a« to the merit« of the quetlio'» dividing the two political parti*«. We have receive»! a mm tier of thee»* card«. and are thia week mailing them to our subecribers. S iiti : »>»• O iiiu .C itv »■» ToiKiml THE POWER OF MUSIC. Bl««« m < l«p*er »«Mr • u A l^4> ’••*14 «u (»«*■•«« Uh«» ll«4 Utils I •* f»r It. In onr of thr Ittc.vl mu»lc »torrs* the Hon. John Barrett, of Portland, who haa ju«t been appointed min- i**ter to Argentina ha, traveled 45,(Mk> n.ilee m hi» trip around the world in the )>ast year and haa interviewed fifteen king« ami emperor». large!? in the interest» of t.ie St Louia exposition. TO TEST El)l)V TAX LAW. other day >o«*rad *alr*mrn \%vrrr«‘at iti|T rXpvrirurvi ronnrvtrd xtilh the craft, uhrn «»nr of the patty. who had The mining firm» of Sumpter are b«eu a dealer in «»rg.tn» in i »mail way in a -»tern *tate, uhrrr hv had arte*! raising fund, to teal the conatilu* tionality of the Eddy incoqioration tax law pa.«»ed at the !a»t acaaion of the legislature. went into effect The American squadron, so right royally entertained at Kiel, Ger­ many ia next the honored gutat of K ng Edward in English waters. Courtesy and hospitality given er received, do not lessen an individ-' ual*- ability to care for or defend hi« own; on the contrary a»i interchange of cotirieaies frequent- ’ ly prevents the necessity for such defense. It has l>een a long time in com­ ing. hut we have it st last. Ex- , (» tvernor Pattison of Pennsylvania brings forward the slogan fir th«- next national campaign. Turn the Rascals out.*' li asmueb a» the rascals will be not only turned out but most of them turned in jail before even a meeting of Congress.at the.hamlaoi repudlican administra­ tion ami investigation, it is a little difficult to see what the Democrats could gain hv their shouting. — 1 w>sh to lie simp’s, honest. fr«nk. natural, clean in mind and body, unaffected—ready to say. “I do i ot know." if so it be. to meet »1! men an an absolute »quality— Vo face any obsta' le ami meet ev«rv difficulty unabashed ami unafraid. I wish others to live their lives, too —up to their h-ghest, fullest ami be**t. To that end I pray tnal I may never meddle, interfere, dic­ tate. give advice that is not want­ ed, or a«si»t wh*n n.v service« are are not not needed. If I can help people, I’ll do it by givirg theu. a cha.ice to help themselves: and i' I can uplift or inspire, let it be bv example, inference and suggestion, rather th-,n bv injunction a..a dic­ tation.— Elbert Hub'a-d. The American Protective Tariff League or New York is early in the field tor the campaign of 1904. realising that the percentage of new voters may prove to be suf­ ficient to turn the «» ale in several Mates. The League has ».ailed to j*« members and connection» in- these cards are coming in bv the » nnd reds in every mail, and the League is rapidly accumulating an immense list of names to which it will «end literature of tin- sort cal­ culated to inform young elector» CLEAHSW* House is one of the «hiti-s that a weak wo-tian looks forwird to with dread. As a rule, she knows that she m«3t pay for the over-strain with days or weeks of womanly suffering. I/r. Pierce’s Favorite Pre­ scription in a k e s weak women strong and sick women wci’. It cures the womanly diseases w h i c h undermine the general health. It establishes regu­ larity. dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. "I t ..lc t-*o -«'!'