I WEEDS SMILES IN A DETECTIVE’S STORY. Consumption is a human wetxl flourishing best in weak lungs, l.ike other weeds it’s easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im­ possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott’s Emulsion. Salt ixirk is good too, but it is very hard to digest The time to treat consump­ tion is when you begin trying to hide it from yourselt Others see it. you won t. Don’t wait until you can’t deceive yourself any longer Begin with the first thought to take Scott's Emulsion. It it isn’t really consumption sc much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump tion you can’t expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will lie rigidly regular in your treat­ ment you will win. Scott’s Emulsion, fresh air. rest ail you can, eat all you can. that’s the treatment and that’s the best treatment. The fowe»tl»«wr« MobforU tu Ihaj • Maa s Court I mk •'I waa distrusted a fsw a ago st a eaae I worked up,’’ remarked a de- teethe to a Wanluugtau Star iv|*oit<‘r “A young lady who wat |'oamw*rd ot coueiderablv money aud u uumlarr of jewel» »cut for me. She had been robbed of some diamond» valued at ar* cral hundred dollar». I finally found all but one pin. they hawing breu pawued. I ubtuiuixl a dvacnptiun of Che mau who borrowed money upon them, but for arvcral week» could not locate Itiui. When I «hd lua I an d I iu I w mm J that he had left that luurumg ami waa going to Baltimore. I watcbixl the depot, and "a* »oou rewarded b> seeing the man atep out of a hack. 1 »curd hi» arm and »aid; 'You arc ar- rrated!’ ‘Uhat for?’ he aaked, in a tune chat »bowed he wua not much aurpnacJ. but greatly frightened 'That will be explained at the atatjuu.* 1 re­ plied. There wa» a feminine shriek from Uie Lack. and. glaucing into the vehicle. I aaw it waa toy fair client. They bad just been married and were starting on their wedding trip. I took in the situation at a glance, and then realizing that 1 waa (»owrrle&a under the uew order of affairs. I »aid: T me now that you are not the man I want,’ and let him go. Then he began to blus­ ter, and. tul. ing hiiu aaide. I gave hiui to understand 1 knew of h«a rubbing the girl to pay the eiprnaea of h>a courk- •Uip. and be quieted down eery sud­ denly" I lie Maa a Siraag»r rtata. “If a fellow ha* a chance to marry a four, liamlxome girl, or a rich, plain girl. which Record. had entered a trust or cutubin**ikxi; we wish Leva la «»• SapartaUve. to assure tbe public that there u mo f rsaf Jb io She—If you luui never inet me. would such reports. We have been manufacturing >'w?nx machines for over a quarter of a centu­ yon hate loved a-tut other girl a» much ry. ami have e«lab!isl>ed a reputation for our- aa you do me? .« . s '» and our machines that is the envy of all lie—My darling, if I had never met oi era. Our “Arar JJwan«*** machine l*as nex« r been rfvalrtl as a family machine.—It you I la*lieve 1 alvould have committed s’. -Is nt tbe head ofal! Uigh iimds sewing »uu-ide.—Truth. * i■’ .iui- a . and stands on its oitm merits. The 1< bis to pay. We have never entered Into men.—To Date. competition with manufacturers of low grade cltajp nucliintu that are made to sell regard­ Too Many Cheeka. less of any intrinsic merits. Du not be de­ “What is the matter with Phillips ceived, wla n you want a ««‘Wing machine don't send your money away from home; call on a w-nior? lie has been ill ever since his “ h’etr Howie ” llvaler, he can sell you a son went to college." better machine for leas than you can purchase "Remittent fever. ¡maaibly.”—Detroit elsewhere. If there is no dealer near you, F rec Press. write direct to us. ORANOE. MASS TRY A I Hampered. nost (to guest at turkey dinner)— Would you like to do the curving. Mr. Fitz-simmon»? Mr. F.—No; thanks. I’ve just joined the church.