I WEEDS S imm - i I 1 A KfutarkaUle Rerertl. Program. Chatubei Iain's Cough Remedy First day—Mabton race for I has a remarkable record. Il hM Harney Coulily saddle horse* that 1 Iteen in use for aver thirty year*, never run for public uionev purse during which time many million Consumption is a human ♦T.V ' Itatlh-H have been »»dd and VM-d. It weed flourishing best in weak One-quarter mile dash, free for has long been the »tandard and lungs. Like other weeds it's all. HOU mam reliance in the treatment of easily destroyed while young; Second Day—One-quarter mile croup in thousand» of home», vet when old. sometimes im­ dash foe Harnev County saddle during all this lime no case has hora>M that uever run for public pose ible. ever bean reported to the manufact­ Strengthen the lungs as you money. 150. urers in which it failed to elTecl a would weak land and the Three-eighth* mile dash, free tor I cure. When given as soon »» the al). AIM. wee Is will disappear. child becomes hoarse or even as The best lung fertiliser is Three-Fourth mile heats. 2 in soon a» the croupy cough appear», Scott’s Emulsion. Salt pork trot or pace, for two 2-year old*, it will prevent the attack. It i» is j. .xxl too. but it is very nard .free for all, ♦*.'». pleasant to take, many children Third-Day—One half mile dash, to digest. like it. It contains no opium or The time to treat consump­ free for al). AIM. other harmful substance and inav tion >» when you begin trying Three-fourth* mile heat*, trot or l-e given as confidently to a babv to hide it from youreeli pace, for horse* bred in Harney as to an adult. For sale bv II. M. County. A75. Od'ers see it. you won't. Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, Har­ Roping contest, A50 Don’t wait until you can't ney. Fourth Dav—Raseball, Canyon deceive yourself any longer. City vs. Burns. Begin with the first thought (¡HEAT MILLINERY SALK! Basketball, Canyon City vs Big reduction in Ladies' and Chil­ t > take Scott’s Emulsion. 11 I it isn’t really consumption sc Burns. dren’s street ti»i* ami Children’s Gun club shoot, ISO. much the better; you will soon trimmed hats. Don't overlook one Fifth Day—One-half mile heats of the greatest luirgatn» ever offcratl forget it and be better for the treatment If it is consump­ 2 in 3 Fye© for all, Al”.». in Burns. Call at the home of Three fourths mile heats, trot or Mrs. G. \V Cummins. tion you can’t expect to be cur -d at once, but if you will pace free for all, A125. begin in time and will lx* Sixth Day—Three-fourth mile Oregonian and Ilenia, 12.00. rigidly regular in your treat­ dash free for all A150 Relay race. A100. ment you will win. Seventh Day — Consolation Scott's Emulsion, fresh air, purees. Notice 1» hereby given that ! rest all you can. eat all you can. that's the treatment and Conditions—All th* above events have dillv appointed the following are free for al) unless otherwise deputy Mock inspector fur Harnev that’s the best treatment. stated. In all race*, five to enter County. Oregon • We «ill send you and three to start, but the Associ­ Burn» a little ci the Emul­ ation reserves the right to hold a A. II. Colenbaugh............. John Jenkins..................... Smith sion free. less number than five to fill, bv re­ r« fur. tbal thh pKtara la Dick Smith........................... Andrews the tjrm of • Ub«l ■ ducing