Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, July 04, 1903, Image 2

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    »ATI KDAY JI LY 4 tWKi.
An exchange *ay« the next re-
) ublican campaign *log*n will be:
‘•Vote for Roosevelt and a full
Imbv carriage.”
The new King of Servin appear*
to be inclined to overlock the re­
cent assassinations but it is under­
stood that he is opposed to any
continuation of the practice.
An interesting ruling has jus
bean made bv Secretary llitchco'k, Bl I.KY POST ('ABBS.
whereby lauds are cl issed as non-
mineral regareless of the fact that Ping-Pong Ball* and Other Article*
they bear mineral deposits, pro­
in the Mail*.- „
vided they have been surveyed and
and recorded as non mineral by llwwkwotr» Kmpl«jr«l wa W rlll»i lh»-
the government. It is further de­
pcr b> ICitraw *«««•< • *
I’er««»*-Tlr M cmam * *»t a
termined that if the survey or s
notes make no mention of the
the minerals that mar subsequent­
The u»e of pinir p«»n<
a» poll
ly be found upon the land, no in­ card* >» the latr»t freak of avvkera
vestigation for the purpose of for novelty
It Marted in Liverpool quite recent­
showing its mineral character will ly, and despite il» obvioua di»nd\nn-
be had bv the government, even tairen. i» aprva<ling in KiigUutl- The
though a protest be formally made principal remit 1» much unhappine»*
to the postman anti a recent i>r" re<-
and evidence offered.
ulntu»n in tome piner* forbidding all
The scientific n.ngaiine* which
have contained articles speculating ARID LA N 1» NOT IN ItKMASP
on the cause of the recent flood* ot
the Mississippi and the Missouri
Department of the Interior Ap­
have failed to convince the people
proved Two Applications.
of Kansas that they were caused
by anything but water.
Salem, June 19—The rush
John Rarrett, of Portland, ex- which wm made over a year ago
Minister to Siam, has been appoint­ for land under the arid land law in
ed Minister to Argentina to succeed not in evidence this year. Only u
exGovernor Lord whose term ex­ very few application* for arid land
pires October 11» Mr. Barrett is contract* have been received in the
one* of the commissioner» of the St. last’xix n o »th-, and all of these ar<
Louis World's Eair and will con­ for small tracts which will 1» occu­
tinue his work until he assumes pied reclaitntd and cultivated by the
his new duties this Fall.
applicant*. Only two of the ap­
plies ten* for large tracts have been
“After a hard struggle, tarilf re­ approved bv the Department of the .
form is directly before us. A re­ Interior. One of these is the ap­
duction of tariff changes upon the plication of the Portland com pain
necessities of life will bring benefits organized by W E. Rurke, which
pilpable and substantial, seen and company has a contract for the re-
felt bv thousands who will be bet­ c’amation of about 8000 acre*
ter ted and better clothed and bet- northeast of Malheur Lake. This
ter sheltered".—Grover Cleveland tract is entirely included within
in 1893. And we all remember the region recently withdrawn fro n
entry by the department with a
what happened.
view to examining it to ascertain
whether a suitable site exist* for
The preliminary moves to take
the construction of large irrigation
up the question of the Nicaragua
works bv the Government.
Canal has apparently brought Col­
The other application approved
umbia to her milk. At any rate
is that of the Pilot Rutte Develop­
advices advices are now received
ment Company, which has secured
from the Isthmus that the interests
some 87,000 acres near the head­
which have heretofore been violent­
waters of the Deschutes, from
ly opposed to ratification are now
which stream the water for irriga­
gradua lv undergoing a decided
ting the land will ire taken. This is
«.hange in sentiment.
the Com ¡any organized by A. M.
