< dneing the purse in proportion to DIVISION I—DAIRY IKoDliTS. the norve« entered All entries to Butter $5 close at S o'clock .harp theVvening DIVISION J—HANDIWORK Neatest piece vf Mechanism in before the race. California Jockey SATl'RDAY Jl'I.Y 25 19US. clubrulea to govern all running races Iron $3 50 except weights. All aged horses In Brass $3.50. to carry not less than 112 pound*. llARNEY COl'NTY FAIR In Tin $3.50 Trotting or pacing races will be PREM1VM 1.1ST In Wood $3 50 governed according to National In Stone or Brick $3 50 Following is a complete list of DIVISION K--- ARV AND FANCY WORK Trotting Association rules. The premiums to be awarded at the lutndscaiM* |>amting m oil on relay race is five times around the Fair. September 14 to 20, inclusive canvass $5 track ; five hones ; change horses Al! premiums will l»e divided as each time around; rider to change Murine (stinting in oil $5 Portrait on canvass $5 follows: Seventy per cent, first own rig. saddle and blanket sepa- premium; 30 per cent second pre­ Largest display portrait painting rate;, saddle cinched with latigo. mium. A certificate accompanies in oil on canvass, three specimens choice of bits. Entrance fee ten each premium stating the grade of $5 poroent of purse, Money in race» the prise awarded. Ten per cent Largest and best display of por­ to be ditided ns follows: First of premium w ill be charged on all trait painting in oil by one |>er»on money 70 ja-r cent. second money entries for prize» of $2.50 or over. $5- 30 percent. The association Tf DIVISION A—HORSES. Best painting in Water Color* serves the right to change anv of Draff Stallion. $20. the alaive races m the event of by the artist $5 Sweepstake Sta'lton. $20. Largest and best Cravon drawing their not filling, also to post|>onv Jackass, with colts of his get. $20 i five or more specimens by one per­ any and all of the program on ac Mare and colt, draft. $20 count of inclement weather- son $5 Mare and colt, roadster, $20 Photogoraphic views, two. large The Chicago Weekly h.ter Ocean Beet team of draft horses or size by one iwrsou $2 50 mules. $25 Photographic views, largsst i» the only weekly newspaper pub liehed in Chicago in connection Double driving team. $20 number bv one person $2.50 it Single driver. $15 Largest and best display of Pho­ with the great daily papers. a judiciously selected contain» Best reined saddle horse. $10 tographs by one persons $2 DIVISION B—CATTLE. Autumn leaves drawn in water summary ot the news of the nation and world, the b«»t sloiiee, home, Bull, two ytars and over, $20 colors $2 50 farm, woman'», and other special Milch cow and calf. $20 Sea moss in frames $2 Beef cow and calf. $20 Sign painting, work bv artist departments, and fair, patriotic, able editorials, written from a Re­ DIVISION C—SHEEP. $2.50 Ram, one year or over. $25 Specimen of oil painting on Fatin publican viewpoint. It is by far the best general newspaper ot the Ewes, pen of three lambs, wool. | by the artist $2.50 Western '■tales The regular price Specimen Etching by artist $2 $20 Ewes, pen of three lambs, for Display by one person feather for the Weekly Inter Ocean ia $).'M and for the Harney Valley Items mutton. $20 work $2 Best fleece. $10 Display by one person Zepher ♦ l.ot.