» w I WEEDS v i I THECATTLECOl NTRY Interesting Phases of the Snuggle for New Territory. hen the lungs as you k land and the wee :. v. .1 disappear. The lx-st lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork is gtHxl too.but it is ver)- hard to digest The time to treat consump tion i s when you begin trying to hide it from yourself Others see it. you won t. I >o i t wait until )ou can't deceive vourselt any longer Begin with the first thought ta take Scott’s Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption sc much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment If it is consump­ tion you can't expect to be cur -d at once, but it you will begin ia time and will be rigidly regular in )our treat­ ment you w ill win. Scott’s Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can. eat all you can. that's the treatment and that’s the best treatment. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 439 Pearl St.. N. Y. coc »nd It- ill druggist». NQTINANYTRUST iv n«’w ports Uy im*9pon«ible partic« tu theeded tliat THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO I nd entered a trust or «-»»inbtnaU*»n ; we wish to awntrv the pul*a<- tluat lisere h h « frMfJb in »urn reports. Wr have been ntanufactunng K*ttinr nt.u hin«-* f«»r over a quarter <»f a «•»•ntu- ry. an t haw eMtablislied a rvp«Liti«*n for our* m -I vc» Mti«l »»ur n.. chine* that U tlx < nvy of al! other» our “Arw liviitr*9 machine has never l»vn rivaled a.« a famf’r machine.—It etendii I rf ¡H^it i-rftde « wing r:u-btn<*, and r pay any «debts ms wv I wave r.” tits to pay. We itave never enh red into .¡«rtition with manufhetun’r* «X low jn.de ap machines «lu»t are nude to acli rvxard- - of any intrinsic merits. Ix> not be de- ved, wlrn you want aamrtng machine don't I your m<»ncv away from home; «-all on a •* Xr»r Unute" Dealer, be can sell you a i • rter ma«-bin» f«»r ies» Uian you can purchase • rhete. If there is no dealer mar you, ' - diie< t to us. T: £ KSWHOMESEWINQMACHINECO ■ ORANGE, MASS L*. • ■ , ’h -aro. II!..St T x ‘ u I m , Mn_, ARan- .a«». Tex., han Fruucisctx CuL TRIP It' " ' 1 TOkV »O THS T BA.’" L- ■ •’ a^.C»* •» ••0 »v-4 tarar. K.W ’’«»ns T»»jrcrotT *fc»<............. .. i»t is »•<»(• The irm 1.1 high [■'"»•» r—— »« «hr Ï? 40 . .artin with Smoirr/rt« iiarral uting 4OHi^h Prrtiart Car- Irtdget T ,f* <,ar»rtd e has • re- locily nf ever 2,on() feet per second wt»h consequent flat rraier-onr »nd frest k llin^ »• Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR - Formerly One Dc’.Iar THiS is the cheapest ar.d lest * Fat Ion Mcgaune r.ow be- : -- t:-.e , rr.e-ean public. Itsh.cws Jowlde s in i Ts-.ions Ir. MllUncry, > ¿mt roide f. in Cocking, in ma s W.rk - d in Reading: beaut:!.lly illustr. 'ed i c rs ai d I t blac\ a d -»hr Above di. It ; th, -.er .- fa; onab.e New It.. S > zt> n ade tr :n Nr» tor* P at - ti-vj. »• ch c it or.ly tOc. each. Stad Fir* Cents To-day t ’.£•* JctA A’CM.-.M*« V a -.- zim «*- ■«» H«*t for tra rx>nsy ,t ca\ t 'e yew ^rs. Lam». S. Vrebb X Ice-Vr*’»••trot M«»»Hi9O,w rihkh was fa«t • f <\¡,rdut» W!ME’fGAf?D!Jl Tn any oiw sending us II 50. onv yetir S RUtotripliou lo th* wv will mad the Cbivago Weekly inlei Ocvaii < hiv year free, or to any vu» »ending li» ihr«» curb »utavnpltnu lor III» free, iwu |‘a|xr ««• will give a yvaiV aubcripliun I m eavli OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for £2.00 For Ri'wilmg matter you Miinnt Hud a mors liberal offer. If any of the m ) h > vc , however, du not »trike you as what vou want, write tit. wa will give you a good liikcral clubbing offer with anv pariodica) published in the 1‘nikd Stairs Pon’l pul it off. New is tour time. Address. In every town ami vill.igi may be lud Ax ö BICYCLES BELOW COST • MOOti. * 5090^ flO YEARS’ EXPERIENCE , $fitc$l5 $7 fo $11 I90J and IWI Models Colalogwa with lar^n a/raiaAx riwyru<,•>.;« au l full d :alkvl ai.