—N. Y. World. gae rot Ttaj»er'’tv Hstgfct SI »ar ivu 4*2 Ta»r»< reAjFCToer ' im ' m 7 í .'=7 ‘“T.M io.-wt The Up-’o-dgfr trrninh'g!) amrv*rrpe»tr*8 i» »he J? 40 Marlin witn Satobeltii Steel Harrt! using 32 ÍOHt^h Prttburp Car- tridgri This Cartridge bas a ve­ locity of over 2,000 feet per second with consequent fist trsiectnry sod fres» killing power. S. A. Reduced to FIFTY CENTS A YEAR Formerly One Dollar 'THIS is the cheapest ar.d best * Faihion Magazine now te- f ;r- the American public. Itahows Ne v Ideis in Fashions, in Millinery, in Embroidery, in Cooking, in W.mar s Work and In Reading; beautifully IHustr. ted in colors ar.d in blaci and white. Above all, it s >ws the vary fashionable New 1 c « a S fLES. made from New I dca P at ­ terns , which cost only IOc. each. I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i I Send Five Cents To-day f-’* sine!« oocy of the Nr* I dba W omaw ' s Ms'MStNN. arc se* whar treat va.ue f:r tb« mor.«y ;t car. jiv« yen THI I!W XDFA FÜBL1SHIM0 CO Cît Broadway New York. N T V rv a. » ■ I U. M, l^and office, Burus. Oregon, Apr. 21, 1903. Notice is hereby given that the following named »ettlers ha> filed uetlr«*|nf their Intention to make final proof In »upportof their claim and that »aid proof will be made before Register and Receiver i at Burns, Oiegon, on H»r », 1903. Viz: William H Hurst. Hd Entry No 1442. for Lot* 2. 7 and 4. and the NE'4SE'4. Mec 5. T. V>, S . It. IX E. W M North of Malheur Lake. Edna Rot® Venator, now Vanderpool. Hd Entry No. 1294. fur the NE^NF^. and I/Ots 4 and i. Sec. ■, and Lots2an4 3. Sec. 9, T 24. • . R 32 E W M. North of Malheur Lake They name the following witne«»es to prove their contl□ nona residence upon and eutti vatlon of said land, vlf Henry Landreth. Ed we d J. Noble, Peter L, Duteher, WIHIam H Bur is, of Narrow«, Oregor Alphena Vtnator, of Venator, Oregon, Wm, Far re Kegiater, i i ' | I $20 to $25 WEEKLY Work at yotir home, No canvarn- ing. Work legitniate and horora- ble. AddreM P atents .Seattle, Waith. CASTOniA. B»n th, _ yg The Lrt toe Him Always BoogM r 1900 and 1901 Model» & |7 fo Sil Otluloyw» with largo pAoteyniiAM «ngruruw» and full di-tailod speeitlcaltona sm4/r»fe> auy mfdroo». Wi SHIP OH APPHOVAl to anyone In V 8. or C'auada tnlAiui a cent m adtwic* and allow trade M arrs D esign « C orvrigmt « A c . iSrh »nd <1«>»rT«p4t.>n ms? nfMiiwu fr»» WR»th»f an t'At»ntabi« < ommuttw»- lk»u» Mrtetijr oxiSdvntlsJ. Handbook on l*at»nts •»nt fr»». ol<1»at »»•*>*-▼ f<< »ecTirtn« |>at••><•. pal»nt« talan tbf ugti Munn A < ... roc« tpmM rytHee, without char«», tn th» F 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL 1?.^; In ordering from u», as you do ink nerd to pay a rmt If thn btcye.la doos not atilt you. no rlelt 500 SEOOKD-HAND WHEELS Afì JO taken tn irw»In by mi? Chico««» rv4alati on«. at andar*! ma Una. many «*•«! »■ new. WV IV W Scientific American IT re«, •eialpstornl. a nf •« all Si«A» .Ite rw-.toa RIDE» ASERTS WÍHTED £-T.t.SKÍ¡£i: 1*44' nxk’l I4ryr 1«. In rt»ur spam Um® yt»a mato B FO tu A hari'.* »nrly Illo«tratc<1 w..»hlr Ufxeet , ro atl 'i >.f any •*-t«»ntlB'- }• irnai. Tarn.« I roar f>>ur tu<.ntba. |L !k>l4 t>/all rwwwlMlt cm B/M7 a w»wk IwwMra bavin« a wl«wl u > rhfo f<*r yx urwif. rllahlr is-rw ri In rk< h town U> dUlribuln ralahwitea t, r ua til axebaturv b’V a HryrU. w rii« lodar for fr*m cai«koritori«» will rot. poritivelv cannot--du more than relieve you. It requires an internal », remedy to remove the cause and effect a perinnuent cure. Ask your druggist for hr. » Perrin’s Booklet on the sub ject. r -,4v . it- f.- .. A FREE PATTERN ( (your own • m -I»» c ti«»n • io rvrry sertbrr Duly seni» ,i VICTOR J, ¿VANS a co„ (Patent Attorneys,', weekly WRSHmDTOMr Do Do ÌN teq O cea N. : The (ireste t Renublic'in l’n -er of the West. sub- M£ CALL'S MAGAZINE nfir s <»f m H pHitical dfl.iirv í L t ? I -»>• 4, J <7< f iterary column* menu» to those ot the bis, mnnuiiues. Ila You! >'s Department la the f n st of it* k ml......... rol.