday
’ itig nlong in n wagon loaded with
In the little buildings scattered over
> • goods, says the New York
the farm are located the gas engines and
school every Sunday at 10 a. tn.
,!■«.. . v' non an old fellow camo to the
The Indrogbphic office has issued a tanks for practical experiments, th»»
prayer meeting every Thursday
Burna, Oregon
d'->i . ala cabin and shouted at them:
new chart, showing the limits, accord­ < hevnieal chambers and several furnaces
■ lle'ln, Bam—who r be you folks n-
ing to the numerous reports received at mnl retorts. Sc -me of these last arc so
Office in Masonic buildin
gittin* to?”
the I’nitcd Slates hydrographic office, strnotre and unusual tlu»« their ap­
We’re a-gittin' out o’ the kentry,"
of the enormous ice tields encountered pearance suggests tnc lauurmurj vt some
i eplied the man on the wagon as lie|
hv mariners in those waters during the old-time alchemist rather thana Nine­
When you take Grove’s Tasteless
sited his horse.
exceptionally severe years of 1892 and teenth century workshop.—N. Y. Her­
"What nre you n-gittin' fur?”
Chill Tonic because the formula is
M Joaius.
1893, says the Washington Star. All of ald.
“Girtin' 'cause tho vigilance commit­
these reports agree in describing the
plainly printed on every bottle
tee told us to git."
icc’cc.gs seen during these years us co­
Practical Land Su ; -
Absent-Uln de«!.
rhowii g that it is simply Iron anti
"Whar’s your two boys, that the;
lossal in height and extent and lieided
toiessor (after having been txb-
sm. halut n-gittin' with you?"
so closely together (hut any nttctupl M*rl>e<l for liours in a |Hle of rare nihhu-
Quinine in a taetelcan form. No
"They got plgened afore they could
to foree a pnssafre through the main seVipta)
l.et me s«e. I was going to do
Cure, No Pay. 50c.
body of the drift was attended by grave something—what the deuce was I go­
"Do vou mean pizened bv n snake­ danger, mnuy vessels lining more or lose ing to do, anyway? (After thinking
damaged by collision and two lost.
half an hour.) Oh, yes, now 1 reincni-
"No,' lead. They will n-gittin' too
Don't make any mistake, but reruem
Some of the bergs nre high and per* I ht , I w anted to go to bed.- Fliegendc
her the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. K ilme-
Notary Public
■■•■r’. .cer,
"Wai, s'loDg, Sum," called the old fel­ cent origin. Others nre known to lie
Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham I
Tnkin«r Order*.
Mort KM«". needs, Etc
' ' 4 • t ■ I d.
low in the doorway. "Sorry to sei' you
old. Their character is such that they
ton, N. Y., on every liotthx.
Mn». Brown -l)i*l you know that Mr.
could not have been formed on low,
Office at Store.
I’ u < ■ «, Oregon« a-gitiin' but reckon, you gutter git."
“S'long." answered the other, nnd
flat land«. Scientists believe there nre Veatnwnt is going- into the ministry?
Mrs. Greene—No. You surprise me.
gathering up the lines he shouted to high niouiitaiiis in the Antarctic con­
I thought he wn* going to be a waiter
his horse:
in %n eating house. His mother told
"Git right up thar', tlurn yer ole hide,
For a bili ,i> i >
t ike Cham*
n:c he wns going h> take orders, yet:
’cause we gutter Is* o-gitt!n' a git on us
berlain’s St. ; «-ii . ,i Liver Tab­ am) git into the next county as Ci*t as
know. Ttobtdn Transcript.
lets and*
ritii certain we kin git!"
Bron tk?
’M Ha'9
And they got.
For sale l>y II M. Horton, Burns;
Fred llai
NO. 50
There nre few places and few grades
of life, in either the rural or the urban
world, w hei r the word "wedding" is not
a synonym fur Joy and festivity. Only
the cynic or the misanthrope protest«
gainst the wedding celcbraticn. VV>-
• ear out m >«t customs, but the wed-
ling fe-i't rcmainr. Wh le very likely
not the only phice in the world, the only
place in my experience where there i>:
any general conccalmeut ot proposed
connubiality and rupGal !nt< i;t !s in
•he mountains >f the sov.t!i. I maybe
«•r.rrelly knc>wn that "Zeb" is ••l ecj-
Ing regular eonipany" with ''I.’ze."
