Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, October 03, 1903, Image 1

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Published in the
Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon.
The Oldest and Most!
The Best Advertising!
v • • •
Harney Valley Items
VOL. 19.
1 AN
Geer& Cummins
Hardware of Every Description
jflhncl Xca-vo On«_- Ceni
Buy a |o»tal card ami wnd tu 'I ite New York
Tribuna Fsruier. New York City, iur a fn-e
•pacimrii copv.
The Triliuiii- Farnwr i» a National llluetr»-
trd Agricultural Weekly for farmerc and
their fumi III», atid «landa at thè head of (he
■gricci)turai prese.
Tira price is II 00 ;«r
vwar, Bui if you like il ynu cau «ecuM. it with
your own favorite locai tiewr|«tp«-r, Ile
ITKMS. at a baryain.
Both papera f 1 80.
Fe»id money and order lo The ITEMS.
» «h
• G IOS I. o D g F» NO i?. A F. *t \ M.
.'»Irrt« S m I it 'I my on orlh'lnt} full uhmm
Q'nliflt-ii brother* (retrrn illy invite i.
« F Kt fiyon, W’. M. F. S, Ui»*dt’r.
Merlu nt Broun tmtl ev*rv Ernlav we-
rung Vt-ittng brother* i¡uicrtmlly in-
vted. riib» Harfen», W. .M Chaa. N
(■orhraiio. Kcc«»rd«’r.
H AHNKY l/NXD', NO. 77, I O. '• F.
Meets every S.*tiir-i iv evening. II nsn'.
Iivll Visiting broth -r. fr.itevnnlly in-
Frs ik O Jsi kswn, N G
l*. ti Suu It, .Secretary.
Ch un ii
A ii iiiiu iiccmeiiI s.
Sunday School
(lrat Sunday of t
•'clock, A
third anil fuuith
at llarnry the
aeli nnmtli nt 10
Ou tlir x'conil,
Sunday«of each
uontli nt 3 ii’t'l-ick 1*. M
tug «ervice« ever» secund Sunday
it 8 1’ .M
Preaching service» at the Baptist
«hurcli every Island ’2nd Sunday«,
morning and evening.
school every Nitmlaj at 10 t. tu.
prayer meeting every Thursday
Alovut ti»' tior«- that Jarnc« Monroe
■< pnraldent of tin- In It mi Htntra pro-
iairn<-<l (hr great doctrine which le-ara
his nuur in internal ion el affair», nay»
'he Chicago Tribune, his wife, Eliza
Kortright Monroe, took a aland in ao-
lal affairs which ha* atood the test
of time quite as well ns that of her
preat husband. Khe aboolutely refuse«!
to return tuty social call«. Great was
Lire row It stirred up and tbe charge «of
affecting royal manner» and customs
and of living rude i nr! all the rest
rained wlxMit Mrs. Monroe'« head.
But it was of no avnll. She stuck it
»•it, nn<l each "flrat lady of tire land”
has followed licr example «inec. So
Treat, however, wa« the disturbance
<ner Mr«. Monroe'« refusal to return
. ull* that John Quincy Adams eor.-iU-
rc<l it necessary tu tlraw up and
formally promulgate a formula of pti-
qnette which ha« wince regulated the
life of the executive Inonsion.
After the revolitt.ou James Monro->.
then only 2.1 year« old, went to New-
York tui a «lelrgale n, congress from
Virginia. He was a handsome young
How, with political and military sir
ra U)»n him In a marked degree nn
distinguished ancestry. There h
■et the beautiful daughter of Laiw-
ence Kort right, who was an impor­
tant. figure In the social life of New
York of that day. an<l, falling in love,
they were married.
