Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, May 09, 1903, Image 1

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    Published in the
Greatest Valley of Eastern Oregon.
i b «J Oldest and
The Best Advertising j
VOL. 19.
Ingenious Methods by Which They
Evade Pursuing Officers.
Oeer& Cummins
Hardware of Entry Description.
Ul' K KM
I'. N ItlEDEit.
*«■«■’) nml ’I'reii«,
E. 0. T. G. CO.
I ii«*i>r|»<>ru*r<l. »
Ab.tr.u ta Eorni.lii-d am) fide Ouirantecd to alì Lamia in Harney
Bouilli uti'l S<>M on (’oimnii.ion.
Office in Bunk Building
|.«««1g«« iMrvr lof y.
W» 7 L K «>f 1*
M«*etH every llmrwdav night.
I M 1
i «u < «
- M ji I ut -ln’4 I, K uf K. s
Burna, Orlatili
fetT 'I.iiii St—opposite Bank.
BITCXS I.OlHal , NO.«;. A F. «< \ M.
Saturila^ >»n or tndur* full iti<n>n.
«/nibh'd lirul'tf’f«* ir<»(eru»lh invited,
.. U ■ . M M
i . x. i.
I •
h «II
vilr l
L Mar«)«n.
■» t | . »
I I -,
T i I If H 11 . • , I i I • A . t
John W lirary.
Burila, Oregon.
I' «I rvM.letnw. ’I'lloliv go.
gliith A M'ius
NO. 71 I 0.0 F
. • I \
1‘byrit iane <(• Suri/rrma.
Bi uns i 'Hu.is«>. at. i o t
M«*» <n .»» Brown hall
b’rtdav «•ve­
iling ViMitntf br»»th»«r«» irAtvrtuilly in*
< «Mrliranr, |¿»«et»r«l»’r.
m . mii . ikx .
ill’KXS < *11 A 1*1 I It. .MB. 4V. O I. S
.Morta • «»nd and íourtli M<»i»«l«»v of
«•uh tn mili lu Ma*« mi «*« li ill. Voegt I y
Mn» M »ggi«' L«w«*nw, U M.
Mr«. E mi«-«« I liotnp«M>ti. Hoc,
J w Bl ft«
Ihilton Bigg*
Slotting brother«» fr.itortmllv in*
braid. <> J.uicMiti, VG.
G. Kuii’li, Secretary.
? ffornr t/a-n f- An tr,
lit IC\M. OltKtlON.
itile»» in Bank building.
TI T i : ( I IB I.I X I hi». WOMEN <»b
W« m »>1 r »it
M«’cis2n l »n i lili I «»«•■«•
Ja» k ( Br«»An*M I im II Mrs lìdi « L>rd »n.
Mm. lune Wliilintf
YV“ ’ ,AM> A Fit Z<«ER 0.1»
M Fittgerald.
Thornton William«,
< Im rrli
\ iliioiiiirrturi*!».
Adorne) nt law,
Rotary Public,
Sunday School at
tirât Sunday of each tuonili ut RI
Liu . Solariol ami Reul Ertale
On the recomí,
o’clock, A. M.
third and fourth Stimlaya of each
month at 3 o 1 >.-k 11’. M
m>cond Sutitliiy
ing aervicea every
Burna. Oregon
f.T'Olile e in Masonic hn i hit ng
at S I’. M
R. D. Burrow, IVI- D.
It urne V
Physician and Surgeon.
Irwin pittitor.
Burin«. Rev. A. J
Divine aorvieea the third anil fourth
•Ilice ut Burna Hotel, Room«.
Humbly» <if each month at 1 I n. m.
1 litui 2. Culle answered any hour
nml 7:30 p. tn. Sabbath m liool at ■ lay or night.
10 n. in. every S.iblnith morning Kurile.
I’rcarliing werviceR at th ' I’uptist
chureh every let and 2nd Sunil iva. I
m-liool every Sunday at
prayer meeting every
10 «. in.
Practical l.autl Surveyor.
