Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, June 27, 1903, Image 3

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    Local and General.
Useful Thingsfor
House Cleaning
Molli lirstruyers.
T u r | h > ti 11 lie,
<* hn moia,
Fly Paper,
N pongs«,
Ile usine,
liait bug Kitrriuliiaiurs,
Mal Minia,
l.arge assort meat of soap.
------ AT
The Welcome
MvrinttuY. JUXK
Frank Jackson who was ill with
spotted fever at ilia home of Mr.
and Mrs. Htonclift north of Burns,
Oregonlnii and Items, ♦2.00,
was this week brought to town and
McMullen the photographer op­ is being cared for at the hqmeofMr.
posite the bunk.
and Mrs. John Revdege. He is get­
Tims, dowser, of llnrney, was in ting along nicely,
the ally on business Monday.
Hani Parrish came over from
Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchinson, Drewsey Monday, where he has
of Narrows, ure visiting in Burns. been in the employ of W. A
Mrs P. F, Chandler, of John |{olM>rtM<m for several months past.
Day, ia visiting her sister Mrs. Win Sam assisted in a entile drive to
Ontario and went with the stock to
Bom, to the wife of John Mar­
Article* of incorporation of the
shall in Burns, June 20.1003, a
and Occidental Cattle
Company, capital stock ♦ 150,000,
James Turner and wife were in
wereliled with the Bccretary of
fioni their ranch I h -I ow Hurney
Stale last Saturday. The incor­
porators are William Hanky,
County Clerk F. S. Raider re­ Robert Mitchell and
E. S. Wood.
turned lust Saturday from atrip to
Among the visitors from Upper
the P. Ilam.h.
Silvie* we note E. I*. Sylvester,
Tills pajeer and The Chicago
F. G. Blume, Frank Matney, Paul
Weekly Inter Ocean ♦ 1.50 for one
Blume, Paul Finke, John Garrett
yrai. "Special deal"
und Ben Campbell. Several of
Commissioner R. J. William* the parties ure witnesses for the
and John Garrett of Silver Creek, state against Clark and Milam who
s|>ent a few days ill town this week are having their preliminary bear­
Mervln Horton returned Mon­ ing, while the others are only
day from Portland where he has interested spectators in the court
been attending the Hills Military room.
Tuesday, the citisene of Burn*
Miss Helene Swain bar been
Quirt Hmue Wedding Hear Prairie
goddess of liberty for the
< ||j
Fourth, and Mi*« Nila Smith
Yesterday, June 23rd, at So,clock utigi l of peace.
a. lu . al tin home of the bride's
Daniel Willetts was up from his
parents. Mr and Mrs Joe- ph Bates,
place oil the Island yesterday. He
nrsr Prairie Citv. <xx:ure>l the wel­
inform us he is recently home from
ding of Dr II S Brownton and
a trip to California.
Misa Edna Ciarista Bates. Tho
The celebration in Burn« this
wedding knot wsa tied in the pres­
ence of the bride's family and a Fourth promises to be the be»t
few invited fi lends, bv Rev. A J ever held in the city, Come an<l
Irwin, pastor of th« Presbyterian join in the good time.
church at Hurns
James Gilbert and wile, of
Dr Brownton is a member of the Harney, were in the city Monday.
dental Arm of Hibl>ard A Brownton The latter came over to have some
of Burns, and is one of the must dental work performed.
|H>pulsr young men in Harney
Julv I, ha* been set by the citv
County, also being wrll known iii
council as the dale for the enforce­
this section.
ment ot the ordinance regarding
The bride is a charming and ac
the running at large of livestock.
complishr-d young lady of Prairie
L. R. Hutton, accompanied by
City and ia loved by all who know
Mrs. Isaac Foster and little son
Dr and Mrs. Brownton left for Frankie, came in from Silver Creek
Portland immediately after the Wednesday on a short visit with
wedding breakfast. They will visit j friends.
in tlu.t city and (toints of interest
The dam at Sturtevant’s mill
on the coast until about Septemlx-r went out Tuesday and the electric
1st. when they will return to light company was forced to start
Burns to raahie.—G. C. News.
their engine ut the power house
M Al.HKI k lortiGKAPIIh SIIG’EY vast of town.
