* I I »• Henry Blackman of Heppner, representative of the state of Oregon for th«- Mwis and Clark centennial Oregonian and Items, $2 00. and of th« 8t. Louis exposition McMullen ths ph«jlograph«r op­ commission, is in the city looking posite the hunk. for exhibits of wool and other Keth B’lwsrs, of Harn»y, was a displays for th«i big Fairs. visitor in the city Wednesday, E If. Meade, and brother-in-law C. I* Haight, of Portland, spent 0. W. Robbins and family, arrived u f««-.v days in the city this week. Thursday from Alturas, California. Ben Brown and family are home Mr. Robbins hits accepted a posi­ I from un outing in the mountains tion in the Capitol barber »hop, I Mr. and Mrs Fred Fisk returned and will make Burns his future Monday from a visit to the P home, He ban rented the lofonard residence west of Register Furre ranch. and will soon be dumocile«! in his Bools Smith has been employed new home. at The Windsor us chief night dis­ Lunaberg A Dalton will give penser. away a handsome writing desk to The Board of Equalization will cash purchasers on September 19 meet in thia city on Monday, Sep­ A ticket will be given with every tember 7. cash purchase to the amount of Th«»« Jenkeus, the Stein Moun­ one dollar, which will entitle the tain «heepman. was in the city on holder to a chance on this very use­ husinesa this week. ful piece of household furniture. H. A. Ilillard and family return­ The desk is now on exhibition at ed la«t Saturday from an outing on their storo. Drop in and see it. tho Upper Deschutes. A. L. Hunter and wifean«! W. Y. Local and General. A SPECIAL SALE of tooth-picks, quill and wood, at The Welcome Pharmacy. ■MMi Al Weatherly and Albert Altnow : of Drewsoy, rani« over on business I Capitol Barber Shop w Wednesday, They returned home i today. w o I u e * i Even thing to fist «late - i -I wm ♦ Born—in this city, Saturday, Aug 8. 1903 to the wife of Stephen atei up- • Seawtard, of Cord, a son.—Ontario Argus. i i J ▼ Your patronage solicited South I of ( apilo) Saloon. I a ■ | Fred Fisk, proprietor ■w. •- • -• ■* iV I E. A. Fraser, of the Malheur Mercantile Co., of Ontario, is in the city on business conuecte«! with his firm. • V O The Panama canal treaty has been rejected by the Colombian senate The vote may be recon­ sidered. Otis Sizemore left Friday morn­ ing for Huntington, where he will visit his parents who are reported in poor health. G. B. Norton, of Stein Mountain, was fined $25 and costa in Justice Miller,« court Wednesday for kill­ ing deer out of season. : DIED. Mr. Efli«' Svm«’ died at her home in thia ci’y Sunday evening. Aug- net Hi 19U3, aged 31 years, 8 days. Th«» deerased was iiorn in Vir­ ginia, August 8, 1872, her |«arents moving to Lane County, Oregon, the samn year. She was married at Prineville in 1889 to Hutton B Svmr and was the mother of four children. Hires of whom, two sons ami a daughter, still survive her Her parents, Mr. and Mr«. J. P. Dickrnron of l.awen, were at the lx d-nic when the end came. I‘tn> funeral service» were cor.- ducted from the home Monday afternoon and th«' remains laid to rest in the Hum« cemetery. Mr. 1». I*. Daugherty, well known throughout Mercer and Summer «•»uuti« W. Va . most likely ores liis life to th«' kindnessof a neigh- l>or. Il’- wa* almost hopelessly uf- lln ti d w ith diarrhoea ; wax attend­ ed hv two physicians who gave nim little, if any. n- ief, when a neigh­ bor lenrning of his serious condi­ tion. brought him a bottleof Cham­ berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­ rhoea Remedy, which cur«*d him in less than twenty-four hours. For eale by II. M. Horton, Burin«; Bred Haines, Harney. The Red Front Livery barn is catering to its patronage ami bar improved its livery service. Feed by the «lay or month at reasonable rates. Oregonian and Items. $2.00 'Lost Hair •• My hair came out by the hand­ ful, and the *rav hairi began to creep in. I cried Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and it stopped the hair from com­ ing out and restored the color.”— Mrs.M. b.Grav, No. Salem, Mass. There’s a pleasure in offering such a prepara­ tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara­ tion. SIM a te«H. *11 lottt«l«- If vm,r drn«l»t «-»n'wt «en,I II» on....... . «ml »» ,wl1' ».... a tetti». I'” ««2 •'"'I''” Ti.u.L County Cl«rk F. 8. Rider and L«-m M. Brown left Tuesday for an outing on Upper Silvios and Emi­ grant. Ben Campbell has completed his bay harvest at the Lake and is in town to day on bis way to his home ranch on Emigrant. II E. Thompson, John and Ed Martin returned Thursday from an outing in the Cascades near the headwaters of the Deschutes. King returned this week from Bend, Crook County, where they went some months ago expecting to lo­ cate {»ermanently. They return satisfied that there are worse places than Burna. Mr. Hunter says that the creation of a forest reseve in that section will prove a greatdraw­ back to settlement there for many years. Trixie Russell, who has been running a bawdy house at the campon Stein Mountain waa given a preliminary hearing Thursday after noon before Justice Miller on the charge of selling whiskey with­ out a license. There not being suf­ An