J DITS OF A CENT FiiOT-i KVERY30DY. Miaa Passe We will send you a little of the Emul­ sion free. Te t*wt th« pktnre in tb< f- ’rn < m a label t* oil tn* V •. ct C\ery bolt-« o4 E.nuxiiOO you buy. score & bowne . Chemists, 439 Peart St., N. Y. c-w and fl- i'1 druggists. parti»’« to thvcflcvl HOME SEVHTSG MACHINE CO . v red a trout or couth, uat km: we wish t the I u = M-:. it there U M4> frw/li tn »•ivii reports. have been manufacturing ► winjt hum -hint« f»»r over a quart«-r«»fa icntu- rv. ml ha* c^taba^lwMia mputntioa for our« * tv* * an«! «»nr niacht >« i* that is the » nvy «»f ail < r*. <‘ur //owrr" r i- lnib b.. « never been rivaled aa a family »naeliln».—It r’andaat th* htuulofall nigh G'rrt «<.-«• wing in» bines, and «tan« 1» on f* otm merits. The ‘•JCetr Ifomt" is the only really I HIGH URADE Sewing .'larkine on the Market. It iw not neo *sary i.r u> torn!- r into a trust V» aave <>ur credit < r y any a •• .\etr How'' Dealer. •; « . -t a better mac him- for than you can pur i.aae ♦ l*‘wi> n . If there is no dealer near you, write direct u> u.«. THE NEWH0MESFWINGMACHINEC3 ORANGE, MAM > -• ta, Ga., Dallas, Tex., Jsan L ran« taco. Cai. THIS TRIP icor-'t T«vfc<-TosT t »»— cv-'rr li*.”' • *■ ) .. , -■ î-iJ »»-*-« $ *»OS Y7*r-G . AHNf N€ */ M« VEN. COMF1 . U 5. A. Reduce CEN IFTY ZE AR I ir - » l| FL. ‘ Centi To-day *7» ,'CIA WCMxR'S *r t r • A l v « . t s '9 you • K th tf M Wn&hiugton Star. Explained "What ninke* you worn cn kiN* when you uiwt “It is n aort i of u|Mvlopy in advance for what we m«\m to ’ uv nl*»ut e.:«’h other after we , park** Indianapolta Journal. •*E\«'U?x' inc, air,** »aid Itarl er to a boorish traveler, "but what ia you. business?" "I am a grutleinnti. air ! That’» U’.y buaitwws." "Ah," Mi d Ikir 1 ker. "I -e«\ \ ou are taking a viu. tku>.**— Harper*» Ihuar. ••What did you >«'e m America, un cle ?” er «1 the bo. <. "Oh, I saw the Catskill mountain's” mv <1 I’txile Peter, jocoesely "I ex ¡wet it was one of th inouBkun* that brought forth the mouse.” s.ud Jock, thoughtfully. | Houachold Won!*. Alwavs Moving "Jc hr.” wold the frightenevl wife in the i. C«v.o of the night, "then ** xirctbiri; movirgdowi cellar. Pri sure.** John I ct« n> d intent ly. "Oh. it’s nothing but the ra* meter ¡M'i’g:tg away,” he said with a aigh of ' relief.—Parlrm Life. THE FAR WEST. She Might Still Be *»ln.. '* T. r.-;i ••! . ML*» T.. -cns.jiL.s- -Did he? That wa« so very IJ: !of h'm. Little Edith—Yr : ho Raid you wen» growing old gracefully.—Ilarlmi Life. rhoea Remedy eaved bin life laid summer. He had been sick for a month with what the doctora < ail biliouB dysentery, ami could get nothing to. do him any good until De tried this remedv. It gave him j immediate relief,” »ay» B.T. Little, merchant, Hancock. M<1. For rale l.y H. M. Horton, Burns; Fred Hiline*. Ilartr-v. I r S. Ijind office. Burn«, Oregon, Apr. 21, 190?, Notice is hereby given that the following named aettiera ha- fih d n«*tic»“«»f their intention to make finni proo< in aupponof their claim and that »aid proof will l>e made before KegDter and Receiver at Burna, Ore^>3, on May K, 190», via; William H Burna. Hd Entry N»> 1112. for Jy»t- 2. 7 and «, and the NF 4-ih 4. Hee T. y. H . R. 32. E W. M North of Malheur Lake. Edna Rose Venator, r»» w Vanderpool, Hd Entry Mo. lr;4. for the NF.'4MFli, and Jxitx 4 and 5, Hoc. a, and Lota 2 and 3. Fee. >, T 26. 