«(Iona aen< ne< U > any u.b!rv„. Wo SHIf OH APTfVT AL u> ao ) ocmi iu U H or C anada a cm< «n fld'uiuo tun! allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL T radì M ara » no rialc in onlrriug frvrn ut, m yvu do n. b ncv>) to p,v » o nt If tbo bleycl«. doo» tiol suit you. Ofaiana Ccevoia*Ts 4c. Aneon« » •!. Hrh «*'<1 »1»•*»***[•»1 n w»»y <»tit«-*lv ».•»«•ertrti»» ««or tfe wh«tl»s • «n l«tvv»»u»n •• pro»'nbly t» »••«wt atti«' « ■ ■» »». t ».irw- erlrtly- ìaì Mn.l'- .>» t. ItatmUl semi frtH». < •’■!<»•< ««m.-y (>r •er«*rr>ir rateo’». Pite’iit» t*»- > ti •«»<»» M i; A « tvewiv« rperuU Mti <•. w .• - ■ ite . ' . 500 WHEELS RIDER AGENTS .¡r WANTED . m»br ’tfflt» rie • -lrl .« I hit’jrlr I fn > \ y« ■ ’ur M»arv -u - Un.r y» u . • ran tu n»tii» flfO* » Scientifie American A hsni;«.«ni<*fy IHtt»«r»tr ! w»M»Mlr. iulalKiii . t ®ny » ««ntlAr »mal. y»»«r; f*»ur lu-Ntb«, >L tk»l4 by »>1 SiOOND.HAND «»Urn in tr».,»! y <•!*». 1 aolM->f St ,4. h I rlf. Ifrr. ». $> a l.rt MUNN & Co.36’8'«—” New York a week he»|«|c» ¡» ivlmr a » h«w I u» rt«lv f >r r»‘»i»t lv i<-n» ft In . h town u»:. •' «YrCta '• r _ t VECOCYtllErO., r». 3 1 Ht . Wa.l inai n, l>. < . Ohicarc* * II. SOUND OF THE SUNBEAM. P f-’a; rr - For tea years. m*»re «>r lew», say fr«»ai 1ST4 to 1>M. au«l liter than thi» in th« northern range, there was uitiiorwal prosperity amt plenty «»f immey ; lo be a co^niau mraut being a »mall, but powerful king with a princely, king d«»m. the b«‘um‘ariv>. of which wrrvwvt by prtK'cdvnt ami by the h»-m r of cu»- t«>m a* far a» a man ou horwcback could »ee. ami by water a» firmly a» if coru«r-inurked and title*«lrrde*I.Thcrc was no rent, and urtua.ly no tale» to pay. A man might own a hundred thousand cattle, ami act au acre of land, though heclaimrd “range rights" to 5u.iKK) acre», and enforced tho>c rights with bloud and iron, writes Kay Stannard Baker, in Century. Ipparently thi» wa» a hew s««rl of fret life in whs-'h man bail risen abut« the old »low rule» of thrift. Il was a simple business; turn lhe cattle to grass, aud when money was nettled, r«>timi them up and sell them. But the lucky dog sometimes had «hfliculty in vnj« ying bis bone in ¡»eace Lured by lhe stories of sudden riches in the calt.e country, other men. a» boh! ami hardy as the first, flocked in from all ¡»arts of the world, and began raising big ami little herds. The build­ ing of the railroads aero»« the conti­ nent st iirulated immigrat i««u; the great Texas boom f«4h»wr«l thrcom* plctioii of the Texas Pacific railroad in 1MX At first the early e«»mers wel­ comed the new ranger», »«»hl them ei.r* I tie at exorbitant prices, chuckled at their inmn'encc, ail«»wed them to come in < n the ranges, an«! grew richeram! richer. There were time* when Texas steers, big and little, brought $55 each j on the range. But the tide «welled. and the eatt’c continued t«» increan enormously. Presently th«' fir»t real ! settlers, the •‘r.esters** of Texas, wrh«» | wished to fence the laml f«»r farm«. • ppcsrrl in numbers. an«l the early comers, the original cowlmys. began Chirac«» Mrlrlly In It. to chafe “Who’s elbowing me?” they Jinks-C hicago ¡M'oplv have n great inquired, ami there was prompt and many evrlleat plana for U m * futurv effective sh«M>ting. and the wholesale upbiultling of their city. cutting of the new fence*. \Sinks Yea; the phu-r may