Drake. Among the applications
There is some talk but no con- ¡tending are those <>f the Oregon
cl isions reached at Washington as Development Comp my for 78,000
to who will tie National Chairman acres near the bead waters ot the
next year. It is ss-umed that Sen­ l»e»chutes; the Three ¿-isters Com­
ator Hanoi will likely desire to re­ pany. for 27,600 acres, between the
tire when the proper time comes Deschute and the Cascade Moun­
S-nator Izxi^e has been mentioned tain*. and the Harney Valley Im­
as a pronable selection but it is provement Company, fur 69,000
pointed that it may i ot be desira­ near Malheur Like, in Harney
ble to have a chairman who is in County. A part of the application
t”O close touch with tne Presiden- of the Oregon I»evelcpm«-nt Com­
Val candid «te as any decisive ac­ pany ha» been rejected on the
tion mightb e construed a« h iving ground that the land is timbered
b-en inspired.
Suggestion has ami can not properly be classed as
lieen made for some young man to arid land.
take the management of the cam­
There is a contest ¡ending over
paign but no young man has yet the application of the Harney
been suggested whose personality Valley Improvement Company.
is sufficiently forceful to convince The Pacific Livestock Company
party men that he is the right man has filed a protest alleging that
tor the place. There is a year water cannot bo had for reclama­
»head yet however and ample op tion purposes without infringing
portutiitv to make selection.
upon the rights of riparian owners
end prior appropriation*.
land desired bv this company is
also largely withdrawn from se'tie-
ment with a view to the construc­
tion of irrigation works by the
The Ian 1 lies just
Ot Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discov­ Government.
ery,” writes Mr Hilerv Koons, of Queens, north of Malheur Lake arid close to
VV. V». “When I commenced to take
tliis medicine I weighed one hundred that secured by the Portland com­
an 1 thirty pounds.
I have taken six pany.
1 t! s of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
The state arid land law requires
Di^-overv and three vials of his ' Pleas­
ant Pellets,' and am glad to say I feel t lat the
reclamation company
like a new man. I now weigh one hun­
dred and seventy-five pounds. When I shall within one year after
1. .-1 used one bottle of the medicine 1 signing of a contract by the De­
c nil 1 feel it was helping me. I realize
Jr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery partment of the interior, expend
ia the best medicine on earth ”
10 per cent of the necessary cost of
Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ reclaiming the land
Only one
covery purifies the blood and en­ contract is a year old. That of the
tirely eradicates the poisons that
breed and feed disease. It cures Portland Company was signed by
s.rotula, eczema, er y .pelas, boils, tne Secretary of the Interior on
pimples and other eruptions that April 12. l'J02 There i* nothing
i.iar and scar the skin. Pure blood on record here to «how what work
is essential to good health. The
vzeak, run-down, debilitated con­ ha« been done by tha’ company,
dition which so many people ex­ but it is known that work has
perience is commonly the effect of been commenced on the land
impure blood. Dr. Pierce’s Golden secured by Mr. Burke's company.
Medical Discovery not only cleanses
Th< Jaw does not require that
the blood of impurities, but it in­
creases the activity of the blood- any report shall l»e made, but give«
making glands, and it enriches the the State Land boa-d authority to
body with an abundant supply of cancel a contract if the reclamation
¡mre. rich blood.
com party fails to perform its agree­
F ree .
Dr. Pierce’s Common ment.
Sense Medical Adviser is sent free
The contract with the Pilot
on receipt of stamps to pay expense
u;t<-Company wa- signed Febru­
of mailing only. Send 21 one-cert
stamps for the ixxik in paper covers, ary 13 1903, and that company
cr jt stamps for the cloth Ixzund has about eight months yet in
volume. Address Or. R. V. Pierce, whii h to muk>- 10 per i-er.t of its
linfr.ilo N v’
total investment.
‘T had scrofula and
e rysipelas for eight­
een years, until I
such unhung)
The ball» uerr «tamped, an address
written tinder the »tamp, ami the met-
»aifv ecraokd «»n the re»t of the Mtr*
rhv»c clumsy and bulky po*l
car»!» were ported in lahrrpool by the
thousand* an«! (fave the |u»»t . thee au-
th«>ritir» an immense amount of extra
work, »ay a Hearst*» Chiwe«’ American
Xmonir those idle people uht» from
time to time have wmlcil their »uper-
fluoua energie* in testing the forbear­
ance of the |M»»tal « fticiala. it a n an in
S.oiihninpton. England, whore favor­
ite form of misahc u»rd to bv a |x Mage
But .a» hr wrote the address
on the fare <»f the »lamp», tbr author­
ities deciiled that their were not bound
to deliver them.
