WEEDS PRODIGAL WITH HIS Consumption is a human u "Ctl flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it’s easily destroyed while young; w hen old, sometimes im­ possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak l.tnd and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork i« gtxxl too, but it is very hard to digest The time to treat consump­ tion is when you begin trying to hide it front yourself. Others see it. you won’t. Don't wait until you can’t deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought to take Scott’s Emulsion. If it isn’t really consumption sc much the better; you will soon forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump. tion you can’t expect to be cur?d at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat­ ment you will win. Scott's Emulsion, fresh air. rest all you can, eat all you can. that s the treatment and that’s the best treatment. lx» IVtit Sucricr bn* found a «»•<*»• «or in St. IVieraburff. lie i* Max II . hi« age i« -2« hi« pocket utou« y 2.0U0, tMM) rubles, and the «curve of hi* rvv rnuv i« a»i««e*tnil trade. The upecial form of < xtraxagsinev which he na» made popular among the golden youth who «o 'tM*vdil\ molt their golden plum.igv 1« th«* bvggara’ t -ippcr. It i* a banquet of extreme*, «ay« the 1 all Mall (■a-elte. a gathering of the tin-' ttower of e picked up in the street* of St. IV- tersburg. lie lately paid 1.000 ruble* to a well-known gambling estabbsh- ■ueut for the exclusive u . m - of their *u Ions on one particular night, lie then sallied out into the strrets and returned with hi« twggars’ opera. Then came tradesmen. brivging the richest dishes; inusieiau«, waiters, singers, the tsuuls of Cornua and a jury of 12 fair frailties, who were to decide w hut reivler had been the wildest and wit tiest iu the eieniug's retel. The meu dicant* reoeiietl gold and the ladies diamond*, aud the I hriatma* tree was plundered of it* pearl ami ruby bio- soni*. The beggar* nnd nymph* hailed Max Il a* one of the wonder* of the world, applavded will- loth hand* and atrvw-ed |«alm* on his returuiug path. Meanwhile, the family of this notable boyar are taking oJarui aud casting about vainly for a remedy. A gold cure ba. brvn fouud for the dis­ ease of drink, but who will give a cure for the disease of gold ? We will send you a little of the Eniul- sion free. r< «ure that thn pittar« ta tb« t trm o' a liucl ts vi th« wrapper of «very bo« t.« u4 kxuuAMoa yo«a buy. scorr & bowse . Chemists, 409 Pearl St.. N. Y cor and ft- ill drijgwtx. NOT IN ANY TRUST >. .nr nr vr« papers have lately <1 ven rtirrcnry tv rvports by irresponsible parth-a to Ibc effect THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO h.id entered a trust or combination; we wish to asaurv the public that there U hm frwffc in •uvh rvporu. We have been manufacturing •ewiug machine« for over a <| ua rt* r of a erntu- ry . an I have established a reputation for our- » vru and our machines that 1» the envy of all other«. Our ••.Vrsr Heme” machine ixas n ver been rivaled as a family mucliin«'.