Ilurna, Or«*g«»n,
I I a.
lit. and S p tn
Service Wedneadav evening« at S.
Everybody ia invited to attend
tliene aervicea.
Mil l Fit,
Salary Publie nnd Conreyancer,
Mortgagon, Deed«, Ktr , correctly made.
Office at More.
Murn*, Or*g«»n.
This p.i|wr iiik I The Chicago
Weekly I nter <!»•»•. hi $1 ‘»0 for one Take Laxative Bromo Quinine
Veai. “Srieciitl deal”
Tablets. All »Iruggiflts refund the
O7VHTO -rt xyv.
money if it fails to cure.
Bear* th*
__ # N* kind Yru H.nt Always taftt
To the habituai » riminal It I* often
» f »Hal imp« riniHi1 that hr »houl<! be
whir to » • miiitiniratv »wifi!» and »»
»relly with an «(compiler. »*lther to
rlulMirut»* u »rheme of r« <«lity or
«end u warning < f ItnmlnriH (¡anger
from the poller. No!»«»»’,) known bet­
ter than he. how »•»er, by a»a. .ing him-
• «•If uf th«* «»rth«»d< xchannel* he run*
th«« ri»k of discoirry.
Ilrnce it I»
brcoining n common practice for clev­
er rogue* nr»rr to i-uminunlrote in n
*tmightforward way if th« » »an avoid
it. but. innti-ad. to act up ai.«l uar pe­
culiar p«»*t « filer*. whk*h are rarrti-
tially their « wn. *-ye Ca**elFs Sat­
urday Journal.
A typunl «n>r wn» that <»f a man
who wa* "wanted" in connectlrn with
certain n« t< rhoi* turf fraud«. When
the warrant was Uaurd be »ought abri­
ter In a «hubby hxlging in a bnrk
t fi»r n r«-» f»"iu tl »■ La I k <«f
Futf'a»’ • Hr l»a<! friend* wh«»«tr< ug­
ly objected to hl» capture, mainly Le-
route hi» appr.«mnrr in the «!<«ck
v.nuId have let! to unplra»ant r« n»e-
qiirnre* to themaclve*.
But they
wrrr all »<■ well kn* wn to the p»»lice
ttn<l detective» tint It Wil* in p*.nil it-
fi.r them t«» « « ru! n ti»r»»agr dir« rtly to
th»* fugitiic, though hr bad a«l«»|»tr<l an
alla», much Ivt* t«» pay him n visit.
\|| <»f tl ••»»>, L«»wrvrr. at’rer«! to keep
watch on hh brl nlf nnd to »«nd him
word itnme»!iatelv they had rta»on to
frar hi» piSer « f rrfugr wn» in *!an-
jfrr of dl»r« very sn«l the time come
fur him tniB.vkrn final bolt.
tine «file w -itching g. « g learned of
the corning danger t<» the fugitive by
inrthmi* be >nw fit n«>t to lalk about,
.«nd carrle«'»ly »ent the »« r»nnt of hi*
|«Mlging» t«» < -»piitrb a wire t<« another
of the allie* ir. Edinburgh, t«» the ef­
fect tbut bi» aunt wa* dead. Tbr be-
rented ncpLrw mattrrrd hl* grief IA
far n» t«» in turn «!l»pateh n wire ac-
•oropnnird by n telegraph nmneyr <»r-
•1er. to a h«»»tler in the city <f L<’i»-
i|«»n. drGrliig him to »cud half a dozen
black tic« to a ghvu ad«.re»* without
delay. Thr art id« *. w »-re duly taken
to the grutlmtan in retirement by nn
un»u?|MM’ting ««rmnd L< y. and thr
trick w»»* «a»nc. E»r ry appurt ntly in-
*ignillrant detail wa» a | art <»f ft pre­
arranged «-•»««»•. Th«* firm »rmiingtl c
tir», their number nnd c» lor all con-
»««yr»! a him to th«-’‘t»« n m«u»t Inter-
r*tc«l a» t» tin* >ul. -1 tiwrtlr • f flight,
the hr-1 port ut which I«» attempt em­
barks lion. and the very >trcvt in
which lir wa» to jo*tle against a Mip-
p«»*r<! stranger who was to »urrepti-
li »u»ly trantfrr to him n «torr of
nu’iiry ami l i* pn»*ngr counter-foil*,
whirl, luid been taken under a fular
N“thing la to«» elaborate or ingrn-
iomly nudaciou* t«» men playing n
game thr I«»** <f which mean» penal
»ervltudr to them Inn midland town
lhed in lordly style und tl r <’d««r <f
<»uter r« *j • ctabiliîy a p<-r>« i who was
strongly ■usprelrti < f bring in league
with n gang of “»mashers" that i«.
