Published in the Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon. I he Oldest and Most Reliable. The Best Advertising] Medium. | Items. BURNS. OREGON. SATURDAY. MAY 30. 1903. % I ..*»O l'r r Ì rar. *1« Msxilhw 75 < • i»«. NO. 27 ■ mate>| that the railroad manager Mr Davis inforrntd the local jxo- provided for th« construction of pl<* interisti-d that within ten day« this road in th« event it was found a party of Government surveyor» to lie a feasible proposition, ft is would arrive to run line» for the declared tv those in touch with propoaed canals and other work». Railroad I ’ nrtjr Will Oo Into Irrl- Oovnriiment Hurs<•>lug l'<.r th«-situation that the scheme will True to Iris word, on May 16. a Eastern Oregon. nation Helu me. not be blocked, entirely,by Mr Har­ -party of nine men showed up at riman's European trip, though of j Vale an,<)00 irriga-' Origoninn: A. I.. Mohler, pre»i- well satisfied as they would have Th«* reclamation fiervic* of the . tion works. dent of the O. It. A N’.; E. E. Lytle, been had Mr. Harriman determin­ United States Government Las It nil) take these engineer» nt president of the Columbia Southern ed to remain in this country until plans on fiM>t nt the pri reut time ilea»t»ix month» to complete theiri labors They will make estimates I whereby over 2.5H, ikm > acres of arid aud T. B. Wilcox, representing the the investigation is concl jded. Hardware of Every D-tcripiiort. land iti Malheur County will l>e of the cost of construction and of comu»erciai bodiea ot Portland, Mr Harriman was expected to sail on May 26, and the investigation IllRKM, ri'i’lainx d from tin* <1< n rl and irri­ th» number of acres to 1»» reclaimed.. OREGON. will leave during the present week will not He under way st that time. gated al nn ex|i«nae of $2.< tXI.OOO, The rerulte of the surveys will de­ says tbe Oregonian of the 23td ilia*. termine whether or not tbe Govern­ for Eastern Oregon to make a It will require from a week to ten 1'or some limo there have been ment will undertake tax work in thorough examination ofthe country days to complete the the investiga­ re|«>rts of probabilities of great ir­ the Malheur Basin. If the cost of that it ia proponed to tap with a tion. rigation work in tin Malheur Basin. ' construction can la*defrayed by the railroad—either an extension of The question to l>e determined is Now come report« of n-ulitt' ». in funds received from the «ale of land • the Columbia Southern or a branch whether the country is able to sup­ the shape uf tin- re'commendalions . benefited, the u ork will be begun of the 0 R. & N, The railroad men port a railroad at present, not of Special Agent Arthur I’. Dovis, and pushed to an early compie- will be accompanied by a party of whether it can be made so, either engineers, representing tbe differ­ with or without irrigation. It is a of the Department <*f tbe Interior, , tion. ent interest« at «take. maxim in railroad circles that any proposed to be Inside the tract and the arrival of a | itty of eti-1 The details for the inte-digation country will support a railroed in i irrigated there is no less than 150.- gineers in the field. \i hen it wan first known in this, t)UO acr’-s of ai id land now belong­ are in the hand« of Mr. Mohler and time, but neither the O. R. A N. one of Oregon’s largest counties,; ing to the Government. In addition are not yet definitely determined, nor tne Portland capitalists desire that there was a possibility thut the to tnis, there are nt least 100,000 Il is probable, however, that the to await the milleniuin for returns A. tic 1 I i. But it is conced • I tlmt. if the investigation» cast of that dis­ felt certain, unless it is discovered year, but if you like it you can accura it with i make a personal investigation, so 150,000 acres can l*e reclaimed, trict. The objective point of the tbej projioeition is not at all feca- your own favorite local newspaper. The ¡that tbe whole statue of affairs or even half that much, the work expedition is Bend, the point tbe ible. Since un ironclad agreement ITEMS, nt a bargain. Both pajiers $1 50. Columbia Southern has planned to on the part of tbe O. R. A N. to might be thoroughly ut.dcrsteod at would justify the expense. Semi money and ordr r to 1 he 1'1 EMS. reach by a 100 mile extension. respect the Columbia Southern's ' the department in Washington. to Mr. Wile* \ not be able territory exists, the selection of an­ Accordingly maps, charts and > A Ft Louin judge recently — R. influence tl. ion of the O. other route would involve so much reports showing the number of acres - taken u stand that should win for I.stall«« IMrwWerj!. PROFESSION \! ARDS. ne Eastern Oregon that the 0. R. A. N. oflicials wouli of irrigable land to be reclaimed in j him the approbation of right feel- A N. relativ ' le will be able to 1 hesitate to take any other course, Bi a»» la.iKiK No TO, K of I* the oounty, the location of the most ing people all over the country, extension, Merlu evrrv rtewwUy narhl. desirable reservoir site« nrnl snclr- “lie has ruhd that no children be I lay iwfore 1 • ■' „ id capitalists facts i but at tbe same litue the Deschutes J II MsMl’LLSN. F M Jordan. C. C. flicient to induce ■ River proposition is to be investi­ other information as was thought' fwrmitted to remain in the court thut would H. Morhsrwbvad, K of It. 8. themtoinv- t ti eir own money in gated. This involves tbe con- necessary were forwarded to the room during the progress of the pfioTOia • rm: theenterpr en though it should I struetion of u branch line up (he department, with the request that Itl’RNH CHAPTER., 4», <• E 8 ■ Lvorce procet ding» oft heir parents. Meet« second six! fourth Mondar «4 Malheur County miybt show her Tha laxity of some courts on this lie tnrned ! -n bv Mr. Harriman, Deschutes from the O. R. A N. I i. . »iregmi. each itKHitb in Mssotv.e hill, VoSgtlv |Ki»sibilities as nil iirigstiotl field. question ha« tiecn most most repre­ This is th :■ i-on he is aecoinpan- £«F"Mnin St.