It wa» prolmbly the
»amr prr*« n who afterward p« Med a
complete pack of piaying rard». each
neatly addrr»>ed on the I »ack. but with
n<» tnr»*.ige whale'er on the colored
Another very peculiar letter found
in a London pillar-box laM autumn
was a green apple on «»nr »n’v «»f which
was cut an address, and on the other
the »iinplr. but expressive message:
“Sour like y«»u.”
Hank notes have lern rmploved as
a writing paper more than ««nee by
extravagant ”r f«»«»!i»h permns Iniong
the effect» of an English mi»rr who
die«! al*out !5 y car» ago was foun«f a £ i
n«»tr »>n which the deceased had writ­
ten directions a» to thr disposal of his
M Hampstead there Ih rd
until recently a wealthy bachelor of
whom it win »ait! that hr «»nee wrote
a proposal of marriage to a lady «>n
the back of a
note, nn<! l erauar it
was »ent l»ack without a word **f com­
ment by thr recipient. rrfu»e«l e'er
afterward U» have anytltinic to do with
thr fair ¡»ex.
Whitinp pa|>er. or. Indeed, paper of
any kind, is usually at a premium
among soldier» on active service. Many
very curiou» »ulwtitute* came from
the British soldiers in South Africa.
One of the commonest ha» iwrn
mealir lente». “Mealir’* is thr South
African name for tnaire. Hound the
maize r«»b grow a number of strong
ensrh-pinsr sheath», which, when dry.
turn to a (Mile yellow color and can
then be written upou.
\ftrr («»lento there wa» found
gra»|*ed in thr stiffened hand«ofadead
«oldirr a pir-’e of leather w ith a dying
message ser.xw 1 r«l U|M»n it with a stump
of pencil.
It was a kijcr of the sole
of thr drad man'» boot, wl ich had
probably been loosened with n «»ch
niar«*hing. ami which he had enntrhe«l
to rip off.
It safeli reached thr poor
fellow's family in Eng..»nd.
Er»<m thr Philippine», to«». s«»mr cu-
ri«>us letter» have |>?« n r«*» cited by
thr frieru:» of American soldier» fight­
ing in those {»lands. One of the most
ingenious was a piece of l atlre l«m-
I hh ». about a foot 1« tig on which an ad­
dress had been carved with pen­
knife. The letter wa« Inside this hol­
low tube an I held there by wooden
pins al each end.
Thr writer ex-
plainer! that he had found it impossible
to grt an cnvehzpr or to fin«! any gum
tn make one. so had had rec«»urse to
this* expedient.
The ceiling of a room is. a» a rule.
««» far out of ordinary reach that the
idea of using it f<>r writing on seems
But in a case trie«! last year
in England it transpired that a land­
lady had been in thr habit of using her
ceiling in li’,ii of a rent-bo* k. I'pon it
were ins*ribe«l the various amounts
rrcrii» ! from her lodgers.
it was.
of course, impossible to bring this
strange rent book into court, a certi­
fied copy had to be made for the u*e
of the judge.
Tlio Chicago Wn klv li.lcr Oceatt
in the only weekly lieWH|i.t|x<r ¡Hill
li.bed in Chicago in connection
with the great daily ,>n,«i . It
contain* a jiultcion.ly ««lei-teU
■uniniarv ot the n< w* of the nation
atul world, the brat «tone*, home,
farm, woman'*, ami other *,>eeial
liepattment*. Hint fair, ¡uitriotie,
able editorial*, written from a Re-,
publican viewpoint. It i* by far
the l«'»t general new»pa|ier ot the
"'extern State*. Th» regular price
for the W eekly Inter Ocean i* •!.'*«>
and for the llarncy Valley Item*
♦ 1 50, but *ub»cription* will I m « re
ceived at thi* olliee tor the two
paper* : i combination for one yea
for only if 1.50.
