Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, May 23, 1903, Image 3

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    Local and General.
Bargains at Jorgensen'».
Oregonian ami Items. *2.00
I-aac Foster waa among the via-
ilor« thia week.
McMullen Ilia photographer op-
|M)«iU> the bank.
Pun Lyon» came up fro n Lawen
today to remain a few day».
Head the display "ad" of N.
Brown A Hon« on this page.
Jorgenson hua a complete line of
stationary, achoul suppliM; hooka,
Of prescription* la no child'« play. etc.
Born, to the wife of L. F. Wise-
It require» coiiacmnlfog» care and
«•curat*« knowledge of drug« and man, in Burna Monday, .May IM,
their relatione to each ether. IVe HMM, a boy
lake an honest pride in the purity
lie didn’t Tell 'er; now she cal)»
of our drug«, ai.d th« »kill and m - her lord of a few weeks, but he an-
curacy with which wo compound «wereth not.
liciu on your phyaician'« order.
Pr II H. Brownton returned yes­
terday from a professional trip to
Canyon City and John Day.
Miss Josie Locher is engaged in
leaching drawing in the Wisconsin
state normal school at Oshkosh.
Cal Demaria and eon of Harney,
arrived from the railroad today
with freight for Burna merchant«.
The Mate encampment of the
• ATI! V DAY, MAY 3 tuo;».
Grand Army of the Republic will
he held at Portland on June 25, 26
Memorial Hit) Eterei**-«.
and 27.
The following query, pul by a
Following is the program for the
Memorial Dav exercises to 1.« held «mall boy to In« fattier, may punie
at di« l*r«»bylrrian church at 10 a good many |«-op|e. The child
■aid: Daddy, where ia the wind
o'clock A M. May 30
President, Comtado II Kelley. when it doean't blow?
Kong. Church Choir.
J orgensen will <li«|«o«c of hi« en­
Invocation, Father G. It. Doyle. tire aloe k of watebea. clock«, jewel­
Kong. Pupil« Public H c I hmi I
ry. hooka and alalionery at
hcripiural Reading and Remark«, coat.
He mean« borine««. Call
Rev. G W Black.
and Me him for bargi.ina.
Kong, Church Choir.
The local land office ha« been
Address, Dalton Biggs.
notified that lhe Pacific Live Stock
Kong. Pupil« Public Kchool.
Co, lias filed a contest against lhe
Recitation, "Rast," Mr«. A. J. Harney Valiev Improvement Co.,
alleging an insuthcier.cy of water.
Kong. Church Choir.
Fred Haines, of Harney. has won
Address. Comrade A. W. Gowan.
the contest brought against hi«
Hong. Church Choir.
homestead on Cow Creek. The
Poem. Prof M E Rigby.
decision is given bv the Secretary
Kong. Pupils Public School.
of the Interior to whom it had been
Announcement of burials in
Burns cemetery.
T. L. Arnold, of Bulah, and J.
Bsrllct. of Drewoey. were in the
Decoration of grave at cemetery,
yesterday on their way to
.'I o’clock, P M. Everybody cordial­
to attend the session of
ly invited tn be present.
lhe grnnd lodge of Odd Fellows —
Ontario Argu«.
Jorgenaeii is still to the front
MR Parsons has shipped 59
with low prices. Call and ace hi«
of cattle and John Meunick
line of watchea, clock«, jewelry.
one car of horses from
• latiuncrv. etc.
Ontario this week. Another large
Ill« Life Savid by Chamberlain’» shipment will be made today.—
Colic. < iieli ra and Diarrhoea
Ontario Democrat,
William II Burns returned this
"B. I.. Ilyer. a well known cooper
week from a trip to Lakeview and
of thia town, aaya ha brlievceChoni-
Reno, Nevada, lie reports times
berla'ii’a Colic, Cholera ami Diar­
lively in trie sections visited and
rhoea Remedy savid hi« life last
«tntes that Lakeview has strong
summer. Ho bud liceti rick for a
hepes of a railroad inside lhe next
month with what the doctor» call
bilious dysentery, nnd could get
nothing hi <lo him nnv good until
reduction in Ladies' nnd Chil­
he tried thia remedy. Il gave him
atreel hats nnd Children's
immediate relief," aayaB.T. Little,
lints. Don't overlook one
merchant, Hancock. Md. For sale
bargains ever offered
by II M. Horton, Burn«; Fred
I in Burns. Call at the home of
lluiucs, llarnev.
Mrs. G. W. Cummins.