Iirddenly th« town will Le apprised of
the loot that “Zeb and L ie rlci’O R.l
married last
v.-hat tn'ght
SctrcfTnea in the large settlement
due notice will Le given and the wed­
ding lake pine in the bill ■ church or
in the building nre I 'n comrrjcn for all
pablie purpose- —rclgiens reivieer.
school, political gatherings end !t’mo­
unt shov.w. Ti’at praet'ce K however,
generally con fin «I ta the cl’te of th-
community. Inn place’n my experi­
ence the papular icsort for the perform­
ance ot the ceremony was th? broad
platform In the rear of a local saw mill.
I could discover no ground for the popu­
larity of the spot. Some tint <•».”■ few inti­
mate friends w ouiJ h* invited loatctad.
Sometimes none was observer rave the
causal pa«*cr-l>y. More frequently there
were no witnesses rave the run alrovc
the lumber-piles around.
Concerning that rpo* a I real irngis-
trwte tells an amtrs'r g story. A certain
mr.n had been urfortunatc in the lon­
gevity of h:s eciccf.cn». had been twice
married ami tv.icc bcrtaveil. He called
U(wn the magistrate to effe'ate ot a
third cercnKEy. As the happy pair
took their places before hiui. upon the
mill platform, to pledge their faith ai.d
love, he u'.J to the groom: "Move u
tittle further over thta way, John. Tee
up to that I nc. That is where rcu'vc
always stood before." And there was
no proceed.ng unt il John had “tcep up."
A man who w as doing seme work for
•ne came to me otic day ct noon and
•eked permission to be ubrent unt'l
' quartering time," ?:3o o'clock. He
sa:d noth i.g to me or to h:a asaociat -s
f h'.s purpose. Tie returned promptly
on time, to announce, in a co nal and
indifferent manner, thut during bis uL-
sence he had been married anil, wita
the little fumHure posse-««d by the
pair, had settled in a cabin of his ow n.
Again and ugttin have 1 seen the same
I Inn followed in other cases.
The ground for sogrrerul observance
of secrecy I could r.ot discover. It bclds
w ith both the intention of marrisgenud
Hie precise tjnc uf the c.-icmo’iy. I
think it is <hm in considerable measure
to fear of tliat horrcw’ng performance
known ns the charivari- in the i.i or.1.
“sliivarce.” To those unfamiliar with
that entertainment I can only describe
it as a must excruciating pam'cmoni.m.
i If cot cd by combinations cf pots and
pans, horns and howling. It t ikes tbi
form of an evening secer.r !c to the
newly wedded pu'r. The cffic uting
mi'.siciana cotnpri c all the young t~.cn
and boys for miles around. I have been
the unfortunate auditor of crc or two
-in li |>crforninnoes, nnd if 1 knew that
one were to lake pl..ce around the walls
cf iny dwelling if I married I should
choose to "live a lxu'htMor.'' I l»I.i:i '
no man for retaining his secret to avoid
the experience. The poorer daises,
with whom the concealment is a gcncrc.l
praet'ce. have r.o money to spend for
the entertainment of their friends.
Not infrequently, there is r. > tn mi y f >r
even a ncv. gow n for the bride. Th«
aff lir then becomes n s’mplc natter of
mutual agreement: the 1 iisincss in dis­
patched without fuss rr features ?• .1
the jnurnev to pnradi.»« is taken by the
most direct route. N. Y. Post.
Symuo’h'.ze wikh n e, general,
I f >r.i:d a prray ba r in iry head Uiis
n.«n niiig-
He- (ongratulate ire. madam.
found a black one in m’ne.—-Pohch.
I v.rot*- a i een». ’Teme I r.ck to 34c','
I thcurht ’«world trie* in rold,
Eut I y r-:tum cf j.cat 1 fouud
It did aa it was told.
