Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, September 26, 1903, Image 4

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    k Heiunrkable Kvcoiu.
pt> id
An Irish inti walking through a
Chambetl»ln'* Cough Remedy
bee «U“rt Russell never smoke«! But graveyard saw a tombstone on
is that a virtue when a man can t which was inscribe I : 'Hole lies his ;i remarkable record. It li*»
aff ird to smoke.
a lawyer and an honest man.'' been in use for over thirty year*.
1 during which time many million
The story that a LosAng«hs "Bi'jabbcrs," raid Pat, “Oi wonder Issttlrs have Iwen «old «ml used. It
news] apertnan's house hrs been how they came to bury both tv has king been the stand«rd »ml
entered and robbed of "a number thim fellers in wan grave."
main reliance in the triutinent of
A fellow over in II iruev vallev croup in thousands of home*, vet
of valuables" looks like a sarcastic
conceived the idea that if lie would during all this time no case h is
dig «1 tl e professi« n.
The ex convict representative of build his hayttacks very large ever iwen repotted to th* manufact­
labor was hissed in the New York there would be less damaged hay urers in which it failed to effect n
citv labor parade. Now let union as milv that on lhe outsidu would cure, Wlien given as si n as the
lab »r purge itself of unconvicted beexpos.d to moisture. Accord­ child Iwcomes hoarse or even a*
criminals, those who have perse ingly he started in and he backed soon as the croupv cough a appears,
cuted the uien, their wives and- his judg *:uent s >'.u-’wh it to a i ex- it will prevent lhe attack, It ia
children, who. while not of their trine. He started the east end of pleasant to take, many children
union, were trying to earn their his stick right where the cow tra I like it
It contain* no opium nr
runs down to the lake, and run it other harmful sul>staiiee and mav
b, ead.
out west a little beyond where ■ I e given in* confidently to a b.ibv
New York democrats who are
Billy shot the rabbit, and then he
inclined to abandon the fusion widened it out a little more. After as to an adult. For sale bv H. M.
municipal ticket because it i« th* »tack got so high tli^t the air Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, Har­
headed by a republican, should
wa« difficult to breath he rigged an
rvtiect what a benefit it would be to
automatic dumper and finished the
Why arc the transcontinental
the republic»!!« to be able to hold
stack. I.ast week he visited his
railroad* maintaining an «xtrav;.-'
upaTainannv administration as
stack a id found an old 4J niuer i
g« nt and expensive lobby in
an object loa*Mt during the presi­
pickinga-vav for piv dirt, a range
Bogota, chargid with defeating the
dential campaign.
war was going o.i between cattle-
Panama canal treaty?
European nations go right on men and sheepmen on top, and the
the roads are aware that once the
extending the canal systems with­ government had located a timber ,
isthmian canal is completed tlivv
in their bord-rs because water reserve on the west eud.—Western
will be cum|w*lled. bv the competi­
transportation ba« demonstrated Ways.
tion of water freight carrier* to
that it is economical.
The oul>
Have Commenced Suit
lower their o.vn freight rates.
reason canal construction in this
country is so seriously ham|*rcd
Fu k hai be:i commenced in
i- b-vau.-e the railway* fear lhe Multnomah county to lest the
« Ater competition.
"question whether a valid levy of
Fourth Assistant Postuiaste • lhe taxes assessed this year can be
General Bristew continues his sil­ made under the laws now upon the
ent pursuit of the pcsU'flice statute book«. The suit is brought
‘•graftei*” and every once in a by Mrs Maria L. Flanders, for
wbile brings in a big bag. Inci- herself and for all ether taxpayer»
dvutallv Mr. Bristow is daily of Multnomah county. The de­
demonstrating his qualiticalious fendants are the county, county
tar the |>o»ition of p>-tunster gen- board and the county assessor,
« ral. which is certain to be vacant clerk and auditor.
The complainant alleges that the
in the uear future.
old law ceases to be in force aftir
January 1,1904, and after that
Gate there will be no provisions for
the levy of the l'MI taxes; that
K.aiiy rx «r*prtp» rB hnvr lately
«•vim ncy unless enjoined. lhe c -unt v officials
to rrpurt* Lv iro^pua ■
paru«. * lo U«c< ffect
will proceed with the assetsment
I bat
THE KEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO and lew as if the old law were still
l»ad enlt-fvd a trust or combina I h»«i ; we wish
in force, thereby causing the tux­
t » '.««urt* the pu» u ■ iiu»l tlierr i* mo trhttK in
•ttcia report*.
