£\ ' - « 1* itSVtsVied t»i the I liu Oldest and Most Reliable. The Best Advertising j Medium. Graite3t Valloy of Eastern Oregon. Harney Valley Items. NO.35 BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. JULY 25. 1903. VOL. 19. i PEACE MUST BE KEPT Oowrrtior I'roclnuuitlon Hg Hauge Trouble. They've tuozle a wireless tele graph, a horseless carnage, too, and there*« no telling a hat th'- mind of man can do. We’ll soon be eating henle»« egg, and drinking cowl»«« milk, and wearing clothe« of shf-eple«« wool or mayhap wormlees silk. How would you like • treeless peach, or a piece of’ bogle«« pork? I'd tie content if they would invent a workl«-«» kin«i of work. They’ll yet make wire­ less telephones, or maybe, noisier» noise, and I’m ufraid if they keep on they’ll yet mukk «ladle»» boys. —F«-attle Commonwealth. OREGON NEWS Items of Interest G atti erect From 1*1 Itèrent Part« of tlie State. A San Francisco dispatch says: The fl 1,(XX),000 paid Harriman by Senator W. A. Clark for the south­ ern end of the Oregon Short Line is tc I m * used by him to extend that line in Oregon and Idaho. It is said he has arranged to open an en­ tirely new country in Central Ore­ gon. The proposed extension in Idaho will be in the nature of a cut off and will shorten the distance between Montana towns and San Francisco and Portland via the Harriman lines (over 2atnl card ati«i wild to The New York dulgcd in, and serious conflicts are berlain’s Colic, Choiera and Diar­ than a good news pa|»er, tilled with; being sufficient. Tribune Farmer. New York City, for a free i imminent between the owners of rhoea Remedy, which cured him in neighborhood news, ami dealing specimen copy. cattle and «beep lieeatiae of differ-! Assistant Postmaster Tracey of lees than twentv-four hours, For with all issues of common interest i The Tribune Farmer is a National Illustra- Baker City, han b^en dismissed for sale by H. M. Horton. Burns; Ered , ences as to their tespective rights as the weekly press usu ;lly does. tmi Agricultural Weekly for farmers and carelessness. Tracey has been in Haines, Harney. Ion the public ranges unless the I i —Atlanta Constitution. their fuiuiliea, ami alatwla at the head of the {greatest vigilance is exercised by , the office a« postmaster and a .sist- ngriculftirul prca». The price is $1 (X) |wr aot since 1S68. A ¡>u can secure it with a Therefore, in the hope that such is the only weekly newspaper pub­ berlain ’ s Stomach and Liver Tab ­ your own favorite local liewepafier, The I of Baker City to have him re-: calamity tuay be averted, and our lished in Chicago in connection ITEMS, nt a barf aim Both papers $1 50. »late saved from thediscredit which lets at d a quick cure is certain ,tained. ' with the great daily papers. It For sale l>v H. M. Horton, Burns; hM-tid money und order to The ITEMS. would attach to it in the event of The largest tree in Oregon was 'contains a judiciously selected Fred Haines, Harney. such cot:tlict as appears (ossihle, I felled receutly to be sent as a curi­ summary ot the news of the nation do earnestly appeal to the several osity to the World’s Fair. It was and world, the best stories, home, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WAGONS! WAGONS! District Attorneys, Sheriffs, Con­ the Aberdeen Spruce, and stood . farm, woman’s, and other special We will »ell vou a Mitchell. nearly 3tX) feel high, 40 feet around ' stables and other officers in said Hi too* I. xiuk No 70, K <>( I*. departments, and fair, patriotic, counties to whom is entrusted the Rushford or Webber Farm Bed and 1 IS feet from the ground to the | able editorials, written from a Re- Mewl« every rtiuiwlay night. F M Jordan. C.C. i enforcement of the l«w and the pro­ Wagon ; first limb. I's age is calculated at 1 publican viewpoint. It is by far «. M.>tlu r»l» «-l, K of It. H. tection of the life and property of; 3j Steel Skein ♦ «5.00 440 years,.being a good sized tree the best general newspaper ot the PHOTOGRAI HER 9000 the citizen, to exercise the greatest 3} „ when UoluiuuuS discovered the Western States. The regular price BURNS CHAPTER. So. 40. O. E S. 105 00 vigilance an «7. A F. .