Goodwin, 21,th*' will have Io la* made to exchange sun and by radiation, It is healed |»>nnd. R their lands for others within the in other ways, but the heat derived pounds nt I.'lj King Brown 11.000 from the sun is the element with 1 pounds ut 13 cunts. II Allison, proposed irrigated d.strict. which we have to deal at this lime. L’.tkki pounds ai |3J cents; E Great significance attache« to SATURDAY JI NK. 27 IMU3. the withdrawal«. While it is not The air being heated to an unusual Douglas, 1 l.tMHk pounds nu l"j assure«! that the Government will temlieraturv. rises, and when reach­ cents; F. Palmer, !.'>,<*<• | h > iiiu I« nt WITHDRAW l.AXDS FOR REC-J undertake at once the c«>nstriiclion ing a high altitude uomos in con­ I3| rents , D. Rusk, 12,IMX) pounds of storage reservoirs at anv of the tact with colder bodies of air and at 12 cents; J. Thomson 32,000 LAM ATION. sites designate«!, it is safe to say the vapor condenses, forming pounds at 13 cents J IL Smith. On the recommendation of irri- 1 that such work will be done at clouds. The rapidity of this forma­ SlXX) pounds at 13 cents, A E acres of land lying in Harnev Valley utilising the water of the the beat and most easily under­ Lt’ was Col NTV. I Valley, along tbe Silvies River, and Silvies river, and in Malheur Val­ stood explanation or con>|>ariaon is Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ; along the Malheur River in Mal­ ley, utilising the water of Malheur to liken the atmosphere ¡to a he is senior partner of the firm of | River. Moreover, these engineers sponge, if it is full of moisture and heur Countv. F. J Cheney A Co , doing business are convinced that Government is pressed slightly, drops of water The engineers, who have been in in the City of Toledo. County slid the field since early Spring, are irrigation systems can be built on will coiue from it, and if pressed State aforesaid, and that said firm convinced that in both these these localities at a reasonable coat, abruptly will come all at once will pay the sum of One Hundred localities the Government can well and from their preliminary inves­ The cloud does not burst, in Is*- Ih’llars for each and every case ufi afford to undertake the construc­ tigations they know of no obstacle comes overcharged with rain, and Catarrh that cannot be cured by tion of storage reservoirs with a that would prevent the Govern­ on level plains may come down the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. gradually as rain ; but when sud­ view to reclaiming large areas of ment undertaking the work. Frank J. Cheney. denly striking a moun­ In each case the field engineers fertile but dry land. Sworn to before me and »ubscrib- The engineers convinced them­ will continue their investigations tain, or when low. striking a high cd in mv prearme, this 6tli day ot selves from preliminary examina­ to ascertain the actual cost of get­ hill, will be precipitated io great December. A. D 1886. tions that the Silvies and Malheur ting water on the land, and will quantities. In Waldo’s meleorologv A. W.Gleason. how a cloudburst is defined as «“sudden Rivers afford plenty of water to determine approximately skai . ■ Notary Public. irrigate considerable areas. Now much land can be reclaimed at a and excessive down]«our of ram or /------ \ Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken in­ that the lands have bwn with­ fair cost. Thev will also make a rain amt hail, which have been car­ drawn, thev will hereafter, be ex­ careful study to determine the best ried upward or merely sustained and ternally. and arts directly on the amined in detail to ditermine just sites for reeervoirs ami for retain­ kept from falling from the ascend­ blood and mucous surfaces of the how great an acreage can l>e irri- ing dams. If in the detailed ex­ ing aircurrents.until a large amount system. Send for testimonials, free F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. gated at reasonable cost, bv im- amination, the engineers find that has been accumulated aloft, when by some weakening or breaking up the cost ot the work will be exces ­ Sold by all Druggist. 75c. {funding the water of these two of the ascending currents, the whole sive. or the expenditures dispro ­ Hail's Family Pills are the best streams. The Harnev Valley project, lying portionate to the benefit«, or if it is or part of the accumulation sudden­ southeast of Burns and north and found impracticable to erect the ly falls to the ground. Cloudbursts HI« Life Savnl by I'haiiriierlain.« I ulie, I holera and Diarrhoea ea do him any gi>od until lying on either side of the Malheur clamation fund, and is therefore The theory that in water rpmts the he tried this remedy. It gave him River and around the town of entitled to early and liberal con­ water is taken up into the clouds immediate relief," says B.T. Little, Vale, extending from the Snake sideration in tne way of Govern- is erroneous, as the opposite is the -.nerehant, Hancock. M«l. Fur sale River westerly half way across. ment irrigation works. Moreover, case. The water comes down. In the majority of cases cloud­ by H. M. Horton, Burns; Fred In addition there has beer, with­ Mr. Newell, having been over a Haines, Harnev. drawn over 51,000 acres lying just large part of Eastern Oregon, and bursts have occured west of the west of this main tract, and di­ having been deeply ii terested in Mississippi river and principally rectly on the river , which is to be I I’a welfare by ex-Representative in the mountainous regions. In looking over the history of Moody, ia anxious to assist in re­ utilized as a reservoir site. I clouddursts and comparing the The main Malheur withdrawal claiming much sf the fertile lands number of lives lost, the one at east of the Cascades. It is not includes township 16, range 46; Heppner seems to bo the worst, possible that all of the projects township 17. ranges 44. 