SKH'rtPAï um : ui i*«.:. TREES ON NEBRASKA HILLS The Chicago Inter (Win call* attention to the I'nited State» gov. ernuient'a attempt to solve the »eriotte problem of forest destruction at.d which is being watched with the attention the importance of the experiment warrant«. It i.« pur- posed to grow new supplies not only on the cutover lands of tenions once timber« d but iu reg ns where there is nothing but open plain. l’erha|>s the tm>«t interest-rig feature of this large and varied undertaking is the attempt to cov­ er with forests the »«ml hill* of Western Nebraska—asermug im­ possibility. Two reserves hav e been create«! in the sand hill re gton—one between the 1» -n al and Loup rivers of btl.iHX) acres, and tin-other of 125.O00 acres between the Niobrara ami li e Snake rivers The experiment of the govern­ ment is based u|um the proposition th «t once this region w».- the lot tom of a sea at d tnat bereath these drifting sand« is a si. soil that re­ tains sufficient moisture to nourish certain kinds of pir.«-« which send their roots deep enough to tap the moisture contain« d in this* ,ub- stratum. Fjr a year or more the forestry bmeau has been studying tin se re­ serves. A nur-erv was establii-hed at Halsey in the va’ieyofthe Middle Loup river. Hr-e (AM) pounds of seed, principally w«-st­ ern yellow pine »nd red cedar and jack pine, was prepared for th« spring sowing. Various scatter»«! areas have now been sown ; later they will be united in one great forest. It is evident that this is a mar­ velous undertaking, jf this forest growing is successful it will change the face of these plains and the climatic conditions. If a man is a benefactor who makes two blades of grass grow where one grew be­ fore, what shall bw .-ai l of the gov­ ernment's work in making forests to grow where before w»« only- drifting ettnd'.’—The Dalles Chron­ icle. President Roosevelt during a short speech at Glenn’s Ferrv last week said : “No law that the wit of man ever devised can make or ever will n ake a foil wise, or n coward brave.or a weakling strong All that the law can do is to try to secure a fair deal, to try to give each man a chance to show tl • stuff that is in him . ai <1 if th- stuff is not in him you cannot get it out of him be«-ause it is not there.” D r . PIERCE^ FAVOR 5 TE PRESCRIPTION/ r CURES BACKACHE NERVOUSNESS HEADACHE AND TTMiiriin It is said that a new danger to sheep herds in Montana has Ix-en discovered in alfalfa. It has Veen found that this forage, aft«r being frozen, has been shown to produce many «hath» a few hours after eat­ en, ami all doubt of its having been the cause was removed by ex­ amination of the stomachs immed­ iately after death. in every in­ stance it was found that the alfalfa caked as soon as it entered the stomach and exuded a lluid poisonous in its nature. This lluid choked the sneep liefore they eould expel it. As sheep-raising is one of the principal industries of the state, the danger thus presented arouses universal interest am) a search is being made for some method of neutralizing the chemi­ cal action which extreme cold s«ems to hereupon a product which enters so largely into the range- food of that state.—Baker Citv ' Democrat. Dean Holcate. of th«- Nortewest- ern I'niversity, is evidently a lx- liever in the strenous life. In a speech to the students of Evanston a' c-.