WEEDS PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. _ r»g.li»1tr “Dt.l Veil M.»s 11 III» Hit us it it "Al U SCUTI’ when *Uv didn't get the prii»«*« ?” site t«h take Scott s Emulsion. i it isn't really consumption st ; much the better; you will soor. forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump tion you can’t expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin ia time and will be rigidly regular in your treat­ ment you will win. Scott’s Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can. thats the treatment and that’s the best treatment. We will send you a little of the Emul­ sion free. Ee that thi% pkturw tn the teem o< a label t* on the wr^pt'er cl every bextie <4 E.:.u^ux> vow buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 439 Pearl St., N. Y. «oc »nd Jr- »11 drug-fUU. NOT IN ANYTRUST Kid entered a trust or combination: are wish • • Mxsurr the put ar tlml th. re u ho truth in > a n ports. We have been nianuSu turing r :tx machines for over a quarter oía ccntu* n l hav»* established a reputation for mir- » • s «nd , and stands on its owh merits. ¿he “.Vr»r Haarne” üfkrsafv real/y ZZGli GRADE Sewing Maehina on the market. r- < ■ " ~y for us to enter Into a trust .r • r puy any debts as we have i.«..: ..u • ¡ ay. U e iiave never entered into o. i.: « L- i w i manufacturers of low grade « .. . ' tnal an* made to sell regard­ less of any urnnsic merits. Do not be de- «•eived, w! . -i y <«u want sowing machine don't >- n 1 your money away from borne; call on a •• terr H^nte" Dealer, he can sell you a l etter machine for less titan you cun pun*liase • laewhen*. If there is no dvuk-r near you, write direct to as. THE NEW HOME SEWINO MACHINE CO o ORANGE. MASS New Ycrk, Chbsfn, III.. Kt. Txwiis. Mo., Atlan­ ta, Ga., Dulk*», Tex., ban Francisco, Cai. l»l“U UvUv heiuv». \ you*»’ U«lj m u«i» U» llu* • Tribune « Utile uuevtiule ot \braluuv 1‘blln* l.lucoln. Site »uj« that • l»au.\ \eurs ¿(po, wLvu her father uu* >' mull buy .her «’rwndfather brou uU|'|>er. He nu» then u |u>or young man |>t.«tie)i)g gut a tmilur var, and the foui kinds of faces were too much for him." law iu Woudlortl county. III. It » m a «Old. »toriuy uight. Luu* don Answers. Kras mark “A lady told my fortune opened a jar ot preaencd pcarlm>■ I ')• ioil« »i*ul a long time o»ur hi» peach, und tiually left It on the plate. Grandma noticed tbit, and ai aoon 4» he and gra«)d|>a hud gone lutoanolhi'i room »he weal to loo'., at ihe li»h Then «he »aw that inatccd of n «u-ue') Ohio State Jour» She charged me $2.” nal. “Troubleil with dyip^pMa. arc you? Did you ever tr* any ofiny medicine?” asked the druggiM. “Oh. yes; but it »he bail giiei) the D»itor the little un - Im »uek which contained the |un> I) kernel» and the »pice. She haatened wasn't that that gave it tome. I had it long before I tm>k any of Vv»ur stuff.” into the other roett nr.d begun an apol­ ogy. but Mr. I.incoia aaid: •’•That wa» nil right. Mr*. IVrry. M.' Yonkers Statesman. “By the was.” remind«d the curious inquirer, “what's a synonymous ei preiMon for ‘talking aliop?........... Well.” replied J«utkley, “there's mother «till both »eve» to 21 year«, tnutcad of 23 hangin* om” lairiat Luke “Ikmn at «hr Rr.1 E»r .ah-uT >|,>riihlr llank - “Naw; bangin’ on tew a cottonwmHl for the man mxl 21 fur the woman, a- the law- I» now. ami by ntnking the east?” Horrible Hank “lie's consent of th»* father aloue necev Ohio Stale tree at th* nlge of town.” The Point of Difference. Instead of that of both pun 11 mean to cite your government a.