^ed pUles; t«i«e| work . tr>na»«h<»l«l hint» liiMHt,eir v«h «. ril.^ >.• r I.»».-t er»yjr l.uUy A4(e»i* «vanirti Svtwl tor leimt Mtyli*li. Wrli.iblr, Nintplc. Up-fw* ri tte. F.< •'tiotti h 11 4fi«| Aimoluttfly Perlvcl-Fitinitf l*4|M-r Puttern* M5 RAZAK# ÇALL/ÏÏ t- a X I he W eeklv Inter Ocean Aupp'le» A I of the News) and the Best tli«>il ■ Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sanding sketch and description of any invention will promptly rcceivo our opinion free concerning &«< patent­ ability of same. “How to obtain a patent” sent upon rtxjtuwL Patent* secured through us »lvcrtised for sale at ourrt|>ense. I 'atenta taken out through us receive special nutue, without charge, in T iik B itext Rxronn, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, cousultod by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Adilreaa, Evans Building, Il brlng» to ih firn lv thè aw of th» Ini r« i «rid and slvea ih«t i> si 4ii'i h « ni ,i n imaion» of all ou«'iilena of th<* dar* ih» ••i r v •• tfiV'R wrlv p «■ Of rcndlny multar -arfc week ari I i»» »»>» . h »l • »» b raro in tritar adnptad lo thè nrt'fiof Ih» ps’opic »»vi ot ih» AHrh«nv Mmiruauis tnan any oihrr paper $1-03 LSJJL*5,r¿JlJLEAJ ’ $100: • HflMK WORK CO. 214.Spring St. W$!5 r KXPERICNCK Usually th» Way. We hin» a fuir •ienoU 3 and 4. fee 4. Tp IN. H . K X E He nam«i th« following witn«B»«s to prove hi» continuouii retiden«« upon Bud cultivation I of »aid land, via; Edmond B Wad« and Feter Ticloreof Suplae, Orrgon. and Grant Miller and John T. Faulk ner, of Paulina, Oreron. W k Fa bbr . Reflater. For Winter Heading you cannot florl a mors li»w>ral offer. If any of the above, however, do not strike you as what vou want, writ« ua. we will give you a good lilieral nlubhing offer with any |>erio9t£t. Notice is hereby given that the foilowl ng, named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, anc that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at Burna. Oregon, on June 6, \'M, viz Hd Entry. No. 1333. of OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for 32.00 Axis Grease 1 Laxative Bromo-Quinioe Tablets I cure a cold in one day. No Cure, No pay. Price 25 cents. I MOTICX FOR Pl'BUCATlOX. Nerz Idea Woman's Magazine It W m K'Ideal. “1 sec wine ska tea arc tai kins* about a six*ycor presidential trrm. an* sayin' it’s a jfvod thing," aai*l the fa» man. •‘Well, we wouldn’t have «o nuui.v cam|KMgns in that case," returned the little man. •That’s why 1 favor it." **Du you fuxor it?” naked *hc fat iaan, scowling at the little one. “Certainly." “WelL I don’t know who you are. but I’ll bet a ten-dollar bill to a copper cent you’rr not in the saloon business." Chicago Evening Post, Truatwortby, either rex. by Wholesale Merchandise ¡Company of »olid financial Handing, toman­ age I-ocai Representative who will organize club» among consumers. 40 per cent saved for our customer». Bueiness no experiment but a prov­ en success. Salary $1« a week, ex­ penses advanced. Experience un­ necessary. Address, I>. B. Clark­ son, Mgr.,334 Dearborn St. Chicago. To any one sending ua 41 SO, on« year's subscription Io the ItKMS, we will mail th« Chicago Weekly Inter ikean one year free or to any one sending us three cash siiliecriptioii lor the two paper we will give a year's subcriplion to each paper free, or The In every town and village ty be had, Stop file ('unirli ami Work off t|ie Culti. J Drgensen will diepo^c of his en­ tire stock of watches, clocks, jewel­ ry, books and stationery at cost. He indans business. Call and see him for bargains. ime marlin fire armscompanf ME W MAVCN, CONN , U toa J Jorgensen is still to tbe front with low prices. Call and »ee his line of watches, clocks, jewelry, stationery, etc. Amy—Since I refused Jack positively he calls oftener than he did before. Maud— I suppose he think» it safer now.