-mm« necmeut he said : "You are going out in the world to work There will be no union to tell you not to work mo:«- than eight hours a day. You w ill come nearer work­ ing eighteen hours out of twenty- four, Some of you will get buried in your work. Rut keep at it, re­ membering the responsibility rest­ ing upon you to do good work, and you will have vour rward.” The gospel of work is here full recog­ nized and honored. Not th«- man who regulates his working hours byithe clock, bnt he who mersures them by the requirements of his vocations and his ability, will mount the ladder of achievement— Oregonian. This nugget of wisdom is from the president’s speech at Boise: ‘ The forests ami the grasses are not to be treated as we properly treat mining—that is, as material t«> be use 1 up an«i nothing left behind. We must recognize the fact that we have passed the stage when we can fcflord tn tolerate I he m.n whose object is simplv to skin the land ' and get out. We must handle the wood, the water, the grasses so that we may hand thun on to our children and children’s children in better and not worse shape than we got them.” Merger or no merger, big mills or little, blankets or goods in the piece. Oregon produces the b-st woolens in the world. AVe have the best wool, the liest water for scouring it. the capital, the men, the machinery ami the energy. This is an industry that needs the fostering care of no trust.—On-gon- 'am WHO PAYS THE FREIGHT? Who pays the expense of the President's junketing trip?— Ex. It is a stocky built man with a ratty mu-tache, a front of double pica teeth; and a j-vw set with a Yale time lock; a man rather be­ low medium height, incline«! to be pu«»y, with a nose that needs a compositor—man named Roo-e- velt—T. Roosevelt to be accurate He is the first President of the I ni ted S'ates in recent years who ha« refused all courtesies fiom th«- railroads and pays his own way, and bv the same token he is tire first President in recent years, whom the railroads are going to fight.—Boise Clipper. The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean is the only weekly newspaper pub­ lished in Chicago in connection with the great daily papers. It contains a judiciously selected summary of the news of the nation and world, the best stories, home, farm, woman's, and other special d< part mt nts. and fair, patriotic, able editorials, written from a Re­ publican viewpoint. It is by far the best general newspaper of the Western States. Th«-regular price foi the Weekly Inter Ocean is $1.00 and for the Harney A’ailey Items ♦ 1 ■50, but subscriptions will be re­ ceived at this office for the two papers : i c«>mbi, at on for or c year for only $1.•',<). lie Stopp«-«! the Paper. I vestopped my i-aper, yes I Itvv; I Ul.lll't like to do it. But the editor he got too smart And I allow he'll rue it, I am a man aa pays Iris debts. Ami I won't be intuited, Sr when an editor gets «mart, I want to uevonsultsd. I took hi« paper ‘laven years, An' helped him all I could, air, An' when it comes t, dttnhin' me I didn't think he would, sir. But that he di I an* you kin bet It made me hot as thunder, Bars!. I'll atopthxt sheet. I will, li the cussed thing goes under! I hunted up the measlev whelp An' lor hiscunnm*«spar, I )>aid them 'laven war» an* quit! Ye», sir, I’ve stopped his paper. —Mauson la.'lkMuoerat. Additional lax-ulit, — ■ - ■ N Celebrate in Burns, (» J Darsl is among the visitor* to - 'orulioii von fvrrv4 on him in tv»*»»gniti»m of !*•» hu> tag hnviitvd an ngvivuhural much inc. During the uudivnev thv l»Lu'K*»nlth (IrvAv (rxon liiw pocket two photvginphte tvprv-M'nting the kiug uu«l *|u»‘vn. and j .-aid, huudiu^ (hen» to Ida m- lent) : . “May I a»k \ hi majrv and n'*o (hr queen, L*r >uur lyftuituivh?’