« an example of a republic.” “Well.” an* Mob l ad, of Thwack«. Bwvrrd the South American dictator, It ian't a man'» charnoter that make« a woman love him tween our republic and yours. instead » Take cure of the dollar» ami the of elections we have revolutions.'*- I world will take care of you. Washington Star The bag in the knee» of a man'» pan­ taloon» ian't alwaya tilled with piety. Two Sinners. “Il is very wrong to An idle brain i» the anarchist'» worit- tell a falsehood,” said his mother to ahop iattle Jimmie, who had caught liim in •me. ain’t “Both! What do you mean?” •’Why, you tohl Missus Smith yesterday that you hoped she'd call again, an* after she wuz gone you «aid wiahe«l you she*< you. »he’d feel insulted. ”1 m —well—er—»uppiae »11« dal care for me?” ’’She’d »ay ’yes’ by telegraph ’—X Y. Weekly____________________ Nor While He Knew II- Doctor--You »ay your hu»lii- Hee-anse if 1 paid him by the day* he'd dawdle along all »ummer. "Hue» the government puy you by llie job'?" "Ji—o; by the day."—Good New* lllru - ------ ..na*»« alaelf. The laruinergeycr, or bearded rulture. Chanibet lain’» Cough Remedy hits a remarkable record. It has been in use for over thirlr year», -luring which time manv million battleshave been sold and used. Il has long lieen the standard and main reliance in the trtalinent of croup in thousands of homes, vet during all this time no case has ever been re|iorl«xl to the manufact­ urers in which it faileil to effect a cure. When given as soon as the , child become» hoarse or even as soon as the croupy cough apjiear», - it will prevent the attack. It is pleasant to take, many children like it. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may lie given as confidently to a baby as to an adult. For sale by H M. I Horton, Burns; Fred Haines, Har­ ney. found throughout the whole moun­ tain chain» of the old world, actually OA.B'TORXy«.. • bairn himself. The rx|iert barber who baa for his custom) r the Fiftl Bssntlx aeeu-cdgx-d raaor to tbe stubby lx art of b.* particular patron mor«- deftly bristk». From thia peculiar projection of feath­ to trim his fibrous whiskers with great care and dexterity, lie doe* this with great regularity and toon the «lower Stock Inspectors. * • r* the . .me-can public. It thews • -Î v Ide; i ¡¡i f ashions, in Millinery, ’ ) Emtroide y, in Cooking, in Wtma s Work r.rd in Reading: beautifully illustr. ’ed colors ai d !.. blacv a d whit':. Above all, it s va the very fa£ icr.able N e w I dea 5 les r ads fr m Nr* I dea P at - rrnris, w.\:ch ocat cr.ly !Oc. each. Send Fiv? Cents To-day fO’-f.-e'* t“.rrOft' * !st>. A' omij »’? M agaxime a- . ar treat »a -• fît tr.v rxxiay it can g *e you. N ewt or ;ui Iwf rr her Lal y can c m t have I wr weakened a* Her rapid r»wivi r> al.ould thia jrnut rvinedv U» eirry K rvtfulalee the uien>tnial How. W!NE°rCARDUy OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, (nr $2.00. For Hauling mailer you cannot finii a nmr» hiwrsl offi-r. If anv of tin* above, however, ilo not sinke you as ..list vou want, write ua. we will give you a good liberal olubbiug offer with anv poriodlea) published in the Cnlteil Stales. I>ou*l pul it off. N« w i» your time. AdUresa, THE ITE1ÆS BICYCLES BELOW COST Wflga A arazSa owaraaTM^ raOM MOOCL j fl II11 IB over-rtf. h • t (•♦>«’ of lb*. »• al !