have be»-»» luaniiforturinx payers a very large and useless ex-
•rwin » nmrhlruw for over u quart* r of t» rmts>-
rr. nn<i have *wtaMi»!»cd a n puL»lÀM.*i L>r our- iwnse; that the further prepara­
a.-Iv«’< and o<ir machin«« that 1« tf«c envy of all
«•fhers. t»or ••.%r»r //oM»r” ma.‘line b < tion of the assessment roll will be
never been rivaled aa a ft.ni;’.y machine.—It of no bei rfit to the plaintiff or to
M.>rvUai the acadnfa Higk
* win,;
machine«,and stand*on it; oten tnerilB.
the taxpayers of the county. For
The •*.Ve$r Heme** in the eta/y rf«lly
these reasor S she asks an injunc­
HIGH G n.iUE Setritiff Jfaehine
®H the market.
tion restraining the county cfficia e
It ia not nret-.-s-try for ua to rntr F into a imat
toaavp «Mir rndit nr pc«y any •!« bla n-» wv have from proceeding farther with the
no debt* U» pay. We Lave never enured into
corn petit ion with manufacturers of U»w grade prepar «lion of the assessment roll
cheap mac hi n-« that are made V» acll n-garvl- and with the rubseipiant ftc| a for
hes of any mtrin«M* tnc*ri»$. Ik> not be de­
ceived. when y«Mi wantaarwing machine don't for the eqtia ization ai.d colici tiun
•t n-l your m-»ney away (runt home; call on a
•• Xetr Hnitir" ¡dealer, he • an *41 you a of the 19t’.'’, taxes.
bet Ur machine for lea* than you can purvhaae
No tune will be lost in obtaining
rbw-wberv. If there ia no dealer ncur you,
write direct to as.
a decision in the trial court ar.d
THE NEWHOMESEWING MACHINE CO the care will then be takf n U* the
Mew York. Cbicagn. 1’1.. st. Lonis, .Mo , Atlan­ supreme court.
ta, ûa.. Duiia>. T< X-. Suu Franc iaco, tai.
The I ci’i-f is growing ainoi g at
torneys that there is now no legal
provi-ion for the levy of the taxes
of Ilf 11, and that the supreme
<outt wid so decide if the question
is pre-ent'd to it As it is a mat­
ter which affects the whole sta'e, it
is expected that the supreme court
iwrr-t T»AjFcvoar 20« ms Tt4f»c*orT
(M g9‘ >t IOO vara*
w.ii render its decision as early as
$ 6? «««.^a
M T\»r.'- Tí ICCTO2T
consonant with a careful con­
he.-»- •
16 1" tat »ta
of the subject.
The L’?’9-<*a'- »' í -
k ¿’i r «r--*
is the Î? 40 .’-l.tr! f
».» Sr.
Parrei uwinc JJ 40 ¡iff h Prrx^u'f Car-
Ir läget
s '
locity nt nver 2,fi Oí
aecAftj w.rb cor«*
flit trstertory an.1
great killing
t pc
Reduced to FIFTY i
New Idea
cheapest and best
Magazine r.ow bc-
can public, it shows
r the ar,
w Mera i. h . Tf ’ :o;J5 in Milliner/.
rr. t r o i d
3 Werk
1/ illusi
i “d
Serri Fit ?
The Ch: 20 Weeklv Inter
is the only wct-klv newspap«
lislied in Chicago in coni
with the gr< at daily pope
contains .a judiciously s
summary <4 the news of the
and world, the b<st stories,
farm, woman's, and other
departments, ti.d fair, pa
able editorials, written from
publican view|oir.t. It is
the best general n» ws, aper
Western States. The regular price
for the Weekly Inter Ocean is $1,00
and for the Harney Vailey Items
fl 50, but suhfcriptiona will l>e re-
reived at tiis office for the two
papers : i <■< inbi.iaLon for one year
for only $1.50,
I rouble.
I h«v« R d
Io u>« your
FU A IhMIjIlt M< >v «i>d Poultry Midi
n»e at d am p< <4 Io »ay thaï I nevar
u-<il an%0 <lor»!o.k that »ava halt aa
ao. l <atl>'a<tion.
I haarnly
me.J It to all owncra if itoci!.
J B BELSttt R. M. lout«. -I«
<„ * »¡.«'k Ul' I oultry ahouM wot
so . .mnp >hs*k t>--t mi, muro tluan
si,a i» i . it «houl i <a)»vt to lw
C.IO.I t'V t sal.
\\h«n your atu-k
Au I j idtry r.iv sick give them nuil-
u i
I Kin t »tuff thriu with worth-
ti--, st,«k I ili. I't.hxid the I ..writ
nini »tir i p the torpol liv. r an.I the
al .ii ,.l will la- mind, if it Is*
I '>• i,> «ute it
H u k-Prauglit Stock
iiltry Medicine tnikwda the
Iwtwvlv »nd »t >r» up the torpid l,»rr.
