Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, September 12, 1903, Image 3

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    Local and General.
of tooth picks,
quill and wood, at
The Welcome Pharmacy.
r.vert thing fist-class and
to dale
HAtK ct TTlXll,
Ml AM root Mi. ETC.
Your («tronnga- solicited. South
of t api ml >8)000.
J Fred Fisk, proprietor |
«••••••s-w. •--« -wweeoeeeee
l ast Friday, the Reliance won
the third consecutive race from tlie
Shamrock, beating hi-reasily. The
Oregonian and I tenia, *2.00.
latter did not finish but was fully
Frank Metaelian is down from three miles astern. Thia ends the
contest for the yalching suprem­
acy and that famous sea trophy,
John Rolmrtaon, of Drewacy is
the American cup remains ut
over oil business.
A. I Johnson, of Drewsey, came
Lunaberg A Dalton will give
over on business Monday.
aw iy a handsome writing desk to
Frank Howard, of Westfall, is cash purchasers on Septemlier 19.
over to take in the races next A ticket will be given with every
cash purchase to the amount of
one dollar, which will entitle the
Mors new goods at Lunaberg A-
bolder to a chance on this very use­
Dalton's Five large loads received
ful piece of household furniture.
last Saturday.
The desk is now on exhibition at
Henry Goer, second son of Mr. their store. Drop in and see it.
and Mrs. I. 8. Goer, is Hl with ty­
Mis* Maud llagon arrived on the
phoid fever.
<)-B stage Thursday evening to take
Oui Fall line of goods excel charge of her department in our
anything ever brought to Burn*. public school. Miss llagon has been
Lunaburg A Da)Um.
absent three years, a part of which
time she spent in taking a course
William Bennett, of Bilviea
in the Boston Conservatory of Mu­
Valley, came over from John Day
sic. She was delaved in her ar­
Tuesday with a load of fruit.
rival by taking a trip to see her
Mrs. IL E. Thompson at.d Mies father in the Willamette Valley,
1-eons, returned this week from a who she has not seen since leaving
visit with relatives at Drewsey.
Chauncey Cummins and son,
Mr and Mrs Tho* Arnold and
little daughter, of Pine (.'reek, Frank, spent several davs in West­
were guests at the French Hotel fall last week, and while here in­
vested in a IIO.CMMJ ranch, known
as the Madden place. We under­
‘•The Woodmen of the World."
stand that Farnk will take posses­
A new shoe just out. New styles.
sion in March.
The Cummins
A crackerjack. For sale by Luna­
men have been friend* of ours for
berg A Dallou.
many years, and while this may
<«eo. Hagey made a trip to not tie much of a recommend for
Drewsey this week with a load of them yet they will make friends.
I soda water, the product of the —Western Ways.
Burns Bottling Works.
Grandma Gates died Saturday
‘'The Woodman of the World" a nt Buchanan Station after a short
*<3.50 shoe for gentlemen, Manu- illness from pneumonia. The de­
! fac lured by Buckingham A- Hecht. ceased was getting well along in
For sale by Lunaberg A- Dalton.
year* and had been a resident of
John Gemberling and V. J. Harney County for many years.-
ilopkina and families and Mrs. She was the mother of five children
Oihe Sagers returned last Saturday who still survive her, William and
George Gates, Mrs. Joseph W.
from an outing in the mountains.
Buchanan and Mrs. George Buch-
Surveyor F. M. Jordan returned Buchanan of tliis county and Mrs.
Wednesday from Clover Swale Humphry Ward, of Sumpter.
where he surveyed out locations for Her husband died a number of
John Robinson and Alfred C. Wel­ years ago. The remains were in­
terred in the Harney cemetery
Jim Winters, of Silver Creek, Monday, the services being attend­
returned last week from a trip to ed by a number from Burns.
The Oregonian of the 5th iu»l.
nays The construction of the Coos
Bay. Roseburg A Salt Lake Rul-
road west from Mai«hlield to Km-
pirr. at tlie < utrance of Coos Bay
Mini from Myrtle Point east to
Itos. I>urg and thence to Salt Lake
is to go ahead. Major Kinney, the
projector, having just returned
from New York to ('<<>» Bay with
the announcement that be has
raised the capital needed for the
purpose Survey* have l>*eii made Allierta.
He appears i satisfied
all the wav through, the plan be­ with the country and save he will
ing to connect with the Gould rye- return.
<rm nt Sall Lake.
•‘The Woodman of the World.”
Judge Cleland, of Portland, has a IS 50 shoe for gentlemen, Man-
rendered a decision that the County ufaelured by Buckingham *
Court ha« n>> power to com promise Hecht. For sale by Lunaberg A
delinquent taxes for any reason Dalton.
whatsoever. All such compro­
Monday was Labor Day. but it
mises are entirely void. The was not generally observed by the
County Clerk is the |*-rson author- citizens here. They are too bus, to
ited by statute to collect delin­ appreciate the liberality of our law
quent taxes, and the County Court makers.
lit* no right to direct him to receive
W. D. Hanley will start about
less amount* than the tax rolls
RXX) head of dry cows to the rail­
call for. nor in any wise to inter­
road the 15th. The cattle will
fere with hi* duties in the collec­
probably be taken to Baker City
tion of such taxes.
for shipment.