* “And u b\ " J,-- • Uvd i :•»’ ioii.’. • - I*’ t. • t\ “Well, when I die the via •» of merit j , In the I . Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby given that I have duly appoint««) the following deputy stock inspector fur Harney County, Oregon: A. B. Colonl.ntigh................. Burns John Jenkins..................... Smith Dick Smith.......................... Andrews N ewt H oover , Stock Inspector. Castori«» I« ti liurnil«-'» mibstlttile for Castor Oil, l’uro» litirle, Dfops miti Hootliluir Sirup«, Il I» l,!«-n»uiiit. It «mit.ilii« ui-illicr (»pillili, .'lorpliine IHir oilier Niirrxitin mibMiuicc. Its lice Is Its i;iiiiriin<«-<*. It «l- stroj « W orum nml i.Slaxs l'cvi-rlsliness. It citn-s IXiirrliinu inni Wliol Colic. It n s Tri llilo ; Ti> libit «, cut-«" ('ollstipitllolt Mild liât ilici««-), It rs-.iiiillnt« « tilt r««-d, ri-guliles Ilio Ntonuicli olid How. Is, ghl>«;t health} ami .sl.x*;», Tlu* Children’s 1* inarca Tin* Mutili r’« I'rlet -L GENUINE CASTORIA always In Use For Over 30 Yeats. ▼» • r««a««v* fSOSlAV, 99 «twMOM« «««••* S««W »••• r.»i_ ish«»p. < amiiMicr I ht»*r .1 Hille device here that w ill - i ■ ;-uu lut« of timr. Punii « • \ .tn My r air. thlr.g« are no «pi.i t that I n’t know wlmt to *0 with the tune I haw. I had tin hour*» ui'.vt :*ution with u i<»ek iigrnt y* *t«‘i- day an»! I tried to g. t h to ata. longw*, but hr wou' ,*t \ Y Grttln * I- «•«•♦». “¡‘in j utt i«. •« j i «< ; pti.»n f< r your V.if«’« iii îlincr,” >aid the «iriig clerk t.» h employer. “What «bali I ehi.rg* her.’” • \\ h.-t • the usual ¡ rice for what abr la gel til; ?” “Fifty renta.“ “Chnrgc her »?.?’ “ Texas Sifter. Our f -■ rc!un:v«l if we f.'.ry one «ton lieg »ketch aiul description of any inventi ci will pr.imptly n - ivo our t pinion free concerning tin- p.itcut- ability «f «mio. •• H iw t-> « ’ :t a patent" .»«-tit upon rvquinit. 1‘aU-nU accurati through us al«« rti. f r aale at our expense. I aient» taken <-ut through t: recciv«- without charge, tn Tin: 1‘ irr*. ■ li-.< an illu-'r.tu I and widely circulated jourual, covaulud by Manufacturers Investors. Send fur sampl«- py FREE. Addr«-- «, "I hue tixcd Ayer’» H»irVigor foroicr thirty year». It h.«v kept my »calp free from dandrutf »nd | haa prevented my liair froin turn­ ing gray.”—Airs. F. A. Soule, Billings, Mont. ^¡CTOR J. EVANS A CO., (Patent Attomevs,', (Evans Building, - WASHINGTON, D. C. There is this peculiar thini? about Ayer’s Hair Vigor — it is a hair food, not a dye. Your hair docs not suddenly turn black, look dead and lifel'css. But gradually the old color comes hack,—all the rich, dark color it used to.havc. The hair stops falling, too. •’ I | | H Th«- bar i»»upplie3.i>.« I. y..!« n Isitt'r. II- Btir-- i.u.l e«’o «-“ «.. uii «« ,« «»Í J-JUV IM >« orto «•. A-t-Irr««, J. « . A V KU CO.. Lowell. Mui. S tate of O hjo .C itv of T oi . fi >«>) L cm ' as C ocxty . j Frank J. (.'héne-y maki s oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in th«; City of Toledo. County ami State aforesaid, and that said firn, will pay the sum of One Humlred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot I m - urel by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. S-vorn to before me and subscrib­ ed in my presence, this (ith «lay ot December, A. D. Hbti. A. W. Gleason. skai . - Notary Public. | Hall's Catarrh Cure is tak«-n in­ ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials. fr«-c> F. J. Cheney «V Co.. Toledo, <). Sold by all Druggist, 75c. Hall’s Family Pilla are tin. best nml Ivin lu'cn n- «lo under- his per- mnm I b <» im t*vbrt in r I hco inftim-y« Allow* m» 0.10 («» -1«**- Ivo xmi in (bln All l'iHi»ri-rii-lt-. ImUntioiis i-utl •• Ju-« « . ....... i " m < bull Ex|i<-riim ii( - (Irti tritio with nml «-n.liiugcr tli<* licnllte «»T lufìuit» nml Children I'v per lenco ii»-iitii»l L' iieriuieliL What is CASTORiA tlabu . r.r’.