Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, July 11, 1903, Image 3

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Useful Thingsfor
House Cleaning
Maili liest ruyers.
Ely Paper,
Tur pc o tine
t'liu iiio I m ,
Aleoli ol,
tluilbug Et termi iialot«.
Nal Míala.
barre uxorf nielli of soup.
Local and General.
John (’iiwlltold and family am
visiting relatives at Narrows.
Oregonian and Items, ♦2.00.
McMullen the photographer Op­
posite tile hank,
Mrs, Eva Thmipaun, of Hurney,
ia visiting in Burn».
Tlios. Bain and wife, of Harney,
were visitor Monday.
James F. Mahon ami dan Ig liter
Pearl are visiting in Burna.
Dr. L E Hibbard is building
unothsr «tory to his residence in
North Burns.
Mart Itaker w»« in from the OO
ranch on buaineaa several duya dur­
ing the week.
This paper and The Chicago
Weekly Inter Ocean fl 50 for one
year “Special deal"
It’s Time for
Harvest Hats
Misa Gladys Hopkins left Mon-
A card from W. N. Jurgensen
duy for her home in Weiser.
dated July 4, stales that he is get­
11. E Tliompaon was ublo to be ting along nicely since the
operation was performed ou his leg.
down on the street Thursday. ’
Sheriff Thoa. Allen is absent ut
Fred Osborn and Mixa Josephine
tin.* railroad on official business. McKenzie, both of Narrows, were
Henry Blackwell arrived in united in marriage at the Oregon
Burns Thursday from Long Creek Hotel Tuesday evening by Rev.
G. W. Black.
The Latest Styles and Leading Shapes in the
Frank Mogiui returned to Burns
The Welcome
“CONQUEROR HAT,” the kind the correct and
Mr Cecil, of Silver Creek, liar
Pharmacy Tuosday after an absence o/several
careful dressers want. More bat wearers are each
nay county, pastthougn Lakeview
j months.
season interestedly awaiting the issue of ;the CON­
last week with 45u head
Horton and Sayers arc preparing
HAT STYLES than there areawaiting
ami mules for the lower market.—
grounds mar the jsiwer house to
other Hat offered at equal or higher price.
Lakeview Examiner.
to be used a» a lumber yard.
Adapted for wearing In
John Robinson, and son Dewey,
Hay Fields, 75c to ♦2 <J0
Mr. ami Mrs. Cha». Brittingham
have moved into their new resi­ Mr and Mr». Chas. McPheters,
Win McKinney and "Cy” Ankeny
McCall Paper Patterns /„’iTLX.
de.,cc »ruth of J. C. Foley's.
left Tuesday for a month's outing
Dr. Geary was called to Silvies on the Upper Deschutes.
Valley Thursday to Hllend Mrs.
<'1,11111, Court PriM'iMMllnK*
There will be a meeting
W M. Pickens whois very ill.
A Biggs law office Monday
County court convened in regu­
W. E Trisch left this week for
for the purpose of
lar session last Thursday and not Hot Lake; near Union, where h"
the Fair and race
completing their work on Friday goes to trek relief from rheums*
meeting to be held this Fall.
adjourned until Monday of this > tism.
week. Following is a summary of
William Sisson, the Pueblo stock­
Recent dirpatches frylll Rome
the busincM transact, I.
Canfield, of
states thnt Popo Leo ia ■lowly man. and W.
In the matter of the appropri­
dying, and that the end ia very Sumpter, who is iulerestod in
ation of money for tb<< Heppner I
mining property in th" Pueblo
■ near.
relief fund.
Action of County
district, are in the city on business.