*, hut subscriptions will l>e re­ ceived at thia office for the two DIVISION D—SWINE. flowers $2 Roar, one year or over. $7.50 Pencil sketch from nature by the papers i:i combination for one year for only $ 1.50. Brooding sow ana pigs. ¿5 artist $1.50 DIVISION E—DOVI.THY. Architectural drawing by the Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known Trio of Brahmas. $3.50 artist $2 throughout Mercer ami Summer Cochins, $3 50 Pastel drawing bv artist $2 counties. W. Va . most likely owes Hamburg». $3.50 DIVISION L—DOT PLANTS. his life to the kindness of a neigh- Leghorns, $3 50 Exhibition of pot plants, not less bor. He was almost hopeleoaly af­ Douiineckers, $3.50 than ten pots $2 flicted with diarrhoea , was attend­ Plymouth Rocks. $3.50 Rustic stand not less than three ed bv two physicians who gave nim Pair Turkey». $3 50 feet in height filled with choice little, if any. re.ief, when a ueigli- rivistoN r— farm ruonrcTs. plants $150 bor learning of his serious condi­ Display of sheaves of grains, Exhibition of Pansies not less tion. brought him a Lottie of Cham­ kinds, not less than five sheaves of tnan 20 varieties $1 berlain's Colic. Cholera and Diar­ each, $5 Fa ncy basket of Howers $1 rhoea Remedy, which cured him in lOOtbs tarlev, $5 • DIVISION M —PASTRY ETC. less than t wen tv-four hours. For lOOtbs wheat, $5 Loaf salt rising bread $1 50 sale by H. M. Horton. Burna; Ered lOOBs oats, $5 Hop rising bread »1.50 Haines, Harney Display of alfalfa. $2 50 Potato yeast $150 Timothy gras». $2.50 GREAT MILLINERY SALE! Soda biscuits $1.50 Natural meadow grass, $2.50 Big reduction in Ladies* and Chil­ Assorted cakes $1.50 Corn. $2.50 dren's street hais and Children's Largest display of Jams $2 50 DIVISION G—UOkTlCl’LTVBE trimmed bats. Don't overlook one Largest display of Jellies $2.50 Display 1 pk apples, $5 of the gr< atest bargains ever offered INVISION N—NEEDLEWORK 1 pk peaches $5 in Burns. Call at the home of 1 pk pears, $5 Best display crotchet work by Mrs. G. W Cummins. 1 pk plums. $5 any one |>erson $1.50 DIVISION H—GARDEN I BODI CE Best display patchwork quilting For a bilious attack take Cham­ Bushel Onions $2.50 $1.50 berlain'* Stomach and Liver Tab­ Turnips $2 50 Best display pillow slips and lets and a quick cure is certain Beets $2.50 sham $1.50 For sale by II. M Horton. Burns t Potatoes $2.50 Best worked toilet cushion $1 50 Fled Haines, Harney. Tomatoes $2.50 Best 1 »dies' worked sci.rf $1.50 (. abbage 1 doz Leads $2.50 Best display tatting $1.50 A« I At whool one alw; ;-.i »toed tbe fret. Pumpkins $2 50 Tlx. other l.oy he t i «'ichl to -•» : S|M-e«l Program. Mugar Corn $2.50 Yet he la worth a ml t o > < ocl. The .mart lecy > ! I » for two • day Squash $2 50 - .'hil the egg* for four minut*w. trot or pace, for two 2 year olds, Here you’ir Iren 12 minute« at it. Waiter But you know you ordered re ■ for all, $75. three egg«, Mir! Roxbury Gaiette. Third-Dav—One-half mile 0. women well. It establishes regularity, “So you’ve I m < n iround the worM?” dries weakening drains, heals inflamma­ Fifth Day—One-half mile heats Kidd the admiring friend. tion and ulceration and cures female “I h i*e,” replied the traveler 2 in 3 free for all, $175. weakness. “Ami you’ve ueen nil the flight« nnd «I wrote to you -ome time ayo to r*-t informa­ Three fourth* mile In ats, trot or tried all the «ports?” tion alanit unue-iai. Mn M •■■■ L-* Flan pace free for nil, $125. ary. of Ilryden Va -I moi , WrilSeh with “I hnve.” f male weakness an.l pain- k- eive,| anawer “Did you ever try tiger hunting?” Irom you adnainy me to ’ ,ke ¡Mart a Pierce', Sixth Duy—Three-fourth mile p.vorite Preacrit-tf.n an«l Condi’ions—All the above events NtxM'kingM first.” F ree . Dr Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent /r«t Thi» pa;>er ami The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean fl 50 for one yeat. "Special ileal" >7 nml luta been minio limier III» por-- Mmnl ati|H'i-’ Istmi alm »' Its luffim-y. otV ntto (<»<1 «’•«•«*<% <* xoti hi (I i I n , All ( tinnit i frit«, liiiltiitlmiM anti ".ItiM. iH-»:»M»tl •• nr«* but iZK|M«rlnivii(a (lint trifle* vlth nini «« im I hiiu » r riiirrli»i se Tablets You are certain to be pleased with the result Price 25 cent» For <»!