Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, May 02, 1903, Image 3

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L IL linger, a teamster in the
employ of th«' Pacific Live Htrxjk
Coinpanv, n.«'t hi« death li»t Xlon-
ulrout 25 mile« from the White
Hoi»” ranch, while or hi« return
from Winnemucca, Nevada, with
Huppliea. The particulars as we
learn tham are that Rager win try­
ing to couple up th” trail wagon
the tc.im Is'iug driven bv a helper,
and failing le« head wa« crushed
between thu wagons, death being
¡■■«'.ant. The remain« were brought
to Burn« by Foreman L. F, An-
drew« und two employes of the
White Horse ranch, they arriving
here XVednosday morning. The
decuasctl wa» about 28 years of
age mid was a niemlxtr of the Odd
Fellow» l.odge, under whose aus­
pice« the funeral look place Thurs­
day morning at 10 o’clock, and the
remain« laid to rest in the Burns
Jorgensen is »till to thu front
with low prices, ('all and «e« his
line uf watclie«, clocks, jewelry,
Bargain« at J<>rgen«en'«.
•tatioiierv. etc.
Oregonian and hum«. <2 00
Dav« Newman has quit the em­
Jam«'« F. Malmn wax a viaitor
ploy of th« Company and ia «pend­
Our Spring line of goods will «non he on display. Call and
McMullen th. photographer op- ing u few «lay« in Burn«. Dave In­
form« us that h” will leav” in a few
see u* and get our prices Quality of good» the highest; prices
poxitn the bank.
«lays for Albertu. British <Columbia,
the lowest and «eeing is believing.
Mi»» Ellul liiiin«'«, of Hurni'y,
to look over that country with a
is visiting in Burn«.
view of locating.
Geo. Water« is absent on a bu«i-
n«w« trip to Portland.
Big ri'd'iclioii in I,ndie»' and Chil­
Boro, to the wife of Emil Baker dren'« street ixaiH mid Children's
ill Burna April 27, P>03, a daughter. trimmed hats. Don’t overlook one
Of prescription« ie no child's play
Grunt Ke«ter«on is ill al hi« of thu greatest bargain» ever offered
It require« cuiiaeixiitio i« <.Mre and
home in south Burna with «potted in Burn». Call at the huinu of
•«curate knowledge of drug« ami fever.
Mr». G. XV. Cummins.
their relations to each other. XV«
J. R. Robertson, of Druwsey, who
lake •n honest pride in th« purity
of our drug«, ai.d the «kill umi u<- down from their home on Trout is general manager of the Abner
Robbin «'State, in Harney county,
cuiaey with which wo compound creek.
William Clark, the Luwen mer­ arrived Tuesday, to meet hi« wife,
horn on your physician's order.
Graduate* of the School are in constant
chant, waa in the city on busin«’»« who has been visiting in Portland.
demand at salaries ranging from *40.00 to
*100.00 per month. Strident« take the
Mr« R o I mt I soii arrived XVednesday
Circuit Court.
state eaaminatiunt during their course
Xli and Mr» Junie» Turner were and they will visit here u few days
in the school and .are prepared to receive
in hum their home »outh of Harney before returning home.—Ontario
II- W. WKU <»MI. A < <>.,
Following are the cases disposed
State Certificate« on graduation.
Expense« range from *120.00 to *175.00
of. Continued from last week.
per year.
Mr». G. XV. Cummin« made a
F.qffTY noesrr.
Frank Gowan, of Burns, arrived
Strong Norma! course and well equip­
It ip to Drewsey thi» week with in town Sunday, evening from that
J. D. Billingsly vs. I’ucific Live
ped Training Department
millinery good«.
city and »|x-iil the night with Stock Co. el als, suit to quiet title.
The fail term opena^Nept. 10.