—It si :>«ls at the lieadofall High Grade «earing m t<-hints, and stands on lu oich ruenta. T’rr ** Xete Hontf ” ia the oaalg rtally H1GU GHA HE Searing HuchiHt on the market. It la not necessary for us to enter Into a trust to abv . our credit or pay any debts as we have Bo debts to pay. We have never entered into competition with manufacturers of low grade cheap mar bin«-« that are made to sell regard- kits of any intrin»ic merits. Du not be de­ ceived, a lien you want a M-wing ma<-liine don’t s> nd your money away from home; call on a •• .Vew Home ” Heater, he can sell you a better machine for ie«« than you can purchase el.sewhere. If there is do dealer near you, write direct lu us. THE NEWHOMESEWINGMACHINECO o orange :, mass Nvw Vork, Chicago. III., wt. Lout*. Mo.. Allan- ta, Ga., Dallas, Tex., Kan Francisco, Cai. TRY A a r H n THIS TRIP •eo rn-î rsajrryo»y 2oo yds Te«j«C^reT Me»'- - •« SS ,0^4« ..«.< with noise?** “He—popped— it.”— lirooklyn Life. Anevatry. My forebears In the Mayflower »ailed—" He rued the vain n mark. For Instantly responded «hr: "And mine «ailed in the ark " —Brooklyn iJfs. Send Fiv? Cents To-day f-’-t -7'» ec;yof rhe Htw I d « a W oman ’ s ars*« what treat va.u® far ire rr.cr.ey It can g./e you. the mew idea rrsLianiMo co • it Iml.iT JT. w Y.rk X Y A lVrhap« there is no gtrater strain “nv’RhlKit ly feeling“ than Ihtiqf next »loot to a poultty yard v!»»'*<• in luate« win » ullo^ctl to ”ruu“ uutkini; exrrvise ground of th« adjacent floret nnd vvgei.tbli’ garden«. A San Virg« young lady who v i« subject to this an­ noyance |Mdi‘ely naked her neighbor«, say* Youth'« itunpanion. to keep hi* peta at home. Sh. asked it aetrrul times, and «till no attention un« | mo «I to her gnvtance. Finally she hit up on uu ingvnioua method of protecting herself. She prepared grain« of roni by ty in« to them, »vith strong carpet thread, small cuin I n bearingthe'’l‘l«*a«v keep your cluekcn* nt home!*'and dis­ tributed the grain.» nlanit her tioocr bed*. The chicken« came to feast as usual, am! greedily swalh'ur»! th«' corn, not pervohing the thread until the can. wan against their jaw a. Then tney vNuikl neither swallow the eaixl nor rid thrmaelvcN of the *wallowed corn. Twenty or thirty of the marauders rau home, bearing the pt'litr requr»t to their cul|>ablr owner, who, struck with the metbval of th«' hint, promptly cut the threads and eoo|ic«l up the birds. Thi* was forcible, but a delicate hint upon a like offense on« conveyed from one aggrieve«! relative to auotlur where atnmger rueaaurra would luor been out of place. The suffering victim of hen« was taken ill. en«l th«» (»rrhaivi uu<»oiiaciou* offender slew his choicest bin!* nnd arnt to the invalid. The invalid feast­ ed thereon, nnd sent back a cteaaage of thank* to the effect, that the fowl waa delicious, und taated of her vlu fHEOroRlfc BUCK-DRAUGHT u | h » u tlinn » < ' v^ing ot th* bowel, .uni iit.llmiu l> ». Il *u vii*l ,1*^- natiun ur rriiiain in fi « ■ ««trtn. ll«> wonlll MK4I gel rtlivf. t'.>n,tq««ti< >• invìi«, all kiiui ,,t «■»•nt.xgii’ii. lba,l*«hr*. I iì I ìmi ,- un«, evl«l, an.l ii.xnv oliwr •li­ ni, ut» iiÌM|>|>*»r wlien cuna'.i- l«,w< 1« imrrlii v««i. Tli««l- i..rr»uglit lliorvuglily «lenii« out tini I hiuc I« in nn v<«v aii «1 naturai tuaniirr «itliout III* iiurumguf v *I« mim | or other vi«>. leni «athoriie«. He «Up. thnt uni get thè origi­ nili ’l'hmli.inl'* lllack-l'raug, I. ui.wk by 'Hi,. riiattunocxiA .Misii einet'o. Suiti b» *11 «Iruggi.t* III 23 cent and il ib |iock.tg<>*. ■urv»*. A,*., X.i fi, imi , Cnttr P M. A rtuvu ' s real estate hi Cleveland is assessed at St.V., and worth about 4*5.000. Tux French duchess ,1‘t’zcs is said to repair every Friday morning. In meau clothes, to a cancer hospital, wherv she replaces an infirmary servant till