coiners wl «» air«» «;i*pored < f »bam
foreign note* and did «piite a brisk
w«»rthless reruritics.
There wn* no «loult that, while ih«\
were all »cnttrre«l about the country,
their «»prration* w < i »« being <!ir«-etrd
by a master mind, whom ^he authori­
ties hn«l n«» moral d« ul»t was idemic:.l
with the cfcrein t»t i«-i < ' l ” nt t man,
who may be railed Smith. Sir th was
never to be seen in dubious c< n nnny.
nnd the postman never br<-ught him a
letter which he wa* not willing to af­
fably sh» w to anybody. For mmtlis
thrrr came t»» Smith’s h» use rirry
morning n young milkman with' a
p’ariil smile and a shiny brow <>f inno-
r»«ncr. II«« had set himself nn to ex­
plain to hl» eustomrr* generally with
a legacy left to him by his unclr. and
every morning hr bnm’rd a quart ran
<»f milk in at Smith’s area door nml
rvery morning Smith’s illegal corre-
spomlen«'»« was hing nt the bottom of
that quart cnn in n metal l x. nnd the
»tout Cook who took it in (for npprnr-
tiners arc •h. ckingl.v deceitful) was
one <'f thr most iviol nnd de ring of nil
Smith’s t<H'ls. while thr milkn an was
another. Th«« “smashers” had >et him
up in btHines.* -imply anti solely that
they might ha»»« an innocent address
to which to send th«' missives It was his
duty to deliver.
Willful Romsn.
I lull, corner e.utt of the Batik, every
■i.»i nmLH **W**1*I
............... — —
m . >-rrzGi:it u.n.
I’ I VMtlcilG
• I.no l’*r 1 . . r.
Mi« Mouth« 7.1 Ont*.
V < •Mihrwu», • m IIH i ai|i| *i<M*a*r«
Grove's signature is on each box.
After th»« <>l»l gentleman had invited
th«' young on«' to K' sc;;t«<l th«' latU'r
coughc«l one«« or twice torlc: r bis thnmt
and tlM«n bluntly Migg»«tc»l
Migjrvwt«! t.liiul.
that lie
wishol to marry tl» old gvilUenmn a
Th«' ohl grntlrmnn didn’t, w’udi to be
to»» ready to give his eoiuscnL but Im
ndni*Ht«'«l’after n few nvnutcaof thought
tluit I m « had m» objecti.»ns.
“Thnt’s j«ist th«« trouble," proteate.l
the young vian. dw»c<»n»olnt ‘ly. "If
you’d only oppom* it nn«l ortk«r me out
of tlm h<»usc one«'<»r twkv nnd buy :»
bulhlog I’d l av«' s«»mr show of getting
her." ( hicn£o Pcx L
Oar Short I.|»t <ry i I nil of l.mnpH »
uf Slrntul l.pldrijjir«.
Turning non to the An.
icakulint r» rinbl< Mthr K brew, Ixjth
ill busln»
ability an»I irllgioUMnrMM, v*»
find Mr-i.d *uggt *ti'H) v.oiking in him
on u Inigir uj.<! grander s<ul«-. The
; : li !ii? m ’g Kb.r. and the
r bort lihlory of hh- f ntionul existence I*
full of ir.Mtr active » a*»*N if mental ep*
«If hib*. A fi v< ir sUinccN v. ill, | < i Laps,
suffice fur oi:r pur|»o»c.