Tin« Kind Ymi Have Alwnjw Bought, and which ho* I mm - ii
in u*o fur over 30 yearn, Im* borne tin« »tgimtnro «C
und Im* beoti nimio umler l«l» |w«r-
Monul mi | h i '\ l*l.iti »luco It* InOuicy.
Allow no ono <o <l«* «,h <• jolt In Itila.
All Cminlcrfoit*, Imitation* mid ••,lii«t-.i*-itoo<l ” are hut.
Bx|n«rlmenta that tritio w ith mid endiMigrr tin« health of
luhuiU limi Children I'. x | h - i I vih ' o iigiiiu«t Uxporlinciik
Cn*torln I* a Inirmlc** anlmtltn’o lor <’u*tor Oil. Vitro-
gnrle, l»ro|»* nud Nootlilng Syrup*. It I» l*leu*unl. 1C
contain* neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nurcotlo
*ul>*tance. Il* ngo i* It* i;tnii'untco. Il ile*lro) > "orma
mid iillnj* l'«>verl»hiie»*. It cure* Dhirrtnvii and Alimi
»tolle. It relíele* Te« lililí;: Trouble», curva Coii«tl|Milioil
anti Fliitiileiicy. It m«*iuillalc* the I'mul, r«<gulatc* Ilin
Ntoinacli mid Bowela, giving healthy mid natural alcop.
The Clilldreii** I’mmcea Tlio Mother*» I'lleml.
O iiio ,V ita or T i » ihm ><
Lt * ca * Cot xrv.
Frank J. Cheney mnke*oath that
Ire i* ecnior ¡«arlner of the firm o'
F. J Chenet A Co, lottrg bnxine*»
in the City of Toledo. County ami
State aforeeaid. and that Mid firm
will pay the »uni of One Hundred
Dollar* for each and everv ea*e of
Catarrh that cannot I*- cure J by ,
the UM of Hall'* Catarrh Cure.
Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and «ul«*cnb
ed tn mv pr«-*ence, tin* filh «lav ol
A. W <«lea«on.
Notary Public
S tat »
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The Civil Service Commisaion
ha» notilied every Senator ami
Representative in Congre*« that
examination* will be lirld all over
the United State* on July 2*J, SO
and 31. tn provide an eligible Hat
from which Pietident llooeevch i*
to ap|H«int eight or ten cadet» tc
th" revenue cutter »«-rvice
Oregon the examination« will I*
’held «I Portland, Aatoria, Salem
mid Baker City.
Our fee returned if w<> fail. Any one Mtiding »ketch and description of
any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the p.itrnt-
ability of ».into. • How to obtain a patent ” aent spun rvqutxit. Pau-nte
*ectire«l through u* advertised f >r naie at our expen**.
1 atent* taken out through u* receive sfteetJl Hotter, without charge, tn
Tin: P\r»:.*r Ilx«*>lit>, an illu*traU-d and widely lirculaUxl journal, euntultod
by Manufacturer» and Invoxtor*.
Send for sample copy FREE. A<ldro*M,
Dark Hair
•• I have used Aver** Hair Vigor
for a great many yeara, and al­
though I am pa*t eighty year* of
age, yet I have not a gray hair tn
my head.”
Geo. Yellott, Towton, Md.
(Patent Attorneys,}
Evans Building,
Wc mean all that rich,
dark color your hair used
to have. If it’s gray now,
no matter; for Ayer’s
Hair Vigor always re­
stores color to gray hair.
Sometimes it makes the
hair grow very heavy and
lone; and It stops falling
of the hair, too.
All <ru,gl«t».
If y«»ttr drn<ffl»t r»ntH»c anmily y«»«t,
• pend it» on» dollar anil wu will ri|«rr»a
J «on n Io tile
B«> witru Jiiitl r. va lh<’ d . idi U
” of yuur n*-«rest r»pr*a« offi« a. Aildrrna,
J. < . AIEK €U., Lowell. Maw
min«! Woodsnwjrera.