8 . R 32 F. W M. North of Mnlhenr Lake They name li e foibuvii.z witne«»e- to prove theircontinuoiia residence upon and cultivation of .»aid land, viz Henry Landreth, Edward J Noble. Peter I. Dutcher, William H. Burna,<».'Narrow«, Orcfot ; AIpi»eua Vena:< r, of Venator, Oreg.Hi, i Win, Farrc* Regbter, ' I; mid anyth r , forihx < th.,* <«vt half «• Lg < l »< h 1 tat Aiti »n. I h.*,--I.‘y rrvom- R met'd It t » « ! * »• ”f'v < 1 at • k. J. U. li! I Siti II. St. I «uh, *la Il '**«. •» • ' ■ :'•! not ■ rat » q» * *• a i I ai.v t L au I H < I ’ 1**1. '' ) ir bt.v k M Alt i pouìlt Y urw Nlv’k ¡»I*«’ ti riti li’.rtl. ■ ivli.r. 1‘ u I ih“i i v«*uh worth« L . I I ' v . ! « H nti'l ’‘lu* v.p Ü c lot pi.I hwr nnJ the W • . * ♦ T I . -s H * L- t » • • ■ ‘ « I . R »n*l Pvi.hry Mrvhi’iii* link *•!« t!io R bow. •< Olivi ’Ur* up tl - torpid iArr. |j !. v - • ' ■ ’ •• . . ■> if D ink* u tn turo. So ur< .1 V?« <» nt ran ■ .4 Hit k-Dr.rtv’nt >. ur « ♦•«»»•«• frrw> •»hrth.-r an iii»e».ti..n 1« prvsbftblr g»ni« »it .1 I«- < o»; t >m. r*. t >. j rtctiy •-•¡«nttAl. 11 in.-tws'ik h s‘Mi la »«•nt fir«. 1 »LlfWt »v« • I' « tukvn ( -• iu 'I Mum A < • r<-< *>lve •. ' « Scxîîtific American. wr> «Jf. ! «rrMi rif. iff ni. Irr-i.a. IJ a ‘ t.l<- i.i». |l. 5>i>lbja;i nrw»«i«»wi»ra. fil’JNN XCo.13,n'Md“’ New York and mppositi r • » will tot, p »“itiveiv cui . ii ' t--do more than relievi you. It requires an internal n ui' dy to ri move the cause und • lied a iicrn.am nt cure. Ark vour druggist for Dr. I’er riii’s Book let on th«- sub­ ject. u ’ Bear,!!» __ ^ih» Seattle, Wash. l?l Ilin Alsajl (fegllt » Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch ami d« ’, riptian of any invention will promptly reccivo our opinion free «■oiievrnmg the patent­ ability of same. “How to obtain n patent” aent upon requuit. Patent» secured through us advertised for sal«« at our expense. I aunts taken out through us receive social tuitue, without < barge, in T iie P iti . vt R ecoup , an illustrated ami widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Semi for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, • •«>•••<. •• WASHINGTON, D. C. • « V 6 • V •** JI - Gi.00 W eekly a i'ERN 1 n (vnur on -I firry «ub- I es.oo TliE V k The tiri ate I Pcpubllc in i’v •«. r ,«f the »I. ia th» mntt ntain-.ti i/:tt n H rA.hu » IÌ4h«*«l to lav ¡ml tan w.iy» lx? rm.* I up«i i t<»r l« n« re no. h <«f ali p «liticai nfì.iir . il v. . ' ! . ri* ’ I •• i ■ and the tie.vi o» Cun cut ¡. t .-rat ure. It « •« Morally < ' pn, i 1 »•, i :, I • • . * », \ . . 1 i Orf. A I4BIÎS’ M Hi,AZIM .7-c-ft / // i //( I i.ri/irv loffia >i 1 V« Aw . /ts S”. Itwh. R. ’ m I.'. . S r y» •♦¡y’- ‘ ’? t. J I I« ■ ' « ’ <« «•»•Z '*»•- ♦ •• -- rMUX. -• As« Sr • it All» 1 1 «M Prrf«i-.;f m»t$ Alto* I r s’,I r J . pj .*•• •* ’ hr , 111., ■•« r Al. L CO iii-t,-. ii7 »• » r t si «uw outs «’s Vaut f it st of it . I’ $20 to $25 WEEKLY HOME MORE CO. > . r! it.-, K. ■•n«»”i«. il I Al«‘o«!i I’erh « t-l-ittitiU l’.tl ' t I’.nil rut 21 I Spring .M. Buy a jHistnl card and •••nd to ’1 he N»w York Tribune Farmer. New York Citv, for a free specimen copy. I he Tribune Farmer i« a Na'ional Illustra­ teli Agricultural Weekly for farmers ami their faiuillea and slami» at the bead of the agricultural press. Th® price is fl imi jier year, loit if you like it you eau sreum .1 with your <>wn favorite local newspaper, 1 lie ITEMS, at a I laryain. Both papers fl SO. Send money and oidir to The ITEMS. tirsi»« h »»rr. ■. iù k n«-WnaJ.tn^! >n. D. t. Slock In-pector. Work at your home. No canvass­ ing. Work legitmate and horora- ble. Address For Winter llesding you cannot find a mom liberal olf. r If any of th» »!»