45 and 46 ; considering the number of lives that may be found satisfactory will township 18, ranges 43. 44, 45 and 46; townships 19 and 20. ranges be constructed at one time, but the lost. The flood of Johnstown, Pa., 44, 45 a id 46; township 19. range one offering the moat promising in 1889, was caused by the heavy 43: fractional townships 16, 17. 18, result will undoubtedly be taken rains breaking a dam above the 19 and 20, range 47, lying west of up first, and the other« in the town. Had the dam remained in- tact the flood might not have oc- the Snake River; township 16, order of their importance. currt-d.—W. C. McGuinness in Upon the examinations made r-oige 4g. all south and east. In the rntin withdrawals the this Summer, it is expected that Baker Citv Democrat. lands are with held from all save bv next Spring Secretary Hitch­ Wool Market at Ontario. homestead entry; in the case of cock will set aside a stipulated sum the reservoir sites the lands are for use in constructing irrigation The wool market at the present withdrawn from all entry, as the works in Oregon, as the examina­ time resembles the great American Government hopes to head oft anv tions made this Summer will game of poker. The buyers are settlement on lands which will demonstrate the practicability of sealing from 10 to 13 cants ar.d ult iuatelv be included within the tba several works that have been this figure the growers are loath to reservoir limits. Where settlers suggested, and the department will accept. There are about 2,500,000 are encountered some arrangement be able to satisfy itself of tbe pounds of wool offered for sale in general merits or dificieneies the Ontario market this year, the of each. largest amount in the history of 2* #* , HIS Before the examinations are con­ the city. The buyers seem inde- master ’ s cluded other withdrawals may be |>eiidetit in their attitude arid think VOICE je .¿^.K made In Oregon, but it is consider­ that the growers will yield to the ed here that the most important terms offered them. If this will be sites for Government irrigation true remains to be seen- have now been taken from specu­ The sheep men know the rav­ lative entry of all sorts. ages of the recent storm in Mon­ tana ami can guess something of the consequences on the price of ORIGIN OF CLOU I) BURST. A woman worn out, who never ha« to wool. They realize that the loss lift a hand for herself, who does not of a million or more sheep from the know the meaning of the word ” worry” ! Referring to the recent disi’fer II »w can it be possible? That it ¡3 possi­ western-market means much to the ble is proved by the experience of many at Heppner, Oregon, and the vari­ aggregate output of wool. The a -oman who, ijecause of sleeplessness, n< rvcusnesb, backache and other wom­ ous theories as to its cause, it wl quotations have been anly ills, become« an utter physical would be well to discuss, in a brief strong and with conditions pre­ wreck. T)r. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription gives wav, the origin of storms of such vailing since the storm growers I new life and new strength to weak, worn- Tb« Victor Tdblftf Mtrlwn« out, run-down women. It establishes a disturctive character as has lx-en hope for a still stronger upward place. bighetat award at the flurfaiu regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals chronicled. In| tracing the history tendency. Pan-Amrri an Kipofiltion. T//JE UICTOft lg inflammation and ulceration, and cures it will b> found I The situation is if the buyers can Victor record disc« ate iat and indeHroctt- f- male weakness. It makes weak women of cloudbursts bk no wa a to «ra k or break o«. Victor re tl« fi e perfect reproductloa» strong and sick women well. that they occur after unusual hot make the growers believe that, the the human e m«la •• tbcrenh »1*« aimer "I -ufferf-d far five vr»r. with inftatrmatirm weather, and in the months of market will not rise they will get were present in person. which earned vvj«-nt Jrtim aixi oft- n lortnr- -o Victor re oris contain *11 th*« >• hc«t i • I ■ other talking ma bin«. of Batbrrwd. KingMto. out» wa, »imply Viet «rat f .«/7.50 ^SO. The new niirwrv to me and I 'lid nt know winch way to hemisphere. hold awhile, they hope to receive a rigid arm Victor th« latest t-nproveinent l-irn for relief Had tried d'Ctor« but found «77 .50 to >55. »ei.t (.. <> l>- • » - I The atmosphere is a conbination better price. thevdid nic Dealer» I olea--’ for . am lo-dav a - ell woman, work air The vapo- part varies buyers and growers present. The Kearny and Sutter St«., San f-ranelwo I ,. . «... ar, I the woffd look, brii-ht I have per- f< l health, thank» to your medicine ’ from a very small amount to I bidding was brisk and about 320,- Sick women are invited to consult Dr. y " 1 (MX) IUX1 pounds .....«, wen, ,j;Rr,ote,| t)f nl pierce l>y letter,/rec. Address Dr. R. V. about. 5 per cent of the above mass 1'ierce, Buffalo, S'. V. of «l«’< <•!' «' voli in lIris- Ali <'ouiitei-t<rt«ps liuti Mootlllurf N’rup». It i« l‘l«,a»iUlt- lt «Hiulnliia ueitlicr Opiuin, Morplilno imr otlirr Nnrcsilin aulMlniice. Il« uue Is it» piiMrnnlce. Il destro) . XVorma uml i«ll««j» |-'«’vrrii«liiicMs. It ciirrw Oliirrliu’ii uml XVImi Colie. Il relb’Ac» Te« llriiig Trullble», « urrs < «•iiwtlpiitl. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one rending »ketch and description of anv invention will promptly receive uur opinion ire«’ culiccrniiig the«*nt- ability Cent Buy a postal curd and rend to The New York Tribune Farmer, New York Citv, for u free specimen copy. Th« Tribune Farmer is a National Illustra­ ted Agricultural Weekly for farmers ami their families, and stands Ht the head of the agricultural press. The price is $L(M> |M-r year, but if you like it you can sectir«, it with vour own favorite local newspaper, The ITEMS, at. a barpnin. Both papers 11.50, Send money and order to The ITEMS.