For ca’aiogue eentaining full informa­
'I ho« Stephtn» ia home after a friend», taking hi« departure Mon­ Decree in favor of plaintiff and
H IH'KIHY. >1 tY ? |w .1
tion, address
y< ar'a alisene« which ho spent day inorning for Salem where he judgment for costs.
or J B V.’Butler, See'v
A. Mirando vs. Ed Carlson, tres­
inoaily in Idaho.
will attend rchool this summer.
Il'« a real pleasure to wear the
| Frank Paul lia« gone to the Say- H«' will make the trip a« fur us the pass ; continued.
lln« tilting clothes made bv Strau««
Chas. Altschul vs. C. A. Sweek
ere « iwmill, where he ha, employ­ Dall«'» on a bicycle—Canyon City
tiro* , America'« Leading Tailor«,
and James A. Sparrow, suit to quiet
ment for the summer.
Chicago They're ro r«n- iliald« in
Mr ami Mr» W. I). Martin and
The Burns-Canyon City stag«- title; continued.
prii'ea too
Itobinron A U niton,
Joel Sturtevant ve. Katherine
twin daughter«, of Harney, were line chuiig« d to summer schedule
will take vour order.
divorce: taken under
visiting in town Tuesday.
yesterday. Th«* stage will now
W. E. 7BI3CS. Treprieter.
Stoddard Bros.' «awmill nt Bak<-r
City «»< alnrikt entirely destroyed
Eva L. Thompson vs. John F
place« in on«* day, leaving Burns
by fire laat Friday morning. The tron as c>ok by lady ; ranch pre*
divorce; decree as
Tuesdays Thursday« and Satur-
I >•« is eat mint'll at <|O,i»»>, arul
dat«. and arriving Mondays, XVed- prayed fur.
Drinks mixed to suit your taste. Courteous treatment guarantee
fifty mill employes are thrown out
James Ballou wa» confined to nesdays and Fridays.
Robert George vs. I), Jameson,
of employment The mill will be hi« home a lew dava this week
contest of election cdlice ot city
IL Y. Blackw< ll, the well known marshall; dismissed at plaintiffs Your patronage Solicited.
with an attack of la grippe.
cattie.nan, ia spending a week or
A. Kan««« man sent th« follow­
R J McKinnon, f ireman of the i two iii the city. He ha* llMM) head cost.
XV. D. Hanley vs Chas. Nelson,
ing testimonial to a patent medi­ 1 >iiim<in'l ranch, was in town
of cattle on the road from Harney trespass ; decree in favor of plain­
cine company, says the liemocrat several day» duriug the week
county, which will be «hipped from tiff and judgment fur costs.
•’Dear Sir Mv wife took a bottle of
Circuit Co irt adjourned XVed- Huntington about the 1st of May.
H. M. Horton vs. Etta Horton
your medicine and died
I not
married again, please send me an­ neadsy. The c««ee disposed of Tins will be the first large cuttle divorce, decree as prayed for.
will be found in another column.
shipment from here this season.— Question of property rightB waived.
other bottle."
J. L Sitz,one of Lawcn’abusinc»« Huntington Herald.
Custody of Mervin II. Horton
Austin Craig, postmaster at XVhit-
was «loing business in the
I. N. Hughet is in from his home | awarded to plaintilT and judgment
liey. ha« been arrested on a charge
at XVariu Springs today. He in­ fur costs and disbursements.
of embezzlement; Th” arr<»tcainv county »eat the first uf the week.
Louis XX’oldenberg, Sr. vs Chris
about a* the remit of an indict-
Mr. and Mr» Robt. Irving, of forms us that Mrs. Hughet a few
accounting. Taken under
m«nl returned Lv the federal grand Harney, were over last Saturday
jury. It is alleged Craig took <72. tn attend a ui.« ting of the Re- ■ the death of her father, George advisement.
Pfordt. al Pittsburg. Penn , March
.It) from a registered letter.