lie nai l Many good men lay down in the h«»t tx> I m * |kiw«l with guo/«• r. It ha* years a steer did well t«» make his Hs­ him a remarkable record. ing on lire acres. After ti nt the ratio taen in use for over thirty year», steadily widened. So great was the struggle for new territory that * holt­ during which time many million herds of cattle sometimes went, 20 tattle* have been »old and used. It miles nr more to water amt then I »nek ha* long been the standard and again, galloping every step. an<1 work­ ing hard between times to get rnoiitrh main reliance in the treatment of from the failing range» to keep life croup in thousand* of homes, vet writhin their lean carcasses. \nd to­ during all this time no care ha* day there are m«ny parts of the range that will not support ten cattle to the ever l»een reported to the manufact­ square mile, or.« steer tn every M acres, urer» in which it failed to effect a and it is a good range indeed that wi ] When given a* soon »* the feed a steer to every 20 acres. There cure. are whole range* in Texas. X'ew Mex- child become* hoarse or even ns ica and Arizona, once rich beyond be­ soon as the crotipy cough appears, lief. that are completely deserted and it will prevent the attack. It is given over to the desert. pleasant to take, many children like it. It contain* no opium or l>sllewte M<iutiucnt of Isord Cureon to th«' xirv royalty of India wat because ««f hi» great familiarity with the Persian qu« - lion. X«» i m in Pngland is Inttei fitted to deal with the propos'd parti­ tion of the hah** domain than he. for hia long residence ut Vvheran ami his subucqucnt studies *»f the question have made him absolute matter of it* smallest detail*. The pmposal is to di *idc th«' country by a rough line run ling ca*t an«! west through the center, giving the northern section t«> Ru.*.'*iu and adding the »outhern half to India. As n atters stand now. Per il is go mg from I «ad tow«»r>e. She haa no laws, ia*e those imposed by the pox*«*rful; no justice. ».nr that which »•» purchasa­ ble; no »talc treasury, »axe the shah* private purse, ami no enterprise, >sne that which Is Russian or English. Di* tided into two M'vtious by .. de - *rt that runs through the center, an 1 without railroad* save tho*e organize«! and run by Europeans f«>r their own purposes, which arc chiefly* military, th« 1» it ion has no united (« cling, ami it» national pride ha. been hopelessly crushed out by a corrupt aristocracy. Ku - a is bi ml i ng the northern section to herself by means of n network of railroads which arc connected with the Silx-ria:* sxstem. while England Ims constructed railroads in the southern section which tie it to ln«i«u. With the death of Nuaarvr-ed-din the country •»• expected to fall in hahes, naturally, bi t it it dors not, then the two nations most interested will see that it occurs promptly bt. Louis Republic. >•' * L. « C, Bt -nrs that tM* pctu-e «• «he i.wt» »< a hu«l «• on ib< -er cl every bocta <4 L okmsmb nm kmy. I Ctiunlr) l.fkcl» (o G»me tw<•» Wc will send you a little of the Emul­ sion free. I i x Ims on a glass vessel that contain* »ainpbiack, colored siis or worsted ui other »uijMtnnces, says a w ritrr in I’* ar- feon’s Weekly. A disk having slits or openings cut in it i» made t.» rrvoire swiftly in this iieain cf light so a* lo cut it up. thus making alternate Has lies of light ami »hadow. On putting the ear to the k’a** M-i Mt range sounds are h« ur«l so long as the flashing beam is falling on th«* lessei. Recently a more wonderful dis- « overy has been niude. A brain of sun­ light is cause«! to pass through a pri.