Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, October 03, 1903, Image 3

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    Local and Gene-aL
of tooth picks,
quill and wood, at
The Welcome Pharmacy
John Robinson hat purchased
the interests of Henry Welcome in
the Johnson X Welcome band of
Oregonian and Itsrrs, 42 00.
cattle running in the Clover avail
0. B. Smith i* on a visit to his country. Johnis hue taken up land
mother al Boire.
in that neighborhood which soon
Ash<r Hanke, was in the city promises to bs an idea! hay section.
He left this morning with a few
thia week. He |ivea at Van.
suppliiH for the ranch,
J. P. (learh irt, of Drowsey, ia in
the city on buisnets this week.
Ed Allen snd H. Y. Blackwell
Tuesday fr»m a trip south
Several Canyon City sports will
Mountain. The gentle­
arrive in a few days to shoot ducks.
men are on a deal for the Sisson
I. A. White, of Calamity, was
Cattle Co, in the Pueblo. They
r't S'ered al the Burna thia week. want about (500 head of beef cattle
A. M. Hamlin, a travling man of ami if their deal for tne above is
Bl. Ixtuie, waain the city Thursdav. not comuimated they will probably
Ben Brown says ho ha« more try to purchase in the Va'ley.
shirts than any
them »or »ale.
He has
Wall street i« on the anxious seat
avail s'oeks look alike to the big
Mr. Iterry. the gunsmith, has
Kone u> the Narrows to shoot duck»
a few days.
These cold frosty mornings in eke
a person think of the good old
summer lime.
Lord Milner may succeed Mr.
Chamberlain ax colonial secretary
to the coiinie*
WANTED—15 men at the John-
•on road camp at Laweo.
|or day and bvard.
Hank Felten who has l>een al
llie Narrots for a few days re­
turned home Thursday.
Kv«r\liai off
Your patronage solicited South
of Capi lol ¡Saloon.
| Fred Fisk proprietor
— — — —
Thia paper and The Chicago
Weekly inter Oeaau II.30 Ur one
rear. "Spacial deal"
The Chicago Weekly later Ocean
is the only weekly uewapaper pub­
liebed in Chicago in eonsroeSion
with the great daily papers. It
coataiua a judiciously selected
euinmarv o< the news of the nation
and world, the beet atoiiee. borne,
farm, woman's, and other special
departments, and fair, patriotic,
able editorials, written from a Re­
publican viewpoint. It ia by far
the beat general newspaper ot the
Western Steles. The regular price
Ur the Weekly Inter Ocean ia ¿1,00
and for the Harney Valley Items
II 50, but subscription« will l»e re­
ceived al this ottee Ur the two
papers ia oouibiaation f« one year
for only 11.50.
$20 to $25 WEEKLY
Work at your houre. No canvass­
ing. Work leg it mate and liorora-
Me. Address
>14 Spring M.
Neattie. W'seh-
Manager Wanted.
Trustworthy, either «ex. ly
Wholesale Merchandise ’Couqiany
of solid financial etending, to man­
ege Local Representative who will
org in ire clubs among consumers.
40 per cent saved forourcuslotners.
Business no experiment but a prov­
en success. Salary IIS a week, ex­
penses advanced. Experience un­
necessary. Address, I>. B. Clark­
son, Mgr., 334 Dearborn St. Chicago.
For sale exclusively by
Mr. William Gibson, formerly of
this county, but now of the oeigh-
b »rhood of Weiser, Idaho, came
back here a few days ago, to buy a
ixinrh of cow« and cslvat. H-t has
found prices here low enough to
suit him, and savs that good cows
an I calve* are worth 430 each in
his vicinity,
He seems really
a tnnished to find [»rices so low
What is our county Live
Stock Association for anyway?
Lower Chewacan marsh a low
meadow land of vast extent lying
30 miles north of Lakeview, has
been almost wholly consumed by
a fire which lasted several days
and destroyed over 5000 tons of
hay. A message from the scene of
conflagration summoned nil avail­
able men from Lakeview to help
hold the flames in check.
It is not possible to estimate the
damago done until the severity of
the weather has deteriuied the ex­
tent of the loss of cattle.
It is difficult to account for the
persistence of the flames as they
seem to run everywhere. All the
Hereford Bros.' hay was destroyed,
as was also all that belongs to the
Brittains in that section. The fire
almost consumed the portion of the
marsh belonging to the J. B. Hag-
gio company of Secramento. Ten
thousaud cattle were to have been
wintered in the marsh.
Ihs KM Yw Haw
One ol the most popular
SHOES in lhe Market
• Our old-time friend Dell Over-
ton, latelv of Westfall now of Sierra
Vall -v. Nevada atop[»ed over night
In this citv, this weak.
Dell ia
now lhe owner of a fine 900 acre
hay ranch in one of tho best )o-
caliti •• in the wide west.
many Burns frietuls wish him con­
tinued success wherever he may
choose to live.
"Bob" Reed the gsinisl clerk of
Mr. John T. Whistler of the U.
• h? R irii« Hotel has been quite ill
8. geological survey spent a few
during the past few divs.
davs in this vicinity this week,
F. E. Brittingham is the day
looking after matters here con-
clerk at the Burns hotel during
itectel with the department which
the illine»» of "Bob" Reed.
be serves. Mr. Whistler is one of
Il is r*|sirted here that more the bright men, also one of the
hay has been cut this year in Har­ r'ght men for the work in which
ney valley than for years past.
be is rti^aged.