The rcosam why Argentine mutu-n
generally ia of inferior price to that uf
New Zealand has a thrcc-foid explana­
Mum Si
opjHiM’e Hai k.
tion. In tbe tirsl place New Zealand
I skmcom - s to-day a mat ton-producing
breed superior to that known ill the
Plate. In the second, the New Zealand-
nr freds his stock during the winter
A <•» IKS
time with extra forage, while in the Ar­
gentine the sheep ore alluwrd to graze
*• l Msr-.tr»
upon the same bare pampa duriug the
/’^yvt-t'tHrt <(■ Suryrmw.
dead season. The lesult of this is tiiat
Burns, Oregon. the New Zcalandrr produces an even,
well-grown carcasa, while there is sent
Ortbw st residence. 'I'I ioih . 5’0,
l omc from the Plate oue upon which a
I astj- covering Of f it lias lieen put dur­
ing the -pring months of the year. Th?
difference lictween the two carcnswi
will readily be noted by anyone who
pays a visit to th«- cattle market. Third­
ly. the freezer in New Zealetul freezes
J n‘ tn««-
flatten Ittfs-
the mutton on aeceuat «>f the breeder;
and in the / .-ntine the freezer buys
from the breeder. The «lisa«hantagv of
Hvnxs. unsiioN.
th«- latter evsleni. so longaa tbe breeder
has no knowle«lgv of the requirements
CdF^'. Iff!-e ui Bank buil-iiug.
of the market, is apparent. Th«- New-
Zealand breeder «elects tiis wether,
with rare, rejecting any which will give
i.n inferior vriight. or which are iu-
stifilclently fattened for the butcher
He remits them in small droves to the
Thornton William».
M F '«eraid,
freezing establishments, mid tak s
Aliorue)«at Law,
Notary Public,
every care that they shall arrive in per­
fect order. Tho Argentine breeder, on
Law, Notarial and IL al Estate
the other hand, makes a contract with
the represcutntive of Hie freezer to sell
n given number; nnd the latter binds
Hura«. Or« gon.
himself to remove t Item within a certain
date.— N. Y. Ledger.
jW“Olliee in Mffsonic building
Politicai L<ind Survryor.
Barna. Oregon,
Notary Public and Conveyancer,
Mortgage«, hreda, Eu\, correctly made.
Office at Store.
Hurna, Oregon.
Service» at Christian Sclent*
Hall, corner eaatof the Rank, every
Sunday at 11 a. nt. and 8 p. tn.
Service Wcdneadar evenings at 8. worthy lady or gentleman to man­
Everybody ia invited to attend age buaineaa in thia County and
these service».
adjoining territory for well and
favorably known House of «olid
financial standing. $20.00 straight I
When you
take Grove’s Taateleaa t cash wmsraa^v
salary «•«<»•
and LApilOtr,
expense«, J pair)
Ul I LI EttLil
Chill Tonto beeattae the formula ia ( Monday by check direct from head-'
reaper, y."
Years ago in New Hampshir- lb
were three «j'tninissioncrs appoint,
tn examine candidates for admission t
the Lar. Atone limo the ccmniLaiot
tra were Jeremiah Mason, th - able
lawyer in the stole, Mr. Sullivan a::
anotJit r nr. uilx-r of the 1 n.r. tif n c
tain candidate w-tio presented hitr.SL-i
for examination. Mr. Willard tells till
story in hb book, "llulf »Century will
Judges and Lawyers:''
He was an awkward young man. an-
the commissioners ptwccded to exm
inc him thus:
"Wlint la property’.'”
The candidate described it,
"llo-.v is it acquired?"
“In various ways.''
"Mr. Mason gets hb by high fees; Mr.
Sullivan by usury, mid Mr.—"
"Slop! stop!” cxclsliucd Jltvca: "1
-n adr.dt him. •' "■
Black Hair
been restoring < color to
hair for fifty years,
it never fails to do
this work, either.
You can rely upon it
for stopping your hair
from falling, for keeping
your scalp clean, and for
making your hair grow.
SI.N ■ Mite. Art Arant««-
If your drunist cannot »njPr'y you,
mil u one dollar «nd wo will «zprase
yon a botila. Be «uro «mllei»» U*c naaia
ot your nearest «snraa« olí«-». Aildrsaa,
J. C AYEIt CO., lavell, M ms .
am—— u.rt l.«MB—
Holland Won/l Apgew on ths Ire will.