—o| ; Bank. btuldirx Mrs M««gin lawea». W, M In response to the requests, John hensible up to date. Children lose ied by men in whom he can place J jrgensen will dispoae of his en­ Mrs. turnice filoni| mk > o , S.*<_ T. Whistler, an engineer of the de­ their ¡dials soon enough without the utmost confidence and will tire stock of watches, clock«, jewel­ BVUNK LODGE. NO. »7. A F. .« A M. |Ÿ| tK«i»rN a okakv partment, came iqto Malheur having them ruthlessly brushed make an independent rej>ort. ry, books and stationery at M.««!« Haturdv« on or bi fora lull moon. There have been so many re­ cost. He iQeans business. Call County about seven weeks ago and aside by contact with the frailties W L Marodvn, John W Geary, Qualified ImXhera fraternally invitati, ports of the resources of Eastern aud see him for bargidue. began a personal investigation ot of their own parents. i I K. n > ni. U M F. s. Uiodei Pl'yneiant ' " f MTOili, «i at n-aidt-iMv. T'I khu - 20. his lime to the Owyhee River, is the only weekly newspaper pub­ fine fitting clothes made by Strauss Meet» at Brown listi every Friday eve­ Willow Creik ami the Malheur, lished in Chicago in connection was pledged to Mr. Wilcox in New- Bros., America’s Leading Tailors, ning Visiting Iwulhrrw lr*tvrn*lly in­ viteli. Thœ. Sager», W. M. t'ha». N. York. Tbe earlier reports of this Chicago, They’re so reasonable in River. with the great daily papers, It Covliraae, l<<*cocdcr. gm«.» a union. The Owyhii* River scheme wa« contains a judiciously selected country were all favorable, and it prices too. Robinson A Walton, pronounced impracticable, as the summary ot the news of the nation was not believed there was auv will take your order. II IRNEV I. i H ig F. NO. 77, J <». <1 F. J W lilft*. Ifelton Ritt». Mi-etaevery S iturd.vv avi-iiing, B own " results to be obtained would not and world, the btst stories, home, question a« to the advisability of ¿ttorufyi^af-Liw, fitti. Visiting iHMtltera fraternally in­ justify the expense. The Willow farm, woman's, and other special extending a line into Eastern Ore­ vited, FrankO Jai-k»« hi ,'N. G. GREAT MILLINERY SALE! Iti IOS. GIIKGOS 11. li. Stuck, Secretary. Creek plans were dis|s»iivi«i« services the third and fourth panv the expedition. Government supply. V that it is not uncommoa I.t si as Cot’NTY. i , for a child to be oors Sundays of each month at 11 a. <•». I Should the 0. R. A N. turn down Acting on the report of Mr. Frank .1, Cheney makes oath that ir’ afflicted with weak and 7:30 p.m. Sabbath school at Whistler, the department sent he is senior partner of the firm of the Eastern Oregon extension, - * neys. If the chikl urin- g W MII.I.KIt, _____ ates too often, if the IO a. tu every Sabbath morning Special Agent Arthur 1’. Davis, F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business there yet remains the proposition urine scalds the flesh or it. when the child that Portland capitalists build an reaches an age when it should be able t» Preaching aervices nt the Baptist Notary PMic and Conrtyancer, ¡first assistant in the reclamation in the City of Toledo. County ami tho passage, it is yet afflicted with service, out to the Malheur country State aforesaid, and that said firm extension of the Columbia South­ control ehurcli every 1st and 2nd Sundays, Mort/ax«*«, l»rvrh, Kir., correctly ma—Trtist- prno<4. Expenae money ad- ing all about it. including many of the quarter,«, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in­ not it would be advisable to build thousands He immediately sent a telegram of testimonial letters received vanced; position permanent. Ad- to the department recommending ternally. and acts directly on the the line a« a Portland enterprise, from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmes I dress, Thomas Cooper, Manager, that the land suset | tible of irriga­ Blood and mucous surfaces of the even in the face of Mr. Harriman's & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y-, he sure anfi mention this paper. I For Infants and Children. 1030, Caxton Bldg , Chicago. tion from the proposed reservoir system. Send for testimonials, free. objections. Ihjn’t make any mietake, but rmem- While the actual details of Mr. bev therame, Swamp-Root, !>r. Kilmer’s Th« Kind You Havi Always Bought F. .1. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. together with all the lands needed Thia paper and The Chicago lor construction, be w ithdiawn from Harriman’s arrangements are not Swamp-Root, and the uddreM, Bingiiaiu- Sold by all Druggist, 75c. Basra the 1 Hall’s Family I’ills are th« beat made known, it is strongly ir.ti- k>n, N. Y., on cvi rv hoLtJe. Weekly Inter Ocean $1 50 for one I entry at once. Bignatura of ycui. "Special deal" TO VIEW THE LAND Geer& Cummins I ■» IF YOU ARE A FARMER CASTOR IA