While be is in-
view of the
Hoary Richardson
look hi»
departure for lhe railroad this situation here as regards the pros­
week. He will be absent for some pect for the government ultimately
taking hold of the Silvies River
irrigation project yet he is not one
William Elliott, of Canyon City,
of the over confident end positive
was in the city this week with a
kind who would have it apjiear
load of fruit from the famous Rine­
that actual construction work on
hart orchard.
the Silviea *eservoir, dams, ditches,
Robt. Irving, of Harney, was etc , w 11 be begun al once by the
over on business during the week. government.
B. b is preparing to start his big
Mrs. Phoel»e Moffett, wife of
freighting outfit to the railroad.
Robert I’. Moffett, died at Sage
James Dalton will leave in a few Hen yesterday.
Mr. Moffett wax
days for the railroad to meet his enroute to California with his wife,
family who are returning from a where he expected the climate
visit with relatives in I'olk county. would prove beneficial to her
health, bat on reaching Sage Hen,
A I) Gould and family who have
a stop was made owing to a serious
been visiting in Burns for some
turn in the condition of his wife
time taken their departure today
who soon succoured to that fatal
for their Irome on lhe middle fork
malady consumption, which had
of the John Day.
been manifest for some time p iat.
The preachers and gamblers are The deceased was about 40 years
having a lively time of it in Port­ of age and has been a resident of
land. This will probly be one in­ Harney County for a number of
cident in which the gambler wins years. She was the mother of two
and the other fellow lueses.
children, aged 18 nnd 12 reapecl-
ivly. Besides the above she leaves
The Burns hotel changed' hands
a husband and two brothers, J. I*,
on the first of the month.
II. Gearheart, of
Thoa. Curl is ths new landlady. and William
The Burns hotel has a reputation Calamity, to mourn her loss. The
in eastern Oregon as a place wiiert remains will bo brought to Bums
patrons are treated as princes. and the interment will take place
here tomorrow.
Mrs. Curl is one of the moet ex-
p «fenceJ of cooks,
and will
superintend the kitchen herself.
Hay Burned.
Ed C. Allen took his departure
Thursday for Pendleton. Kd is
quite well known in this city as a
duck hunter.—!Ie killed a duck
while hire. Some say tho poor
thing was shot in the back.
Coxad, a very prominent attorney
from Canyon City purchased a few
A Remarkable Record.
Chambei Iain’s Cough Remedy ducks of a boy down the valley and
lias a remarkable record. It has gave them to Ed.
been in use for over thirty years,
MissGussio Metxkor tho 16-year
during which time many million
old daughter of James Metzker pro­
liattles have been sold aud Used. It
prietor of tho cainas prario saw
has long been the standard and
mill camo near loaning her life
main reiiahee in the treatment of
about two weeks ago. by having
croup in thousands of homes, yet
her clothing caught in a fast re­
during all ibis time uo case has
volving shaft. She altempod to
ever been reported to the manufact­
step over tho shaft that runs the
urers in which it failed to affect a eaw, which revolves 300 time«
cure. When given as soon as the
per minute, and a knuckle joint
child becomes hoarse or even as
at thia place caught in her skirt
soon as the croupy cough appears, and tore her clothing completly
it will prevent the attack.
It is
from her. She was thrown violent­
pleasant to take, many children
ly to the floor and bruised badly
like it.
It contains no opium or pretty well over her body. Had her
other harmful substance and may
olothing been strong and refused to
lie given as confidently to a baby
givj away she would have been
as to an adult. For sale by H. M.
hurled to instant death.—Lake­
Horton, Burns; Fred Haiues, Har­
view Examiner.
We give trailing stumps.
S tate <> e O hio ,C ity <>»■ T« i . ei > o (
L i .' hcas C ocmty .
Sew our premium list.
Frank J. Cheney makesostli that
he is senior partner of the firm of
F. J. Cheney Jt Co., doing business
in the City of Toledo, County and
State aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of One Hundred
Dollars for each and every case of
Catarrh that cannot be cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Is constantly arriving at our store-
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me aud subscrib­
ed in my presence, this 6th day of
December, A. D. 1886.
A. W. Gleason,
Notary Public. I
IlaJI's Catarrh Cure is taken in­
ternally. and acts directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. Cheney «fc Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggist, 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills are the best
His Life Saved by Chamberlain.s
Celle, Choirra and Diarrhoea
“B. L. Byer, a well known cooper
of this town, says he believes Cham-
berla’n's Colic, Cholera and Diar­
rhoea Remedy saved his life last
He had been sick for a
month with what lhe doctors call
bilious dysentery, and could get
nothing to do him any good uutil
he tried this remedy. Il gave him
immediate relief," says 15.T. Little,
merchant, Hancock, Md. For sale
by 11. M. Hortou, Burna; Fred
Haines, Harner.
- A'»
Our lines are complete and now we can fill anv order with the
beet of everything. Bring or send us your orders for
Fancy Dress goods,
Ready Made Wrappers,
Ladies* and Gents' Furnishing Goods
Hats, Clothing, Boots and Shoes.
Fresh line of stapJe and fancy Grocere«.
Lunaberö & Dalton
Her East Request.
Sailin'«« reigned throughout the.
"'he angle of death
stood knocking at lhe door of a
once happy home. By the side of
asnow white cot. a loving hus­
band, bent with the burden of
many years, received the last part-
:igre|uest from a dear old wife.
Tears stained the old umu'« faoe
as he leaned forward and eagerly
drank in every motion, every mur­
mur that rose from those feeble
old lips he loved so well.
John, dear I must leave you. I
must go to my long rest. 1 have
one request. I would that thy dear
old bauds and thine alone should
place me in my last reatiog place.
Bury me not in yonder church
yard John, beneath those beautiful
blooming flowers’ for more then
these I erave continuous rest. Bury
me, dearest John, beneath the de-
g^M caving counter of some merchant
I who does not advertise.
Miller & Thompson
SuooeMore Co £. A. Miller À: Co.