Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, August 08, 1903, Image 3

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    A young man by the name of
Milan bud his leg broken Thursday
I by a horse fulling with him. II»
Oregonian and Item*.
I 1« being cured for nt the Symes
Henry Landreth was a Sunday Hotel.
Trouble I* brewing over in Crook
I K. Venator waa up from Law- County. A rancher who has I nwii
eu Sunday.
favoring sheepmen hnd hi* fences
last week and is threaUned
McMullen the photographer op­
being burned out.
posite the bunk.
Local and General.
Now is the time
to use disinfectants
We have carloads
of them atThe Wel­
come Pharmacy.
Capitol Barber Shop
Everything tisi Ha.* and up­
to dut»
llalli I i I riMi.
Sil BIIWIM., etc .
<>f ( apilol Saloon.
£ Fred Fisk, proprietor s
•- • -»»ossosssii
Elect a Sew
Cardinal Guisepi»« Sarto, I. patri
arch < f Venice, was elected pope
Tuesday to nicced I.«-«» XIII, and
now reign* al the Vatican and over
the Catholic world a* Pius N
The new | k )| s ' was born at Venice
June 2, !>>.".’> lie was consecrated
a priest in 1N5.H, and Is-camo coad­
jutor to the priest at Tombolo,
i'adan; promoted to a parrith
priest al Salxau in 1SU7, elected
chancellor of the bishopric of Tre­
viso in H75, ami later vicar gener
til ap|s>iiited bishop cf Mantua in
ISM; made a cardinal in IMh'!
und appotiitd pati larch of Venice.
Dispatches state that in several
respects the new pontiff resembles
Ilia predecessor, notably in his rep­
utation for culture and piety. He
is recognized ns the greatest preach­
er in the church
No new
imlicies will be adopted in the
‘church. General satisfaction is
expressed among tin- cur Imais re­
garding the election.
Mr I). I'. D.iughcrty. well known
throughout Mercer and Summer
counties, W. \ a . moat likely owes
hi« life to the kindness of a neigh-
l*»r. II. waa almost hopelessly al-
flirted with diarrhoea ; was attend­
ed bv two physicians who gave nim
little, if any, rc.ief, when u neigh-
lair learning of his serious condi­
tion. brought him a bottle of Cham-
berluin's folic. Cholera ami Diar­
rhoea Remedy, which curd him in
less than twenty-four hours, For
sale bv H. M. Horton, Burns; Ered
Haines, Harney.
•• I wss given up to die with
quick consumption. I then bei’..in
to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1
improved st once, and am now in
perfect health.” Chus. E. Hart­
man, Gibbstown, N.Y.
It’s too risky, playing
with your cough.
The first thing you
know it will be down
deep in your lungs and
the play will be over. Be­
gin early with Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral and stop
the cough.
Tbm •!<« ■ m
. »•- *'•
Cnsa.lll ,onr dortor. tr l.s «
•»** ¡ ;
tn Ink* It. th*" dn»2 uk" “„J*’ l‘n,,w••
Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Turner t ame
Chai ley Johnson caiue in Tues­
from the Stein Mountain
day from Clover Swale,
country Sunday Io remain a week.
Geo. Sizemore's family returned Mr. Turner is in the employ of
Sunday from tne l*lund. •
Jenkin* Bros, the sheepmen.
J.. II, third came up from Lawen
Mrs. F. D Barrows, of John
Wed i lay on business.
Day, i*.visiting her parents Mr.
<ivrald <¡riffin. of Narrows, was ami Mrs Henry Caldwell.
upon business Monday.
come residents of Burns in the near
M FitzGerald left Tuesday on a future.
business trip to Sumpter,
Newell Stubblefield, of Wallowa
Joe Combs, of Canyon City, is in County, wus visiting Mr. and Mrs
llii* vicinity buyii g entile.
Cha*. N< well, nt their home south
The race track is now in roti- of Dog Mountain this week
Mr. Stubblefield is a brother of
dition for winking homes,
Mr* Newell.
W D Marlin, of Harney, wan
The large Fair poster* are being
over on business yesterday.
distributed today. The premium
I. II. Holland is home from It list will b> ready for distribution
business trip to the railroad.
early next week. If you do not
W. J King, of Luwen, was doing receive one write the president or
business in Burns Wednesday.
Mr. und Mrs. Cy Parrish ore
Henry Welcome is in from hi*
ov« r from John Day a few days
Clover Swale ranch for a few day*. during the week on a visit to
Win Clark, the l.uweii merchant, lives. They left Tuesday
wu* m the city on business Mon­ Harney on a visit with Mr*,
rish'n brother, Mr. Arthur Slone.
Receiver Chas Newell came up
E A. Stauffer and Frank Stauffer
We ¡.¡if
were in Burn« on business this front his his ranch south of Dog
Mountain Monday. He left Tues­
day on a abort trip to Narrows. He
Boots Smith, of the Island .aneli, will soon return to his duties in the
The escaped convicts from the
l.a* been spending the week in lutid office as hi« leave of absence Folsom prison seem to have
escaped their pursuer« since the
Las i.early expired.
I S. Geer und fumily have re­
E. 11. Meade left Monday bv battle last week in which two of
turned from »heir outing hi Bear private conveyance for Alturas,Cal­ tbe posse were killed and another
However, numerous
\ *1 ■ 1
ifornia, where lie will meet his wounded.
parties are engaged in the man­
Commissioner C. T Miller was brother-in-law <>. W. Robbins and
hunt and they may yet be over­
up fr >m l.awen Monday on county family, who are enroute to Burns. taken before they cross into
Mr. Robbins is a barber and will
Nevada. The convicts have divid­
locate here permanently.