>»», however. ing offer with any periiHlical published in the I’liilcd Siatir. Don't put it off. New is .our til»». Address, ßr L'ss u'uiy J N f - vt H oovek . MANAGER WAN! ED— Trust- worthy lady or gentleman to man- , age iiusines« in this County ami adjoining territory for well and | favorably known House of solid i financial standing. «20.00straight cash salary ami expeus« a, paid each Monday by check direct from head­ quarters. Expense money ud- vaiicd: position j>ermnnent. Ad­ dress, Thomas Cooper, Manager, 1030, Caxton Bldg , Chicago. OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year. Inr 02.00 Hum«, Orcuon. v .r : (■ vr t«i Notice is hereby given that I have duly a, point.<1 the following deputy stock in*pectur fur Harner County. Oregon : A. B. Colenbaugh............. Burns John Jeiikins..................... Smith Dick Smith........................... Andrews To any one sending ti» #1 R0, one year's sutaioription to th* Irk'MS, wv »ill mail the Chicago Wcvkiy lute. Ocean one v> ar free, or to any one sending u* tlirvr cash subs tiptum lor the two pa|a r we nill give a year's subcrlptwiHo cacli | a|*r ir.e, or The THE ITEMS A hnn'.iomely Stock I n-|>«< t <‘f »nr Trustworthy, either eex. by Wlu.if rah- Merchandise ¡I'.'mpanv Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet“ of solid financial standing, to man­ cure a cold in one day. No Cure. age Lu< :il Representative who will N j pay. Piice 25 cent». organize clubs among consumers. 10 per cent saved for our customer*. JiOTICE FOK PfLl.K.ATIOX, Business no experiment «mt u prov­ C * Land office, Burn«. Orrifon. April IS. 190?.. KoCiee ia hereby h&inaful. Why. it’s getting » tluvt anvlkody can afford n diamond robbery nowitlaya" — Wr^hlngUvn Star. How Freighter* h« pt the tl hl'* W eight anti Quality I nlanpalrv«i. \ r night told an interesting story of how the fr* ighter« of the far west use d tn supply themsrlves with whisky, .-avs the IxvuisviHe Cour»» r Jcuraul. Hr said that some years ago wbvu aii freight was haul a! n wagvrs lie hap­ pened to make a trip of »evertd hun­ The Dl.Trmir». dred miles w ith a train of wagons car­ Bigg*— I am .‘»»stout that I know ex rying mcrohandise to rcr-ute ..tatie.n.*-. err»*<• would me lota of good. X Tam* Then why don't you get out more bands of whisky. and j*h<»vvl that *nc»w off Uvc walk? “The tii st night ort I noticed,” aaid Biggs That's not exercise, that’s he. -great activity around the whisky work. Truth. bands. The wagons each bad a The lustr l.an»«»Mt«* 1- hatchet and a gimlet. They would "I don’t i»c|icvr Mr* Jen« * grieve*any knock up a hoop, bore a hole, draw nil : ion* over Hie death of her !ir*t huie the whisky they wanted, then put band, now that »he ha* married a ace- about as much fine gravel in the barre* j ond husband.** as they had drawn out whisky, drive a "No. the second husband does that." plug in the hole u:id put the Loop back I —Texa* Sifter. in place. -1 lra*rcd afterward that the bar­ rels were weighed and the whi*ky Hi-* Life Sav«d by fbamberlaiif* tested bvf.Yre it wa< turmd over to th-* (olir, < hult-ra and Diarrhoea freighters, and that vrben it arrived at Krmrdjr. its destination it was again w?*ghet! and tested. The gravel supplied the “B. L. Byer, a well known cooper weight rr.d bulk and the quantity re­ mained the Fame, and this is why it of t’nir town, says he l»elievesChain* was usetl instead of water to supply the berlain’* Colic, Cholera an«! Diar­ of "hat had been taken out.’