(>>«>* n £ 1 f* * ““.Z-'r.x^ o‘F,x,’afaXa^*?‘.,"1 about 0.0 nissl U> pay a cent I! tko bk-yclu does Dot suit you. Anton« eendlng a »krfrh and i1e*rt1n«n mat qntckly «acwrtain <><»r <«|H»«um free «nen «• |»r«»hal»ly pMeotal»!«- < •••wniwnira- ttoiia «•onn<1«»i;tlal. IliuultMioh ott I'aftnia emt fr<- • H«»*-»t Msnrr f« r Mtronntf raimita. |*Atriita taken the wall Mui o A < rvvvlve nz’ftrr, wHhout chnrg*. In th« t»h«-n In tr»-l.- br •t»r.»14 ->f Int- risall-n n »«• »K A mely llhurtrsled weehlv. I Jirvtmt rir- lulatiun .«f any a. iHtiUfli’ )*»nrnaJ. Termi l; a trir turn» '»Im. II. Koid by all n«w«.lca!cf*. ta >fiO a Wt-o k tawoltl—I bavliW a wlmo I u. rhlr fur yourwiF. . zrlifibl« I' rwl< !•■ ** <« approved February art, of Portugal and llruil beautiful s|» ci- I*'.’», we will proceed to offer at public «ale on mens were found by tfh- ( luillei.gi r. the r.th day of Jane, L« xt, at thia office, the flourishing in gn at iibui.dunee at tin following tract of lend, trwlt depth of 1,00 fat mins, mid from Ilia- f.ots '» and rt, Fertlon rt, 'I p 2.': fl.. R .%> j E., fl . down to 2,(100 fall om». or lietww-n twi, M., containing acres, mid three tnihn Leneoth th«- mu l<-u-l. Any and all per»nna claiming adversely the they were found 'ylng upon or ■ m above described land* are requested to file their Ihe ddient«- silii-ioiu sponges, how­ lieddtd in the soft laud which cover» tin The greateat i.un,* l«rr 01 a|>ong<-s, lioisz-vrr, grow in v. at« 1 from 500 to 1,'Xto fathom, in ih-ptli. claims In Ihh offl< e on nr before the day above deslgnat« d for the commencement of sai. C. Trustworthy, either sex. by Wholesale Merchandise Company of solid financial stat.ding, toman­ age Ixjcal Representative who will organize clubs among constliners. 40 per cent saved for our customer». Business no experiment but a prov­ en success. Salary $1N a week, ex­ penses advanced. Experience un­ necessary. Address, P. B. Clark­ son. Mgr.. 334 Dearborn St. < bicago. tin- 500 SEOOKD-HAND Scientific American. Manager Wanted. The permanent alth largo pA< l<»;ruiJi^ rngr,irin and Cxtulo^iut full <1. tallixl snrcifl.-atloii» »ml Jrtt to any »ddr»»«. Wo SHIP OH APPROVAL to anyono In IJ S. or Camula uilA- m < a rmt in € ; 6 Braadway Hew York. X Y Wineof CarUni rvinfutvr« th«»( Caruui n»*"l tcar the i «»minff «f I kt child. If Mr». I’nralh haX taken Notice 1» hereby given that I have duly appointed ihe following deputy stock inspector fur Harney County, firegun : A. B. Colonbnugh................. Burns John Jenkins..................... Smith I Dick Smith.......... .. ... Andrews caaes to mimicry, or protective riatin- blaucc. In shape and size, saysGoml Words, amue are flattened, globul-u ~ is the cheapest ar.d best F»i : >n Magazine now be- t od VaHiir limn £«iR aveuuc millionaires could not ply th« quent colors, due. ;>«-rliapx. in 3.Z.AÍIV aalK IB it* praue.