Other* See V*. ficient evidence to warrant holding her to the grand jury she was dis­ (Continued from Second page.) charged. geological survey department of E V. Dalton, of Dalles, County the Government, Prof. Lrael C. Treasurer of I’olk County and Russell, of the University is Michi­ Walter G. Sharman, of Indepen­ gan, expressed his opinion that ti e dence. arrived in Burns Wednes­ indications for a supply of artesian day on a visit to Mr. Dalton's water are exceedingly favorable. brother James Dalton and family. There are not many things grown The trip was made by private con­ in this latitude that cannot be pro­ veyance, the gentlemen coniing by the Sanliain route acro«s the Cas­ duced in Harney Valley. They raise here their own breadstuff«, cades. They ar«; very much pleas­ there beingafiouring mill at Burns ed with this country and enjoyed It is unquestionably a grain pro­ their trip. ducing country, and when trans­ I. Schwartz, Father Doyle, Frank portation facilities are provided Welcome and Ernest Shields left there will undoudtedlv be an enor­ Friday morning by private con­ mous export of it. Small fruits are veyance for Shaniko. Mr. Schwartz I grown with entire success, and as goes to meet his family who are for vegetables, I can say that I have returning from their trip to Alaska seen some gardens in Burns that Father Doyle will consult Arch­ are equal to almost any in tbe in- bishop O'Rielly at Baker City re­ termountain country. garding church matters, while There was a time in the history Messrs. Welcome and Shields are of many of our important cities enroute to Quincy, Illinois, where when they did not give the promise they will attend school this Winter. of success that Burns gives today. NEW STOCK Is constantly arriving at our store- Our lines are complete and now we can fill any order with tbe best of everything. Bring or send us your order# for Fancy Dress goods. Ready Made Wrappers, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods Hats. Clothing, Boots and Shoes. J. D. Combs came over from Can­ yon Citv Monday to receive a bunch of cattle purchase«! here last week, mention of which wax made in our last issue. M. Beierly, who has been looking Fresh line of staple and fancy Groceries over this country with a view of James J. Jeffries, champion It occupies one of the most favora­ again becoming a resident of this heavy weight of tbe world, played ble sites for a city to be found in section, will leave for his home at with Jim Corbett for nine rounds Harney Valley. When this great Newport tomorrow. and a half in San Fruncisco last country is thoroughly developed it C. E. Kenyon is home from a Friday night, and then Cotbett's will support a city of a large popu­ I business trip to the railroad. It is seconds motioned to Referee lation, and there can be little doubt reported that he has bought into a Graney to stop the fight in order of Burns being that city. large hardware firm in Boise, and to save their man from need lene It occupies a slight elevation that he will soon move his resi­ punishment. The end came short­ overlooking Harney Valley, ana as dence to that city. ly after the beginning of the 10th a traveler nears it. he is delighted J. L. Huffman, of John Day, was round, when Jeffries planted one of with the attractive appearance it over again this week with a load of his terrific left swings on Corbett’s presents. There is a population in Burns fruit and vegetables. Mr. Huffman stomach. of about 1200 being the larger part is a uewspa|>er man and we under­ The Shaniko Warehouse Com­ of the people of the county. It is stand he will engago in his pro­ pany, of Shaniko, this week sent capable of supporting several fession in this city. the Fair committee their cheek for enterprises that are very much C. W. McClain and family were $20 to be place«! on some exhibit at needed at present. Among these in from their new home in at the Fair. Tho money will are a steam laundry ami a cream­ ery. the South Warner valley country l»e given as a special premium for Although Burns is 1-10 miles a few days this week. Dude is the largest and best display of live­ from the railroad it experiences well pleased with hix location, and stock. The livestock exhibit at more commercial activity than will soon have nn excellent ranch. the Fair next month should be many pl ices of the same size into which a railroad enters. To illus­ F. M. Jordan is partitioning his worthy of the leading industry of trate this I will give a few figures Ample arrange­ that I have obtained from reliable building into office rooms. Biggs 1 ' of our county. A Biggs will occupy rooms in the ments have been made for their sources. From the country surroundingI south of the building while Mr. care and the premiums are such as Jordan will occupy those on the to be an inducement for stockmen Burns there was shipped last year 2,400,000 pounds of wool and north side until a renter can bo to make a large exhibit. 50,000 sheep. There were also found. The preliminary examination of( shipped from the county 80,000 p! George Q. Carey, the Omaha Thos Dawson charged with an head of cattle and 4000 head of Succeesore to R. A. Miller