* NOTI< E FOR PLBLh ATION. f or- the Niw Ide ss ii in Err. r raid W.mar s .V:rk - tlierr.” Indian Manager Wanted. TT— n h -*1 » • «'.» it) r..2-i 1 locity »>f over 2,OOS f •ectMld wt»h ccr. seqm. f’tf trajertnry ir 4 fre«f killing f.wer il youraelf’?’’ Tit-Hit*« “Ihulgvt, why didn’t you hrat my room bettrr ? It a only AO degnv» ’ "Oh. I thought that for such * *n.u? root'd 30 d«rev* would be enough.” Jorgenson has n complete line of Rtatior.ury; echool supplier; booke, i etc. i •o* For a bilious a'tack lake Cham­ berlain’* Stomach and Liver Tab­ lets and a quick cure is certain For sale by II. M. Horton. Burna; Fied IIainee, Hurnc v. TRY A Th* I» • . IN “ j.» »ei—.—tarir- photograph'?’* Little t»itl It |K»rf<‘etlv lowlv. Did you really »It fo­ A tramp who lately sought a night*» lodging nt Ik ver. Kv., announced that he nan bent on collecting * nr | * i '.n\ from every n on earth. lie had already got S cents. Th«» fantastic idea of C huinervu* ad» iviitunr is not lucking in »iiggvbthc* nc»s. though it isn't two» *• arih sug­ gested that unv voilv should take up hi* alleged job in d« ad earnest. I u tn hod' els' ;.ets bin coin-col lev ting task dene lie vviil • ad the need of rank ing arrangements with the railroad couibiu;' for a lot of larrv-si -cd freight cars lie will have something like \ m \) ton* of metal on hand which wont transpi rt • ■ self. And it he get* tired of thinking of hU precious enc-cvnt pieces by weight he can think of them l\v miles. Stood up on edgv : nd stretch J r.w.r in Ln: lines, the ct in would rtaeh from New York to ka.c.!' und Kic\ to BulTnlc«, with a whole lot to span*. There weuhl Indeed l*e 1 .IM mile, of hard eash in the narrow, continuous roll*. This, it seems, should be a lot of money. So it is. Yet no K ekvftUcr, t'.ou’ !. Aster er VandvrVUt would btvc particular cause to envy it« pos>csx.>r. The mm repixscntnl would be. in round r.ur.lwr«. about $IS.'. OO.OCO »in«'«’ it would « . - st of < co in each frvm about I.-. \ .'.v u r<-r*o:.». A» to the time that it will take to collect this tribute fn-n the earth at large. Irt no one think it is a job for a week, a month or a day. l ~ do you like i.iv ik ' w Taken lit*».; Mb r It W out J Mv.nt a U vmv j trib.ite» I .ih«nd> to Collect. Consumption is a human w ed tkurishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it's e'siiv destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im- y »ssible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the \ eeds will disappear. The best lui'g fertilizer is Scott's Emulss n. Salt pork i. good too, but it is very hard t ' digest The time 1i treat eonsumj> tie.t is when you begin trying t ' hide it from yoursell Others see it, you won t Don’t wait until you can't eeceive your> take Scott > Emulsion. It i: isn't re.allv con-urn; lion sc much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump­ tion you can't expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin ia time and will be rigidly regular in your treat­ ment you w ill win. Scott’s Emu!.'ion. fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that's the treatment and that's the c..'t treatment How MIRTH» I :'p> r!m< i I « •••I l| •’« IM Ions, of ul' Ce l|r IM O* tip* 111- I I . .ft / tll<< ... In «-I H ' V 4 »’ • I* |l • " < t : I Her 1 I . u- . pu and Iwtiitf »• • « • »•< VO I ( I ••t'«« it! t ' Hl , trt lb I j I , . , ,f ihn people Arn nt th«! A«l«' h »»IV .MoontHiiiH kn»n nny nib r ; ip< r SLC0 L I.?L‘ orco Tlk &-’ly Md JimiUy F,ill ■! ' •' - ■' «♦•«,.. .• . i ! h f I n ' - ■ , » • I - } ; 1 “ r ' *' I ' ’■ I th] lv:t oi !he