< A. M M ARADRN A OKAllY grain went into effect July 1st.; papers in combination for one year the violation ot the Ians. Harn guarantees the best of care of Heturdavon or brfurc full moon, for only 11.50. yualiflrd Ireotlior« f«at<-rn«lly invited. In the event of any trouble which ail livestock intrusted to his care. Under lhe provisions of this statute . W I. M«reit«n. John W Grary. • . E Kanyon. W. M F. N. Rieder, the local authorities are unable to He also has an excellent livery it will be unlawful for anj person His Life Saved by Chamberlain.« /'hyticiant <(‘ Suryrotw. Meey. or firm to receive grain fur storage' I ('n Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea t Hum«. Oregon control, an ap|>eal to the state will service at reasonable prices. IICRNX IXIDGE. NO IIS, A O I’. W. meet with such resfionse as the law coming to Burns put up at the Red without iirst obtaining a license Remedy. g^F’Ollin- »I rvaiileiii'V. 'Plioiw 20. from the county court and giviug Mert« »t Brown ball every Friday eve­ “B. L. Byer, a well known cooper will warrant in the emergency. Front. ning Vi«iti«ig brother« fraternally in- such bond as that court may deem of this town, says he believesCham- In testimony whereof, I have v'tv><. Tlioo. Mager«, IV. M. Cliaa. N. sufficient. The law covers all berla'n’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­ Cotiirane, Knsirdor. hereunto set niy hand and caused DKiQH A Bl OU*. Hey! Since you are preparing to storage of grain, whether for pay rhoea Remedy saved his life last to be affixed the great seal of the commence your harvest how about It ARNEY IXtliGF, NO. 77. I O <» F. J w Higgs. Halloo Bigg«. summer. He had been sick for a State of Oregon, this sixteenth ¿ay harness, team harness, chain har­ or otherwise. MnHasim S*tiir l*v evening. Brown’« hall Vieiutig broiher« (ratei iiallv in- Governor Chamberlain has is- month with what the doctors call A.llomeyt-al-letv, of July, in the tear of our Lord, one ness, straps, lines, breeching, col­ vitrM. Frank <>. Jscfcaoa,' N. G. thousand nine hundred and three. lars, etc. J. C. Welcome ru«>-«1 law, «otsry Public, People ure thinking of going to dif­ Cliurcli AiiuounceSMe'its. S tate of O hio ,C ity of T oledo .) railroad train, or other conveyance ferent places for their annual rest, L vscas C ounty . \ l.air, Notarial anti Heal Eitate Sunday School at Harney the engaged in carrying passengers, or Over-Work Weakens or whst ever you wish to call it. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that any private conveyance within this Practice. first Sunday of ea«'h mouth at KI Your Kidneys. There is a prevailing and pleasant be is senior partner of the firm of o'clock, A. M. On the second, llurns, Oregon. idea that it is needed. Probably F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business state. No reward will be paid, Unhealthy Kidneys Make impure Blood. third and fourth Sundays of each it is. There is plenty of argument in the City of Toledo. County and however, except after conviction. illice in Masonic building All the blood in your body passes through P react h- month at 3 o'clock I*. M The easy way to tap central and your on that side. And yet there are State aforesaid, and that said firm kidneys once every three minutes. ing services every second Sundav The kidneys are your southeastern Oregon by rail is people who get outings continually will pay the sum of One Hundred blood purifiers, they fil­ at N I*. M. p M.JOKDAN, through the extension eastward of through their lives, winter and Dollars for each and every case of ter out lhe waste or impurities in the blood, At the Presbyterian church sum ner, in hot and in cold weath­ Catarrh that cannot be cured by the Oregon Pacific. If Harriuiau if they are sick or oil Practical I .and Surveyor. Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. refuses to assist the Columbia er, taking it in homeopathec doses. lhe use of Hull’s Catarrh Cure. of order, they fail Io de Hurns. Oregon. their work. Divine serv<«w« the third and fourth Southern to go up the Deschutes. .There is a wav of securing recre­ Frank .1. Cheney. Pains, aches and rheu­ Bunday« of each month at Ila, m., ation at home that is vital in its matism come tom ex­ Sworn to before me and subscrib­ Portland’s salvation lies in the cess cf uric acid in the ati«l 7:'ftl p. in. Sabbath school at ¡character. Perhaps it is not ed in my presence, this 6th day ot Orego.i Pacific extension to the east blood, due to neglected 10 a. tn. every Sabbath morning.' g W UII.I.KIl, and a line north via Salem to I kidney trouble. enough and does not give the de- December, A. I). 