late in the evening. Tur emperor of Germany drink* nothing but Mexican coffee, and a year's supply is sent to him from a plantation in the state of Michoacan A lurgv German colony there has been cultivating coffee for many years. Tun ameer of Afghanistan is writing his autobiography. The tasik will deal with the whole of Abdurrahman Kahn's career from chit family quarrels, his going his rule. etc. Given the j> a fair literary ability, book ought to be interests Hi* Life Saud by I' Grease OU Ce. a -r radì ___ - _____ T M ar * a ’ rvv»« Sclcntlfic American. A hnn«.a«onely lllu«trat»*1 w»»eli1v. I jtrgt t rtr- ••uiali.Hi f any a» lottine B-urnal. Terma. |J a v«»«r I ur ftiontb». IL !h»Ì4 by all nrw*d«ii»r*. MUNN & Co.36"'»“"’ New York Ilraach Office. jte n and suppoMtorit-if will rot, p >i*itivelv cannot --do more lh 4«> »« ni .«k 11., ■ ■ >>»«<>»i«lr » ; filli« g «•■«rit h niattli'hl lini«, lit f ii H ì . r|r Snf» a, ril>r f.i tf .V, «tr, xr»n| u tur h«lr«f ropy fa»«l» !*;< ol« wnoiwl irt.d f«»r Irriti» Ntvliwlt. Rrh.iblr* Sifflplr, (,'|t f«» d ue, Ei »itiiiiiiK. «I .«itti A »••Miltiieljr Pct I«•«.•-F h min l’.tprr Paifrru«. $20 to $25 WEEKLY I t Our fee returned if we fail. Any one Betiding sketch and dcscri|>tion of any invention will promptly rcceivo our opinion free conoeniing t!>e patent­ ability of s.unc. "now to obtain a patent” sent upon roqueat. 1’aU-tiU secured through us advertised for sale nt our expense. l atent* taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in Titx 1’ 1I t x'T R xoohii , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, tuusulu-d by Manufacturers ami Investors. bend fur sample copy FREE. Address, OINTMENTS M A N AG E R W A N T EI )—Tru st- worthy lady or gentleman to man­ age business in thia County and adjoining territory for well and favorably known House of solid financial standing. <20.00 straight cash salary and expenses, paid each Monday by check direct from head­ quarters. Expense money ad­ vanced; (losition permanent. Ad­ dress. Thoma* Cooper, Manager, 1030, Caxton Bldg , Chicago. o ja.oTon.xA. F Mt^ Waahltmt. |>. c. PATENTS-GUARANTEED Truxtirorthy, either »ex. by Wholexnle M«;rchttn flled notice of bis Intention penBes advance«!. Experience un to make final prouf in support of hl* claim, aud that said pr'Mtf will be made before Register and necessary. Address, D. B. Clark' Receiver at Burns. Oregon, on June €. 19U3, son, Mgr., 334 Dearborn St. Chicago. viz Hd Entry, No. IMS.»! Il I IME WORK t'0. 214 Spring St. Seattle. Waxli. DraiGN» CowvRiaHTB Ac. Anyon* ••r.dtnic * «ketch and deMrrlMi» n bi » t quD-klT •»«‘•ttatfi «otr «ifMim u fr»« whethrr itiVMotixn !• pr-ihably patentMble < <-vi it nnlrt finn» «trii !ly «^itiOilentlai. Harvltwwik <« l'aleuta «<»i,t fre»». naetH-y f■ .r aeeuriUN pnt«Mta. Patente t«*«n thr« titrh Munti a < o . r«Kwtve WLkl h dite, WHh..uc chaftfr, la Dia Stop the Cough and Work otT the Cold. Work at your home. No canvasH- •ng. Work kgitmate and horora- ble. Addresx IF YOU ARE A FARMER -4 Manager Wanted U S. l*and office. Burns, Oregon, Apr. 21, 190!. Notice In hereby given thsi the following nsrnrd »ettlers ha* filed natire^nf their intention to make final pr xif in supportof tlieir claim and that »aid proof will be made *>efore Kegicter and Receiver at Burn*, Oregon, on May •A. 1MB. viz: William H Burnt. Hd Entry No 1442. for D»ta 2. 