Al the beginning uf th«- present cen­
tury a mania uf r» 1 cim. . revival rtwept
over tin- « «»ntin» nt of r»<;rth< rn America,
and re«eh<»<! it a u«*u;»* in tb’- carnpinert-
iry:» of th*« “Kentucky rvivaU." Th»«
first rump in«rting in J <r.tu»i.y %%;»«
Lehi at Cabin < r<« k. nn«l emit I nurd four
days arid thrc<* nigh!“. The s «newar
awful b»-;,» nd dt rcriptluij. Tb * preach
ing. the pruyin;;, th»-Ming ng. t hr Fhout-
lug. the Mibbing, the fitr of ronvulMionx
math* of the ramp a (Mindemnniure.
Kcllgioim *uggrNlioii himju uffecteil
the ¡»He crowd of Rprctaturs, ami
neted with riich vir.iler.ee tluit those
who tried to «-M»’ajc were cither «trtick
by cuutulslona on the way. or irnp»ne>l
t< return Ly some unknow n, lrr« sistible
|X>tt«-r. Th«* contagion «pread with
gnul rapidity ar.«l «pared neither ag *
nor sex.
Th* camp meeting of Ir.dinn Creek.
Harrison «*ounty. I»» especially iafcrert-
‘.rig and instructive for its Lring'ng
clearly to light the trrrii.lc power of
t.uiet and orderly. Th« rr v. nx, of ecu»*-«,
u good dial of praying, singing ar«I
?b<>ut.ng. but still nothir .’ extraordi­
nary ociurrtd. The *ugt’’ .»tim . Low-
L*i«*r. di»i rot fail torurne.cml 1b.: t ’n.e
it wu* glv«-n by n child. A ’«»y of 12
mounted n log. ar.<! raising h:s voice. !x»-
gnn to | reach, la a few mrrr er.ts b»
l»r«*ame lte<xu»trr< f th«» r ’ * i u mob.
"Thu* () *. tim-rs.” h” ? bout« »1. “sbnBynu
drop into hell, unless you f jtst .! 'your
* n« m.d turn t » tb ■ Ixird!" At tb.*.t
moment «ome one fell to the ground iu
«’Onvu! Jomi, r.r.d
on the whole i.iob
was »tru r;-l ng. wriggling, writhirr
nnd “j<rkiug." In ron e «nrnp
ingS th« religious i :ob too. to »ianriag.
nr.tl al last to I ark5ng I he dogs. Mm.
women and children errum« <1 the post­
ure of dog*, moving m all fours, grow­
ing, snupping the teeth and barking.—
i*«orh» Sidis. In Century.
He Alao Preserve«» the r<a<-e and l'rotc<ta
Trope r:y.
•‘Brigandage is still rampant i:»
n« »xiy rural districts in Italy.** sai»l Dr.
Ravogli. tbr rcsHh'Di Italian consul, ta
an Enquirer rvprv.’.cntativr recent!;
•’From ad'icvs I receive oecii'sioiijii J %
I keep in touch vith h»ur.<* affairs, aivi
a letter from a friend in Trieste »•on-
Iniiifl a t< fer« nc • to Tiburzi, one of the
mint piclun »¡ue of these frceLcotcr ».
Tibufti is about 4s. At the iMginning
nt his career i»e
us Lnd as othcis
of the sumo locution iu life; in lili-
he ivr. w caught, convicted of highivai
tobb« rv ard murder, ami sentenced to
ini prison me nt for life. Ke escaped in
1374 nml took refuge in u woo»! near
\ iterbo, where In lived in security, in
Apitc of 17 u r.rrants nml a lai ’■ervv. ard
for his urn st. The reason of this s<
curity is simple * nough. lie was goo»!
•o th»« poor any ¡»vasant in r.cvd of
help could always get a gold coin from
Tiburzi—and h»* punishctl traitoi*.