Unit-Ones Aadlm.
Wearsan-ustcsijedta>wwomen bun
lied up in fursn« tbeyglide over the icr
To witness a woman's race in Holland
w-Hild give us a greater ehill than t ■
meet a glioat at midnight. A foreign
<-orrr«|ioudent. in mentioning a contest
on «kates. describes it an follows:
"It was sr.oumg aliglitly, but i,i
every available mom' nt between the
races troofis of men were told to clear
the Cours--. At a given aignai six wont
< n started for the first race. They wei e
dresecd in very short skirts, and trans
larent-looking biouses. low necks, will,
no sleeves at alk We were told the.
were from among th» lower peasan
|>eople, and tlint the shop classes nev<i
entered the lists at all. The speed thei
went at was something wonderful, and
es|>rcially remarkable nt the corners.
Fur the moat jiert they raced w ith their
arms brhind them, but the girl who
wan tlic prize (two pounds sterling)
skated w itli hers folded in front.”
llnre arms and necks in midwinter!
Our phjsicisns think «women ure court­
ing death by »enastig low-necked
dresses in Laliroctns (That must it
be to wear tbemraXMitiug costumra?
- a i'hiladelphia Tenement-IIon-w Fir« Le-
veiops a Younff Heroin«.
In January last a Pl.ikKlelpbia tene­
ment house was burned. Two men were
killed and several persons were ladlr
injured, while others «.scoped in ansl-
TAKING CARE OF BANK DILLS. moat miraculous reamer. The fourt'.i
tloor was occupied by the family cf
Hotted Carrewjr I, Not bo < nmiwon as II Joseph Zellers. The father and mother
Was Krveral Year»
seem to have been absent, but the 11 v«
Bank note» ure cleaner than they children were at homo All wore aavctl
t-«c«l to l.-e. It ia the policy of the New through the bravery and coclncrs of
I ork tank«, nays the New York Sun. to he oiliest of them, a girl of 16, who»-
send their soiled note» to the United conduct is briefly described by the Hee
Staten treasury to lx- destroyed as soon ord:
ns n nuillcient number a«a-umulotra to
Jenny Zellers was dressing the chil
justify it. Banks in the west aen«l on d-rn. the youngest a mere Labe, when a
whole Imti-hcs of noiled New York notes cloud ot smbke came into the room and
to their eerreapondent banks in this at the same time the frantic cries cf
«•Uy. and the lauk that m-ccives them ' those lieluw reachctl her rars.
sort.» them out and sends round each
Hastily opening the door, she saw the
titila t.a»cli to the bunk by which they flumes leaping up the stairway towarl
vere iraued. These moi ted notes orc her. Never hesitating, sh - elcs d the
.lien sent to the treasury to lie de­ door, end calling the eldklrca toevther
frayed and others issued in their pine *. forced them up a ladder nnd through n
cw York b thus a sort of «lepot for trap-door to the rcof. They were clc
oiled nn«l dauwgvd notes of its own rated high above tbe surrenrding build-
,<sue. The printing prove»« for bunk J i«xgs. and below tlu-m the Uacits wt -
i.otcs lias been so <lcveiojx«l of laic i roaring with terrible fury.
nra that the goicrczncnt baa adopted| Still retaining her presence of min-1.
mis policy of frcqucntlj- «1«- troyir-t the brave girl dropped her brother, a ln<1
r.iul rci:.; u:ng
of 14. to the roof of the house to t'r
routh. It was a fall of ten feet, but th
boy landed safely, ai d then the g -'
ll.iw the Coarse of Water tn German bared the fire in her doomed heme I
scrarre s qunntity of ledding.
River. Wa. Del er mined.
