.. . !>•*.. U^SSX »<•»• i A Kvmaikable Keeuttl. SPECIAL PHKMIVM3. Who i» that man i »HiipotiM .Uiht.ews -«-JAMI MM1» Chunibeilain'a Cough Kciuetiy luib a remarkablf record. It lias lector. ma’am. been in life for over thirty year», i\ M But Hannah. w> doo’I pay 1 during which time many million rvnk battles have been sold and v»a*l. It New Girl That’» vhal he »ava. m.. am - lh tmit Free Treat. ha» long been the »tantlanl atul Miller «V Thi'uipson. ♦.'» worth of >• |kanp»*r New. main reliance in tlm Irtalinent of merchandise for the be»t display of XIr Spaonannuv (in the parlor) - croup in thottaands of lioti.e», vet Whx what is that not m * overhead. Mi»» farm producta by one person. «luring all this time no cnee has Apnea ? I Mixa Agnet (ltatenin< a moment) I John W. Biggs, a #12 prize for ever lieen n porteii to the manufact­ It’s papa. Mr. Spoonauiorr. but you the best colt sired by Kaladar. urer» in which it failed to effect n needn't be »cared. He’» »norin< —Chi« < ago Tribune. cure, \\ lieu given as »0011 ns the rrotfraiii. ehikl become« hoarse or even an I p to INI*. “Sawyer, don’t you think a man First day—Maiden race for soon a» the croupv cough appear», ought to work for hi» political priori« Harney County »addle horses that it will prevent the attack. It i» plea?" never run for public money purse plensaut to take, many chihiren “X'o. air: I think a man’s political pr neiplc* ought to work for him.”— #75. like it. It contain» no opium or Ch wajo Record. One-quarter mile dash, free for other harmful »ulielance ami uiav (.»nrrwily. all. #100. I* given as confiilenthr to a babv Nannette- ll>>« can you «ell a person Second Day—One-quarter mile as to an ac'ult. For sale bv II. M. th»« is insane from one who is merely eccentric? Ja»h for Harnev County sad«i|e Horton, Burn»; Fred llaiuc», Har­ « y rille -Consult Rrnilsteet. Inwuity horses that uever run for public ney. end. anil eccentricity Ix-gm. at one mil­ money. #50. lion,—l'p-to-ltete. Three-eighth» rnile dash, free for all. «125. SMILES IN BRIEF. Three-Fourth mile heats. 2 in .1. “Isn't Scribha a hack-writer«" trot or pace, for two 2-year oli1». “Hack-writer? No» much; he doean't eien earn .tree« car fare."—Chicago free for all. «75. Record. Third-Day—One-half mile dash. "Are you on intimate term» with 3| »» »• free for all. «150. your neighbors?" “No; but they are 3} „ „ 1WW with u*. Why. they know dreadful Three-fourths mile heats, trot or Send your orders to u». O. C. Co •ecreta of our« that we never heard of pace, for horses bred in Harney even."—liar| the effect and three to start, but the Associ­ Wholesale Merchandise ^Company THE NEWHOME SEWl.’i □ MACHINE CO ation reserves the right to hold a of sol id financia! standing. to man- had entered a trust or ctmi bi nation ; we wish less ntiml>er than five to fill, by re­ age Local Representativa who will to assn re the public that literv u m « f frseffa in such report». U> have been manufacturlnx ducing the purse in proportion Io organize clubs among consumers. sewing machines for over a quarter oi a centu­ All entries to 40 per cent saved for our customers. ry. an I have established a reputation for our« the oorses entered aeiv •« un B. Clark­ ItK-H bHADE bftei»] Haehin. to carry not less than 112 pounds. son, Mgr.,334 Dearborn St Chicago. C on the market. It is not necessary