Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, July 18, 1903, Image 3

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    T. II. Hibbard, of Milverton, Ore­
gon, and G. D. Hibbard, of Kan
Francisco, uncles of Dr. L. E.
Oregonian ami Items, $2.00.
Hibbard,arrived in th« city lust
McMullen the photographer op-
on a visit.
|M>»ite (he batik,
Local and General.
What boiler form 0.' solid en­
joy moni than to smoke a good
cigar after 11 good dinner?
Th ere are a number of depart­
ments in our store in which
wo take «penial pride, our
cigar department is one of
Wo have imported
cigars in good variety, and
moat of the Ix'tli’r grades in
domestic cigars.
Wo believe wo know how
cigars should lie kept ill order
to please the taste of the fas­
tidi oils smoker. Wo should
like to have y our opinion ou
the subject
Prof. I. (.'. Russell, of the Geo­
Charley l.oggan, of Harney, is
survey, and party stopped
visiting in Burna.
over in Burns Tuesday.
Joe Buchanan wax over from Russell is an srtesian water exjiert
Hurney yesterday.
and is milking n geo'ogin recon­
M 11. Brenton came up yester- naissance of Centra! Oregon.
day from Narrows.
Mrs L. Clondenen, and
Ur J. W. Geary left this week on Ralph, of John Day. accompanied
by her son-in-law, Arthur Stone,
a business trip to Portland.
drove over from Harney yesterday.
Sheriff Tom Allen is home from
The former will visit her daughter
a business trip to outside points.
Mrs C. N. Cochrane until Sun­
Born, to the wife of Robert Mc­ day.
Kinnon. Monday, July 13, 190.'!, a
Mr. and Mrs I. Woldenberg, Sr.
Mian Amy and Master Freddie, left
Win. Bullington ami Frank Thursday morning on a trip to
Cummins are home from Lake­ Denio, which will consume a
The Welcome
couple of weeks. Mr. Woldenberg
Atty (’. W. Parrish has gone on took ii load of the celebrateti
a business trip Li the Agency Harney Valley Brewery beer with
H. (’. Smith, the new proprietor
Henry Caldwell is building an
Front livery and feed
addition to the residence in which
the best of care of
ho lives.
all livestock intrusted to his care.
Dr. and. Mrs. W. L Marsden re­ He also has an excellent livery
turned Wednesday from a visit to service at reasonable prices, Gn
Bear Valley.
coming to Burns put up at the Red
itexoliitloii« nf ('.iiidol.-iit-v,
Ben Brown and C. E. Kenyon Front.
II ill of Harney Ixrdge No 77,1 < • OF returned yesterday from a few day's
Heyl Since you arc preparing to
Burna.Or . July 17, I’.Hi.’L i outing on Emigrant Creek.
commence your harvest how about
W iikkias . The Supreme Ruler
George Marshnll anil Bent Em- harness, team harness, chain har­
of th« Universe ha« summoned our *
bree were in from the former's ness, straps, lines, breeching, col­
well-beloved Brother, Edwin J.
lars, etc. J. C. Welcome A Mon
ranch on Coffee Pol Monday.
laimpshire, from this life to the
can fit you out with every thing in
Homer Re<d is now presiding
Grand Lodge above, where toil ami
this line. They are also the
trouble comelii nut and all ia |teace, over one of the chairs in Robinson
makers of the best saddles on the
ami Walton's tonsorml parlors.
and rest, anil
W iikiikas
By hi« death this
Prof II. A Dillard and G. W
E. II. Meade, Charley Brandon
Lodge lisa I or I an active and Cummins and families left Tues­
honored mvinli-r. hi« family a true day for the Deschutes 011 an outing ami Jim Hicks arc down from their
ranches on Emigrant. Mr. Meade
ami loving liuslMnd and an ever
Fair Association Orgnnized.
is the comedian with the Georgia
kill I ami obedient son and brother
and the community a useful ami |M>sition at McKinney's sawmill Harper Company now filling an
A meeting was held at Parrish A
Upright citiseii, 1.ion-lore, be it and will accept a similar one with engagement here. He expects to Retr.bold'e office Wednesday even­
make Harney County bis home
Rctulved : that, while w<* sorrow,
ing for the purpose of effecting an
Dr Burrows, James Summerville and for the past two weeks has
tullv d<> »0, we I hiw in humble sub­
organization to look after the prep­
mission to tli<> will of Him wh<> I and ye editor this week look
aration for holding a fair and race­
dootli all thing« well, and who in claims in the basin southeast mountains.