II curra ■ . rv i alud; if atwk if
Uiltrn in tin
Sa ure A
nt tuu
t Stock A» I I'.Miiiry
M.stivine«mi it w .11 pav f. r itaetf ten
li-i.i-.o.•• i*. •.. . i» A la i! r. t'ovra
g ve il . re milk. H<-gi gam B.-.h.
Ami I r. Is; h.oreeggs. It*uh-«tho
pn t.kiu «f makn g a » much bloud,
¡tedia '!• "rg> a« |«««il>i out of
me « in'll■-t a
Hu t i f t «»i r«m-
yiune«l. Buy a tau fr«-ail yvur »hwlrr.
Stuck luM|H.*ct«»r*.
Notice is hereby given that 1
have duly appainltd the following
de] uty stock inspector for Iiarnev
t’ounty, Oregon:
A B. Colenbaugh
John Jenkins... ............ Smith
Dick Smith
Nrwr H oovi . h .
Stock Inspector.
To any one «ending u* $1.50, one year’« «ubecriptiou to the
I tkms . we will mail the Chicago Weekly Intar-Oceau oua year
free or to any one se nd mg us litre* cash subscription for the
two pa]»er we will give a year'» «ubcriptmii tu rach |**p*r ine,
or The
For Reading matter you cannot find a mor* liberal offer.
If any of the above, however, do not strike you a« what vou
want, write ns we will gne you a good liberal dubbing offer
with anv periodical published in the United Hiatra. Don't put
it off. New is your time. Addrr*.,
Manager Wanted
Trustworthy, either sex.
Wholesale Merchandise 'Companv
of solid financial standing, to man­
age Local Kepres« ntatue who will
organize club* among consumers.
40 per cent saved for ourciwtomers.
Business no experiment but a prov­
en success. Salary I IS a week, ex­
penses advanced. Experience un­
necessary. Addres«. D. B Clark­
son, Mgr.*,334 Ih-aroorn Sl.t'riicngo.
that makes your
horses glad.
5000^------- -
... I -.1 ■ • k nf one« of H»«' >v«l ktM>*H Í
q<t, .immrjf, tocurwl g
by u» •« ooo -L a K iMMrt.
$20 to $25 WEEKLY
sure OM aeeaOVM to
Work at your home No ranvs-s
ing. Work legitmate and horora-
ble.. Address
21 I S[ ring St.
Seattle, Wash.
T radì M arni
«•li*v in tmd.» hff oar CbkAffo n^alstl otaa.
<^ allhl»u6 at M
xd «*e sssA RS*«d» « esta s ne f^L
■ MTCn ,n -**'»>b,an lorMa
«nd »«liIHl * -M«p4*
■pat* U sm y«»> ran Mak<>*0ie
« a »hral UJ rtdn h.t »«nirwur.
wr wi«wt a rw'iaOla iyr«oa In each low» to di«trOwita <*siaHw««sa h—JS*
Ah-.« -
-ri. ;6frv-r I w.ck-r
u ....
T ■ rme, |
•*.- 1 «ir ¡.* -
IL .-.M by ali r -
iflUNN &
New York
CO SGlBtMdwaT.
. F Ft. WMkbteaton. 1». t’-
XT? MEAD 0Y(O WTH mm * ft
Want your moustache or heard
T » -
- 1 l
aKk- Æ1. - .
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description hi
any invention will promptly receive our opinion free coneaming the patent­
ability of some. "How to obtain a patent" aent upon request. Patents
secured through us adicrtivcd for sale at our expense.
I atents taken out through us receive apectal notice, vithont charge, in
T iie P ati \ t Rsooiin, an illuatrated and widely ciroulated journal, consulted
by Manufacturer* and Investors.
f’. H I and Office, Burns. Or*<<»n. M*-pt X 1 .<3
<e 1« hereby given IhalsiultN I. Mi
of Lauren. Ilarrty CouLljr Oregon, ha* fl
notice of intention to task«* pr'«of on hl« de-ert
lat. ! cUlm No ..4, for the NE „
«rd IxXe I, 2. U and H.
?», 1 p ?. W
I'. : i F. W. M , before BegiUeraud Receiver al
Burr« Oregon on Tue» day, lhe I'th day of
UetoUr, I . a.
lie naniew the followlrx witnesses U> pri
Che campirle Irrtgatinn ard reclamation
»id land Clerrnee farcy. William fattersnti
Citarle» T MlUer, P.'.dolph If. Hits, nil of I a «
W m F ahre . Bei; i> ter
bund for sample copy FREE.