* th - <•♦. ou»t. ax nrv ¡1 rtL- J’\ : I .it not mor* !-..» thM.n “? i”-*vr“ law «ta dent*. Am! w In n « « b. v ' ■ 1 h ir. paid f'|H*» t I, t and a Stewart tar’an necktie. !'/ • '!.*.nik ! ia na I * <* Dad r.bbuy J; inched 11 iu* any tv..» tuen In iron Thu fact i* not l.^t on n wily Him! » » In student. I 'i. !>t . ht y oung •:»;nd h i . it I ..1 ! tr.kvn -»•’« r I Rcholarthlp* nt !.‘;»rota‘n mn under hi.» own name. He. ;«»w, for a utm »idtri lion, is v.U!i »g t t 'I” r’*v ,! 1 t the mi ri’~; of t. . -t..! ! wl u h form the of any rhth” with a »irtlfar <• >!or '•vfrvne. i n»’ in his improper |»rr- son poea up for : t*d »urcc’i*fully iw:-- -s the uxnnuiHttion-i < j ( th*- council * f th»* bar. Phoenix. Art Slone anil wife are over from their Harney County ranch visiting Mr. Stone’s mother Mrs. Sam Mor­ gan. This former resident of Join. Day is now farming near the city of Harney and while here will ar­ range for the removal of his ma ehinery and farming implements to his ranch.—News. Mr D. P. Daugherty, well known throughout Mercer and Summer counties, W A’a., most likely owes bis life to the kindness of a neigh­ bor. 11«- was almost hopelessly nf- Hi« ted with diarrhot-a ; was attend­ ed bv two physicians who gave nitn little, if any, relief, when a neigh­ bor learning of his serious condi­ tion. brought him a Bottle rtf Chant- btrlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diar­ rhoea Remedy, which cured him in | le-s than tweiitvfour hours, For «¡lie by H. M Horton. Burns; Ered Haines, Harney. , . ha>v I » I*’ r.'turm-d nnd my ehddrvu :.t lc have your .aaj<•>t'e< por- Iruits u: *1 i ¿ntlun« in r« .nen brnnev of thta audienru." “The quet n hi ab- »«Hit from IIuu • ny.’’ »ild th’ khi|f, “and I fr.iiht‘1 gi'e y»»u my »ignaturv at the present i.iotrn nt, fur I haw iirilhi r n aor | ■ ‘‘»I vithin reach.“ “4 have brought n pc - il with me,“ nd the •milli, hat- ’ • < D I » the tnimarch. The kilijf (lu‘*e..po t at*a tied !.i ' «ik'ttaturv to the phot- M h, - nd »E ni d the' Mtnitu w ith a b.nih’. I hr • i. ith dkl not rvUrv. howeter. but stood hU ^Tound. “I m there anything cb-r I ean do for you?“ a*\vd i rum tv Jo ,cph. “Ye*. your i:*.njc*(y , ! . 11 trailing for r\\ pen­ cil.“ The l.iug bail i.«c< hntilcaily |»ock etisl it. i.tid I ; t .«!.?* ‘ '»irtj laugh S.m I'mit » \rj naut. Tin* Kliul Yon H ive AtxvuyM nought, ntul nlil. ti b«w l>«wn iti it««. l«ir over 30 yenr», Ims horno tlm slgtmliiro off C. II. SMITH & CO. Proprietors. The Capital Saloon W. E. 51ISCH. ?rcpri»tcr. BEST OF BISES, LIÇFORS AND < ItiAILS.------- i*r Drink» mix««! to suit your tn»ie. Courteou» treatment gì.ara tiled Your patronage Solicited. IF YOU ARE A FARMER -z’X.TAC'I The Victor 1 «I'/i-i«» «.fsthtne hoLIl *ir»t place. If! ■ k Inr.tirM »ward at the Buffalo I’ 1 TilF. UrcTOK I. t.r'au.r. blr no wan to era k nr break off. ' the haman *ot< e ><< nda 41( though the »»ti^. r wc. e pre,- ■ ’ tn | ' I. «n, Victor r >.ri> rrtitatn >!! that la beat It tn . , rat ■ r I I ............. I ¡1 fv,.t . 4U« e.l |. / i, . . ’ f f -I. ’ Vi.t«.I»« ’ .f/7..JT. ' - J. 7 0. I'-’ * rffld arm Victor—the latest iiR|rt©*etrtent — .50 4» 5-7. ■ ’ t < . • 1». -• t 4 ,i to an/ place on the Parliic Coast. ■ 1 SHEWN, CLAY & CO. Steiaw.iy Pmno»Ang