-m to as U» produce what is «ailed the solar spectrum, or lainbow. The disk is turned and the colored light of the rain­ bow is made to breuk through it. Xow place the car to the icaaei cun taining the silk, wool or of her material. As the colored lights of the Mpectrum fall upon it sounds w ill K- given by dif­ ferent parts of the sjiecti um pnd there will be silence in other part.«. For instance, if the vessel contains» red worsted and the green light flasher, upon it loud sounds will be giv< n. Onlv feeble sounds will |>e heard if th« r«ow fall u | mhi the vessel and other colors malt»- no sound at all. Green silk gives sound* l»est in red light. Eiery kind or material gives more or less sound in different colors and utter no sound in others. Turar are r»50 i>easts, 1,391 birds and W> reptiles in the Ix>ndon zoological garden*. FrxAi.r bootblack* are reported to be multiplying in Pari* and other I French cities. H tatistic * prore tlint not less than thirty-two hundred babies ar- l#orn every day on t'nited States »oil. a . „ • TRI X£W ID1A PUDLlSniMO CO € 6 Breadwsy N e w York K T « PAjENTSaiaRÌNTEtP I and suppository n will i of, p »-itivelv <*ann:;l-- b Stork liiMiwctor*. Notice ir hereby giten that I have duly appointed the following deputy Hock inspector fur Harnev County. Oregon : A. B. Colenbaugh................. Burns John Jenkins........................ Smith Dick Smith.............................. Andrews N ewt II( h > vew , Stock Inspector. / a ; K? Our feo returned if we fail. Any one aumliug sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning tho patent­ ability of ivitnc. ••How t> obtain a patent ” sent upon r<*|u<»t. I‘»ten la secured through us advertised for sale ut our expense. I atent* taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in T iik Pert xt Ksoorm, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, c.unsultod by Manufacturer» ami Investors. Scud fur sample copy FREE Addreta, VICTOR J, EVANS A CO., ( Patent Attorneys,', Evans Building, W eekly Í ñte ^ O cean Tha «irrste t Pepubiicin I’s'.erot the West. A FREE PATTERN ' WASHINGTON, O. C. frotir <>« it < m iriiiKiti t«i etrrr nib- Manager Wanted is th • mn li«hed to I nor.* <4 all p-uitica) nff.iirs 4 »ear, ! TruRtworlhy, either ecx. ' Wholewale Merchandise Company ' of »olid financial Handing, to man­ age L.i’nl Beprerentalire who will organize cluta among < .tiHiim< r*. 40 per cent »»veil forourcurtomem. Bu»ine»s no experiment but a ptov- ' en Ruccea*. Salary tlx a week, ex- jiensee advanced. Experience un- nece*»ary. Addrer*, I). B. Clark­ son, Mgr.,334 Dearborn St. Chicago. FT !<•- ' • { ,ni'rOcd«n Sypp lor. A I of the and the Best 0« current I. forature. It is Morally Cl an. am! 0 . n I .mily P. ¡er 1. \ nhuut a peer A LIDS VIM/INt K5CALL PAZAK —»«3AZAU- * ■P atterns $20 to $25 WEEKLY Work at your lioine. No canvaf»- ing. Work lfgitiiiatc anti horora- ble. Adtlreaa HOME WORK CO. , 211 Njiring St. Seattle, Wash. AU S 4 is M»» **1 M Perfore» «he» t.r fL’siny .«4 Sr win« lines. » »♦.!$' » »- -I O. «rt.H rml»-mM.. hi A*'. • •• «1» tn S«<’«t i«> i»' j» I » «.»«Ij .H I , t.i . l n.xn THE r?4.CALL CO. Il I 111 117 W-f »! ’ 5! NfWYhSM b— ■■■» //.« liicrury column* Bic equal to th'i c oi the h :si mnxoxn.es. Its Y/iut i ' s l.ep.-rtnii lit is the f n st of its k nd........................... H hrfnva tn th frm h i »• <•»» of t» « « ni r«- »' erf»l nnd fives tnib-tiei.i H,ri in h «- «ro 1« i etter Mdnp >■’ io ih ti» e. « of Ih»* peopitj ni tbe A'Ierh nv Mourdaiiis luna snr oiher ¡»«per $>.03 R21£^ o * jf rru^iy rn»jCE*jt $1 CO; 1 < of» !><>r è i k 00 per Th¡ Da’ly an