TO THE LADIES—We regret that we were compelled to disappoint
so many of our customers for ROYAL WORCES­
TER CORSETS, but we are pleased to inform the
ladies that now our stock is complete. Please
remember that we sell the ROYAL WORCESTER
CORSET at the same price as any store in the
cities and will save you postage.
TO THE GENTLEMEN—We have good news. We have been ap­
pointed the sole agents for the sale of KING
QUALITY SHOES for men. King Quality Shoes
are correct in style, correct in fit, and the construc­
tion of the shoes is such as to insure long service.
Wekno^thatin point of style and service we are
giving you the best in the world. Made in all
leathers. Let us be your shoe fitters.
Our mail order department is growing, wbicli must be highly satiafactery to our customers,
as wel'. as pleasing to ourtelvea.
took up the matter of raising funds
for the relief of the unfoitunatca of
the Heppner disaster, stxl the sum
of |525 was raised in a snort time.
The donors to the fund were:
Harney County. *250; city council
♦60: Masonic Lodge, J5O; Eastern
Star, 130; A. O. U. W. ♦50; Odd
Fellows, $60; Rebeccss, 120; three
P's, ♦25.
I.ute news from Heppner places
the loss of life at that place at 250.
Work of searching for the dead still
continue. 177 bodies being recover­
ed to date. Money is being scut
from all parts of the United States
to care for the needy and assist
in the search for the missing. A
number of persona thought to have
been drowned at first have turned
up alive and well.
Stenographer W. J. Coleman and
wife, accompanied by Mr. Cole­
man's son and daughter, Craven
and Lillie, arrived home TuesCay
from Canyon City. Mr Coleman's
hand which he had the misfortune
to injure a couple of weeks ago has
Our Spring line of goods will soon be on display. Call and
almost entirely recovered, and he
see u. and get our price«. Quality of good« the highest; price«
bus been engaged the past few
the lowest and seeing is believing.
Patil DeLaney and E A. Puter- days in taking testimony in the
baugh.tlie Portland Daily Journal preliminary hearing of Clark and
representatives returned to Burns Milam.
Wednesday from a trip to the
The Oregonian of the 22nd save:
eastern part of the county.
Cattlemen in Eastern Oregon who
DeLanev says that they will spend
have fenced Government land must
the Fourth in the picturesque
remove their fences immediately or
Alvord section, one of the scenes
be prosecuted. The Government,
in his "Lord of the Desert." a aerial
has sent Edward Dixon, a special
which ran in a large number of
agent, to notify them to this effect.
Eastern Oregon papers Inst winter
James Sampson, who has been
It is estimated that the cattlemen
Tarty 1« Working From llniitiugloii
and which he is now having print­
| driving one of the Company’s big
have illegally fenced 500,000 acres
Towards Prineville.
ed in book form.
| freight teams out at White Horse,
of Government land in Eastern
Ontario, June 23—A pattv of has given up his position and re­
The premium list of Oregon’s Oregon. Their methods prevent
Government surveyors, with C. 11. turned to Burns.
"Blue Ribbon” state fair is now out settlement, and crowd out small cat­
L. WOLDENBERG, SR., Proprietor.
Semper ill charge, pitched camp in
and being distributed throughout tlegrowers. No delay will be allow­
For a bilious attack take Cham­ the state. The premiums offered
the western part of Ontario today.
ed. Mr. Dixon will remain to see that
The services of a brewer of long years experience bee been ee-
They arc carrying out a line of berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab- aggregate 112.000 in cash and are fences are removed, and if his or­
acui the product of this Brewery is of the best grade ia the
levels which was begun about three
for every thing grown on the farm, ders are uot obeyed he will notify
lace a trial oroer and you will not be disap­
years ago al Portland, extending
including live stock, poultry, dairy District Attorney Hall who will
by The Dalles,Pendleton. LaGrande Fred Haines, Harney.
products, domestic and liberal arts, then begiu prosecution.
and down to Huntington. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Blevens and etc. Every one is invited to bring
District Attorney Miller receiv­ BURNS,
Semper'« party Ix-gan their work son Lee. have returned to their something to the fair this year, and
ed a telephone message from Jor­
in Huntit g ot-,. From Ontario they home near Prineville where they help advertise the state's resources.