■« of vwir Pav-.ritr Hrewcri^Ow * »M- two « - th»- , 1 . j f.,-t »-w-’u-w- ,Mr- ’»'*ii -.1 Kr-in- -,f l/.r-v.y It»"» '>!»» Ilr»-t hi C-. N-*v s ,t,o -| hvl l terine tr'.uM» »'w, t.iin in th»- .¡¿e an»l h--ad. i -he. AHrr okinjr »'-.ur m<-'lir i ■ ft in »n v >v-r. Pierce'« Common Sen*e Me heal Advi^-r is sent fret on receipt of atamns to pay expense». mailing 'fir. Send ai one-cent «tamp for the imok in 1 aper covers, or II stamps for the cloth- * mod volume. A l.lrvs« fir. R..V l’Kt.e, UH .¡O, N. Y. The law a which little over a month «go charges • fee of $10 for those doing busmen« on lest than $.VKX), graduate«! up to ♦ ‘Jl«» on those doing business on «2,01)0.000. The «ecreiary of state in his last report give« the naui-s and capital stock of '.'fit! corporations that were formed in Oregon from January 1, 1902 to January 1, 1903. Under the old law they pan! a flat en- t-ance fee of 15 an no license fee Under the new law they will have to pay an entrance fee dependent on the capital »tc*ck of from $10 to • 100 ai r|>or.-ition would have to pay a license I believe the secretary of state bold« that all corporations doing ary 1 usiness whatever in this state are included, but i un­ derstand he ha« i eked Attorney Genera) Blackburn for an opinion a“ to how far-reaching the law is. and if a corporation that ha» no branch here is liable. • >alet men heic icprc«enting for eign corporatism» cannot be taxed ; that wouid be a violation of the inter-state »-».mu erce Inw. A citi­ zen of another state is entitled to the eame inim unities and priv il“ge» a- a local man. Tie luw caui.ot discriminate.” August "New file» " 1 n ad»iition to the splemli 1 array of clever fiction which mark» the August is»i;c of the New Idea \\ omsn's Mugazine. eep»»-inl men tion of the practical articles upon household or garden matters in that number is worthy of the careful reader’» attention. ‘Tie Economic« of a Summer Girl,” by Minna Irving, 1» among these; nnd of equal inter» st are "The Evolu­ tion of a Home,” by Alite Chittenden; “Furnishing a Flat,” tiy U'ynogene Fargher; "Psycho­ physical Culture/' bv Adeje Marie Riqu»-; "A Woman'« Two-acre Investment,” by Ethel Walbe-t- and others of equal value presented by the well known contributor, to the u.ugaz.it e departments. «• agent for a big concern in supply* in< the hval tra*lr. irretw rvcniaUcvnt, rrUtru ihr \Va»hiuirt«>n Star. “I rvmrmVrr an mchlrnl ronnr**tr»! with the sale of th«»«r v.-tta^r * rjr«io» that luia »omrwhat the Hax<»r *»f the Itarid llaruin ho»» trade.” »aid he "My rha! in the «»rirnh b«i»iar»« n thr wtllrm t*»wn wat one <»f the abckr»t »alr»nirn that e%rr cajoled therlu» «'«* evrrncy front a folded fl*». Thrf*l h»u hi* name wa* IU»h<»p aoM * r- jran* to nenr-y etery family in three ( c«>untiea. We |p»t our instrument** fur about net. and the regular Belling price 9C0. "Itiahop had a light wagon eon • tructrd especially for carryir.g a rot lace t»rg.'in. and hr would load in one of the in*trumrnta and. together with hi» a»*i»tant. who w.i» a flne mum-un. w oild start for thr country. "One day he