-X. Y. V.’crU.
L.... .
tiore Vuca a 31 lo Fails a JSioatc In a
ttecent ¿'slul.
Aided by a aoutkerly ».¡rd and a per­
fectly clear :.!»y. the first test of too
p'g:. . '•
ch arc to repr;r-. ut th? ilra-i
('lilt. ™o ’ c: :ing club in the Xstiomfi
fedctiti'on races this year was a most
1:.it able success, says the Chicago (lira..-
icic. The trial v.as rvmc.rkaLle n moio
th- n cne feature. Two hundred a :-)
eighty-on" birds, the larpext rur. bcr
which tb du > L:-s <cor l ie rt«J frerr
one racing elation, made the t.!/, an.d
of that somber every bird was repiech g
peacefully in its ’oft by one c'clovi; in
th* cf’- rr.oon. The time made by t'.re
first birds to arrive home was the fast­
est ever made over the course, end rrp-
re.-ents a speed of more than a mile a
Tlie birds were r.oc-raf. • at Mo.* c.
12 miles away frezn the nearest loft,
at 7:30 o'clock,and White W-ings.owned
by L. Vcrschuctyn. ttepptd bark in its
loft nt R:14>k. While Wings waa closely
followed ty nearly half tlie Hock, ar.d 5n
arrivals w ere reported betw een 8; 13 and
S:17. Inasmuch as every bird spcy.t at
least ns much as five minutes in circling
before stert'ng cn a line for home, the
ape- <1 show n is materially more than
a mile in each CO rcconds.
As an illustration of how lit'le evrn
the best fanciers arc al.-le to Jmlge c-t
the merits cf the'r own pels, it is iir-
tcrcstht» to net? that White Wings had
been cons’dcrcd rlmost worthier«. Only
n month ego he was flown frerj Sixty-
first street, a distance of eight m les,
to his loft, m l took If.days to irr.be the
journey. That was Ills first trial, anil
ho was sent to Monee Saturday quite
as z*.':«’:
'he hope that he would be
lost as for arg other reason.
Ill tinder VtWch W1« 3Iade by
a 1'residlnsr Otircr.
The Washington correspondent of tire
Chicana Tinirs-Heraltl relates n laugh*
able incident in the career cf Mr. Tare*
ncy, of Missouri, who was until lately
a member of congress from that stato-,
but v.as unseated by the house. The
ov.’urr. nee, it should be explained, took
place some years ago, when Mr. Tarsncy
v. rs not so well known i.* he is at pres*
It v. ?.» in th? midst of a political cam-
paign, ar.d Mr. Tan noy, who had pror.r
to New York rtate in the service of h=a
party, x.» announced to speak in a
country town. The chairman cf the
mcctlug. a local celebrity, was properly
minded to give the gentleman from Mis«
souri a handsome reception.
“i.:. ics a:.d gentlemen." ho said, Mwe
ha c with us to-night one of the ’a—cat*
est state: men of the great west, a.» ora-
bout th Miaaiaalppi
valley, a gentleman where name is to
you a household word. Permit me to
introduv' to you Mr.—Mr.—”
Iler? the flow of his eloquence was
checked, nnd leaning toward the orator
of the evening, he whispered:
‘•What did you say your name was?"
'•Tarsney, of Missouri," whispered tire
"l'ellow'-citizoiis," resumed the chair­
man, **it rs my proud pleasure to intro­
duce to you Mr. Larceny, of Missouri."
TT»r TTcit of Risks.
Life Insurance Manager (in ¡iFfonish-
ment) What under the sun ever mn»te
you take a risk on thisiian’slife ? Why,
be swears he has b»xm a confirmed in­
valid for live years.
Agent--One of the l>est risks, sir
Confirmed invalids never die of ang­
ling but old ogv. —Tit-Bits.
A W 1st».
“Turn backward—turn backward. oh, tlmre
in thy flight:
Make me a child again"- yen, that i% riyM,
For If you do thia why then I can sneak
Out of paying that bill which falls due nett
—N. Y Jornal, i
* »