Bank vs Geo Shel­
William Quinn, a wealthy stock-
Janies Sampson has gone out to
man of Malheur county, died at the White Hors«' ranch to take Al«ace, France. January 13, 1834, ley and L. B. Springer, attach-
his Lome near X ale, April iMli. «■barge < f one of the Company's big and emmigrute I to America when me: ' Settled by L. B. Springer
young. He leaves a wife and five ami dismissed.
He came to thia section in IM-M), freight team«.
John Clark A Sons vs John XV.
< *f th« latter, Mrs.
and engaged in mining and stock-
S XV. Gould nnd Charley Craw­
attachment. Continued.
raising He was I'-'minted one of ford, of Harney, arrived from the
Citizens Bank vs. Geo.
the cattle king» of Ea tern <*r< gon railroad XV taint »«lay with freight
J>helky, attachment, default of
Successors to R. A. Miller <fc Co.
He was ti l years of age
The commencement exercises of|
for Burns Merchants.
defendant entered. Judgment as
th«* Citizens Business College was
The jackrabbit canning industry
Th«' Women of XX ooilcrafl anni-
prayed for and iirder for sale of
of Echo. Oregon, lit«« been incur wreary ball Tuesday evening ; wits held Monday, Tuesday ami XV’ed-
attach'd property.
jairaied under the name of Am. -ri u plca«ant social affair and a BUC- nesdny evenings of this week
Biggs A- Biggs vs. C. XV. Rann,
XValter Calkins won th« gentle­
can Hare A Cold Storage Co , «ays cess in every particular.
attachment. Judgment mid order
men's oratorical contest and Mias
tne Pendleton E..»t Oregonian.
Supt. John Gilchrist, was in Vivian Hendricks, of I.awen, the of sale of attached property.
The incorporators are IL C. XX illis.
Fredrick C. Cook vs. Janus
Burns a fvw days last week, being ¡ young ladies' contest for the best
XV. H Boyd and E. Ripper, and
on a tour of the Company ranches essay, her subject being “All is Not Simmons, ejectment, dismissed at
the capital stock is placed at
plaintitTf cost.
in thia and Malheur counties.
I Gold That Glitters." The gradti- ¡
Jorgensen will dispose of his en­ ates receiving diplomas were: i XV. I.. Jackson vs R. V. Jai'kson,
Mr D I’. Daugherty, well known
slot k of wn' .'lies, clocks, jewel­ 1 Walter Calkins, Frank O. Jackson, i continued from October term for
throughout Mercer and Summer
IxMiks and stationery al Claud Smith and Lester Hamilton. ! service. Default and judgment
counties, XV. X a . most likelv owes
and order for sale of attach« «1 prop-
lie means business. Cull
Ilia life to the kindness of a neigh-
| erty.
lair. He wa» almost hopelessly af­ moi see him for bargi-ins.
dustry in some parts of L'tali.j Guy Hembree vs. G. XV. Hardes­
flicted with diarrhoea ; was attend­
Idaho and Eastern Nevada may ty, attachment. Continued for the
ed bv two physician» who gavenim restaurant utensils and furniture of ! well cause alarm among the flock ■
I term for service.
little, if any, relief, when a ueigh- Mr Mitchell nnd has hail it moved masters, says the Salt Lak«' Herald. |
Guv Hembree vs. Otto Hardesty,
ls>r learning of his serious condi­ to th«’ building hack of the Capitol I The deadly disease known as
as above.
tion, brought him a ¡xittleof Cham­ sale m where he will open a restau- i osteosarcoma, or "big head," has ■
Chas. Altschul vs. Chas. Miller,
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ . rant.