drove t<* a farm ownrd and managed by a wealthy old Irish, lady «ho r«»uh’n‘t tel! a mini*’ -c«»rr from a l*a»rl»3ill tally sheet. V* Hohop and hi* a«»i»tant drove up to the hoti*e with « rgan in the w.»g« n thr *dd lady came »»nt before the door, and with her arm» akimbo »truck a iVbartcan p“*e »nggettire of thr haughty deci­ sion. and »akk "*Takr tb-’t thing out nf tre yard! ■ M w id ye/. **r «r inntir ! U ir» arniy wanted tn water my hnrsr».' "Il was a warm «lay and. after watering the anltnaU. the twn i***gnn r«*arer»inr pleasantly with Mr« M ir- phv untH her atfirre«»hrne«-» re axed I(i»h«>p dec!»rr«l it wa» f. take tn lKt» r*«Bd f«»r a wh tb **v w«»uM bate tn rr«t. !y ifiilurttl the old lady • wnrn* tn • nnd that lit- pre-*•»?»<• t<» let them pt»I the »«rgan under a shade tree out «•* the ««»n. Thr two rot »•»irat 'm Agnin*t thr peace of thr h«*u«rhol*l »truM«*d aimleoly al « ut t hr y nr«i. an»! after awhile thr %«>ung fs ' »«trr ' nt* thr organ ar»»? brg-»n r'axing Ihrly air* with thr Iri«h »th*k ing out a!! *>*r? them. Hr wa* ar rxrr"rnt |*rrf-r-rr nnd hr r* aird :»!! thr Iriah out of thnt ini*trtttcrnl there wo in it. and prr*- rntly Mr«* Murph x perked » ut at thr *l«»«»r. The AMi«trnt (laved thr» ugh kt» li«t <»f air» and started on *« n»r of thr < ld > *i.g- dear tn every nathr • f <>h! Erin. u«ing the »top* and pedal* with great rffret. •** \nd nhwat d<» ver a«k fer a th*ng like thnt?* the old lady prrientiy aaked Bi»hnn. " *lVe n«tiallv get <75 for that » »«»th that Im is »enior partner of th« firm of F. J (Tiene) A Co, loing business in the City of Tol» . Comity and State afor»'i*iii»l. iiml that suid firm will pay the sum of Ono Hundred Dollar» for « in'll uml even* «*•»« of Catarrh that cnniiot I h * cured by the use of llaU*» Catarili Cure. Frank J. Chenctr. Sworn to befon* me and «ul>avrib- e.l in tny pr»>«eu I “ ¡ire tint l-lvperlinent. Hint trill«* with nml eii n :«* I» It» 1*11111 int»-c. Il destro) « orma nnd all.»>» l’overi»hiic»«. Il cure» Itlurrluen unii imi tolte. Il r»-ll«-v«-s I',» Itili«: T'r»»nlilc.t « «ir»-. < mi«t ¡pillimi nini IT.itili» nei. It iisuimlhite» III«* l'mnl, n-gul.ile» tlm Moia «. li ami llowcl-», rlvlng tic.dilli limi luitiirii* nh«cp. T h«- < liihlreii*« ITiiia«-» a Vii«* 'tothi r‘» l'i-ieml. The Chicago\V«*«*kly Inter tk*van is tin* only weekly riew»p.»|>er pub li»h««i in i hicagu in conmetion with the great dailr p»|»er«. It contains n ju«iiciou»ly selected summary Vt the new« of th«- nation ami world, th»- b«»*t »tone», h -li e. farm, woman'», ami other special d» parimente, aid fair, patriotic, able editorials, w ritten from a Re­ publican viewpoint. It i« l>y far the beat general newspaper ot th«- Western -tat«-«. The regular price for the W«wklv later Ocean I» ♦! lA) and for the Harney Valley Item» ♦ 1,50. but subscription» will l*e re- ceivtsl at li«ia vflier for the two papers : » muibi«iatiou fur one y« a for only ♦ l. ’»O. CENUINK " ’N*»w. Mr. Ki»hop. cntildn’t y* throw ■ !T five dollar» if l*d give y r cash monev ?* " ’Xi».