Local and General. Asan ilt on tin* I’rlrat, ••nu: ••IIKOW X'M" linker City, Or., Hept, 21 —Civil and criminal sulla will In-gin this' WASTED I • men at ll.e John- itfl.-rnoon against Bishop O'Reilly, «mi road i-aitip at Lawen. ♦ I ill Futh« r Gartland, Father Heinricn, I ■ I I* Bonen, u newspaper num; per day ami board. 1 Jack Burns, a mining engim er, and I "The Woodman of the World," a Deputy Sberill Hen.pie. These 83 ><> shoe for gi-ntlemi-ii. Mann- arc the peisona who, it is ullvged, : factured l>y Buckingham A lle< ht. thimigli force deprived Father I For sal«-by Lunaberg A' Dalton. Ih-amarais of his lib<-rty ami p<*a- Homer Reed, Grovi-r Jameson hcm ’Ì iii » of tlii parish home Saturday and t'lr-l Smith, Burns hoys, left afternoon. Thursday lor Baker City where The arrest and fcubsc<|ucnt In­ l'ny will apoml a few days among carcerai on wua the mori xpectncu- friend«. lureyerit lliul has ever transpire«! Tin» Red Front Livery barn is in Baker City. Father Ih-smaraia catering to Its putronage and has und his d«-ii.eiite i the mar­ Tho members ol the church have ket at on*c. divided lli-m«-Ive» into factions Mr. Jenkins I). Jenkins a sharp­ The lurgesl faction, it is said, is Krvrtlkin* fiat-elaas and up- man of this county, who arrived a furnishing money to supfsirt b alhèr lúdate few «lays since fmiu the vicinity of Desmarais in hi» suits against the Vale reports plenty of alfalfa bay bishop and others. It tbev apptar SHAVING. in th it p irl of the county for sale in police court this afternoon the IIAIK «'CITINO, hit AM rm I IM.. EK'. al 85 th) per Lou, w hereat 8G.00 jay ' crowd witnessing it will probably MKAl H a Ml KM. i lull is the lowest price nt which be the largest that has ever gath--.- i ed in the little structure in which Yuur pwirooag.« »olicit.d Houli»» J gi.il hay cm I k * purchased in this p irt of the country. We are glad Judge Bentley dispenses law. of Capitol Saiuoti. The sheriff's otlice was deceived to be able to alate however that into action Saturday by a telephone the hay famine scare is subsiding, me.-H the story which reaches the tn Portland to amt 142,000. while services wer<- in progress In public, the woifbm alleged to be ( >o course of his remark« the crazy w s quietly awaiting tlieui This paper and The Chicago elergyma i said that "slavery is a Weekly I ntrr Ocean 81.50 for one divine institution " The congre­ with her brother, Fatlur Des- . in truis. Fatb«r Gartland, with year. "Special deal” gation was considerably disturbed the bishop, seized Father Desma­ to hear "Bob" blurt out from the The Chicago Weekly later Ocean rais bv tho throat and forced him ear: “And so is h—1!"—Joplin ia the only weekly newspaper pub­ to the lloor. L .ter Father D.-xuia- G olie. rais secured u pistol and the strug­ lished in Chicago in connection WAGONS! WAGONS i gle b tween the Ime priest defend­ with tlx* great daily ¡«aper». I' We will sell you a Mitchell, ing his sister ami the tno priests, contains a judiciously « «lecte«! summary ot (be news of tlm nation Rushford or Webber Farm 1 Bed the bivhop, the two laymen and the ami world, the beet stoiiee. home, Wagou ; deputy sheriff ensued. Steel Skein 885.C0 farm, woman's, and other special The defending priest was over­ Sj „ „ «000 department», and fair, patriotic, powered with the gun in hie hand. 3| „ „ 10500 uble editorials, written from a Re­ As the sheriff was arranging hand­ Send your orders to us, O. C. Co cuffs the sister seized them, and publican viewpoint. Il is by far the beat general tiew»|>a|H-r <4 the "The Woodmen of the World »> with her two hands broke them Western Ktates. The regular price A new shoe just out. New stylet into fragments. It now ap|>eara for the Weekly Inter Ocean is ♦!.<►<« A crackcrjack. For sale by Luna- that the parly forcing antranee had and for the Harney Valley Items berg A* Dalton. no legal authority and the charge 81 50, but subscriptions will be re of riotous conduct and suits for Within our knowledge, at lea»t heavy damages will result this ceived al thia ofl’me i«»r the two ¡■apera In combination fur otic year tw i large tine horses hare b.igge i afternoon. down ami perished in the mud or ■ Archbishop Christie of the Dio­ for only 81.50. swamp hole at tho roadside al the cese of Oregon, will take no action Warm Spring« near the Austin in regard to the Buker City affair. Rtomarb *1 rouble. G Kidman much south of town. His powers do nut cover the pres­ “I have been trotthhd with my From what we have seen of the ent ease. stomach for the part four years,’* place it i< extrem >ly d mgerous for "Each bishop is the supreme says I>. I.. Beach, of Clover Nook any and all stock that may go to , bead of his diocese or bishopric," Farm, Greenfield. Mass. “A few these springs for water because of! sui«l a priest this afternoon, “ami days ago I «a* induced to buy a the enticing green grass that is ! Bishop O’Reilly is answerable onlv ho» of Chamberlain's Stomach Hird growing upon the dangetoue rotten to Mgr. F ulconio. the papal deli- Liver Tablets. I have taken part turf. We don’t know whether it is gate at Washington, D. C." of them and fee' r. great deal belter. th«> official business of any- one to ; If you have any trouble with your a -e to the fencing of such place«, ! stomach try a box of th« so Tablets. but it occurs t» u« th it o ir county ' Fifteen men wanted nt the You are certain to be pleased with court could not expend a few . Johnson road camp near I.awen. the result. Price 25 cents. For dollars of the county's money to a j Wages 81.50 per day; and board. sab by II. M. Ho U»n. Burns: Fred better advantage, than the fencing Mr. Johnson the well known boss Haines, Harney. of this truly dangerous place. • toad builder of this county has Some «»eitemswt was occasi .