the purse in proportion to wramwr ol evrry host«« «4 NrwT H oovkr , yoe buy- the norsea entered All entries to Stock Inspector. SCOTT & BOWNE. close at S o’clock »harp thejevening Chemists. before the race. California Jockey 400 Peart St., N. Y. Manager Wanted. clubrulee to govern all running races toe and ir all druggists. except weights. Trustworthy, either sex. I v All aged horses to carry not iees than 112 pounds. Wholesale Merchandise ’C«-lii|>anv Trotting or pacing races will be of solid financial standing, to man­ governed according to National age Ixical Representative who will Trotting Association rules. The organize dubs among consumers, Neanv newspaper« hw ltitelv j I vmi «-nmucy t«> »‘ports Uy irn>p»»n*ib*e parti«-» to tbwrOrrt relay race is five times around the 40 per cent saved for ourcustomers. ■ track ; five horses; change horses Rusiness no exjieriment but a prov­ THE NEW HOME SEWIN9 MACHINE CO Lad entered a frost or combination ; we wish each time around; rider to change en success. Salary AIS a week, ex­ t ■ as.'ure the puLUc llml tiwrv w mw f*-Mf A in sepa­ penses advanced. Experience un­ ► irh report*. We have been manufacturing own rig; saddle and blanket ► wiu< nw»cliitie« for over a quarter of a erntu- necessary. Address. D. B. Clark­ rate; saddle cinched with latigo; ian 1 have a-«tabiMihed a reputation for our- ► iv. « un om the market. It 1« not necessary for us tn enter lata a trust serves the right to change any of hie. Address to sure >n with manufacturers of U>w grade 214 Spring St. Seattle, Wasli. rhe:, p much in * that are nuide to tell rvgard- 1 their not filling, also to post|>one h**s <4 any intrinsic merits. Ik) not be dr- au- any and all of the program on ctgvi-d, wia*n you want a re win* machine don't I ► nJ your money away from borne*. «'all on a count of inclement weather- OsA.fllTOTl.X^. •• .%>w ffowir ” Dealer, he can sell you a .y- IN CM Y*j Rn« tlwn B ä ,TI I-ett. r mnehin** for >es* than you can purchase rpliOFORO^ ßlACKORAtIGNT LC°HSTIPAT í CO I " ■ j ZDo "Z“ o - cl ZESea-d.? I ' .liniiioilHiur1 • ’I an vital Hallen tu* tlt jilli if u»»t tv I icvin I. If rvarv kxniMi|»n!iii L’t I relief. To any one sending u» Al.50, one year’s subecriplioa to ths hi,«», we will mail the Chicago Weekly Inlst-Occa» one year free or to any one sending us three cash subscription for the two I'Sper we will give a yrar's subcriptmn to each ps)M>r free, or Tha (\uiAtipatu»n invitre all kind uf t-uiliU? «'i», Inhvii*- lit ulachrs. nt't. vehh an«! manv other nil* ment« tli*i I* are relieved, rh«*! furti » IlLuh I»raiiglil th*ivUfc’My t Iran« uut the bowidt hi 411 <*a»y ami i atural kuanrrr without the pnrifiiiffot t nluinvl ur other vio» lent cathartic». Kt» ►uro thut J ami tfrt the urigi* nal Thedf -rd » Hlia h l‘r»t»ei t OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for 32.00. made by I h» t‘hattunu»<4 M»»l tmet'«». Suhl ‘ v all drugguU in Jû cent and dl .00 k.ujv»- 1 arrea. Irk , Mat ti. |M>|. I rMtosU r»«-««»*«•»»»■•*! i k**h ’i4** Miar»» l»t aufe-ht 1« m > k)«h|). I krvpll la tut I io » m all Ikr lima a« I »••• w»J II tf IPs laat tra par«. I «»♦»•« ga«» mi rtkUdro« aay «*4h»r L>ta« arruuat uf to-It»« lr««l>l»4 "Ml MretllMttett. i>‘ar atcdLl»« la [j all tksl h»*|* •• •». “ 1 For Readlog matter you «annoi find a more lilx-ral offer. If any of the above, however, do