Chns. Roper was over from
llarnev Thursday on some legal
WITH A LAME BACK ? mailers. Chas has been living in
Harney this winter, but has taken
kidney TrouMr Makes Yon Miserable.
bis ranch on Coffee Pot. which he
Almost everybody who reads the news­ : had leased, back again and will
papers 1« sure Is know of (he wonderful
cures made by Dr. take up the occupation of
Kilmer’s Swamp-Root,
the great kidney, liver
and bladder remedy.
In our writcupon the first page,wo
It Is lhe
over sight did not mention
cal triumph of the tilna-
leeu'l. century: dis­ among the business houses, that of
covered after years of
We very
scientific research ty the Burns Furniture Co.
Dr. Kilmer, llio emi­
much regret the slight to our old
nent kidney and blad­
der specialist, and is friend ‘•Daddy," and hope thia
wondorfully succejef.il in promptly curing brief apology stiffi ¡cient to assure
lame bock, kidney, bladder, uric add Irou
bles «nd Bright's I >l.ieasc. which Is lhe worst him ol our honest intentions.
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer s Swnmp-Koot Is not rec­
ommended for everything but If yuu have kid
Wo will sell you n Mitchell,
noy, liver or blatldrr trouble It will be f >und
Just the remedy you need. It has boen te .ted Rushford or Webber Farm Bed
In ao many ways. In hospital work, In private Wagon ;
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur­
,'H Steel Skein *85.00
chase relief and h«a proved so successful In
every ca.se lh«t a special arrangement Iras
been rnu.tr by which all readers of this paper
3| „
who have not already tried II. may have a
sample bottle sent tree by mall, also a book
Send your orders to us, O. C. Co
|e|||ng more about Swamp Root and how to
find out If you have kldmrv or blad<ler trouble.
Wool is selling for 14 cents at
When writing mention reading this generous
along the Short Line.
offer In this pap. r and
’ Wilson Bros, of Boise have sold
trend your addresa Io
Dr. Kilmer ACo .HIng-
their clip of 100,000 pounds at 14
hamton, N. Y.
cents straight.
Ever since the
regular fifty cent and Itaasot r.*nl|,w
dollar sixes are sold by all good druggists.
wool market opened the wool
Don’t tn*ke an v tn ¡«take, but remetn-
buyers have been talking l.'l cents
ber the raine, 8wsm|«-R«s>t, Dr Kilmer'«
. as the top price,—Huntington
Swamp Root, ruul the ad Ire««, Bingham­
I Herald.
ton, N. Y., on every bottle.
Proper Compounding
Burns Drug Store
Clarence Carry wa« an Ontario
Harney County, last week. Hi»
mother, Mrs. Dave (,'urey and sister
Grace, accompanied him oil his re­
turn home, where Mrs. Carey goes
in the hope of benefiting her
Receiver Chas. Newell informs
us that the local lagid office is in
receipt of a letter from the Hou th­
em Pacific Railroad Co., »«king
for information regarding this dis­
trict. The Company will adver­
tise this faction with a view ot se­
curing immigrants for this region.
E. II. King, ex-sawmill man but
now a sheep baron in llappy Vai
ley. was in Thursday on business.
He says he pulled through the
winter and early spring in fine
shape and lias a go xl crop of
iambs. He ha«n't commenced to
■hear yet but expects to in a few
Blackwell A Msec this week dis­
posed of the cattle they have been
feeding on lhe range near Hunting­
ton. Five hundred head were sold
to M. IL Parsons and shipped to
Montana, while the remainder of
lhe bunch was sold to Wesley
Parker A Co. of North Powder.
The cattle brought a good price.—
Huntington Heruld.
Mr». Henry Caidwell received
the sad intelligence this week of
the death ot her father, J. Jennings
at Grant» pas», on the 14th from
paralysis. The deceased was 78
years of age. Besides a wife be
leaves six children to mourn his
loss, three sons and three daughters.
Henry Jennings who resides on
.Soldier Creek, is a son of the
A team belonging to Simon I-ew-
ia was drowned in the river near
the Emmett Clark place Tuesday.
Mr. Lewis wa« driving across a
bridge when the structure gave
way, the horse«, hack and driver
being thrown into lhe river. Mr.
Lewis escaped with a ducking but
the team never came up after go­
ing into lhe water. Homer Mace
was along but crossed ahead of the
We are informed that the Martin
Bro«, who own valuable ranch
properly on the river north of
Burns are negotiating for the sale
of their holdings in this vicinity
and that they intend to leuve this
county this summer in quest of a
new location. It is with regret
that we learn of their intentions as
they are among the substantial
and reliable citizens of the county,
■nd we hope that they tuav see it
to their advantage to remain with
Home trading helps home busi­
ness. A dollar spent at home
comes back to the spender. Home
trading helps build up the home
city. Home trading permits the
buyer to examine goods before
they arc paid for. Home trading
encourages home merchants to
keep a larger slock of goods and to
reduce prices to the lowest margin
of profit. Home trading gives op­
portunity for profitable employ
ment to many clerks, salesmen and
other employes.