The 7 luonlhs’-old boy of Andy
James Paul, the Happy Valley
Newman, an influential sheepman
sheepman, was in on business last
of Ontario, was scalded to death
| Saturday. Mr. Paul promises to
last Friday. The child's mother
make a display of sheep at the
was washing and had poured boil­
1 Fair next week.
ing water into the washing machine
Misses Eugenie ami Delores Ra­
The baby pulled out the cork al
the bottom of the washer, turning cine arrived on the O-B stage Mon-
the boiling water upon its cheat. dayeveningafter three years absence
The burn did not seem so deep, which they sjient in the Boston
but the shock and pain caused Conservatory of Music.
death in about one hour after the
Bailey Hayes, a prominent stock-
______________ ___ 1 man of the Lowen country, to­
gether with wife and babies, are
visiting Mrs. Hayes' parent* at Cot­
tonwood canyon..—Western Ways.
••My mother w»s troubled with
consumption for msny years. At
Isst she was given up to die. Teen
she tried Ayer s Cherry Pectoral,
and was speedily cured.”
I). p. Jolly, Avoca, N. T.
No matter how hard
your cough or how long
you have had it, Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral is the
best tning you can take.
it’s too risky to wait
until you have consump­
tion. H you are coughing
today, get a bottle of
Cherry Pectoral at once.
Tkrw .lm: Me.. Mr . M.
All Sn«M*.
“The Woodman of the World,” a
$.! 50 shoe for gentlemen. Manu­
factured by Buckingham A- Hecht.
For sale by Lunaberg & Dalton.
Kx-Slicrltr McKinnon Killed by
Ad .Jarred.
Florul Hall Destroyed l»y Fire.
Floral Hall was destroyed by
fire Sunday morning having been
set by children at play in the build­
ing. Il was not discovered until
just before the flames broke through
the roof and it was in ashes ten
minutes after the ularm was turn­
ed in.
Gerald and Maurice FitzGerald,
aged 5 and 4, sons of M. Fitz­
Gerald, and George Moffett, about
the same age, a son of Robert
Moffett touched the match that
destroyed the building..
had crawled through a mull open­
ing in one corner of tne building
near which a case of coal oil was
stored. They upset one can on the
floor and getting some paper
applied the match, immediately
scampering to a place of safety
near Mrs. Riggs’ house where they
were seen later confessing their
Floral Hall which was a wooden
structure, 50x90, was erected
four years ago at a
of 11800, and its destruction by­
fire is a total loss to its owner H.
C. Smith, as there was no insurance
on the building. There was but a
small amount of inside propertv,
and beside a small loss to Mr.
Smith of some scenery, the only-
other loser was his brother Joel
Smith, who had been employed at
the grounds and who on Saturday
had placed his tools in the build-
for safe keeping.
The loss was a hard knock on
the Fair Association but they
were at work immediately securing
lumber and carpenters and an ad­
dition has been built on the west
side of the grand stand, and with
the use of a part of the latter struc-1
ture they have a building 30x48,
which it is thought will be ample
space for the proper display and
care of all exhibits.
Guerneville, Cal., Sept. 8.—A. J.
McKinnon, aged 40 years, and
married, was shot and instantly
killed at 8 o'clock this morning by
A. Jerraud, a lunatic, who escaped
a few day ago from the asylum at
Ukiah The bullet passed through
McKinnon's heart. Jerraud made
good his escape and a posse, organ­
ized by local officers of the law, are
scouring the country with hopes of
arresting him.
McKinnon rnme here several
years ago after having resigned his
office in Oregon and purchased a
ranch not far from town. Il seems
that while Sheriff he was once com­
pelled to take Jerraud to an asylum
in Oregon, and for that the latter
cherished a resentment.
As McKinnon and Jacob Joos
were sitting on Joos, porch, Jerraud
came along pulled a pistol and fired
without warning. His aim was
perfect and McKinnon toppled over
It transpires that Jerraud es­
Assessor John E. Loggan and
from the asylum three weeks
family returned Saturday from an
The Red Front Livery barn is |
that since that lime he
'outing in the mountains where
to its patronage and has
they had gone for the baby's health. has been hidden in his mother’s improved its livery service. Feed
The little one was greatly improved home in this place. He had not by the day or month at reasonable
been seen by- any one in all that I
by the mountain air.
time, but today his mother beeom- rates.
The Citizens Business College ing alarmed at his absence, made
The Ladies of the BuptistChurch
will begin its third school year on inquiry, and thia revealed the fact
Monday morning, September 14. of his having been here since his will serve lunch and ice cream in
the old Burns Drug Store, during
The opening exercises will be held • escape from the institution.
the fair.
in the evening and a cordial invi­
Jerraud'« motner is censured by
tation is extended to all.
One-fourth of the area of the I
every one for harboring the insane
man in her home and for not noti­ state of Oregon is included in the
proposed forest reserves.
We will sell you a Mitchell, fying the officers.
There is much indignation over
Rushford or Webber Farm Bed
Season tickets for the Fair will
the affair, and even though he is
Wngoh ;
on sale at the drug stores.
insane there is a belief that Jerraud
.3 j Steel Skein *85.00
90 (X)
prehended. He was committed to
McMullen the photographer op-
8J „
the asylum last April.
posite the bank.
Send your orders to us, 0. C.
> •*•’*■ * y
Is constantly arriving at our store-
Our lines are complete and now we can fill any order with the
beet of everything. Bring or send us your orders for
Fancy Dress goods,
Ready Made Wrappers,
Ladies* and Gents* Furnishing Goods
Hats, Clothing, Boots and Shoes.
Fresh line of staple and fancy Groceries.
Lunaberg & Dalton
g Miller & Thompson,
Successors to R. A. Miller <k Co.