• by H M. Ho.-tun, Burns Fred Hainee, Harney. CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of The Kind You Haye Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. IdqVUK PETITION To the Honorable County Court, liar- nvv (‘untilv, < >regun W’e, the underrun«* I ¡»el it inner«. re*»- dent*, taxpayer«, and |e»«i voter« *>l Wild Horne I'nvim-t. »Mi l cointv, and muat respectfully petition yuur Honorable Court Io gru.i a d*»<<»$>. Joly * l>-:. Notice 1« hereby given lh«t the fcUlnwIhf. namel Kei encr at Burii«, Uregoa, on AUguel I*. 1AU. vis Panivi M . slordan IM rntrv N«» »1«, for the-HE* «. «<•<’ 9. Tp i'». -, I ' . I ■' v He nain«w the hùlowitiff wl*n»-»»A tn j-rnt e hl« rsintlntiotin re»IJence u|»on ai»4 riiKivBlion of »«ill land, » I«*. J U. «iti. William I»» Clark, Frank Hein* and Lloyd Johnaon, all of I.«wen. »»rei».in H m . F arm «, Keflater. HIS MASTERS VOICE Our f c returned if wv fail. Any one sotelitiR sketch and dewription of any invention will pr n;»i!y ree, ;ve < ur opinion free concerningtliv patent­ ability < f Mtns. ‘-Il >w t > . I.ta'.u a patent" sent upun request. I'atmto jocun d through m advertised f t sale at our expense. I at u > u IU m 1 by Maiiiiia<-tiin r. and Investors. Send fur sample copy FREE. Addreoa, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (Patent Attorneys,', Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C The Windsor Bar The bar is supplied with norm but the very best I rands of Win-». Liquors und Carlsuinted drinks, and tin- < hoicsst Cigars. Your patronage solicited. Courteous treatment (<• all. C B. SMITH A CO. Proprietors. The Capital Saloon W. E. 7BI3CE. ’’«fritter. VICTOR TALKING MACHINES sent c.o.d, I I I Drinks mixed to suit your taste. Courteous treatment guarantee! Your patronage Solicited. IFYOUARE A FARMER Tbe Vlctnr I «Hr I ng Machine held« ft'*« (la r It t k l. g. - -r aw.K i at the I» cu an-American F vpoaition . rm: tfICTOR ia bvtf h»rnu^«t Victor record dtaca are flat ami »ndcatnull- bi< m va*teera k«< bmiii Victor re.or la gi e perfect repruduetlona - »hr bum hi v . . e • nrfa at though the «mg* r were prêtent in person. Victor r ordi c< ntaln all th»» ia h«u In mneic.orat >ry and humor— much of it tepro- du. '. ■ < lalkiac m» bint. VKt .ra. IJfJ.SOl AJO. Ibe new f’gld arm Victor—the lateat ¡mprove .ient — prônai to any place r,n the Pa- ific < ouat. fiend for Catalogue. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. Stcinw.y ri»no..Anvelu« Plano PUy«r General Music Dealer. Kearny and Sutter Sts., San Iranciaco '■ -And Have Ono Cent Buy >i postal curd and rend to The New York Tribune Farmer, New York Citv, for a free specimen copy. The Tribune Farmer Isa National Illustra­ ted Agricultural Weekly for farmers and their families, and stands nt the head of the agricultural preM. The ¡»rice is $L(X) per yenr, but if von like it you can necur*. >1 with votir own favorite local newspaper, The ITEMS, at n bargain. Both papers $1 50. Send money uik J order to The ITEMS. — To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 monthn. This Signature, >1 ^7/ Z Cures Crip on cXy bOX. 25c.