not »trike you a* what you want, writ« us. we will give you a good hlx-ral olubbing offer with any twritMÜnal published in the I'nilrd Siale» Don't pul it off. New I» your time. Addre»», c. ». ■«» tniaxn. THE ITZETLJZS Ore•<«« <** •• «M 1-2 J tec«« tllieuu ->~C YA»ne ▼»•JFCTOtr H-. <" IS Miackre The Up-» ng loH’fh hftiatf Car- Iritign Th.» Cartridge ha* a ve­ locity of ever 2,000 !e< < per second with consequent flat trajectory and Tre. great killing 34 3f S. A. Formerly Woman’s d X Q ■ Nloiuach 'I rouble. n • i !de;.s in Hshiom. in Millinery, •n Embroidt /, in Cooking, in A .ma s Werk 'rd in Reeding: beautif-Hy illustr *ed in colors a: d Above all, it -ws the ver; fas .icnatie New ¡ft* S -LEL n.ad« fr m N ew I dea P at ­ ti ri S, •* ..ch c.jt ,r.!y toc. each. Send Fiv* Cents To-day I fs’as re;* ecjvof ? - T.'ew I dka W omaw '« M agazin * l cee at tra st »a,.t fat the rxx.«y il car. s /• fta TKI MEW IOLA PU3LISHIS0 CO 63S Broadway New York. N 1 on*, T reHfiectfnlly Court to Rig-ion malt and Precinct for a i»*rfetilion . 1900 and 1901 Models ¿X |7 f0 $‘j I < 'ulul—pvt w ith large ro|rrut-t>v/< and B full . < ■ and license spiritu- li pioni in gallon in said Our fee returned if we fail. Any one rending sketch and description of any invention will promptly rcccivo our opinion free concerning th« patent­ ability of same. “IIow to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patent« secured through us advertised for »alo at our expense. l atent« taken out through us receive special no/ir/, without charge, in Tiik Pi ii at Ilk< <> iu >, nn illustrated and widely circulated journal, ciuisulted by Manufacturers ami Investors. Send for »ample copy FREE. Address, of litre* month* beginning on the Second day of Septeiti- her 11103 lie S3 io CP SB taken In tr*»!«« by t Tire«. esiuli.Astatol.artiasittea.N’nKi»* ;»« *' «■ r i j _ __________ _______ * wwM •* w' * af li»6»romttm» «liuiMit. I« In y«"ir St are Ih» « J<.u . »'I tnak< B » A iv j»i“*b’i I * > ' l' ik t Iw sulf* n«vimf T « - wheel u» rirtc f«»r E»Hirw|F. > » Week --------------------------- ........................ WF MMWF« rellkhl« I* r*..n In ••«• I» low»« <«• dlstrltmle rat« if^ru* *• f* r « a I • rwrbaurfv b»r a bl< * * In rite «••»••« for free oltkKMr an»l <>ur ap«»«d• «»ifer. « han..anm»lr lll«str«’»d weekly. Mrvwal W». r ifat •» «if any ertati't»«* Journal. ‘Isrib» M • v • > months. BL *».'1<1 by •!! nrwert«*a’aK RraiMh office. WHEELS gsOO SEOOND.HAND ake«rh and deaeriMtom may «ti lek I y aareenun « «»r <>|4ntsM» free whether an invwnth.n ta pr’tbably rula«’tabia < ore munira tM>no naden! lai. Ilamlh»»»« « hi « aient* KHit free. • »Meat Rffen«*y f-.r ae»-ur»n< |<»tanta. |*ue«>ta re»«*« tbr< u«h Mann A < <• recel»« •p- nil n‘‘tUe, w"h<>ut chanre. It* the your sell one fa. u-rh-M ut ih«» r«Mttiir) meured slM IP 2lk t zw by us at t't»«-l*alf cual, /•«r BO YEARS* ^EXPERIENCE voter* ut grant a to venous | less q-iantitie« than ’ a? j is the cheapest and best Far .ion Magatine low be- "* the me- '.an outlie ltdiews in blac*; a.