( onsetjucii?»y the pe.oant: were read,
tn assist him against the police or
government emissaries, and those v. ho
i ouhl willingly haie given informa
t.on were afraid to do so.
“After his cscaj ■ Tiburzi altered hi;
method of gaining a living.
caused it to U« ¡..ad»' known to all the
well-to-do people in the district that if
they paid him an annual contribution
he wo’ih not irt'rfere wit ii i‘iein, am!
would protect them from molestation
by others. It was considt-re»I advisa­
ble to agree, ami Tiburzi has been for
years in receipt of a large income, cne
man alone laying him £ 150 a year
Crim»* hr.- considerably diminished in
the district; the smaller fry »‘are net
molest Tiburd’s proteges, for he i
Still a good shot with his English re
penting rille. Tiburzi dors what tin
government cannot do; he collects
taxes without trouble' and he keep
don n crime.
“It must not I h « supposed that lie
hides in tiic woods all day. lie cnn
nail; about the whole district v ithovl
fear of capture, ard he lives in good
style, lie goes to Koine s»^metim*‘s.
presumably in disguise, and lias even
ix«rn abroad. Will he ever In' ar
rt strd? Time alone will tell.’’—Cin­
cinnati Enquirer.
Min i unemployv»l ia r.iiiul unvnjoye.l.
— Bovee.
They that stand high have many
blasts 1»» shake them. Shakespeare.
Let not anyone say that, he cannot
govern hi* passions.- L»x*ke.
The greatest miah rtune of all ia not
to In' able to bear misfortune.—-Dins.
The mi ml grow s narrow in propor­
tion» :w< the soul grows corrupt, llous
A poet must ru'ed be before his
own ng»* to be even with ixwterity.—
Th»' coward reckons himself cau­
tions; the miser thinks him; . If frugal.
Oregonian anil lien s, *2.00.
II.. Old
Threw It Awe.
and Wn.ld %..« Tour» It
Thou liar 1s Tiare Kidney Trouble
and Don’t Know It.
How To riod Out.
Fi’d a I . Ic or c<. men glass with your
water a.«d ki it stand twenty ( > r hours; a
sediment or set-
tling mdicaics an
- a unhealthy condL
, ( ‘ tion of tl»e kid­
neys. it it stains
your linen it Li
e/ldence of kid­
ney trouble ; too
frequent cesire to
pais tt or pain in
tiic back ia abo
convlnrung pm f that the kidneys and blad­
der are out of order.
A «t‘»ry is told <»f I’ncle Washington
Harm, »»nv of “Mar»r (lav'« niggers
afnrr de war* who remained on the
plantalion nfter 1 wa* -» t free. Hr
won con«i»lere«l a p»iwer among the
negroes, bring «oirrwhat of a local
preacher, say» tl»«- Xrw York Tribune,
but he said: “!’*»• j»«t a exhortioner
*m«»ng dr congregation ”
Once when Uncle “W.x*h” waa “ei-
hortl»»nin(* *mong de congregation."
the Ku Klux raenc after hint. and. as
What to Do.
the old man hiirrir»!ty lent nn exit
There is comfort in the knowledge so
through a window. <»nc < f th»* Ku Khix often eapressed. that Lir. Kilmer s Swamp
g »t II «• lad of hi- I’rirvAlbert coat, Hoot, the . rcat k me/ remedy L..fills every
that “Mar»«* (’lay" had given him. nnd wish in cjjing rheumatism, pain in the
which the old dnrk»*v wan very proud back, kidney*» liver. L.aàicr and every part
of. From that time t’nclr “Wash" al- .( t.;e unary pas age. It corrects Inability
r and scalding pain in passing
v.iy* carrir«! an old long barreled to ho! !