for us to enter into a trust Trotting or pacing races will be to *ave our credit or pay any debts a* we have no debt* to pay. We have never enu red into governed according to National competition with manufacturer* of low grade $20 to $25 WEEKLY cheap mac hi n«w that are made to sell regard­ Trotting Association rules. The Work at your home. No canvass­ less of any intrinsic merits. Ik> not be de­ ceived. when you want a sewing machine don't relay race i» five times around the ing. Work legitmate and hurora- send your money away from home; rail on a track ; five horses ; change horses •• .W>»r Homr " Dealer. he nn sell you a ble. Address better machine for les* than you can purchase each time around; rider to change else w tie re. If there is no dealer near you, HOME WORK CO. own rig; saddle and blanket sepa­ 21# Spring St. write direct to us. Seattle, Wash. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO rate; saddle cinched with latigo; •t ORANGE, MASS choice of bits. Entrance fee lee ten New York. Cl< •-ag>. 111.. HL Iz.ui», Mo., At but- percent of purse, .Money in races la, Ga., Dallas. Tex., ban Francisco. Lal. to be divid'd as follows: First money 70 per cent, second money Appetite poor?*/ Bowels 30 percent. The association re­ constipated? Tongue coated? TRY A serves the right to change any of Head ache? It’s your liver! Ayer’s Pills arc liver pills, all the above races in the event of venctabln Bo’dfor J. r AyerC» . their not filling, also to postjione any and all of the program on ac­ Want your moustache or beard count of inclement weather- a beautiful brown or rl;h black? Lac THIS TRIP at the door. Hannah? New Girl llv nay» he's the rent col­ Continurd from Second page. H W. Welcome «V t’a, * lar«e doll, valued at $5. to the prettiest girl babv, at the Fair Sept 19. Mrs. Leutra. S. Webb, w I«««*4*r»**.»lc«Ml Ut.mnH-w liitBwuf Xtiriln ruolil* \» •I tIrNatkd »h« rlwn A« uro ■ •’ IOC tvu UJtorVi 5 *2 « cam » Ai« r*tn«i rsAjKT'orr H l - — « I« M um be« The Up-to-ffsr« irrn tn ht’h is »he T? 10 Mari n with Smnkr/Mt St«/ fia'rrl assnt 32 40 H'^h PrtMurf Car- Irtdfti I his Cartridge has ■ »e« Io it v st O-. er 2,000 feet per •ccnnd with fiat trajectory »nd great kdltsg power Irti MARLIN FIRE ARMSCGMPANf NF*» MAVEN. CONN . U 3. A. ; educed to FIFTY I* . CENTS A YEAR i Formerly Cr.e Dollar s r the ion ■: ide's »n i cheapest ar.d best Capatine now be -OD oublie It shews «h.ions. In Mllilnery, 'n . r o i d t. i 1 3 *vr, however, do not strike you «» whnt vou wnnt, write us. we will give you a good lil» r«l clubbing ofY«-r with any |>rriodical publislird in the ( nilrd Sial«». Don't put it off. N« w i» your time. Address, In every town and village may be had, the Mica Axle MTWY TRUST izzu? | l on tab n< it tur three in« th» ard row I ikken t-»i..tc m »Ch nx> p » end I ihaîl ta t II vil end on now until I have pxvud the vitaux.” To any tin«« »ending u» «I 50, cutt* y»«r'« sub»cri|dion Io ihn lisus. w<< will mail ilic Chicago Weekly lnl<-i Ocean mir yrar frit* or Io nnv one sending ti» ihrer cnsh aubscriplion for ihu (wo |uper wo will give a year's aubcrlplion io each |>u|H>r live, or The that makes your horses glad. BS3V8LES ßELßft ßf feier eat.rad MODK |Í0V« fM.e'k of <»»w of Ihr U *1 ki'.'wn **£., ( 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE bjr U« at Fl BI.ICATION V. 3 I and Office, Burnt. Oregon. Hept 2. lorn Notice 1» hereby riven that «fuhn I.. MH» of L iwhi , Ilan ey Cfiur.ty, Orexon, ha» fl r.