Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, July 25, 1903, Image 3

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    • * I
Ju». H. Hurd, of Hurney, sold his
wool lliu first of the week to J. M
Mr. Oard had 20,800
< Irrgonian mul I tenis.
pounds for which he rec-ived 12)
<1 L. Hhiiiglcdvckxr ia ill at the cents.—Ontario Argus
( •regmi Hotel.
James Million, a prominent
Al Weatherly. of Drawaoy, ia a stock mail of Harney county, is in
visitor today.
the city.
Mr Mahon will ship
seven carloads of horses from
McMullen the photographer op­
Ontario to Canada—Ontario Ar­
posite the bank.
Charley Brandon and Jim Hicks
Engineer John T. Whistler, in
are down from Emigrant
charge of the government survey­
Now is the time to Iwgin saving ing in Eastern Oregon was in
your exhibit! for the Fair.
city several days this week
W. II. Culp is still very ill al wus here looking over the work
ing done in Hilvies Valley.
hie home northeast of Burns,
Local and General.
What l>«*tter form of solid en­
joyment than to smoke a good
cigar after a good dinner?
There arc u number of depart­
ments in our storo iu which
we take special pride; our
cigar department ia one nf
these. We have imported
cigars in good variety, and
most of the better grades in
domestic cigars.
We believe wu know how
cigars should be kept in order
to plensa the taste of the fas­
tidious smoker. We should
like to have your opinion ■ Hl
the subject
The Welcome
I’. C, Peterson, the sheepman,
‘ Muck Initiation" by the Re­
was in the city Monday having
bekahs next Thursday night.
just returned from Ontario where
W. Parrish returned he has been to di»|>os<> of his wool
Thursday fiom Ag ency Valley.
clip. Th« clip went to a Boston
A mysterious disease is killing buyer for 13) cents per (uiutid.
olf cattle in ClaekamuH County.
A. Venator wni up from I.awen
Joel Rmith and family returned on business a few days during the
thia week from a visit to the I* week. Mr. Venator says his hay
crop which is now being harvested,
will lie an average one, and thinks
Maron work on John Gember-
has sufficient feed to carry him
ling's new store building is nearing
until another season.
A I. Johnson, of Drewaev, ac­
I, Woldenbcrg, Sr., and fninily
by his daughter, Mies
rcturm-d Thursday evening from
Pltlllt A HI.Y A I.INE
through Ontario Sat­
FOIC CEN l it II. OitEGUN their trip to Denio.
urday enroute to Portland where
Rodney Buckmaater. of Happy they go to attend the Hession of the
Ilnrrimnn People Amply Alii«- Valley, »|K-nl a few days in the grand lodge A. O. U. W. and Degree
t<> Ituilil
city during the week.
of Honor.—Ontario Democrat.
Grover Jameson and Nolic Reed
The government surveyors have
Commenting u | h > i > thè recent di»- left the first of tile week for an out­ completed their work on the reser­
voir site in Silvirs Valley and this
patelle« fr<>m New York to thè ing on Emigrant creek.
•flet i Ihat «xtenaive railroad con-
Sam Mothershead ia assisting week moved down into Harney
elruetioii ia contemplate-! in thè County Clerk Rieder during tho Valley and established their camp
al the Cowing place. They are now
Pacific Northwest, thè Oregonian absence of Win McKinney.
engaged in running ditch levels
of thè 22nd »ava in pari:
David Cary, of Ontarie, has sold
"Il ie believvd in Portland thaf his liaim-ss and saddle stock to J. from the big reservoir site.
tli« informatimi posaeesed by thè M. Kelley of the same place.
Ata meeting of the Fair Com­
Hey! Since you are preparing to
Hill internata to thè eth et tlial thè
mittee Thursday evening the date
Atty John G. Saxton is over in-
ìlarriman linea wìll he «xtended
harness, team harness, chain har­ for holding the Fair was changed 1
through Central <(reumi lo mesi voatigating tho possibilities of rec­
straps, lines, breeching, col­ from Sept. 28 to Oct 3 to two weeks
tho Columbia Southern is correvi lamation along the llwyheo River
lars, etc. J. C. Welcome A Son earlier, commencing Sept 14 and
Twi» plana bave beoti auggested,
John R Jenkens, tin- prominent can fit you out with every thing in ending Sept 20. The report of the
eilher of »ludi mighl he adopted. Happy Valley sheepman, was up
this hue. They are also the committees on speed and exhibit
Neith’-r of illese plana, by thè way, on business lust Saturday and Sun­
makers of the best saddles on the programs were heard and adopted. -
take in lo oonaideralion thè p<>»si- day.
The premiums and purses, together
co sot.
bìlily <>f a «imple extenoion of thè'
with special premiums will reach
Edward Mogan and Mrs. Scarf,
Ize Caldwell left Monday for
“ Columbia
IJ 114 I •• * » I IB Southern
• 'filili’ III I to
• - I
H ll’l , leav-
I’ IB »
• ,
nearly $2500. A ladies board to '
both o» Burn*, wer* unite
Ontario and Boise on business.
in»; further buililihg for the future.
... .. ... ..
after the woman’s department
z n.._ ...I .....
While in the latter place he will
|s>licy might . lie .. followed,
but marring« al W alla W alia, the
was appointed consisting of the|
secure living apartments for his I
it ia not believed likely.
following: Mrs. H. E. Thompson.
wife and children, who will reside
The intimation from Harriman
Mrs. Thornton Williams. Mrs. W.
there nt xt winter that the children
interests that the Oregon Short \ basketbull team* will meet
E. Trisch. Mrs. I. S. Geer and Mrs.
l.inc is to Is- protected in the North­ local organizations duiing Eair < may take advantage of the splen­ H. C. Smith.
did educational facilities offered ut
west railroad building ia a strong week.