>ned on contracts to fill near I.awen, which our streets Th iraday by tho broaHng out will afford employment for a large of tiro in the livyiiolds of Win. ilanley ! crew for several weeks. I.awen is iiinl the I*. 1. 8. <’• , »long the river a I getting to the front in more ways few miles Iwlow tow n. Quite a numlx-r otonr townspeople hurried out to aid in than one. natjhj ' aí roicv mtoici : Oregonian and Items, 82. One ol the most popular SHOES in the Market A SPECIAL SALE of tooth picks, quill and wood, at The Welcome Pharmacy. I I : Capitol Barber Shop t< ; ! i I ! i, Fred Fisk, proprietor : I For sale exclusively by BURNS, OREGON We jflvc trading stamps. Hee our premium lint. S tate of Onro.CiTv or T« h . edo I Ll'M'AS C ocxtv . i Black Hair “I have used your Hair Vigor far five year« »nd am greatly ■teased with It. It certainly re­ Meres the original color to tray bair. It keeps my hair soft."—Mrs. Helen Kilkenny,New Portland, Me. Ayer's Hair Vigor has been restoring color to hair for fifty year«, it never fails to do this work, either. You can rely upon it for stopping your hair from failing, for keeping your scalp clean, and for making your hair grow. UH ( MIK All W*> the extinguishment of the tire which seemed to lie doing great d nnsfe, l'iiI through the earlier efforts of a lumber of ranchmen of the vicinity, progress of the tl«m -H bail been so chweke I that the crowd soon coinph-ted their extinguish- > ment. The rosul’ant damages were It)«) tins of Win. Hanley's hay, and 50 Iona I ! belonging to tho I’. I. a. Co , and a strip i •iwi it r pis’ut «gi oua bv t'lrco mile« in .trea. Although tho ift-ncs were ex- tincu »tied, the burning tide root» arc still sending up lx volume« of am >ko, but th» smouldering lire is being close’y watched by interested parties wli i wo fully abb' to prevent its further «presd. It is stated that the fire started from tl e stub of ii burning match carelessly c.iet to * tho ground by a cigar smoker. The fact the tire waa p'irpoaly stinted is however, poor consolation to the loser.«. • / MANAt 1 ER WANTEI)—Trust­ worthy lady or gentleman to mnn- age business in this County and adjoining territory**for well and favorably known House of solid financial standing. 820.00 straight cash salary and expenses, pnid escli Monday by check direct from head­ quarters. Ex|«ense money ad­ vanced; |>osition permanent. Ad­ dress, Thomas Cooj>er, Manager,' 1030, Caxton Bldg., Chicago. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A- Co., Joing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforeskid. and that eaid firm will pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for each nnd every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the useof'llall's Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscrib­ ed in my presence, this Gtli day of December, A. D 188«. A. W.GIeasor.. $------- / Notary 1’ublic. Bear« IM Is constantly arriving at our stare- Our lines are complete a.id now we can fill any order w.th tlic best of everything. Bring or send us ynur orders for Fancy Dress goods. Ready Made Wrappers, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods Hats, Blothing, Boots and Shoes. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in­ ternally. and acts «Jirectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cheney A- Co.. Toledos O. Sold by all Druggist, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best Ilis I.ife Sand by Chamberlain.s Colic, Cholera anil liiarrhoea Remedy. Fresh line of staple and fancy Groceres ‘*B. L. Byer, a well known coop« r of this town, says he believes Cham- berla*n's Colic, Cholera ami Diar­ rhoea Remedy saved his life last summer. lie had been sick for a month with what the doctors call bilious dysentery, and could get nothing to do him any good "Until , he tried this remedy. It gave him immediate relief," says B.T. Little, merchant, Hancock, Md. For sale by IL M. Horton lit rns; Fred Haines, liarnev. Lunaberg & Dalton i i « C.A.SB’X’OTt.X.A.. B,art ty, The Ktnd Y m Hin tlwirs BaugM Bigutaie of O i«« ti» ORIA. z»Ite Kind Y« Hin Always Bong’! I I A FREE PATTERN 1 (your on h seicfhtm • to every sub scriber Ottlv S» nuts a \ear. MSCALLS^ MAGAZINE'S A l ADII S' MAGAZINE. A gem. brviHl'it c.-l inl pitica; l.itrxt (4*ni •!.»»•, «»». -end « tor kite*« erpy i.At’v a^vnl« wanted *». nd for trrniv Styh'K». Ki'h.ihle. Simple, I’)»-t«v rl.U *. F '«».»»vita ,tl .»»»«I Ab’wihitelj Per lev vF’t lin’d I’.ijuT r.ittvrn*. MSCALL/H ÄBA7Afb | P atterns - Ti-atiy e»tt» tity 4 ul ti.nt, >n In tn « I »»••««» THE Ml CALL CO.. til ni tn ». I ’til St- M» rokh I | Miller & Thompson, Successors to il. A. Miller A Co.