Our Spring line of goods will soon be on display. Call and
meeting this Fall. James J. Don­
of Dog Mountain.
hir wisdom has thus afflicted us.
The Dalles Chronicle, July 8: egan was elected president and
sec us and get our prices. Quality of goods the highest; prices
Resolved : That ««_ extend to
Prof. M. E Rigby left the first of Dr. Klebs left today for Germany, Chas N. Cochrane, secretary. The ' the lowest and seeing is believing.
the bereaved family of our depart­ the week for the southern par'. of to I m * absent at leust a year, It is directors to have full power in car- j
ed Brother, in thia their hour of the county to solicit pupils for the his intention to spend some time rving out thcdetails of the Fair and
sorrow and uffliction our sincere Business ( ollcge for the coming with his parents at Andover, later to have charge of the management:
and In artf<-h sympathy ; that they year.
pursuing his studies at Berlin, He are. besides the officers mentioned j
I»- furnished with a copy of these
has not ns vet decided whether he above, I. S. Geer,, Sam Mothershead
A. It. Yantis and W. A. Brother­
resolutions, the same spread u|>on
will locate in The Dalles when he J. M. Dalton, H. 0. Smith, Henry .
ton are down from Horton and
the miiiuti « of this Lodge ami also
returns, It is his intention, how­ Richard, A. C. Welcome, and
I'limialicd the local press for public Sayers'sawmill, where they have ever to settle ou the coast.
Dalton Biggs. The finance com­ i
been working on a logging con­
consists of following mem­
Col. A. R Greene.s[M*cial agent of
Ryaoi ni>: That our Lodge room tract.
the Department of the Interior, ber C. E. Kenyon, A. M. Byrd Len
A C. Brotherton ami family left
le* drap'd in mourning for a period
arrived Wednesday from Prineville Walton.
of thirty days, and that tho mem­ Monday for their former home in
The date for holding the Fair
and spent a few days in the city,
county, whero
bers wear the usual badge for the I'matilla
looking up matters of importance was set for Sept 28 to October 3 i n- I
Brotherton «.ill operate a harvest-
►ame length of time
to the Department. Though Mr. elusive. Another meeting will be
ing outfit.
J. 0. Bvrd
Greene is not advertising his busi­ held Monday evening when it is
L. WOLDENBERG, SR., Proprietor.
Sum Mothershead
H. E. Thompson, John Martin ness here, it is stated on good ex pec id the plans will be gone over
W. E. Huston.
ami Ed. Martin left ibis morning authority that the Harney Valley in detail.
The services of a brewer of long years experience has been se­
Committee. to join John Robinson’s party
Improvement Company, the Carey
cured and the Droduct of thia Brewery is of the best grade in the J
The quarterly of the Ore-
twelve miles above Bend on the land grab concern, is coming in
lace a trial order and you will not be disap­
for \ Inland Empire.
Mr. D. P. Daugherty, well known Deschutes.
for a share of the investigation as gon
throughout Mercer ami Slimmer
J. M. Dalton. Dr. H. M. Horton well as the manipulations of cer­ March, 1903, has just been received.
counties, W. Va., most likely owes N U. Csr|>enier and G. W. Water* tain other land duals in this avo It is a valuable number. Its con­ BURNS,
tents are as follows: The editor ,
his life to the kindness of a neigh­ returned Wedneedry evening from tion.
Prof. F. G. Young, furnishes the
bor. He wax almost hopelessly af­ a short visit to Mr. Walers’ ranch
article on ‘The Lewis and
flicted with diarrhoea ; was attend­ on Pine Creek.
Brownell in Sill lea ltiver.