Pope I<eo XIII, official h«cd of
indication that a line will Is’ pro-: “Babies in the Woods" and that place.
the Catholic church, died at the
joeted into Central Oregon from ‘ Jack the Giant Killer" by the
Work on the Sumpter Valley
some point on the Oregon Short children of Burns next Wednesday ' railroad extension into the Green- Vatican in Rome Monday afternoon
| at 4 :10 p. ui. Pope Leo was a re-
I horns is under wav. Eight miles
i markuble man. He was past 93
“A recent special dispatch fron.
I of right of way lie« been cleared
D. C. O'Rielly, of Portland, one
! yearB of age and has been at the
New York insisted that a line
an I grading will soon commence.
of the Harney Valley Improve­
would be extended from Boiso or
The extension will lie about twelve : head of the church for 25 years,
ment concern, is a guest at the
i in which time he has not only en-
Nampa to connect with the Colum­
miles in length and will reach
Hanley ranch.
i deared himself to the jieople of his
bia Southern.
It is known by
I within a short distance of the
¡■■cal railroad men that the ¡Harri-
Listen Lake mining property and I church but has gained the ccnti-
j deuce and respect of the world at
man roads were considering a plan at their home north of town. Thurs­ I furnish an outlet for its ore.
'large. The conclave of cardinals
of building into Central Oregon day, July 23, 1903, a eon. Mother
will meet about August 1 to elect
from Ontario, not far distant from and child are getting along nicely.
new pope.
Nauipa. the point where the Boise
A dispatch to tho Oregonian of j ed Rived country, where he has
branch leaves the main line.
the 22nd from Antelope says that ' been searching for strayed horses,
These two stories coming from
a bund of sheep was shot into near j He succeeded in overtaking one
Cuttle are Com in an il I ng a Lesa
two different sources sc»-m to I con-
that place Tuesday ami 20 killeti. animal which became mired in
FigureTlian m Former Years
firm each other, and private in for
Robt. Irving, Chas. Crawford, Swamp Creek ahd was unable to
luation received through I Harri-
Cattle growers in al) parts of the
I follow its mates and which on be-
Ilian's New York bankers adds Tims. Vickers and Archie Poole, of
are watching the cattle
llaruev, arrived last Saturday from ' ing released remained in the
strength to this theory.
market with much interest this
the railroad with freight for Burns
sent about three weeks and his par­ season. But verv few cattle have
Mrs James G Blaine tin- wife of merchants.
ents and friends had begun to feel thus far been sold, and it seems to
W. E. Trisch writes from Hot anxious about him.
the lute New England statesman,
be th« concensus of opinion that all
Lake near Union, that he is enjoy­
is dead.
classes of stock is off in price.
The annual report of County While this is acknowledged to la­
ing his stay at the Lake, and that
School Superintendent Bartlett the present condition, still many
Oregonian ami Items. $2.00
shows a total school population of look for prices to revive again this
nearly disappeared.
1020, as compared with 881 a year
All exhibitors of livestock at tho ago. The average daily attend­ fall, and while they will not reach
Fair will have their stock feed and ance is 4 18 as compared with 493 the prices paid in former years,
they will be good values consider­
cared for without expense to them.
! in 1902.
During the year the ing the state of eastern markets.
This is n departure from the cus­ average salary of male teacher*
tom heretofore and should be the increased from $59.50 per month to It will be remembered that for a
means of securing a much larger $(>1.70 per month, and the average short period one year ago that
prime beef commanded $8.00 per
exhibit than usual.
salary of female teachers increased hundred on the Chicago market,
H. C. Smith, the new proprietor from $35 per month to $50.25 per while the same class of cattle now
, of the Red Front livery and feed mouth.
bring less then less than $4.50
barn guarantees the best of care of
While J. D. Combs recently paid
The operatas, "Babies in the
nil livestock intrusted to his care. Woods" and "Jaek the Giant Kill­ $27. 50 for lieef in this part of the
He also has an excellent livery er," will be presented at Floral country, James Eshotn, a brother of
service at reasonable prices. <'n ! Hull next Thursday evening by llenry Eshom. of Mt. Vernon, was
coming to Burns put up at the Red I the children of Burns assisted by getting the same class of beef cattle
I Mr. and Mrs. Simpson and niece. in Malheur Countv for $20 per
These pieces are presented under head. While these figures are so
We will sell you a Mitchell, the auspices of Sophia Lodge No. much below those paid last year,
Rushford or Webber Karin Bed 43 Rebekahs. Thursday evening that many will be slow to accept
the ladies of the lodge will pres- them, but it is believed that cattle
Wagou ;
I ent “Mock Initiation." The above will bo sold between now and fall
3j Steel Skein $85.00
are deserving of support and until the size if the bands are re­
90 00
3) „
should have a large attendance. duced to the size of the haystacks.
•'I i ..
—Canyon City Eagle.
Send your orders to us, O. C. Co Don’t forget the dates,
Our Spring line of goods will soon be on display. Call and
see us and get our prices. Quality of goods the highest; prices
the lowest and seeing is believing.
Lunaberg & Dalton
Harney Valley Brewery
L. WOLDENBERG, SR., Proprietor.
The services of a brewer of long years experience has been se­
cured and the product of this Brewery is of the best grade in the ,
Inland Empire.
lace a triul order and you will not be disap­
> :
Ì, ■
Miller & Thompson,
Successors to R. A. Miller A Co.