M. II. Brenton has | gone t<>
Judre in aulwetibing 1250 ap­
O. Calkins returned on the
i Stem Mountain to remain a short
In the matter of the reward for time before taking up his residence Canyon City stage Monday even­
ing, from Salem where he was con­
the arrest of Pat Moore. Mrs Jen­ in the Warner country.
nie 8. Devine desiring to wllnlraw
We are in receipt <d a letter from fined a year ago for insanity. He
the reward of ♦500 deposited by • x <’oiiiitv Judge C. I*. Rutherford is in good health and greatly im­
A. T.Clark the v.ell-known pio­
her with the County Clerk, the at Huntington directing us to send proved.
resident of Diamond, died at
Court ordered it return, d
i his I ts m » to that ¡dace.
Rev. G. W. Black will preach his
his home at that place Monday.
In the matter of the |>elilion of
In the shooting contest last Fri­ farewell sermon Sunday evening July 0, after an illness of several
Joseph Hill and IS others for a
day afternoon. N. U. Carpenter: Mr Black has not decided where week» from pneumonia.
County road. The court being fully
Our Spring line of goods will soon be on display. Call and
carried off first honors with a total he will go to from this place, as a
The deceased first caiue to this i see us and get our prices. Quality of goods the highest; price«
advised in the premises find that
number of positions are open for
of 1'3 birds out of a possible 25.
section in 186b and has been a resi­ I the lowest and seeing is believing.
only four of the petitioners arc free
him. He will spend at least an­
Father G II. Doyle was a pas­ other month in thia county dent almost continually since that
holders in the county and residents
time. He was born in Ohio in
of the district the court is without senger on the O-B stage Monday straightening up his affairs.
1836, though the greater part of his
jurisdiction and the petition is morning enroute to Western Ore­
gon |M>ints on business matters.
Mr. and Mrs R Hankins, Jr, early life was sitent in Iowa where
In the matter of the appoint­
Emmett Clark was released from wer« over from Harney Tuesday. most of his relatives reside. He
ment of a supervisor for Road dis­ the custody of the sheriff Monday i Mr. Hankins recently sold his ranch was appointed postmaster at Dia­
trict. No. 2. Henry Chapín ap on the deposit of flottO cash bond : in SilviesVallcy to Charles and El mond on the establishment of an
Hop)>er and was here to make out office at that place and held the,
| by his brother Emanuel Clark.
In the matter of the contract
final transfer papers to the place. position for 15 years. He had no 1
Milt Dehaven and Hurd 1‘uctt
with Buchanan and Cuwltlcld to
He I i « m purchased the Russell place children. His wife still survives
killed and Marshall Slice
build the Stcuken Water Mountain
north of Harney where he will re­ him.
roa. I. Contract completed and the wounded in a shooting affair at side.
K of 1*. Install Officer».
work accepted A warrant for ♦ Il50 Mitchell on the evening of July -I
Hey! Since you are preparing to
For a bilious attack take Cham­
balance due on contract ordered
Installation of the officers of In­
berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab­ commence your harvest how about
L. WOLDENBERG, SR., Proprietor.
In the matter of the application lets and a quick cure 1« certain harness, team harness, chain har­ land Lodge, No. 70, Knights of
ol Schubener Bros , for a liquor li- i For sale by II. M Hortua, Burns;
The services of a brewer of long years experience has been ee­
lars, etc. J. C. Welcome A Son ing. the ceremony being conducted
cense. Same granted for a period Fred Haines, Harney.
and the product of this Brewery is of the best grade in the J
can fit you out wi.h every thing in by Deputy Grand Chancellor F. M.
of six months Irom July 3.
Robt. O'Dell and family will
lace a trial order and you will not be disap­
In the matter of the bids to im­ soon leave for Drewsey, where Bob ’ this line. They are also the
prove and grnd« the Lampshire will be employed this summer makers of the best saddles on the
V. C., G A. Reinhold.
Lane road. Bid of John E. John­ looking after the interests of at, coast.
Prelate, E. B. Waters.
son and D. N. Varíen for ♦1513, eastern sheep firm.—Ontario Argus.
The Drewctt Brothers, of Drew-
M of A.. James Dalton.
the only one presented accepted
Jake Comegvs, a tailor, who sey. while enroute to the railroad
M of W., Thornton Williams.
