Putxlisfaed in Cr«apcr, The ITEMS, at a bargain. Both pa|s*ra $1 511. ««•ml money and order to The ITEMS. !.«•«(«« l»lr*cto»j. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. B« HMM IxHHIK No. 70, K i»i r Mevin every Thunrtiay nijrtit. r M Jordan. C. C. ; J il MrMt’I.LO. H. Motlirrwhr«l, K oí K K, PHtlTOGRAPHKR. Bl'kXN CHAPTER, SO. 4«. O. E. 8 Ml carh monili in Maaumc h»ll, Vorgtlv (wilding Mr» Munti» Ixvvna, W. M Mr». Eunic«* Tli.Mii|H»m. Hoc. BCKNK UHKiK, NO. 117. A F. « A. M. M« m 4. Huturdsv mi or b.-loro loll moon. i«hSe»ite Bank. M AMAOKN A UK ANY U I. Marsden. John W Gatrj, /Y'ysirúirií <{• 8*ri|MM. Will Ghc Itirlh Io Nrw Towu • 1.60 Y»ar. • I« Wü«lh« 7.1 < »Nt*. OREGON NEWS NO. 34 ty good considering the driwof I somethin« like five hundred miles A dispatch from Baker City says through the wilderiM-w, over inouii- the ¿onatriiction of a railroad ! tains and acrocs streams. That which will open up the rich min­ was nine years iefore Elijah Bria- 4Jo1.l«,n Business Opimrliinily ing district of Grant County arid Ileniaiir>-re«i< Parta ut lite «tute. th«* ngriculturxL and grazing lands I .an«- County. of Harney mid Malheur Counties is Secretary of State Dunbar is — bouixi to result in the founding of , having a map made showing tlie The following article from the u new town somewhere in Grant The special loard of engimers to location of the state institution« at Prineville Review touches the key- County that will lie a thriving report on the improvement needed Salem. Blue prints of the map Already it is at The Dalle« will report for* con­ | note regarding the trade of C-entral business center. will be kept a*, each of the inititu- known, several men of a specu- ■ tinuous ship canal and urge an ap­ Oregon: tions and the original will be kept “Almost a month has passed since lave turn of mind are on tlie look-1 propriation of $8 (MX),(MX) to $12. in the Secretary'« office. Although representatives of the Harriman out for a favorable site for such a IXX).O(X). located ’“at Salem,” the institu­ aysteui of rail roads came into our town. A contract has been let for build, tion« are a long distance apart. Numerous railroad «urveys are j oountry on a lour of inspection, to ing the new stei-l bridge across th« Visitors can get but a vague idea m - c and report to that great ni«g- now being made in this new dis­ of their location by such directions iiale who holds in his power the trict, but it is not certain justi Malheur River, near where it em­ as are usually given, but by referr­ pties into Snake River, about two words that will allow the construc­ wliere the new lines will be built.: ing to the map, which shows all tion through those lines which he The most likely proposition is the, miles below Ontario. The cost the roads and distances, a etranger will lie $4 BO. control!«, a railroad in our midst, extension of the Sumpter Valley would immediately understand th« ¡and yet from all that cun be learn- road from Whitney to Burns. Itj Good times are rejxirted among direction to take in going to any is not a bad guess to say that the th«* farmers in the Willamette Val­ '«-«I he is as silent as the tomb. lone of the institutions. Th«- ma]« “And while he is thus silent, new town will be built somewhere ley owing to the keen competition . will also beuer-ful in other respect«. contracts have been let upon the on the line of this extension. for the purchase of produce, which Tbd towns already established is giving them the best price the' line that is entering ()r**ger ot the aleep. while probably he is the townsite in Grant County, along bushels. Of the amount exported. Western States. The regular price ' power behind the throne that is the line of the railroad, convenient Portlai.il leads, San Francisco is for the Weekly