(Patent Attorneys,)
Evans Building
W eekly ÍN ter O ceañ
“1 have I' en troiibhd with r. y
stomach for the ]>a-t four year«,"
says D. L. ¡’.each. <>f Clover N< ok
Farm, Grrenftcld, Mass. "A few
davs ogo I was induced to buy a '
I*. H. I .a nd OAce, Burn«. Or»<MI, Juiv : ! |j
lx>x of Charnfierlain's Stomach and Nrdire H hereby «imithat I yd in l. M«--
Liver J abb ts. 1 have taken part Mnll«n of I orw ay Harney <-ouMy.oreron.ha*
filed not ire of I Me nt lou tn make proof on her
of tb< m and 0 el a great deal better?’ dr-r rt-land » ’aim No <ja, for the AW'^NK^.
If you have any trouble with your Her. Z\ Tp. 21. M I: U. K. W M . be for»-
the flegMer and llrrelver at Burn«, Oregon,
stomach try a box of these Tablets. on Saturday the 12th day of 4ept««mber, I'Xc;
You are certain to lie ph ased with She named the folk.wing with»-ar* io prove
the eomplete irrigation and reclan ati<»n of
the result. Prive 25 cents For | ■aid Ian« Mode a Oard. Frank Halladay
sali by IL M. Horton. Burn- Fred Jacob Wright. J«-r<r M WeMullen, all of Ln w
»»•y. Oregon.
ILtiucs, Harnev.
rtulr In ordering from us, aa you do n>
n««e«l to pay a osnt if the bieyeie doe* not suit you.
Scientific American
a beautiful brown or rich black ? Use
V. M. Lan«! Office. Burna, Oregon, Aug 12. !
Notice I n hereby (Iven t’«t Mnrrellti« It
ffayeeof lAwen.lIarncjr cnubtjOrrgon.hn* fl»« «1
notice«»( h»tenti«ui to make proof on hl* *l*»*«rt
land claim ffo AM, for t* ■ • e
. . m ! -1 ,
HK\.*er22. Tp f. 8 I: tj . E W M bef«»r.- the
Register and I'eerlver at Born« Oregon,on
Sat'ir'ley, the I9<h day of’*«*pt«tn'.»er.
He nam«' the following witne*se« fo prot«*
the complete Irrigation and reclamation «f «aid
lar.d < larenea W fo-inkwaler, Georg« \V
< lark, Charles T. Miller and Wirum tatter
non. all nt Lawrn, ur«g<n.
W m F ar re . Iley Mt r.
Ancone ««mdlng a •
aalefe'-v *X6rt*»'t <mr ««Huum fr«»< •he«k»w «si
Htvention »• pe.babip
< •**’ n»«i”«e*-
HtW'ri tir ••• ««a.kmtUL llMMlbsob « a l*atei»U
ae»*t fr*-’.
afencf fuf a*«n*rtt»< !»•«•••<•.
tltpv vi^h Munti A < o. recai»!
rarefa.' auXlTf. • i* b it cbarite, la thè
Appetite poor?«/ Bowels
constipated? Tongue coated?
Head ache? It’s your liver!
Ayer’s Pills are liver pills, all
■ '•
C'ituin^w» with larga pAolm/nitiAu! t:qrannoe
full d. iallod snccliti atlona arnl/xs to any addi I rm«.
anyone In U 8.
or Canada wtlh. ut u rent is advance aud allo«»
lhe Oreste t Republican Paper
iv...»r «»<n >■' i’<
Oui» -*»
ir •■« ftrrt «üb
»»I n 4 »e-itr
the We»t.
IT it th • mo5t ttoiwtit anc uttfawetvins Kepub.'icfiii Wttkly pnt> •
l.sherl 10 lay MnJ can a.w a /a ba relied upui L»r laic and honett ra j
o « it a <»f all p >iitu_al affair*
r>-X4 D h- Weekly intcrOcean Supp’tw« A I of the News!
Ik O /
and the Best »1 Current I. teratur*.
ft is Morally Clisn, and as a Family Paper Is VVilhimt a Paar.
Ita I hetnry column* are equal
to tho^c ol the bisi magaainea.
A .... I.. -,l il
J.... A |.l.,o«
f .tWHt'Krw. <l»e»«''>.|kl‘ ■; ro »HK»6R»6«
w*k , •»• Hise'irod i
'**«. *f
m »>*>■*'■* d«v,
V Da |«l<
!,.»dy a,ft hh v»-H»«r«| * w » h | Mf $r»
Ila Yout i'a Department ia the
f n.st of ita k nd.........
Sfvh»'». k«*‘»abir. Smitf-. I’)»-<<••
rt a*-. I.«-»•« •”« ■ •» .’»’«I A»>-«»ltti*$y
— BAZAtb
P at ™ s <E
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by R-iti
» Ir >■•!;............. M W p«r SMr
I ')■ iL :.r k 0<C
MWwAi .... ’
1900 and 1901 Models