7 and N, and ths NE' 4KE'4, Ser T, 2T.. K. U K. W M. North ot Malheur Lake. Kdna Kone Venator, now Vanderpool, ii.i Batry n -. MM, tor tM MB v m i Lots I and 5, Bee. R, and ix>t»2ai’id 3. Sec. 'J, 1 2C • R 2 F W M. North of Malheur Uke Ther name the following witne»*«ta tn prove their continuous residence upon and cultivation of naid land, viz: Henry Lindreth, Edward J. Noble. Peter L, Dutcber, William H. Bum», of Narrow-, Oregot Aiplieua Venator, of Venator, Oregon, Win, Far re I'.rg inter, that makes your horses glad. BO YEAR«’ EXPERIENCE Stock lns|M*ctorw. Jorgensen is «till to the front Notice ie hereby given that I with low prices. Call and see his have duly appointed the following line of watches, clocks, jewelry, deputy stock inspector fur Harney etatiuiierv. etc. County. Oregon : A. B. Colenhaugh................ Burns It’s a real pleasure to wear the John Jenkins....................... Smith fine fitting clothes made by Strauss Dick Smith............................. Andrews Bros., America’s leading Tailors, I N ewt H oover . Chicago. They’re so reasonable in Slock Inspector. price« too. Robinson it Walton, will take your order. Klmar Clark* fnr the ‘tE'4SW»<. Lol 4. Mee 31. Tp 17 H R jfc E . and Lof* 3 and 4, heet. I p |h. H , R 2<> E. He names the following witne>sc* to prove hi» continuous residence upon and cultivation I of raid laud, yiz Edmond B Wade and Peter Delore of HupJer, Oregon, and Grant Miller and J* hn T. Faulk, 1 iier, of Paulina, Oregon. W m . F arke . Register. THE ITEl^S In every town ami village may be had, * ■. OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, fnr 32.00 I r«*«*>< «„ owM.au IhtJlu,«*. HI*«*. «r*ll I. ■> k»a» • Il tkr Un «*A ha». «u4 II Ik-lui tra >.«<-«. I a.,., .... ati rklWna «a, «Ikrr l.v.ll,., I Iklak I r»al4 a.«., kr akl. I m »wk allkoal II a* a.-a.l at krla. Iraakl.4 all« ....liMll-a*. 1«ar *«4lrla. U ■ Il tk.l *•<*■ ■« a*. G U. H.t vltt.txn. Colie, ('bo)era and I'isfriu .1 Kt otetljr "B. L. Ever, a well «■> per of tlii* town, »aye he tm- berla'n’a Colic, Cho . 1 >iar- SPARKS FROM MANY FLINTS. rhoea Remedy »as last "Yom cook is a very handsome girl." "She i*. She mashes potatoes l>y look­ summer. He had . ■ fora ing at them." month with what the < « call Hr—"Your friend. I hear, paints nl get faces beautifully.” She—'Only one." bilious dysentery, and Syracuse I’uat. nothing to do him any go- I until Evis a clothesline becomes unsteady he tried thin remedy. Il gave him when it has too many sheets in the | immediate relief." says B.T. Little, wind.—London Answers. E tiixi .—"Mr Passeigh has a remark­ merchant, Haneock, M«l. For »ale ably fresh complexion." Maud—"Yes. by H. M. Horton, Burris; Fred I never saw such a young head on such Haines, Harnev. old shoulders.”—Truth. .NOTH E EOK PUBLICATION. THIS is ih* -heapest arxi best » Fashion Mazarine naw be- ‘ re v.« American puolic. it shows Newldeas ir; > ashtons ir. Mil.ir.ery, in Emtrcidery, In Cooking. In A/.ma s Work ar.d In Reading; beautifully lllustr. ted in color» a: d in Mace and white Above all, it : vs the very fashtonatl* New loe* S’ri.ts mada frdm New I dea P at - -h 3t only tOc. each. HINTS COURTEOUS WEALTH. ------------ 1 They Are «• t'wrrtbie »« Other Ktnda Kuhilan h|M'tolthr«ft Who *>quau«l«'re Mil- < aae I m r«»lnt. II imm t »cry tear. ejJICEjgi'JEJCpLrA? P^RJTAR SI O Price of Dally by null........ . ............ It no [>er yr Prf« e f Mio ibiv hr n id . |2 on per yr Daily nnd Bunday by mail. ... p. on per ye Addrraa Till*: I VTFI4