The wrrxjsawycrs of \tlanta, Gn.( 200
in number, have forrnetl n trust and
have rair.ed the price of sawing stove­
wood from 75 cents to one dollar per
day. Every member of the organiza­
tion is a b’Jrxl man or n cripple. Chi­
cago Journal.
Poth In mid Oat.
Burroughs I* .Mr. Lenders in?
Ollier Boy (who has been “posted”)
— No. he’s ».»it.
“Well. ju*t run in and tell hirn hr’»
out more than hr thought. I cnmr to
return 110 I borrowed
but week.
Good day.** Philadelphia Pre»».
W bat It Was.
Mfi'lfte— D- lly .rein, to be worn ina
over something.
Murjorir- Ye., .he »nt on the brneh
nil .liy xe.ter.ln, nn<f <l.,e»n't know
Jet Hheiher »lie will *aD or Mieter.
■’ Y. Sun.
The bar ¡»«upplied with non«
but the very best brand* of
A in-». Liquor* nnd Carl*>nwte«l
drink», nnd the ( hoicent Cigar*.
Your patronage »nlicited.
Courtroua treatnicnt to all.
Corner i orili of |x>»t< ffice.
(’. B. SMITH A CO.
W. E. TÄX3CB. Prcpri.tcr,
Preserving Drnd Dodies.
The sucecns in preserving dead .bodicn
«hat has been r.chic\c<l by a Naplesaur-
gcon. Dr. E. Manini. has excited the
wonder of "European j hysirians. He
UM« a scries of special Lath.«, without
in< isions or injections. Th»* firM of th*
three : tn,of provisional drsioention.
which keeps the body in a condition
for ready dirsertion by the anatomist;
the r rood H petrifaction, giving 1h
hardnes«! of marble in a f< w'hourw. and
the third i< tlm restoration of natural
color, flexibility ar.d fri -.bness. an that
the subject appears to’ be simply sleep­
ing. -Chicago Chronicle.
Boars ilio Signiituro of
Hall** Catarrh Cure i* taken in­
ternally. ami act* directly on the
I i I hm I and inucoua »urfacca of the
•V»lem. Semi for testimonial*, free
F. J CiM i >' V A t'o. l «ih d<>. 0.
Sohl by all Drtrzgi»!. 75e.
Hall'* Family Pill* are the l»«»t
SI M a bmtte.
------- BEST OF WINES, l.lt/t HRs ANU < Ki A RS.-------
/^“Drinks mixed to suit your ta*u>. Courteous treatment gi.»muted
Your patronage Solicited.
Th« VIrtnf TtUrlnf Merit"«« h»M«
(lire. It took highr*t •’»•nt at the Hutaio
'an-Amrrkan V xpetition .
I m ’
Victor re, ora •;.»'• ate Hat and j»de*triiiti.
ble no wa a io era k or break off.
Victor fr <-r 1* gi e perfect reproduction»
th« human tot« e
md» aa though th« singer
were pr»-»ent In perx.n.
Victor re orj« contain al! that •• h*»t in
rn i., ,■.•«’ rz aid h OHW M • >•
diued by n >«<th< rtaloiig ma. time.
Vi. ............... fit..to
f.to. 1 *■' »—
rigid arm Victor -tbc late»t improvement -
^'72.50 to
L- O 1»
pro.al to any plate on the l*a ifi< Cu**t.
i.,r ( Mtbfot*
Steinway Plino-Angclm Piano Player
General Musk Dealer»
Kearny and Sutter Sts.* San Francisco
___ J
Ono Cent
Buy it postal card ami rend to The New York
Tribune Farmer, New York City, for a free
■pecimen copy.
The Tribune Farmer ia a National Illustra­
ted Agricultural Weekly for farmer» nnd
their fnmilir», and aland» nt the hi nd of the
agricultural pre»». The price in f 1.00 per
year, but if you like it you can acetin, it with
your own favorite locnl newspaper, The
ITEMS, nt a bargain. Both paper» ri.50.
Send money and order to The ITEMS,