it, or n 1 effect.» following use cf liquor,
wine or bee , and overcomes that unpleasant
The n« 'jrlibor« were in the habit < f necessity « f beir.g compelled to go often
meeting at nigh: at “B»»b“ Clay’s coun­ d ;r
ti e day, and to get up man/ times
try vt- r»* to tell yarn* .and talk about d .i
«he night. The miid and the extra-
the crops. T’ncle “Wash" anti sev­ erd . uy cfb I cf Swamp.Root i.i soca
eral otb« r rU co|ore«l n / n. were al­ r a .. ed. It sta ids the h ghest for its won-
ways nrrnent silting on nail krga a ! d^-. fui cures < t the most digressing cases,
r«”.-pretahie ¿ietance bchin<! “<’e white if you nc~ i a med;cme you should have the
best Sold by druggists in 50c. <nd$i. sizes.
f«»lk*. to 1 « ■»r dr vnrns “ On 1hr«e <«r-
You may have a sample bottle cf thU
casii’t«* l’r« > “W' -h” always left hi* wonderful
gun in the rear of the store.
■ and a book that telis
One night “Bnck” Allen, who nexer • more about it. both sent
wa* tired of playing foke* on the <dd I absoiu.ely free by mail,
lire.» Lr. Kimer Ac
man. g« t hi* gon. nnd. nfter drawing
the shot fr««m It. loaded it with pow- ; Co.. li.nghamt n. U. Y. When writing men­
<l?r ni'il phovphnrntis wood n« wad­ tion reading lais generous offer tn this paper.
ding. then another I.«ad < f pewder an»1 I Don’t mak* anv miotak», Lnt rrmem-
more »»h*,*plior»»»;., wo « m !. r*r>ceting » r the r am«-, >*watnp-K«>< t. Dr. Kilmer's
this till there w rrr several Ion»’« of
wump-Root, and the addretm, Bingham­
powder and wood in the gut . mfriml’''*
down the la*t charge <»f r« ««d»«- witl ton, N. Y.. on every tutt.’e.
. 7» extra ’ ng piece « f wood. “¡’••< k”
drnnoed a coal on it and went back
to hi* seat.
K aiser W ilhelm sits for his photo­
If phosph« mil? wood in Hghfe«1.tl»e
fire will eat very «Inwlv through it. graph about once a week.
and act xi*a fuse. I'ndr “Wn*h“ took
T he : alary and expense allowance of
up hi* gon nnd started home, nnd w.na I*rv: ident Caaimir-l’erier is 32MK0UO
seversi hundred yards fr« m the store per year.
when the spark renche«! the first
I t is estimated that f<»reign stocks
charge <»f n<-wder . r«! »•xnl«,«’»’»l it. amounting to $3.^ are held in
which g*ea*!v per’ ’« xed the ol»1 man. Great Britain, and the interest receiv­
b»it hr attribute«! it to an accident. able u[x»n them S14Y.000.009 per annum
When the src»>nd expl “»on occurred
I t is said that one of Lord Coleridge’s-
he fell « n hi* kne< * an»! pray ed, but peculiarities was hi* habit when on
when tve third ram* hr threw thr gnn circuit of strolling ramd the court ta
from h’m Into th* bush*« nr«T ran for keep himself awake. This «vas a ire-
drnr Ffr.
As Vrclr “Wn<h” bn-sf qnent practice of his when sitting late
¡n the fr< »• t do« r
the c—«ternatw'n to finish a case, and was extremely
of hi- wife. .-r. I fell «n’-'wling on the disconcerting to the counsel who hap­
<*“or. I «.’• eri.-nllv moving, he heard pened to be addressing him.
th* ln«t rE-irgp explode.
L ondon has an annual average rain­
I’ncle ’*W '*h“ • «o t«r »vent back f< r fall of but twenty-fire inches; Paris,
his gun. and could never he convinced twenty-two inches: Manchester, thir
“speeretb” were r ♦ in that "ole tur- tv-six inches, and Edinburgh thirty
kee gun," and that it wns not be­ eight inches, while Boston show
forty-six inches. New York forty-fiv,
inches. Philadelphia forty-one inches,
and Chicago thirty-six inches.
