f) , itJ-i ««s. r ho Oldest and Most Roliablo. Publish od in th« Qrajtost Valley of Eastern Oregon. I / / / W Wi t Sa C f The Best Advertising Medium. I larney Vai ley Items ♦ VOL. 10. BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. JULY 4. 1903 IT MAY AROSE STRIFE • I.ft«* Per > r«r. Mia 7ft « ent*. OREGON NEWS NO.32 THE ORIGIN OF GOLF aixl title ha« I m - v - ii obtaineil to it, but in nixiiy in*tance* the mun who Cattle <'nr|siratIon» May Oppoae I k « m ranch ii. a creek Ixittom bn« Itemoof IiitereatCatbered From The man or woman * ho has berome thrown a fence around u rough, EiH1 ff'ere li t Furto of (lie Stute. Fence Order. broken section of Government land aometbing of ita origin over in Scol­ land. la hi* book, "The Ari of Golf," which lie* back on the hills for use Sir W. G. Simpson tell* the following as it horse pasture, or as a sort of pretty story as to the gauir bad corral for turning hi« beef cattle! The total contributions received its beginning: The »land, it i« report«!, that “A shepherd leading hi« sheep into ul shipping time. This docx the Government is taking to have not work a hardship on the pros­ by Heppner people up to date would often chance upon a roun- ble. and. having his crook in his hand, amount to over «50,000. the illegally fence«! public land« pective rcttler, a* the land without would «trike it away; for it is as inevi­ Hardware of Every Description. The case of ex-Sheriff Hunting­ table that a umn with a stick in his thrown open, ia euuaing the big water »ould useless to him, and hand should aim a blow at any loose HIHNB. OUEUON. cattle cor|H>ratitild desire to do so lie ton of Baker County, charged with object lying in his ¡>ath as that he bo aeeti from a clipping from the may enter it at any time and tear the eml.exzleii.ent of «10 000 of tax should breathe. Over pastures green this led t«» nothing; but « nee upon a Oregonian of recent date. The il-i down the fences. To iny knowledge money, ia being beard in Baker time a certain shepherd, feeding his City this week. The purpose of legal fencing of public land*, how­ thin is about the extent of the fenc­ sheep on a links, perhaps that of .St. ever. i* not wholly confined to the ing of the public domain here. Of the defense eeema to be to plsce Andrew», rolled one of these stones into s rabbit »crape. large concern, but ulvo to a number course, in Wyoming, where I un­ the responsibility for the shortage “‘Mary.’* quoth he, *1 could not do that if I tried,* a thought which nerved «if the "«mailer fry” who would derstand townrb'p after township on Ex-Deputy Sheriff Whitney. to the attempt. But a man can­ like to be clatred with the foimer of Government land ha* been fenc­ The State Lewis ami Clark Com­ him not long persevere alone in any ardu­ The cry that the throwing open of ed. the law is a wise provision and mission will send representatives ous undertaking, so Mr. Shepherd thia land will hurt the cattle indu»- should be enforced, but a meddle­ to every state and district fair held hailed another, who was hard by. to witness the endeavor ‘That is easy.* i try i« «illy bo«h and can only emi- some disposition to enforce it in throughout Oregon this year to ex­ »aid the friend, and. trying, failed. such instances as I have cited ser ­ nate from the “big man” who amine the exhibits made at these They now »enrrhed the grass for the think« that with hi« |>a»«ing from ves no good purpose and will work places. The commission intends,; roundest stone«, and having deepened rabbit «crape, so that the stonea ithii earth, all induatry will die. ! infinite infinite injury to a large if possible, to secure all the best the might not jump out < f it. they set part of the state. I am certain it Tiie oiK-ning of the land« mention- , And Have One Cent exhibits for the St. Ixiuis World’s themselves to practice putting. “The stronger but less skillful shep­ ¡«1 and the parking awuv of the big is not the plan of the General Land Fair, Buy a poatal cart) ami send to The New York herd. fSncling himself worsted at the Office or President Roosevelt, who concern» will have a tendency to ­ Tribune Farmer. Ngw York Cilv, for a free amusement, protested that it was a Horace G, McKinley and Marie fairer ward« an iqualization of the herd* has handled cattle himaelf, to par­ test of skill to play for the hole M|»x*imeii copy. and a betterment of the cattle in-1 alyze the cattle industry by en­ L. Ware, formerly United States from a considerable distance. With The Tribune Farmer is a National illustra­ this arranged. #he game was found to durtrv The Government ia for all forcing the law in everv instance.’ ” Commissioner at Eugent who are be much more varied and interesting. ted Agricultural Weekly for farmer« and The well-known attorn«y is far charged with fraud and conspiracy The sheep having meanwhile st rayed, the people. Throw o | h - i , the land« their families, and ilandi at the head of the with land locations and who had the shepherds had to go nfte- them. from being well-informed. t' at the ainall cattlemen who agricultural press. The price i* $1 00 per “This prnvincr an exceedingly irk­ i their preliminary examination at »bare* an equal right to their lire year, but if you like it you can secure .1 with The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean Portland last week, were bound some interruption, thev hit upon the ingenious device of nailing a circular with large cattlemen, may receive is the only weekly newspaper pub­ your own favorite local news|ia|ier, The of holes, which enabled them aoiue benefit. The article referred lished in Chicago in connection over to the grand jury in the sum '. course ITEMS, at a bargain. Both papers *1 50. to play and herd at the »«me tin e. 1 of «2000 each. to aliove i* a» follows : These holes being now many ar.<’ far Send money and uni« r to The ITEMS. with the great daily papers, It anart. it became necess-ary to mark ‘"The announcement that Special contains a judiciously selected The following officers were elect­ “ir whereabouts, which wa< easily Age lit Dixon, of the General Land summary ot the news of the nation ed at the annual encampment of th " 1 done by means of a tag of wool from a i Office, i» in Eastern Oregon invea and world, the best stories, home, the G. A. R. held in Portland last sheep attached to a stick, a primitive l.tMlgw |»lrreiu»y. professional cards . tignling the wholesale fencing of farm, woman’s, and other special week: Commander, D. H. Turner, kind of flat? still iised on many greens, almost in it* original form. Since Ik »«• I amm . it N o 70, K <4 1'. Government land by the Lig cattle departments, and fair, patriotic, I Newburg ; Senior vice commander, these early day» the essentials of the 1 Mn'i. every riiurmtay night. t and ahrep rancher« of the grazing able editorials, written from a Re­ T. B. McDevitt, Portland; Junior game have altered but little* MrNt'I.LKX. F M. Jordan. 0. 0. counties tian created «omelhing of publican viewpoint. It is by far vice commander, R. H. Miller, Eu­ ftewtsmaa*» Precise Frtlr. H. M>tlier*li>-*ect, Iximbs are at a banquet in New York recently v‘t«d. Th«» Sager«, W. M. Cha». N. President Pritchett, of the Massachu­ I dropping all over ca'.tleland, and Farm, Greenfield, Mass. “A few skeleton is that of an Indian. Cochrane, tteourder. pn.us a Htoua. setts Institute of Technology, told the cow ami sheep barons are Irv­ days ago I was induced to buv a The Civil Service Commission this story: **ln a Borton school the •six of Chamberlain's Stomach and ing to figure out which of their II ABNEY LODGE, NO. 77. I O O F. other day a teacher said to a small J W IHgf » Pallnn Iliff . Meri*ever) Nalimiav evening, Brown'« Liver Tablets. I have taken part 1 has notified every Senator and boy: ‘Who won the battle of New Or­ number will be summoned before I ia II Visiting txvithera fraternally in­ Attorneye-at-htw, Representative in Congress that leans?* ‘Why Jim Corbett, cf course/ the grand jury. It really looks as of them and feel a great deal better.” vited Frank O. Jack«»»,1 N. G. examinations will beheld all over was the answer. ‘How did that hap­ Hl UN«. OHKGON. C. G. Hmiih. Secretary. If you have tiny trouble with your if the meek and lowly settler was pen?* asked the teacher, thinking <«♦ the United States on July 29. 30 set the boy right. ‘He won.* was the «"Office in Bank building. going to have a show for hi* white stomach try u box of these Tablets. TUI E ( IKt'I.E. XU Ul'». WOMEN OF and 31. to provide an eligible list prompt reply, ‘because he had more alley and would bo allowed to You are certain to be pleased with Woodcraft. Meet* -’nd and 4tli Tue«- •cienee than the other guy.* *•—Chi­ J«i at Ilio« n « I ia II Mrs Tub • birdan. I come in and possess the land. To. the result. Price 25 cents. For from which President Roosevelt is cago Chronicle. ^ytl.I.llMNA rilZUKKAl.ll Mrs. lone Whiting, Guardian. those not directly interested in the sal* by II. M. Horton, Burns; Fred 1 to appoint eight or ten cadets tc Clerk. the revenue cutter service. In Thornton William«, M FtUcerald, stock industry the irrigation and Haines. Hurney. Oregon the examinations will be Atu»ru«)-«t Iai«, Notary Public, settlement of Eastern Oregon is Churcli Announcement». WAGONS! WAGONSt more to be desired than the bound-; We will sell you a Mitchell. held at Portland, Astoria, Salem DO YOU GET UP Law, Notarial and Real Retate Sunday School at Harney the leas solitudes which now ure ¡»co­ Rushford or Webber Farm Bed and Baker City. first Sunday of each month at It* I Practice. WITH A LAME BACK? pied only by an occasional ranch­ Wagon ; Mrs. E. II. Smith, wife of Dr. E. o'clock, A. M. On the second, Hurns, Oregon. men. This element will approve IT. Smith, of Lakeview, shot her-, Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. "j Steel Skein «85.00 third and fourth Sundays of each the rigid enforcement of the statute Preach- gW“1 »Ilice in Masonic building seif last Friday morning with a 22- 90 00 month at 3 o'clock P M 3< „ »• Almost every' body who reads the news- made and provided against the caliber ritle at her home. The papers ing services every second Sunday •‘Ï w w 105 00 is sure to know of the wonderful wholesale trespass of Government . cures made by Dr. at 8 I’. M. Send your orders to