This she threw- to her brother, who
A color teat on n large scale occurred
recently near Geseke, Germany. The uirnnged it on the roof, and thcrr^cne by
Volnieil. the Wnid aud the lledcr are ' ne, she dropped the other children
three brooks which have their source The. infant she took in her arms and
near Gcte-ke, anil according to tradition leaped with it lu safety to the betiding.
their »alert had subterrnnean connec­ Next she broke a skylight it tin- roof to
tion with the Altuc, a mountain stream w hich all had escaped, and lowering -he
whose Led is some five miles distant. children through it, they all reached the
Millers located on the lower Al me, says street.
the Philadelphia Times. dumped refuse
in certain iddicsof the upper portion of
the stream, nnd the millers on the Vo»-
mede, the Weld and the lledcr claimed
that by doing this the water supply oi
the latter streams was n nterially di­ Curious Obuerratlon ot One Who lira
Murh to Do wilb Animal*.
minished. To dcteimine the connec­
tion about four pounds of potassiui
Su|ierintcndciit Sol ^tephan. of the
fluoreacinatc was duni|>vd into one of Cincinnati Zoo, has made all sorts ol
the lledcr. This rubstar.ee is marvel­ curious discoveries in the habits and
ously powerful, and a solution contain­ characteristics of nnnnals, the latest
ing one part in lO.OOC.COO shows a dir- of which, says the Enquirer, is that
tinct fluorescence in trnnsiu tted l'ghl
wild creatures arc mostly left-handed.
Twenty-five hours later the lledcr took Mr. Stepban has been endeavoring tu
on a beautiful dark green color, show­ verify this observation on two parrot .
ing conclusively the connection between lately brought from Mexico. lie found
the two streams.
tn expci intent at that in grasping a finger offered as a
another point showed with equal clear
IM-rcii. the parrots almost always put
ness that tlicrc was a subterranean con- the left foot, forward.
metion between the Waid aud the
I sually th-- finger lliusoffercd is that
Volmede. though in this case 44 hours of the right liand. Dut when the letl
elapsed between the depositing of the linger is offered to the parrots, the”
dye stuff in the Almc nnd the nppvut ■ put forward the right, foot. There is.
mice of the coloration in the other however, apparently a small residuum
of preference for the left foot. This
seems to lie due to the fact that, tnc.i
arc usually right-handed and offer the
right hand to the parrot.
The left foot is the one naturallj- pot
forward by the parrot in thia case. nn*i
through repetition of this action r.
species of lcft-footcdncas is induced.
Mr. Stephan's general conclusion is
that there is no evidence that the parrst
is naturally 'eft-footed.
*‘i have used your Hair Vigor
for five years and am greatly
The appearance of that lcft-footed-
pleased with it. It certainly re­
ness is due entirely to the fact that
stores the original color to gray
those who offer the finger or food to
hair. Itkeeps my hair soft."—Mrs.
parrots do so. as a rule, with the right
Helen Kilkenny,New Portland, Me.
hand. HepeUtieu of this process makes
the parrot more or less left-handed la
Ayer’s Hair Vigor has
For a bilious attack take Chan-
’e Stomach acid Liver Tab­
plainly printed on every bottle | quarter«.
f ExpvUNo
money ad-
a quick cure is certain
ahowit g that it ia «imply Iron and yanced; poailion permanent . Ad-
Bean ths
Quiuiua in a Uratelet» forni.
F ed Haiue», Harney.
Cure, No Pay. OOfi.