Home trading
helps your business, what ever it is.
Do you trade at home?
Caspar Luig the well known
rancher living South of Burns,
died at lhe home of Paul Locher in
this city, May 18, 1903.
deceased was a native of Westfall
Germany and was ('«(> years of age.
He has been a resident of this
county for 18 years and had ac­
quired considerable propertv. The
only neat relative living is his
brother Henry Luig, of this place
The funeral took place Tuesday
morning from the Catholic church,
the services being conducted bv
Father Doyle, and the remains laid
to rest in lhe Burns cemetery.
Leon Brown, of the Pioneer
firm of N. Brown A Sons, returned
to Burns this week from Eureka.
California, where he has been
spending the past year looking
after the interests of their branch
house at that place.
While the
firm was doing a large business at
Eureka, their interests were to
widely separated to give needed
attention to all nnd they disposed
of their business at that place.
Loon is pleased to be l«ack in
Burns again where his firm has
dot e so much to build tip our little
city. His father who intended ac­
companying him was unable to
make the trip oil account of an
attack of rheumatism. His friends
hope that ere this he has regained
bis usual health.
four inUrenft and oun r/dnrido
■ that io, there it only one flato nf merehandito that
afford to buy, and there it only on* Ha» of meri ha ndite that I hit flore run afford to nell
Best Productions on Earth
McCALLS’ BAZAR PATTERN8 (all ee»m» allowed)
^BF*We have the sole right of sal« for above goods in Harney County.
Ctnr'vr! wax--------- As summery and pretty a lot of Wash Goods
as has ever been shown in the City--------
White Lawn. Dimities, Taney White Goods. Organdies,
India Liuru, Persian l*»5, Long Cloth. Spring
Gloves, Ribbons, Shirt Waists, bare«, Etc.. Ete.--------
Mail Orders promptly and intelligently attended to.
Kuril« lie feat« Joint Day.
Burns carried off lhe honors in
the athelelic contest held at John'
Day Monday and Tuesday of this
week, securing 60 points to 29
{«oints made by John Day. Fol-'
Our Spring line of goods will soon be on display. Call and
lowing are the contestants in order - see us and get our prices. Quality of goods the highest; prices
of outcome also winning score.
the lowest and seeing is believing.
100-yard dash—W. Forcn. John !
Day; Jameson, Burns; Smith,
Burns; time not recorded,
16-pound shot put—Luce, John
Day; Welcome. Burns! McKinney,
Burns; distance, 27 feet 8 inches.
Running broad jump—Hibbard,'1
Burns ; Dart; John Day ; N. Reed, j
Burns ; distance 9 feet.
Hammer throw—Luce, John;
Dav; McKinney, Burns, distance
77 feet 7) inches.
300-yard relay race—Dart, Luce,
and W. Foten; John Day ; II. Reed, |
Smith, and Jameson, Burns; time |
L. WOLDENBERG, SR., Proprietor.
not recorded.
Running high jump—Hibbard, I
The services of a brewer of long years experience has been de­
Burns ; N. Reed, Burns ; Dart and
cured and the product of this Brewery is of the beat grade in the
Luce, John Day; tied for third) Inland Empire. Place a triul order and you will not be diaap-
place; height 5 feet. ’
Pole vault—Hibbard. Reed and
Jameson, Burns; height, 8 feet.
Hurdle race—Foren, John Day,
Smith, Burns; time not recorded. ‘
The basket ball and baseball I
games were won by the Burns
teams, the former by a score of 111
to 1, and the latter by 20 to 14.
The young ladies comprising the
Burns basket ball team were Agnes
Sweek, captain, Vella Mace, Alice
Sweek, Alice Hamilton, Clara
Swain, substitute, Maud Norton
The base ball team was composed
of Caldwell, catcher. Nolie Reed,
pitcher; Al Welcome 1st base;
Smith, 2nd base; II. Reed, 3rd
base; Jamesor., short stop; Hib­
bard. right field; Robinson, center
field ; and Sagers left field.
Wednesday the two teams stop­
ped over in Canyon City for a game
of basket ball and base ball and
were the losers in both contests.
The basket ball was lost bv a score
of 10 to G and the latter by a score ,
9 to 8.
Lunaberg & Dalton
Harney Valley Brewery
C. Moffett, of Drewsev, passed
through our little burg Friday on
his way to Cottonwood to visit his
grandparents Mr. and Mrs. T.
Swick.—Hamilton correspondent
to Long Creek Light.