A n eminently practical German sei
Sonic of Thera Are Kv<-orde<l in the Annals
of Dumnow Town.
entist is said to have applied a mil-.:
Dvmnow. in E ex county. England, current of electricity to a swarin of
has been bring ng it -clf before the pub­ bees, quickly causing them to fall t
lic again by a rev.val of its tl.tch-of- the ground in a stupefied conditi« i
bacon ceremony. Dumnew ought to be The bees could be . afely handled whi’.
able to furnish some answers to the in this condition, and if the electric."
great question of‘how to be happy current were not too strung, no injury
th ugh married. It is the place when was don»« to them.
it was once the custom to reward anti
promote cor jugal felicity I y giving a
Hitch of bacon to the couple who. after
T iifke is a twin crystal of emerald ir
a year of matrimonial experience, St. Petersburg seven inches long. f »u-
could swear that they had not once re­ broad and weighing four-and-a-ha
gretted entering the estate commended pounds.
of St. Paul to be honorable. It appears
that even the pious prior of Dumnovr.
The use of argon for h gli tempri;»-
who instituted the custom hundreds of ture th?imometrr has been pro|»osetì.
years ago. had certain modern, scep­ as the new gas appears to offer advan­
tical noth ns alw nt the success of mar­ tages over hydrogen and nitrogen gen­
riage. Apparently he was of the opin­ erally employed.
ion that there would seldom be many
Docket stoves for policemen are tb*
claimants for the prize.
latest. They weigh only a few ounces,
The number of candidates who filled and ibrt firm that builds them says that
the conditions have not Veen many in they will make th* force comfortab!
the whole hist< rv of Dumnow. am! the
in v int*r w eat her.
presentations of the tliteli af Lacon
A recent development in the us» oT
have been few and far between. But
♦ his year Hum now revived the custom, steel in (he buildings is in the line ol
and two couples received the award ceilings. >h»'rts of thin steel an.pci
due to those who marry and do not re­ with appropriate ornamentai «ksigr.
gret it. One was a Dublin magistrate ar»' subs: (nted for plaster.
A French scientist has »’ ' overr *
and his wife ami the other a railror.d
It is ca.
servant and his wife, from Hertford­ how to sdidify ¡Htroleun
the r.vv
shire. The jury was ct ir.posed of six culnt.»! «hat a single ton
• •al. •:
maidens and six young bachelors, and fuel is c«;uivalent to 20 tor
after th»» trial an operatic cantata. is smokeless, non-odoioi
“Ye Dumnoiv Flitch,” was performed.
The oath which the winners of the
flitch have to take is enough to deter
many from proclaiming their married
happiness to the world.
After the
trial, which takes the form of ques­
tions ami answers iu the presence of
the assembled multitude, the oath is
administered to the happy pair while
“ I was very poorly «nJ .
they kneel upon two hard, pointed
i V
hardly get about the hoi.-.
iocks.—N. Y World.
tired but all the time. Tl
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, r.r
Cmi . F. M. Ar.TiiVR’s real estate in
took two bottles to ms'
('leveland is assessed at $!.*>,G50, and
perfectly well." Mrs. b
w< rth about SS*».(MM).
nev, Princeton. Mo.
Tin: French duchess d’Uzes is said to
repair every Friday morning, in mean
clothes, to a canver hospital: where she
Tired when y<
replav ' * an iniirinary servant till late
in the evening.
T iie emperor of Germany drinks
nothing but Mexican coffee, and a
w hy ?
year's supply is sent to him fri'.n a
pure, that s the k
plantation in the state «■( Michoacan.
\ large Gorman »• d< ny tlu rv lias liecn
cultivating c. l»ve for many years.
T he ameer of Afghanistan is writing
his aiitobii'gr.iphv. The b»x.>k will deal
with the whole of Abdurrnhm □
lvahn'« career from cliildlio / his
cured. t:
family quarrels, his going to Kus: in.
his rule, etc- Given the posu?s. i >n of
Ask yonr doctor wb*t he
fl iraapanlU. H* know* a ' “
a fair literary ability, the ameer’s
old fnmiW medicine. Follow Ina »...
book ought to I e inter.', ting.
Tired Ou-
when ■
living c
border line
haustion. Take