** A Remarkable Record. Mahr» • His )i< ..r.oo. Mr. and How They Grow. -u? or The Journal. Facts Relating to Color, Mlse end Shape One To any on" »ending «» ♦! •>’. on» year’« siibsoripliou io lb» Wf will mail the Chicago Wvtkiy Inlvi Ovvan one yr ar frvr. or to any one reading ua Uirve cash subscripiiou for I bo two japvr »« will give a year*» auUrlption to »ack paper free, I iims , Ohio State go Post. Dollar slowly nclumtn^. hi two week* I out ul bed and In a mor.th I w«» *ble to taka up my usual dut et. I am very cr.lhuH- Cupid 1» not an intellectual being A newspaper ia the diary of history. Some fmiliah young people don't know- the diffen-nee between a l)n»kcn heart and a diauntenm liver — Detroit Free l'rvw “Then we're both offui sinner*, we, maw?” queried Jimmie. inil tary force . eormi-t of • Iwut 1.000— artillery, infantry ac«l cavalry.-Chica­ Parmer 1 y ••Alter my Bret K>by M»urnal. ers tbe bird» derive» its Dnmc. A layer fo similar bristles beg ns at the eve ami covers the nostrils, f rm.nga fleecy 3. A. I wanted to get ail To Kn«—ras» M»«rtm—ny. ' Ikdgiuni pr)>|aM*e« to facilitate niur- ringe by retlueilig the legal uge for ariat l.uke “What hanger-on frum th* jVI a ? I i n Mf W MAVEN. CONN , U the same thing, und 1’ the juice out of it.” Philadelphia Pres«. blc proceeds a row of black l.«£ MARLIN FIRE ARMSCOMPANY u»vd waa «0 good that ‘tonaonal emporium/ and hmrvutting parlor? ” llangin* On. became of th ami grugnitil i hurried around gviuug »up­ per. To hara awnethinf mee. »he yesterday, and she said I would meet %vith a financial reverse“ Sceptivk “And did you?” Eeajma*k “Sure! of similar bristles begins at the eve and from the aides of tbe under tnacdl- TS*JFCTO»T joo rns TSâjrcvnrr Ho'M •« SO »«/;« !>«•<*’ •« 19« rar.« I-J » 92 toon v*»r»< tsajpctobt Heir-« •« 1<* ri .. IS AS iwSri The Ur-’o-dstr « rm t n h i r h p»we* vpcwsr»* IS the Î? 40 Marti* with Smoir/rxt .St**/ Harr fl using J? 4OHifh Prftturf Car- tridgfi Tin <,«rtridgc bos a ve­ locity of over 2,000 feet per second wi’h cor^eauer.t flat trajectory and gr»*at killing *“•< «>w «»*-•'• “•»»I •‘What's the matter \iilh "Ihiclur says it's a coin plica tkm. Played ♦f'df. Uvtvlvd and than tbe monarch of tb<- mouutain top prunes bis ow n bristly la-ard. The head TRY A LINCOLN’S PCACH. * ■(««—' dclphia Krcord. L. n.'»rn«!*< ra J I M£CALISI I MAGAZIWEWI noris of ail p>>hlical j flair» ra—4 ? I lie Weekly inter Ocean Supp les A I of the Neo { «nd the Heat ol Current Literature. Il it Morally <'l»an, and r . a Family F ;>rr :•» V. iilwml a I’orr A I u;n S’ MAGAZINt. Its Literary columns are eifnal to those ot the best manatmet. Its Youth’s Department Is the f nest of its kind......................... A • . .ol ii »• 1 ■ •! i-Mirs ; In*«» ( i»hi«Hi« . «is-s-.in.ilu r< >> hii « ii I i s ; lat>« y w.wk II HisrlH.t.l I.HJ , III (UHI. rii «uh ». »ihr I.» ||„V, ,.i ». ih | I f l.llr-| <«>py l.jdi »«tn * o i<’»l tmic StYli*h. R •'i.»blc. Simple, t'p.»n- date, I. "'i 'ioli «I .»»til A b*M»lnirly Perfi l i I itlnip> P.qH-r ru». II brlnff« to th« frmilv th« 'owof »li« rnttr* W »rhl nnd »Ivn« lb» tx*Nt arid <1* uMltm» lA ull ou*utl«n« <>f in<-«lay. Ihr Irttrr « r »»» giV«» iw«-|v« p • ■ td rettUnr rnultrr *«rh «rrk und brht® |»ttl«ft» heil »n • h r<»«» I» l.eiU r »f Kurnav hv ft*H Daily und flundut by iti.ill tee ••••••••••••••••••>•••••••••• M Hl> per ff Of» pep ffi *» per