—Town Topic. THIS TRIP mo No Faith In Iler. Little Mi» Freckle*—Mr». Stucknpp hav |fot a big round ffla» and it'» full of gold-fish. Little Mi» Mugg»— Huh! Ill bet they’re plated.—Good New*. Those Girls. JMiarHn l««W« Tun ruan who inreuted work evident ly had uothiug to do.— Flicgvnde Ulut ter. A lmost any mortal can re»l»t the tckuptathui to .teal when to .teal 1» uu ucceanary Galve.ton New«. IhuacuxA — “lX>n t you envy my luck'.' l-u t Jack Murray a .piendid fellow to have for a fiance?" ITunella "O, ye»; I know that frotn experience." —Truth. "Is.” meditatively muttered th« fuuny boarder, "it i» true, a» some »cientikt anawrta. chicken» really talk the language of twothird» of them mu.vt be pretty blamed tough."- Buffalo Courier. "Y ov ' uk not in love. Robbie. You only think you are." "Well, bow the dickea» am I to find out my mi»take if I am mistaken?" **O, marry the young woman, by all mean».'- Harp­ er'» Bazar I hum» “Sir I-aac Newton -um—yev —he wa» one of the founder» of Punch, was he not?" k'obb«—‘ lloodue»». n«»! What do you mean?" Ikdibw— "Why. he wa» the discoverer of the law of gravity.“—Harlem 1-ife. I York, Chtrago. IIL.HL I xmi I s . M o ., Allan- ta, Gau, Dallas. Tex., tian Francisco, Cal. 1«0 YDt TVajfCTOev luw*- «i I« ,„»a S(,. .luck i*r |HHi)try alunild not eat .limp ab*k fvd any nuire than ,ivk .hold I a curvai l>v I ' G. \x hen v>ur »took a.i.1 pviiitry nn> nick giva them mod- ¡cane l,vn't»tuff them withwi.rth- Ira« at>»k l..«l» I nl< ad the l. orla atir uu up ti.» tl.e turpi.I torpid Inrr liver ai and the and »tir animai «di 1« curvai, if it I In* h ' |*oMt« ------- - — ble lo tur* it. |il a> k ‘ bra'.ight Stuck ____ and l'. ulttj M< lume unhaù» ih, liuwrlv ami stìr» tip thè twrpid liv«r, it . f stock il taketi in lime. S.. ire .1 '¿Vo ut can ,.f |il*'k-l>ranglit M.ck and lYudtry Molle in» and it » ili f. r itw If lati timi'»tu<‘t II 1... » w. k I , • • r. Cova gite more milk. II.»-» gam tlush. Ami lu n» lay inureegg». It »ulvt a th* i>rol ut •! tuakii.g a» u t»hbluud. tlc»b ned eiwrgy a* puaiiLI* out uf tha smallest amount of f awl cun- turn»«* I. Buy a out troni your dea I nr. Advantage« of Malriu»oay. Mr. Wallacv—It »rents to me that H ever a bachelor realizes Ins unhappy lot it must I m when be 4s in 1>cd sick. Mrs. Wallace—¥••*. There is a gT, Blitk Dou.M Stittk and Poultry M,'> p!< >>a.tion. I brandy r«vom- nxnd H to all ouiwra ol aleck. J. B BELSHER. St. louia. Me CURRENT HUMOR. “Do you put an ’e’ in whisky here?” asked a new reporter of a Kentucky i*(*r- “Xo.” repled the editor, who was »lightly deaf; “we put nothing in whis­ ky here. We take it struigbt.”—llay City ChaU We will send you Emul- a little of the “ si on free. BRIEF. “l,n‘t Hcrlbba n hM’k-writer?” "Hack writer? Not much; he doesn’t »ven eurn »tree! car tare.“—Cklengo Hreorvl. "Ar* )ou on inliuiute term» with your nuighboru’.'" "No; but they ui ■ with u«. Why. they know ilremltul ,wnrt» of our» that we never hvwrd of wen.*' Harper'» lluuur. "What'» the matter, t'nclr Rufua?” he a»k<*ck>r "You’ll eonte around all -ighl. judge. Any plmieiun would tell you the »am»* thing.“ Tlte Judge — “Yea. doctor; but I've heard trt er." A»>»tant **lluw'» that?” Ari' zona Editor—"lu writing up that ta? and-fcather racket he mention» the rietau a» being clothed in ‘a garb ot »out« »oft, clinging material. " Tuck. All SCd’.u «í»4 Prrforfftlom wo» Ihr Hust *0« 4»»l Je «viso li»«* i in> >.■'n H»«»iy «»«•» cm , I»»N, O» l,\ I||.»;I ll-'tH 1 HL MiCALL CO.. Ill-lit 117 11.1 It. «UM« The Dally and Snnd’y Edl- 5 »’ *” ,.......... »«» p»r ,.»r« t Ont of The Inte' Ocean ara c osii, ■»» anns,r »« m»u . ...... s»o»p.r >,,»• li.! Lesi of their k nd.. . . | a