| nolle» n! intention to mak«* prf on hi»«!i*>ert \ • * .. (.'‘ita’''/iu 1 wl’h Ixt ;-A«D-/r(qAi.i cny» u uml full di talkxl Spuclfìi ntl -in » T.t/r ¡’»y n ernt if ü o bicycle dot » not null yot • Anvnr* s««n41 f.J « ■»•<> h «nd «(•»•< rn»fi»•»» nt»» qnlckir aerertam <*»ir ••pinkm fr«*«’ wnwhrr an is |»r«.b«t»lf I»'»trittAhin. < n^»i»itiira. tu>n* »inctlv**. nr»»;«Mitlai. Il*ndb.-*k »rfi »a»t«-nla »ent fFV“ «U‘1»M< lirnrr f».r patent». Ralaut» taken !br> u«h Munn A t v. rvewie* ferial H fiff, wHb.'Utchff*«*. Intha jcoohd ^ hanl : víiieelí - eoo $3 to S3 ,,f Bllkiria* «II. <-»Ur iformau»»«» « »»i «V» iK lit each town to rhh» IlWl rvMMi A «'*” I1'» mal: S fo I«» fz»r JrrHirwrJF. Scitnliiic tftnerican. A h.in<.»«»n»elr lllncf m»»*1 waeklr. I arveH rir- t-aUl u any sririain! •»»’ nai. Tern»» 9 i a ».«»• four month*. |L ly «II new .»b’aicra, MUNN & Co New York 361 Broadway. Branch on« «». **» ¥ MU Wa»hin«t n. !>.('. VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., NWV4, ard Lot» 1. 2. 13 and 14. Hec. ¿0, Tp J . H . (Patent Attorneys,} R. 33 E. W, M , bef< re Ki*ffl»terand Receiver at 13th «Jay F our faad&tr ¡900 mid 190! Models ÄÄ $7 k í»íl land patent­ ability < f mtns, “How to obtain a patent” aent upon request. I'nU-nU sci nred through u i advertised for Hole nt. our expense. 1 atents taken out through us receive social nolue, without charge, in T iik P \ i ent Ilxcoun, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, cousulttid by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, ?V_-,A._V H _ DESERT LAND. PIMA I. PROOF-XOTICE FOR Burn». Oregon on Tueaday, October, 1W3 nlr., VSJ vrw fw. u of Evans Budding, • WASHINGTON, D. C. He name» the following wltnevM»» to prove the cornplet »aid land irrlxatlnn Clarence < arey, ar <1 reclamation of William < allerton, Charles T. Miller, Rudolph B Sitx, ail of fuiwen. Oregon. " » IiKSK HL LA..* 11. CLOO: HAÑ. F akkz . Kegbtrr. •• l» FIX A I. PROOF. Ihj Ornate t Republican Paper of the V* ext. 1’. 8 I xiik I Office, Burn», Oregon. Any la, 1x13 Notlee 1. hereby given ta.t Martella. It Hayaaol Lawen.Harnejr eoui>t> Oregon, ha. fllr.l T i* ih*» mo \ * ft It is Morally Chan, and on n Family Paper i* Wrthtmi a Poer. ft r its i iiciary i. obtains arc « '/an $ io rúo c cl tùb h :s¡ tnstgoziiics. ' U < ft ft •> Its Yont'i’s Ecp-.rtmi nt is the Y f u .st of its k nd............................. J > » ft given that Lydia I.. Me- vf alien of hrew- ey, llarney connty,Oregon,lias filed notice of intention to rnak«- proof on her desert land claim 1 b® W® • » •> I’. R. Land Office, Burna, Oregon, July 31. (903. Notice n >. * of ail p MiticaI nfl.itr» •• c» Lu í? { <# Saturday, the 19th day of xepteml>er. 170.:. un^a etv.ng R ‘pufdk-n Wee* !y »un ml < m aiwa) » bc iellati ii|»oii tor i.tir ami h>>n«i«i rr li«h<* to prove e» * > 3 » •» » ♦ the complete Irrigation and rcclan ntlori of said land Notle » Oard. Frank Halladay, Jacob Wright, Jease M McMullen, all of |)r«-w sey, Oregon. Win F abrz Itegl.t.r I ft Pi It of n • nv I,p mill ....................... Il nn nr»’ year * I'" • .f Stf'ditv bv f»”i| ............. 12 p»l nor v« »r ** i Ail) arid ¿urtaiy L invi! . .. . 16.00 p.*r year* itî îrrNt rr ¡: ixtî . h o < k * n . chimen. •