1886. Kidney trouble canses quick or unsteady Portland. Meanwhile that Oregon Preaching services nt the Baptist I Notary Public and Conveyancer, | sired change, but it is better than \--------- A. W. Gleason. heart beats, and makes one feci as though water power railroad that is build ­ nothing and has many «dements of they had heart trouble, because live heart it Notary Public. < SEAL > church every Island 2nd Sundays, ( MortKSKvii, Etc., correctly made. over-working In pumping thick, kidney- ing eastward through Clackamas merit in it. There is this anyway. morning and evening. Sunday poisoned blood thiouglr veins and arteries. Office at Store. Hurns. Oregon. It is well to always live with sun-! Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in­ county means something.—Salem It used to be considered that only urinary school every Sumlay at 10 a. m. troubles were to bo traced to the kidneys, shine in one’s heart, making the ternally. and acts directly on the ' Sentinel. prayer meeting every Thursday but now modern science proves that nearly M A N AG E R W A NTE D—Trust­ best of surroundings, not worrying blood and mucous surfaces of the Fred Hewitt.postniasterof Ukiah all constitutional diseases have tireir begin- evening. worthy lady or gentleman to man­ over imaginary ills n.»r creating system. Send for testimonials, free. has been arrested on complaint of , niiig in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake Services at Christian Science, age business in this County and F. J. Cheney A- Co., Toledo, 0. 1 Postoflice inspector Clarke, charged by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild trouble, but going along smoothly, Hall, corner enstof the Bank, every ' adjoining territory for well and and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Krhner't Sold by all Druggist, 75c. capable of dropping the disagree­ with a small shortage in his ac- Swamp-Root, thegteat kidney remedy it Sunday at Ila. in. and 8 p. nt. I ! favorably known House of solid able and unpleasant and thinking Hall’s Family Pills are the best ■ counts and al«o with using postage soon realized. It stands lhe highest for itt Service Wednesday evenings at 8. I ’ litiatieial standing. $20.00 straight wonderful cures of the most distressing cases stamps for remittances in tlie pay- and Is sold on Ils merits Everylxidy is invite«! to attend cash salary and expenses, paid each only of the best.—The Dalles Chronicle. McMullen the photographer op­ • uncut of merchandise bills in order by «II druggists in fifty- these services. cent snd one-dollar siz­ Monday by check direct from head- posite the bank. to increase his accounts of stamps es. You may have a j quarters. Expense money ad-1 I I sold. He was taken before Com­ sample bottle by mail n.«u» << «ña.» n.>< GREAT MILLINERY SALE! (rec. also pamphlet telling yon how to find vaneed; |K>silion permanent. Ad- TORI O missioner Haley of Pendleton, last out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Big reduction in Ladie«’ and Chil­ II» Kind You Hau BogM Iress, Thomas Cooper, Manager,1 Saturday, when he waived exami­ Mention this paper when writing Dr. Kilmer dren’s street hats, and Children’s Bwntbc Sc Co.. Binghamton, N. Y. For Infants and Children. Signatur» 1030, Caxton Bldg , Chicago. nation and was IxHind aver to the trimmed huts. Don’t overlook one of Ikin’t make anv nnxtake. big vevnem- Haw Always O Federal grand jury of the greatest bargains ever offered J in the sum of berthe ner ine ranir^ • ratin', Swainp-Root, «-«. I>v. ra«>«»«v« Kilmer's IM Kind You Have Always Bought This paper and The Chicago Baur.th« '$500. Mr. Hewitt was formerly swan.p-Boot, ami lhe adilrcss, Bingham- • in Burns. Call at the home of Signatur» Weekly Inter Ocean $1.50 for one | editor of the Ukiah Sentinel. ton, N. Y., on every hoWle. Mrs. G. W. Cummins. •r ycni. “Special deal” Geer& Cummins IFYOUARE A FARMER CASTOR IA 'I Thi Kind You Bought , Salem, Or., July 17.—Governor ; <‘hamberlain pri>|«>«es to do all 1 that i« in bis power to preserve peace among the owners of cattle land sheep in Eastern Oregon, and