* «aid he. ‘this organ i* the one I arn ti»ing for a >ample, and it’«* on« of tlir he*t. I don’t care to »ell it anvwnv. l ot I bate son •• down at thr • tore.’ an«! hr went « n rrl .uling. ••Thr - Id -<’y \ |ri»h l>b od wn* up. She c< n’dn’t let an instrument that could rinrevi the sent ¡merit» < f tho«e old melodies mo »wretly escape her. • o »he *nir. where aley now and wait a she dodged into thr thr family bank, con- >i»ting of an ob! stt ekir g. wa» opened, ar ! «he counted out >75 for the lucky • ale» man. " I hr «»rgan wa* p’need in fl «• » arlor the rt>*M*!rtnf taught thr old lady n T» • ««.f will be n ade before tcrgUferand A Vt*. fianlrl W . Joptlan. Il»l rnlr» No. *pfor the HF.'<( *rc V, T|> • S-. K 32», B W M. He hame* the follow . n* u lfne* »•» to prnt r hi« continu«»’!« rr»l>re ami Ciirboiiat«-»! «IrinliH.ai.»! th» « luxe,nt Cigara. 5 ..¡ir patronage »elicited. Cotirli-oUH treatment t<> all. ( » ri.i-r r «¡rib of | < »1« fli< e. II. SMITH .t CO. Proprietors. HIS master ’ s VOICE The Capital Saloon organ with excruciating result v. Down thr r»»ad for half a mile tb« v V7. E. could hear •turn, tum-tfim. turn, turn- turn.* a« «be en<’ravored to get her worth. «•»<•»« IF HI 11A I * M Mr P I*. ¡Uugborly« w« 11 kt vn m throughout .Mercer ami Hummer eountter, W \’a moat likelv owes hm life to thr kintinorsof a neigh* bor. He w as ahno«t hopeb'Mlr ai- dir lr«l with diarrhoea m » attend­ ed bv two phyidc*a(»a who gave niw little« if any, re ief. when a Ueigh- bor learnitig of hi* serious condi­ tion. brought him a Lottie of Cham* berlaiifs t'olic. Cholera ami Diar­ rhoea Keuiedy, w hich cured him in le«*a than twrntvfour hour*, For sale by H. .M. Horton, Burns; Ertd any invention will pr« nptly r< * :\e our opinion free conceniing the patent­ ability < f tuo. •• H ’ l> «I ' . :i a patent" went upon request. TnUftita 1!•liner. Hurney lecorcd through uti a«!wrtiw ! f ir tale at ourcxfieuae. I Blent* t ikva out through tn renivr n.7f.r. writhout charge, in It’s a res I pleasure to wear the fine fitting clotbrM m««ir by Stram*e T iik I’xTrxr Ibicomi, nn Hin träte I ami w idely iirvuUtcd journal, consulted Br«)*.. America'* leading Tailor*, by Manui u lurrr • • «1 biv«*M< r*. Send fur aainplo ropy FREE. Address, Chicago. They're ro r»*a*oiiubb* in chord, nnd ;»» they dr«»ve away th* v could hear her harnn»rring on the money*« ÄI-WAY8 In Uso For Over 30 Ye?rs. Mr* 'lurr hy < ;*u’r out with unmistak­ able interrM visible in her conntr- n.inrr, S’:r h»«>ked thr organ over a moment and then *ai: .<<. lliusidc 'hat is a str« I rrc< ptflrh weighing 12 toe:;. nn<1 him« «’• I’m? i a Jmden « asl . t. ’« rrn« t « ally .scab • weighing two tons. Ilinaidc 'hat i : ina’o ;nny coffin ’olding the usht s of tin great. *rro.’* "Well.** tairl the Yankee, aft« r refler-t- inga i: onient. ‘I guess you’v< got hirn. If bo C’.ei r ts out of I’l.at, f. IcgTapb Your patronage Solicited. {MACHINES sent c.o.d. The Victor T ¡Iking Ma bine hol '« fiot tlace. It took highrat awari at the Bucalo 'an-American T. xposition. T//K VICTOR I: bett h*rnu**i Victor re o. d ' e s»» ;n«is at tbougi* tb< stoker were prêtent in prison. Victor f< r.!« contain ail that Is bc*t In music,orar».-/ sr.«l h imot much <»i it repr»»* diced by h > « -the lafeit improve nent — S'Jt -IO ’ • .9.1.1. Sent < . O " pro.al to any pia-> on the Pacific « »•«•«. Send for Catalogue. SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. IF YOU ARE A FARMER -ZVncl Kcxves On