Dr. Geary returned Monday
ed into several bands which makes
Tho« Jone«, a prominent sheep­ the search more difficult. Blood
from n trip to Portland. Astoria
of Malheur County, and Joe hounds have been secured and will
und Seaside.
Lamb, of Drewsey, were in the be pluced on the trail.
The Windsor Bar ha* added
city on business Monday.
mirrors to (lie back bar for glasses,
A kicker who is always kicking
Jones, we understand, was looking
etc. it is very swell.
out for hay to help winter hi* in the community is no advantage
Undo Billy Buchanan was in sheep, but found none for sale in to that community. He is too
trifling to undertake anything
from his home on Soldier Creek ’ this vicinity.
several days this week.
Carl Cook, a nephew of Fred himself ami is too selfish to en­
courage his neighbor whois trying
Carrol Cecil and family,of Silver Lunaberg, arrived in Burns thia
to get along. The man who con­
Creek, are occupying their town week on a visit. He came to thia
stantly discourage« but never en­
! country about two months ago
residence for a few days.
you is not your friend, no
from Germany and has been visit­
N. U. Carpenter and fumily left
matter what professions he may
ing Mr. Lunabtirg'* sister in Victor,
Monday on a visit with friends at Colorado, lie may decide to re­ make. The man who never sees
Granite. Grant County.
any good in his fellow man is
main here |>ern.anently.
lacking in that essential commod­
Dave Bond returned
James Turner and wife and Joe ity himself. Dont place too much
Ontario Thursday where he went
Turner were visitors from their stress, therefore, upon the vanor-
with some traveling men.
home south of Harney Monday. ings of the kicker, says a writer.
Atty John <!. Saxton and Daniel They report excellent hay crops in
They attribute
Willetts returned Thursday from a their vicinity.
The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean
their good fortune to the heavy is the only weekly newspaper pub­
trip to the Owyhee country.
rains in the ear!" part of the sum­ lished in Chicago in connection
Dr. H. Volp arrived in the city
mer, which on one occasion was with the great daily papers, It
Monday from Ontario and is busy
nearly equal to a waler spout.
contains a judiciously selected
looking after business matters.
State Treasurer Moore last Sat­ summary of the news of the nation
Jack Robinson who ha« been urday made his annual apportion­ and world, the best stories, home,
having out on Cow Creek, returned
ment to each county of the com­ farm, woman's, and other special
home on the Ontario stage last
mon school fund.
The total departments, and fair, patriotic,
amount apportioned was ♦230,01 L- able editorials, written from a Re-
N. B. Macklin. T. W. Marshall 20, being the greatest amount ap­ publican viewpoint. It is by far
at.d F. Roth, commercial men. portioned in 20 years.
The the best general newspaper ot the
were calling oil local business men amount per capita is ♦ 1.G0, ami Western States. The regular price
this week.
Harney County on its 1,02(1 pupils for the Weekly Inter Ocean is ♦ 1.00
and for the Harney Valley Items
I.ong.Creek will have six days is entitled to $ 1 ,(¡32.
♦ 1.50, but subscriptions will be re­
racing commencing August 24.
J, F. Klink, who has been at ceived at this office for the two
Purses to the amount of 1775 will work on the removal of the tele­
papers in combination for one year
he given away.
phone office, to larger quarters in
for only ♦ 1.50.
W. T. Hill, who with his ROM the front room over Voegtly’s hard­
Stomach I rouble.
Ora, has a haying contract with ware «tore, completed hi* work the
“I have been troubled with my
the Company on the Island was in
improvements will be made in the stomach for the past four years,"
town yesterday.
local system among them will be a savs D. 1.. Beach, of Clover Nook
Chas. Heihiiier returned Thurs­
private booth ill the office, and a Farm, Greenfield. Mass. “A few
day from the Arnold ranch on
pole exchange, which will add days ago I was induced to buy a
Pine Creek, w here lie has been em­
greatly to the convenience of the box of Chamberlain’s Stomach and
ployed for the past month.
Liver Tablets. I have taken part
them and feel a great deal better."
The Ltd Front Livery barn is
Mart Baker, foreman of the OO If you have any trouble with your
! entering to its patronage and liar ranch, was injured in the face last
improved its livery service. Feed Saturday bv a steer which he was stomach try a laix of these Tablets.
by the day or month at reasonable marking in a sliute. The animal You are certain to be pleased with
the result. Price 25 cents. For
I rates.
got down, the horns getting fast in sale by IL M. Horton, Burns: Fred
the fence, and while Mart was over Haines, Harney.
We will sell you a Mitchell, him they came loose, one horn
Oswald West, of Astoria, has
Rushford or Webber Farm Bed striking Mart just below the eye
I laying the flesh open to the bone. been appointed state land agent by
Wngoti ;
He came to town Sunday and had the Governor to succeed J. W.
«1 Fleet Skein ♦85.00
Dr. Marsden take a few stitches in Morrow, who tendered his resigna­
BO 00
3| „
ugly gash. He was able to re­ tion in order to accept a position
«I „
more to his liking.
home Monday.
Send your orders to us, O. C. Co I
One ol the most popular
TEAS in the Market
__ "
For sale exclusively by
trailing statiips.
See our premium lint.
Is constantly arriving at our store-
Our lines are complete and now we can fill any order with the
beet of everything. Bring or send us your orders for
Fancy Dress goods,
Ready Made Wrappers,
Ladies' and Gents’ Furnishing Goods
Hats, Clothing, Boots and Shoes.
Fresh line of staple and fancy Groceries.
Lunaberg & Dalton
t I
r ?
k i
Miller & Thompson
Successor« to R. A.’Miller & Co.