dan Valiev on Wednesday an­
follow the stage route, via Vale, will remain until after harvest when If you have not received one of the
nouncing that Dr. Volp was on the
Burns and thence to Prineville and they will return to Burns.
premium lists yet, write M. D.
warpath, carrying two large six-1
buck to The Dalles. Their work
Wisdom, Secretary, Portland, Ore.,
and intimidating the peo­
i* to ascertain the elevationsol the , The backet ball girls have put for one.
fit of temporary insanity
country and to prepare tcqiographic up ttieir baskets out at the Fair
shot his wife in the calf
maps of the route, establish eleva­ grounds where quite a number uf
throughout Mercer and Summer of the leg. In his official capacity
tion markers, etc., and is more evi­
counties, W. \ a., most likely owes Mr. Miller was asked tor advice,
dence that the Goveri nient means several evenings this week.
his life to the kindness of a neigh* and advised that Volp be arrested
to ieclaim much of this sagebrush! Clarence Black, son of Rev. G.
Imr. He was almost hopelessly af- I and placed under bonds to keep
land and transform it into fertile W. Black' and editor of the Crook
tlicted with diarrhoea ; was attend­ the peace until the graud jury
farming lands bv supplying water. County Journal, wns united in
ed bv two physicians who gave niui convenes at the next term of court.
The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean marriage nt Prineville last Sunday little, if any, relief, when a Ueigh- Volp has a record in Eastern
ia the only weekly newspaper pub­ to Mrs Jennie Claypool of that citv. bor learning of his serious condi­ Oregon, and we are informed that
tion. brought him a bottle of Cham­ this is not, bv any means, his first
lished in Chicago in connection
M. H. Brenton has given up his
with the gnat daily pajiers. It
berlain's Colic, Cholera mid Diar­ gun escapade.—Ontario Argus.
position as foreman of the Sod
contains a judiciously selected
rhoea Remedy, which cured him in
House ranch, and is spending a
Emmett Clark and Jack Milam
summary of the news of tin- nation
less than twenty-four hours, For
few days in Burns. We under­
were arrested last Saturday on a
and world, the beat stories, home,
sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; Ered
stand that Mart contemplates
charge of horse stealing sworn to
farm, woman’s, and other special
Haines, Harney.
engaging in the stock business for
bv Capt. H. Kelley. The parties t:
department*. nixl fair, patriotic,
The Georgia HarperCompany who were taken before County Judge
able editorials, written from a Re­
Successors to R. A. Miller O»s
are billed to open a week’s engage­ Levens who set the date of the
publican viewpoint. It is by far
ment here tonight arrived from preliminary
the lieat general newspaper ol the Big reduction in Ladies’ and Chil­
Canyon City Wednesday evening Thursday and fixed bonds in the
Western States. The regular price dren's street liais, am! Children’s
and are domiciled in I. Schwartz sum of $500 each, dark secured L
for the Weekly Inter Ocean is * 1.00 trimmed hats. Don’t overlook one
spacious residence.
They have bail with Frank Cummins and H. L'
and for the Harney Valiev Items of the greatest bargains ever offered
gone to "bouse keeping” and will B. Mace ns sureties, but the latter
♦ 1.60, but subscriptions will be re­ in Burns. Call at the home of'
remain here after their week’s run failing to give bail was confined in
ceived ut this office for the two Mrs. G. W. Cummins.
showing every Saturday night until the county jail. The examination
paiwis in combination for one year
Sept. 1. Good reports come from was taken up Thursday, C. W.
for only ♦ 1.50.
We will sell you
Mitchell, all along the line regarding the Parrish, Ous Rembold and Capt.
Bed troupe’s |ierforniances. Monday H. Kelley appeasing for the prose­
It’s a real pleasure to wear the
evening they gave a date at John cution and Dalton and John W.
fine fitting clothes made by Strauss
3 j Steel Skein ♦85.C0
Dav for the benefit of the Heppner Biggs for the defendants. The
Bros., America’s leading Tailor«,
90 (M)
sufTcrers and again at Canyon City testimony is taking up considerable
Chicago. They’re so reasonable in
Tuesday night, the two places net­ time and has been completed up to
prices too. Robinron A Walton,
time of going to pres«.
Send your orders to us, O. C. Co ting a very handsome sum.
will take your order,
Lunaberg & Dalton
Harney Valley Brewery
I s
Miller & Thompson