■ 1030, Caston Bldg , Chicago
» • V
'Die reaiih-iMv of the president of the
failed Stales ought to ba worthy of
(be office. The present white house is
equal to ull the requirements c.f streh
a residence, mi far ns It foua. It Is n
simple and d'gniUed building, »1»*-
Ixauty is a constant delight to sppre
dative |ier>u»n«. It »«« conceived and
curried out by tlic architect who
planned it In the proper spirit, but it is
j.ot Inrge enough fur the uses to which
It la neeessarlly put. The country ami
I I m * city ul Washington have grown, and
the president's house have not grown
v lth them. A large part of It is given
up tu the ixisiness offices of the prer.i.
dent, his private secretary, nnd hit
•Jerks. und the president's fumily tee
<1. prhed of tlw- use of another large
l«rt of the lower floor of the liuuse be­
cause it in necessarUy on public view
most of the tin*. The family ia there­
fore cramped for proper aec«.in4>io-
elutions, und there ar J no rooms (or th.-
eidcrtaiuineut of guests.
the house ia no iadly arranged ua I'
rntmncea, exits, anil hallways that a
state reception there Is always uu un­
ci mfortalile aud dangerous jam. while
>.»ny mi invilnt guest, aial r..in. <>1'
< cis w ho attend certain functiom ndci
orders, huic been made serum* > m I.
reuse Huy have liven «ouipeiled r>
Maud foi hours in cold or stormy weatl.
er until they could gain admittance
th lough the single door that can Le
ums I fur the purpose.
The ik-ficu-uei-s of the white house
arc so thoroughly recognized in Wash­
ington that for many years effort ■*
lia<e Isen making to secure worth­
ier accommodations for the prcddei. t.
.Some of these efforts have been In the
wioug direction, because they have
contemplated other buildings, foreign^
to the Intent and character of Un- wli.te
house, within the sutue groundx Other
efforts still ure attempts of cficculators
to move the site of the tusneiou to the
lulls mirth of tha city.
The white house, withall its churn i
and memories, should lie preserved, ami
it should remain on its present beau­
tiful and historic site, its flue grounds
unetieumberd by oilier stiu. lures, tn
furtherance of th s Idea, a |>lan pre-
l«rcd by Mr. Arthur J. Dillon shows
conclusively that the white house c.tq^
lie made, nut only abundantly spacious,'
but even Im, roved, while its architec­
tural features will l e nt the same time
preserved.— Harper's Weekly.
Ittt-n», »v>.
Mho Mado a Nr* Kulo for Worn«-« ef tho
Ksorarlvo Maa.laa.
I'rvparatlou ot tbs No* Z«*h«il 1'rvrtnet
tor the MarKot-
At th« I’raabj len.itt church
ilurtis, R«iv. A. J. Gwin ptralor.
Divine service» the third »nd fourth
Sunday« of eueh month at Ila tu.
and 7:30 p Ul. Kchhuth school at
10 a tn. every Sabbath morning
Ths I'rralJcstlol I usili, la Have ClrwMse
< MMSnlimoM.
CH .FTb k s<>
<rcOI» t ««i«t I
* iMiiblirtg Mr« -M arf
Mrs Fun « '< I'tiunipNon
a » ti”:.
• I.30 l**r Year.
• Is Monika 7ft Cenis«
It appears. Loom an article in tbn
Figaro by M. Paul Meguio, that In Ixirr-
don at the present time it is not only t he
fashion for a daily to pro« ide her lap­
dog with a little wardrobe anil even.a
handkerchief, but to have visiting cants
made for it. toe. IVbmj a fashionable
hidy pays a visit, taking hei lajidog with
her, she sends up the d^- s casd along
with her own.
JI. Jfegnin says he svas visiting the
editor of one of the leading «porting pa
I era in Loudon, wbeu the servant
brought in two cards, cme that of a lady
and the other ar follows
Asked if he knew the name on the
ard, M. Megnln »aid he prrauwed is
as some dog fancier. He wna greatU f
urprijied to see a lady con»e in, accons-
anietl by a handsome col’ic.
M. Mcgnin went to a stationer's shop
<1 ordered 10O rants for h a I.ttk* dog.
’«* x as again surprised to >iii<l that the
ationer had some ready printed, ncaV-
y packed in pretty little card cases.
no* Ue Woro Ulo Wig In Ills rocket
the French Court.