inter Ocean is $1,00 i making renewed activity in th«* I to the majority rf the producing J ’ second a.id Puget Sound holds the and for the Harney Valley Items extenaiun of tin* California branch. mines will be the site of this new ’third place. $1.50, but subscriptions will be re­ “Our people throughout the city. The American Hare Packing ceived at this office for the two entire portion of Centrni Oregon, Early to bed and early to rise and Cold Storage Company, of papers in combination for one year while not averse to a railroad , does very well for sick folks mid Echo, has closed a contract with for only $1.50. coming into our station from Cal-; guvs, but it makes a man miss all Harry Rodgers, of Butter Creek. I ifornia, vet above a'.l thing« want the ftin till he dies, ami joins the for the deliverv of 10.000 fat, sleek,. Hey! Since you are preparing t» one which will connect us with stiffs that have gone to the skies. young bare, beginning the first of' ’commence your harreat how about our own people, our own stale ind harnera. team harne»», chain har- , Go to beil when you please and lie next September. our own center of trade mid com-' ne»n, »traps, lines, breeching, col­ ut vour ease, you'll die just the During the last three months, ac­ uierceal interests. We want a lar», etc. J. C. Welcome & Sow same with some Latin disease. cording to the quarterly report of' road to connect us with Portland, i can fit you out with every thing in Superintendent James, the number whether that be by an extension of1 I thia line. They are also the For a bilious attack take Cham ­ I convicts at the Oregon state prison the Columbia Southern, the Oregon tnaken« of the lirMt »addles on the Pacific, or some entirely new road, berlain'* Stomach and Liver Tab­ has decreased from 317 to 306. | coast. it matters not which, yet a road we lets ami a quick cute is certain The number received was 32: dis- j For sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; charged, 40 ; died, 1; ran away, 1 ;1 His Life Saved by I'hamberlaiti.a want. sent to asylum, 1. Colic, Cholera anti Diarrtioea “If Portland will wake up and Fred Haines, Harney, Him, Oregon. Remedy. see that a line is built into Central Friends of the iniative and refer-1 Il’s a real pleasure to wear the ‘ ‘ B. L. Bver, a well known cooper Oregun whether with or without fine lilting clothes made by Strauss endum are laying plans for their of this town, savs hebelievesCham- Harriuiun, Central Oregon will do Bros., America’s Leading Tailors, pet hobby providing the Supreme berla’n’s Colic, Cliolera and Diar­ QIUG« 4 IIKIUK. iu part and furnish the traffic and Chicago. They're so reasonable in Court decides the referendum is rhoea Remedy saved hie life lai* passenger travel to make it pay IIARNKY UIIHiF. SO. I o <1 F. prices too. Bobinson A Walton, not legally adopted. If defeated summer. He had been sick for a J- * H'«» Halton Hire* from th« very beginning. Mercs every KaUwdsv evening, Ir.isn'e they will pledge Legislative candi­ will take your order. month with what the doctors call Usti. Visiting bciithers (rsternally in­ A t f o ntr y*- <1f • /xi w ’ « “W<* have the country, rich in dates to call a constitutional con­ vitad. Frank <>. Jackson,1 N. li. bilious dysentery, and cotil«! get NVRNH. OKKGON. everything nnd when once trans- C. G. Hsuih. KccreUry. GREAT MILLINERY SALE! vention in order to get prompt nothing to do him any good until portation is givenjus, it will be cul­ ^Ofticr in Bank building. Big reduction in Ladies’ and Chil­ action. he tried this remedy. It gave iiinx TI’I.K I'llD'I.E. xme)-at law, - Notary Public. Church Aniimimemi'iiti*. He has established his heailquar-; Mrs. G. W. Cummins. transportation facilities tlmt will ters at Haines, and is now actively