-.d whit,. WOO 105«) lezsl resi­ Namre. Erland I "arisen, The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean Geo. A. Hmyth, X . I I ■ » H, is the only weekly newspaper pub­ Tice Slttill, I. . ('hambrrtain A, Stone, lished in Chicago in connection L. B. Carroll, CI imh . Turner, with the great daily papers. It Frank Larson, J. C. West. contains a judiciously selected F. Mirando, John Smyth, summary of the news of the nation /as, Migxnt, Cha* Thotnik. Notice is hereby given that the under­ and world, the best stories, home, signed will on tlte 2nd day of Sept, farm, woman’s, and other sjrecial make application to the County Court of departments, and fair, patriotic, Harney County, State of Oregon, for tlie able editorials, written from a Re­ granting of the license mentioned in the Chas. Rigdon. publican viewpoint. It is by far above petition. the beet general newepajrer of the I Western States. The regular price IlF.SF.KI. I.ANh. FINAL FXOOF. for the Weekly Inter Ocean is *1.00 F. R L«nf*ir»*»fwar»rt• 1 hon, ail of Lawen, Oregon. M m . F«aRK, Register. savs I). L. Ih-ach. of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield, Mass. “A few tlESKKT LASH, FINAL t-KOOF. h.rrby liven that l.ydla I.. Me- 1 Liver Tablets. I have taken part ! M.all.n nt tirvw-ay,Harney enntity,Orognn,lia- Sled notice of Intention to make proof on her Ioft hem and feel a great deal better." de»ertJsn<1 claim Mo. tl», for tlx- SW^KF.tS, If you have any trouble with your «••. ». Tp. SI, HUM, f., W. M.. before the Reyl.t.r and Hecetvev at flnme, Oregon, stomach try a lox of these Tablets. on Halnr-lay the tith day of Heptember, l'jat ' You are certain to l»e pleased with She name, the fol low In, wllne-.e* to prove the complete Irritation and reelsw-atlon of I the result. Price 25 cents. For ■aid land Nolle a Oard. Frank Halladay, sale by H. M. Horton, Burns: Fred Jeeol. Wright, leeae M McMullen, all of Irn-w aet, Oreton. ilaiuee Harney. M am Fatar Reglater. r j'|H«rit«»i its mu i «»«, positively can not--«io more, ’thian relieve you. ¡e< It n-quira* an internal remedy to remove the cause uml effect a permanent cure. Ask your dri>ggi»t for Dr. Perrin’s Booklet on thesub- VICTOR J, EVANS « OO„ (Patent Attorneys,', Evans Building, :$L00 A FREE PATTERN 1 ( MS CALL'S^ fr»»«ir laWat -a-ia*a llaaal > loflf!» «Lriba-r Onlv Sub- 5»» ««-ni» ,i tear. Î • WASHINGTON, D. C. -THE- S!. 00: W eekly ÌN tei ? O cear I. : The Gieote-t Pepnbllcin Paper of the West. X I T is the m«M stalwa.f nnu unw.iving Hcpuhlicrn Weekly pirn • li-died lolay unit can nlwsy. bn relied upon for lair and bone.t re J ports »1 nil politirel afiair. • I I r»-—:/ Hlae Weekly inter Ocean Sapp’les A I ot the New»} ,, «.• Uk® $ and the licet oi Current I. teraturc. ( ki., . magazihen S/ It is .Morally Clean, and r.i u Family Taper i. Wiihotal a 1'ser. A IAD1IS’ MAGAZINt. s • Its I iterary columns ate equal to those ot the brst magarmes. * f»r--- . I,r a ■ ' I <.-l>alr>| pf.lt» S ; lalFwt f.«wiii,«i. «!«*• oiali'> e« »■•nanna a ; I *"* y «iNk . l»-.aiweli«alaj l ini . lutila*«, r|«- Nula Its Youth’s Dtpitrlmi nt Is the f nest of its kind. ........ ■ • ■ ' ■ l..y, «a». - . ru' *» Hi a * «Sapy l.4l>l..h. a In ' li'rneo I. Ianuo U of Ihn pnopl« we.t of Ihr All«:h>nr Moti ululi» tnun an, other paper MSCALL/Èfe -LtransW •1.00 i Ç£«£LO>ÆJDgLiÂ5^JLXEA? Z « • $1.00: I ............... M an prr r»»r • nd «if Ml- ,,. Fate. r , fWlly !.. h mall * >»*.it ........... n *m f>rr year • later Ocren are j i«>iy •»» sn..i, I» mall.................. RS» per »rar* > the best of their kind. ,. , { r-- Addreaa TRK IXTKR Ilf MAS. Chlraao. * >aeoseeessoooeeseoe**soooe»oseeeeeseoeeoas«eeseeseJi