In the matter of the report thsl
with wool contracted smallpox
I. G., Leon M Brown.
smallpox exists in the town of formerly conducted a business at
near Vale, and on their arrival in
G., Julian Byrd.
Drewsey. The Board of Health
Drewscv, enroute to Burna with I
ordered to look into the matter and
freight, were quarantined by Dr.
Ontario Races.
take such steps ns may be neces­ mitted to the asylum.—Ontario
Marsden who has taken measures
sary to prevent spread of disease
Eirst race, one-quarter tr.iie dash
L. B. Springer and Elsie Brown to prevent a spread of the disease.
I n the matter of the appoil tme»t
The eases are of a mild form.
for a purse of $100. Quicksilver,
of a supervisor for Road district No came in last Friday from Cord
entered by J. M. Blanton, first;
remaining until Tuesday.
8 Chas. Johnson ap|M>intcd.
W. D. Hanley returned this week
In the matter of the annual Springer savs the range in his from Portland, where he has Ix'en Gray Dandy, by Tom Stevens, sec­
settlement with the various county country is looking good and that to lend his services to the Oregon ond.
Second race, threee-eighth mile
sheep and cattle are in fine cor.di- delegation In the distribution of
officers. Reports approved.
for a purse of $100. Dude, by
{ lion.
federal patronage. As no appoint­
Tom Stevens, first; Dewey, by W.
GREAT MILLINERY SALE! ments have yet been made his ad­
E. Hulery. second.
Big reduction in Ladie»’ and Chil­ vice has probably t ot been acted
Third race, one-half mile dash
dren’» street hats, and Children’s upon. His vest pocket candidate
for a purse of $125, Quicksilver,
i trimmed hats. Don’t overlook one for the
first; Midnight, second.
of the greatest bargains ever offered still aumbereth in the future’s un­
“Two years ago my hair was
Fourth race, one-half mile ami
• in Burns. (’all at the home of certainty.
falling out badly. I purchased »
for a purse of $150. Sunday
bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor, and
Mrs. G. W. Cummins.
The Georgia Harner Company by Stevens, first; Dewey, second.
soon my hair stopped coming out.”
Haying is now in progress in present the ever popular comedy
Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, III.
many parts of the county, and re­ drama “Fanchion The Cricket,”
Stomach Trouble.
Perhaps your mother
ports stato that the ciop will be next Friday night. This play hi.»
“I have been troubled with
very light on the higher ground. stood the test for years and to stomach for the past four years,
had thin hair, but that is
Haying along the river whore the many needs no introduction. says D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook
no reason why you must
yield will be upto the average, if Georgia Harper as Fanchion is Farm, Greenfield. Mass. “A few
go through life with half­
not better, will not commence until one of the few actresses who davs ago 1 was induced to buy a
starved hair. If you want
next week.
have made a success of this play ' I k > x of Chamberlain’s Stomach and
long, thick hair, feed it
since Maggio Mitchell made it Liver Tablets. I have taken part
with Ayer’s Hair Vigor,
We will sell you a Mitchell, famous. “Divorce” or “Woman ofthem and feel agreat deal better."
and make it rich, dark,
Rushford or Webber Farm 1 Bed against Woman”, is the title of the If you have any trouble with your
and heavy.
drama selected for Saturday night. stomach try a box of these Tablets.
II H ■ Milt All Arattl«*-
| This is one of the Itest plays in the You are certain to be pleased with
3] Steel Skein ♦85.00
Company’s repertoire. Lots of
< the result. Price 25 cents. For
90 00
1- I...
11.,..,«. I red |
good solid fun in both plays. New ■_ »»Is
by II
H. \f
M. IT Horton, Burns:
31 „
j i Haines, Harney.
Semi your orders to us, O. C. Co specialities will be introduced.
We have them in endless varieiies-Straws, Crashes, Ducks,
Canvass, etc., etc., and at prices from 25 to 50 cents.
Lunaberg & Dalton
Harney Valley Brewery
Your Hair