' mu«!«' its appearance among the ’ ejectment. Default and judgment:
rhoea Remedy, whit’ll cured him in
The new sheep shearing machine , animals, and the result is that they all damages waived; no judgment
less than twenty-four horns, For will begin operation over on the are «lying by hundreds, in some
for costs.
sale by IL M Horton, Burns; Ered Devine Flat about the middle of | cases bv thousands. Comingas it
Chas Altschul vs. J O. Bunyard,
Haines, Hurney.
tne month. The parties owning does, on the heals of n particularly I ejectment. Continued on former
the machine have 40,(MM) head hard winter, the outlook for the
S tati : of O hio ,Cm ,.r Tm fix » >
miller contract to shear.
sheepmen is decidedly discourag­
Li si as Cot STY.
Chas. Altschul vs. J. XV. Shown
Mr. llemmcr and family, of ing in the atllicted localities mid it A. F. B. George; Robt Irving
Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that
, v*
lie is senior partner of the firm of Stockton, California, were arrivals is hoped that the disc ise will not Emmet Clark; Sarah E, Martin
>1 ' ’ • *
F. J. Cheney A Co , loing business in Burns this week where they will spread to other sections.
J. XV. Buoy, el als. Same as above.
in the City of Toledo, Com 'v mid locale permanently. Mr. Hemmer
The Canyon Citv Eagle bus re­
Stomach I rouble.
State aforesaid, and that said firm is a painter by trade and is Il, ceived from John Herbtirgtr, of
for your new Fall garments. It is the only proper
“I have been troubled with toy
will pay the sum of One Hundred rein live of Mrs. J. F. Mahon of Skagway, Alaska, u copv of the
and satisfactory way of buying your clothes.
stomach for the past four years,"
Dollars for each mid every case of Anderson valley.
Make your selection from the tailoring line of
Daily Alaskan, published in that savs D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook
Catarrh thill cannot be . tired by
Ex County Judge James A city, which gives an account of the
thu use of Hall's Catarrh Cine.
Sparrow is in receipt of n letter death id Chis. H. DeXVitt, who Farm, Greenfield, Mass. “A tew
Good tailors for over a quarter century.
Frank .1. Cheney.
(Tom Geo Dunsmore from his home died nt XX'illard Parker hospital in days ago I was induced to buy a
You’ll find a world of pleasure in wearing the
Sworn to before me mid subscrib­ near Rice Station, Benton county, New X’«>rk city on April 14, of I k > x of Chamberlain’s Stomach mid
clothes made by Strauss Bros —faultless in style,
ed in my presence, this Bill day o Minnesota, in which he says that simillpex. He hud gone to that Liver Tablets. I have taken part
fit, finish and materials. They’re so much better
December, A. D Issii.
his mother is very low and not ex­ city on business connected with of them and feel a great deal better."
If you have any trouble with your
the ordinary run of clothes, yet prices are
A. W Gle««on.
pected to recover.
his mining opeiations in Alaska. stomach try a box of these Tablets.
Notary Public.
astonishingly low and you’re perfectly safe in
Mr. DeXVitt was a former pioneer , You are certain to be pleased with
ordering, because if garments arc not satisfactory,
Burns, and a man widely known , the result. Price 2-5 cents. For
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in­
you needn’t t ike them. We will be pleased to
throughout Eastern Oregon. He sale by IL M. Horton. Burns: Fred
ternally. and nets directly on th« Rushford or XVehber Farm Bed
snow you samples—Call
went to Alaska during the first
blood ami mucous surfaces of the Wngo11 ;
Haines, Harney,
rush to the Klondike an«l went in­
lij Steel Skein <85.00
system. Send for testimoniuls. free.
to the packing business. After ! Bnn th«
“ S
F J. Clu noy A Co., I oledo, <).
I tn0
ha R|IUI
Kind I Veti
Hava Atwars C Bought
the railroad was built he followed
3 1 „
Sold by all Druggist, 7 >c.
Hall’s Family Pill* are th« b« «t ( Send your orders to us, 0. C. Co mining amt acquired a competency.
Local and General.
Proper Compounding
Lunaberg & Dalton
Burns Drug Store
The Capital Saloon
Miller & Thompson
p r
Have your measure taken
Strauss Bros., 1877 Chicago