us. O. C. Co shooting is believed to be the result p M. JOKKAN, Kilmer Kilmer's si>wamp Swamp-Root. lam!, while the cattle kings and of an accident, although so far little I the great ----- kidney, _r, liver Al the Presbyterian church GREAT MILLINERY SALE! their friends will fight hard for the jl and '. ladder remi remedy. information has been obtainable Practical Land Surveyor. Burns, Rev. A. J. Irwin pastor. It is the great medt- continuance of present conditions.' Big reduction in Ladies' ami Chil­ owing to the critical condition ot Hurna, Oregon. cal triumph of the r.ino- Divine service* the third ami fourth “A well known attorney of this dren’s street hats, and Children’s the woman. Mrs. Smith is an ex­ '1 tcenth century; dij- Sundays of each month at 11a. tn. \ covered after years cf city, who declined to be quoted, re­ trimmed huts. Don't overlook one pert ritle woman, and it is believed scientific research by mid 7:30 p. tu. Sabbath school at of the greutest bargains ever offered ferring to the matter, said yester- . Kilmer, the eml- that the weajion was accidentally 10 a. m. every Sabbath morning g W MII.I.KK, * pent kidney and blad­ in Burns. Call at the home of j J".v = discharged while being handled. der specialist, and is Preaching services al the Baptist Notary Public and Conveyancer, “ ‘This row about the fencing of Mr*. G. W. Cummins. The bullet entered the chestjust wonderfully successful in promptly curing laine back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou­ church every 1st and 2nd Sundays, public lands is very much ado MortffM**« Detdt, Bic., correctly made. It’s ft real pleasure to wear the above the heart and lodged in the bles and Bright’s Disease, which Is the worst morning and evening. Sunday about nothing. The law which it form ot kidney trouble. muscles of the back. Office *l Shire. Hurtt», Oregon. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec­ school every Sunday at 10 a. tn. is now proposed to enforce with fine fitting clothes made l>v Strauss ommended lor everything but If you have kid­ prayer meeting every Thursday When the next Legislature has ney, liver or bladcer trouble it will be found ' such zeal is not n new one, but has Bros., America’s Leading Tailors, M ANAGE R WA NTED—Trust• the remedy you need. It has been tested evening. j been on the statute books for years. Chicago. They’re so reasonable in appropriated «35,805 to pay off de­ just In so many ways, in hospital work, in private worthy lady or gentleman to man­ prices too. Robinson it Walton, ficiency claims,Oregon ’ s experience practice, among tho helpless too poor to pur­ Services at Christian Science age business in this County and It is well enough as a law if the will take your order. relief and has proved so successful ia with coyote scalp bounty laws will chase Hull, corner east of the Bank, •■very adjoining territory for well and ¡enforcement of it is mixed with every case that a special arrangement has be ended. That amount will be common sense ami judgement, but been made by which all readers of this paper Sunday al Ila. m. and N p. in. favorably known House of solid For n bilious attack take Cham who have not already tried It, may have a required to pay the claims that a sweeping and rigid enforcement Service Wednesday evenings at 8. financial standing. «20.00 straight berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tub-, cample bottle sent free by mail, also a book Everybody is invited to attend cash salary and expenses, paid each of it in Oregon will do the state lets and a quick cure is certain have uccrued under the laws which telling more about Swamp-Root and how to out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. these services. were repealed by the last session find When writing mention reading this generous For sale by H. M. Horton. Burns; Monday by check direct from head­ untold harm and benefit nobody. of the Legislature. When this de ­ offer in this paper and quarters. Expense money ad­ “ 'There is Government land un­ Fred Haines. Harney. ficiency is paid Oregon will have send your address to der fence in Eastern Ort gon, but no Dr. Kilmer & Co..Bing­ vanced ; ¡»osition permanent. Ad­ 1 ex (tended for bounties some «212, hamton. O N. Y. The ___ dress, Thomas Cooper, Manager, such empires of it ns has been loan th« 000. The amount would be 1250, j regular fifty cent and Hom*of stated. The land which the stock ­ For Infants and Children. dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists. 1030, Caxton Bldg., Chicago. Bignitu« ; 000 but for the fact that when the men have fenced without title is «f Don’t make anv mistake, but renum­ The Kind You Have Always Bought appropriation was exhausted early ber the r«n»e, Swsmji-!»•*-(. Dr. Kilmer’* O invariably worthless for any but This paper mid The Chicago ^ou Hi”” B8U£M in 1902 a number of counties ceased Swamp-Root, amt the address, Bingham­ grazing purposes and not in any Bear« the __ /f1,18 Weekly Inter Ocean «1.50 for one ton, N. Y., on every bottle. to allow bounty claims. respect suited to farming. All the year. “Special deal" Gccr& Cummins IF YOU ARE A FARMER b CASTOR IA