Clark Centennial—The Occasion
ed bv two physicians who gave nini
For a bilious attack take Cham­
Edwin J. Lampshire, son of Mr. and Its Observance"; Alfred A.
little, if any, re ief, when a Ueigh-
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­
and Mrs. Stephen. Lampshire, and i Cleveland, of Astoria, gives the
Isir learning of his serious condi­
lets und a quick cure is certain
tion. brought him a boltleof Cham­
a prominent young rancher living Educational History of the City
For sale by H. M. Horton, Burns;
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­
north of Burns, met his death by the Sea "An Object Lesson in
Fred Haines, Harney.
rhoea Remedy, which cured him in
Monday evening by drowning in Paternalism,” by T. W. Daven­
It’s a real pleasure to wear the Silvies River i.fcout four miles from ; port, indicates the source to some
less than twenty-four hours. For
sale by II. M. Horton, Burns; Ered fine fitting clothes imide by Strauss his home. In company with his j extent, from whence the great car-
Bros , America's Leading Tailors, brother, James, he was returning lionist—his son—gets some of his
Haines, Harney.
Chicago. They're so reasonable in home about dusk with a bunch of mental characteristics; A Pio­
prices too. Robinson A Walton, cattle. A cow became seperated neer Lady of 1845—one of the
Oregoninn »ml Items. 12.00
will take your order
from the band ar.d I10 started to company who came via “Meeks
In Huntington last Sunday head her off. To do this took him Cutoff"—Mrs C. M. Cartwright,
Jason Hunter, of Drewsey. deliver­ down the river and in crossing was gives "Glimpses of Early Days tn
His Oregon" George O. Goodall treats :
ed to an eastern buyer 74 head of thrown from his horse.
­ the Pioneer Settlements of “The
ns fine horses as ever came off' an
Eastern Oregon range. The ani* ing in tho water came up just as Upper Calapooia ;” and under the
••About a year ago my hair was
mills weighed from 1200 to 1400 the riderless horse came upon the head of “Documenta" letters from
coming out very fa»t, so I bought
a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
jiounds each.—Huntington Herald. bank. He looked for Ed and saw Oregon to the home country are
stopped She falling and made inv
him sink in the water, and on his given, dated Nov. 6, 1843, and Feb.
hair grow very rapidly, until now it
I Harry C. Smith assumed the reappearing he succeeded in drag­ 19 1841», respectively, All these
is A 5 inches in length." Mrs. A.
management of the Red Front ging him out. He worked with features are of absorbing ; interest,
Boydston, Atchison, Kans.
livery barn Monday, having pur­ him for about an hour trying to re- and vital to every student of Orc-
There’s another hunger
chased the livestock und ve- 1 storo him but all effort proved gon history.
than that of the stomach.
I hides and secured a five year without avail.
H’air hunger, for instance.
lease on the building, Harry is a
The young man has lived in this
Hungry hair needs food,
rustler and we predict tnat his 1 community for the greater part of Big reduction in Ladies’ and Chil­
needs hair vigor— Ayers.
venture will be n successful one.
his life and was highly esteemed dren’s street hats, and Children's
This is why we say that
by all who knew him. Besides his trimmed hats. Don't overlook one
Ayer’s Hair Vigor always
We will sell you n Mitchell, parents and brother, he leaves a of the greatest bargains ever offered
restores color, and makes
in Burns. Call at the home of
Rushford or Webber Farm Bed widow to mourn his loss.
the hair grow long and
The funeral took place yesterday Mrs. G. W. Cummins.
Wagon ;
heavy, ii . nsmi «. ah «rani«*.
1 morning from his home north of
IQ Steel Skein $85.00
ir ymir druKgl*i cannot supply you,
Thia paper and The Chicago
town, the services being conducted
90 00
oy n
neiid in* on* ilollnr and no will oi|*rwa
you a lx.it lo. Ilo auro Olili «l>o th« nains
Inter Ocean $1.50 for one
H ..
<-( y.mr nsRii-Rt t-xir.-** t.llb t. Art.ue»».
.1,1. A t IK < <>.. Powell. M um .
year. “Special deal”
Send your orders to us, 0. C. Co lows.
Lunaberg & Dalton
Harney Valley Brewery
Long Hair