Thousands Have Kidney Trouble /zite, Notarial anil Real fatate Sunday School at Harney th«* I u nite ns in a firmer bond of busi­ and Doa’t Know it. engaged in the work. It is thought WAGONS! WAGONS * Practice. first Sunday of each month nt 10 ness fellowship, instead of sitting Bow To risk O«t. this is one of tlie preliminary steps We will sell you a Mitchell, •'clock, A. M. On the second, Hurns, Oregon. idly with folded hands while we Fill a boltlo or common gfaas «nth your to Government-aided irrigation. Rushford or Webber Farm Bed third ami fourth Sundays of each water aud lei it stand twentydour boors; a are asking that which will build fW*i'(lice in Masonic building aedhnent or set­ Preach- month at 3 o'clock P. M The Drovers’ Journal-Stockman her up in a few years to greater Wagon ; tling indicates as 3j Steel Skein $S5.C0 ing services every second Sunday i — . unhealthy cjnA- reports that the first grass sheep ’ proportions than nil else will, and V’tion ci the kid­ 90 00 at 8 I*. M. 31 „ of the season were sold at South p M JORDAN, letting another road silently enter neys; if it stains 105.00 your linen it is 3Î „ Omaha, June 23. Most of them At the Presbyterian church these confines which by right are evidence of kid­ Send your orders to us, 0. C. Co were from Idaho and Oregon and Practical hand Surrcyar. Burns. Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. tiers and take all away, would ney trouble; to* frequent desire te Mura.. Oregon. , awake from her lethargy and be were very good «beep. Charles Divine services the third and fourth pass it or pain in Stomach Trouble. Hammons, of Hailey, Idaho, had Sundnysof each month at It a. iu . the back is alss up mid doing. i n\v “ I have been troubled with coavtacing proof that the kidneys and blad­ seven carloads of his own sheep and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath school at "Y’et unless Portland does this der aie out of order. stomach for the past four yei •ar«, g W MH.I.Kit. and the same number for Frank 10 a. tn. every Sabbath morning thing the time is fast and surely What to Do. savs I). L. Beach, of Clover Nook Gooding; 835 Oregon ewes and There is comfort in the knowledge sa ’ approaching when our trade will be Preaching services nt the Baptist often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Notary Public and Conveyancer, diverted, nnd when once diverted Farm, Greenfield, Mass. “A few wethers averaging 86 pounds, sold Root, the c>eat kidney remedy fuifilis every church every Island 2nd Sundays, in curing rheumatism, pais in the Mnrt|ia permanent. Ad­ CASTOTIXA. their number went south to the address Dr. Kihuer & n«. w Wuv dress, Thomas Cooper, Manager, away time with a washtub or th» /> II* Ni’i I”1 H”8 *Iw8« MM Sacramento valley, where they pur­ Co.. Binghamton. N. Y. When writing men­ ' I splitting wood while her husband tion reading llua generous offer In this paper. For Infanta and Children. 1030, Caxton Bldg , Chicago. chased 830 head at about five dol­ is hard atwoik worrying his brain Don’t make any mintuke, lait remem­ Til KM Yw Kivi Always Bought CA«TOTIIA lars and a half a head, Mexican ber the name, 8»am|i-Root, Dr. Kittiier”« to keep the other fellow from B»»r« th» __ H*8 II» K|ni) Kind I88 You Haw Haw *lw! llwaB Bought This paper and The Chicago cattle, of course. They got home Fwarop-ltoot, and the addiees, Buqtluua- I shutting out liis long suit in a solo I Weekly Inter Ocean $1.50 for one “‘IT with abont six hundred head, pret- t«n. X. Y’., o» every barflde. 'hand. “Special deal" I yea». Hl'KXN LOOGH, NO. «J. A. <». I’ W. Meets »I Brown listi evsrv Friday evr- tnnr Vitalias lirother« Ir.trrnally in- vtud. Tboe Magsra, W. M. Clise X. C.Miirtne. Kxxawder. CASTOR IA »Ilice st resi.troce. 'Pilone 20. T