The «¡ifliculties encountered recently
by the lineal dyocen<!ant-x of that great
.an. statesaaaa. imtriot and v very thing
se that men properly bold in .-stimo­
on — Ilenjnmin Franklin — m ixavin"
.'icmsetves vuroilod among the Colonial
.num. recall nn anecdote of him, rajo
'he Washington Post, embahipd ia
iic family records of the sage of Mon-
.cello, but which, so far ox the wr’ttr
nows, has never been piil I ahril. Wher
liout to present him ’? for the firs-
.¡me at the court of J -reiiHcs
he wa.
i iformed by the master of c.-r moni<*
that a wig Wus a sine ; , i on Nov,
Ins bead was so large l.iati." prdinary
I wig would begin to fit it, ;>nd th ■ UU-
rion was embarrassing tu the extrv me.
i low ever, one was issind aufficieutlj*
I arg” to para him through the ante-
I chMBbers. after which he was p rtnit-
ted to remove thr rtdsculuaa cossca-
ftase H in his
Palmer Cox says the idea of writinp
■ !*out the brownies came to him iron,
nding Scotch traditkais concerning
iicsc amusing little elves. They were,
lie says, almost unknown in America
mtil he began writing about them, but
m Scotland they had existed in th«
folk lore for 500 years. The Scotch
brownie, according to Mr. C«x, was a
••-neficient sort of sprite, nhnse only
three emotions were Joy. wonder anil
terror. It. mifi suppwrevi they were
never sectary haatiuurbeings, Imt-weni
about art night )iurfonuit^help»uMee<u
for the-evKMitry folk, at the same time
,-etting a ileal.of fuu thctnoelvesxiuLs.'
kindly pranks.
Tor Infant»-and Children.
Tbe Kind
Y oh Havi Always
Bears the
Signature cf
Tlioasiuias Hare Hifiaey Trouble
and Don’t Know it.
no* To Find O«rt.
Fill a bottle or common glasr with your
«rater acd let it «land twenty -fow hours; a
sediment or set-
“ fling mdicate:i ar.
A imbeaitky condi-
' tioa oT the kiA-
neys; if it stains
your linen it is
evidence of kid­
ney trouble: toe
frequent desire to
pass it or pain in
tke 'back b aisa
convincing proof that the kiteays and blad­
der are out of order.
WUl to Be.
Thete is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Root, the great kidneywemeuftf ilCi«.-! every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every patt
of the urinary passage. It eorreerts inability
to hold water and scalding pein in passing
It. or bad affect« loltowmg -use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity cf being compelled Io go ofte«
Stomach 1 rouble.
daring the day. atid to got vp many times
“I have lieen troubltd with in 5* during the night. The mild and the extra­
stomach for th« past four year*»,’’ ordinary ellorn of Swamp-Root is soc®
reaiu-ed. It sta ids the highest for Sts won-
sava D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook deiful cures of the most distressing eases,
1 Farm, Greenfield, Maes. ‘‘A few If you need • .nedicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in50c. and$l sizes.
days ago I wa« in«)need to buv a
Youm«y Aave a aempte bottle <A this
f ■'' ??—_
' I iok of Chamberlain's Stomach -m«l wonderful diss.-very
i Liver Tablets. I hare taken part and a book that teilsdft
more «bout it. both«
oftht m and feel a great.ie.il better.” abso.uioiy 4rcc<4>jMnalL
I address Or. Kiin«« 4.
•wOTf ltO«
If you have any trouble with y®ur |Co..B»igh.uwton. ti. ¥. When witting men­
st,om»di try • hot af th.«c Tablet« tion reading ttosgenevour cfler la due paper
usi reme
•Don’t «n*ke •nV'ininMite, bat
You are certain to be pleased with
Ilr.XiLm rk.
tho result. Price 25 e««uK>. K©r Nor the t at»«'. Swamp-It >' J)r
», iMqgUaip
|aah by H. M. Ik tt>n,'JJurtif 1‘ r d tjwunipAioot, and thew
C4T1J Luttt?
ton N. Y
Hai-fleff. Hurney