Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, April 18, 1903, Image 4

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Consumption is a human
weed nourishing best in weak
lungs. Like other weeds it's
easily destroyed while young;
when old, sometimes inv
po siblc.
Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear.
The best lung fertilizer is
Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork
is g<Kxl too, but it is very hard
to digest
The time to treat consump
ti n is when vou begin trvine
to hide it from yourself.
Others see it, you won t.
Don’t wait until you can't
deceive yourself any longer.
Begin with the first thought
to take Scott’s Emulsion. If
it isn’t really consumption sc
much the better; you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment. If it is consump­
tion you can't expect to be
cur?d at once, but if you will
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat­
ment you will win.
Scott's Emulsion, fresh air,
rest all you can, eat all you
can, that’s the treatment and
that's the best treatment.
A Covnir> l.iLc*l> tn ti'inr lal<> l.rrnt-
<>u«* uf III» I'r *1».
• r lsn|»«irtaui'c I m lhe Var
"Hang •■!»<» luck!“ exclaimed Mr.
' SkinnphlinL *’l forgot ta» notlc« ho»v
much mouey I hsd in my | xm -ket wh< n
It is probable that the American rv
I started do»» nt«»»» u thi** morning. I
ipedi I'eraia for enh
thing* it»
fouml a MUccut piece on the seal »»hen
carpetsand the Rubnh at of Omar Khaj •
I got up to len»e the car. ami I don’t
yam. l'vxoud these tin» there ia little
know whether it had <lrop|»rd out of
known of the country »a»v that it »»a*
my |MH'kct or some other man had lost
once ruled by Darius» Cym* and Xerxes,
ik I can’t tell o briber Piuhaltadol-
and that Babylon and Ninexah were
hir ahead or whether l‘»v had a nar-
once its chief cities. But the British
io»» escape from losing half a dollar!**
foreign urtiiv and the Russian minister
— t hnsigo Tribune.
of foreign a flair* kno»» that the land
has been a bone of contention between
Magi* irate I'hv young woman any *
the too countries fur upoard of a bun-
that your continued staring at her
died years, and that the time i* rupidly
annoyed her vxcv*.*i»ely
approaching when it must be di» Med,
Prisoner I nc»er intentionally an
sv* that the Persian problem may I m * re-
noted » woman in my life, your honor.
n»o»ixl from the diplomatic arena.
XL.gt*tral*' then »»by did you stare
It is currently reported that the ap-
al her *•» | m - i MMrntly ?
pomtmeut ot Lord Curzon to the »ice-
Prisoner Rrcausv she is pretty, and
royalty- of India »»as because of his
1 couldn't help it.
great familiarity »»ith the Persian qur*
Youii;* W oman la'l him go» judgt'.—
Bay tit» ('hat.
fitted to de;. I oxth the pro|M»*exl |u*rti-
tion of the shah*« domain than he. for
A Kuniuilt of A m HUI o «.
hxs long residence at Teheran and hi*
Ah. try to ! k a her»».
subaequeut studies of the question
My noble luilr lad.
And a» me «!a> in thr maxattnsa
have made him abaolute master of its
You It art tv b* a fad
smallest details. The |»ro|s-sal is to di­
— \\ A»htn*ton Star
vide the country by a rough line run-
Agr**«! with llm
ling east and weat through the venter,
*What nonaenae.** said she, “all thia
giving the northern srcti» n t » Russia
talk is about girls U4ng aiiowr«l torn
and adding the southern half to I: lia.
A* matters stand now. Persia is g»>- courage Imxhrul young men. our yea*-
out of cirri four.“
mg from bad to w<*rse She hai no la"s.
replied W illie Wishlngton.
*ave those imposed by tie powerful;
‘•just as if they didn't when«
. tlw»
no justice, save that which is purchasa­
felt like it. Icup year or no trap year."
ble; no state treasury, sa»e the shah's
Washington Star
pri»ale purse, and r.o enterprise. sa»e
She knew It •l•r*«lf
that which is Russian or English. Di­
Miss W untcrm* 1 have brought this
vided into t»»u sei tiuus by a desert that
l««**k Kick
Mamma sa\s it is not fit
runs through the center, ami without |
for me to read.
railroads save those organised and run
I ibrnrian I think your mother must
by Europeans f r tbvir own purpws»*»
be mistaken.
which are chiefly military, the nation
M.* m W inferno Oh. no. »he isn't. l*ve
has no united feeling, anti its ; nticn il
read it all through N Y World.
pride ha* Lean hopelessly crushed cut
by acorru.it aristocracy.
Tur rar* f most defenseless animal*
Russia is binding the northern section
like the rabbit arc turawl l*ackwurdv
to herself by mean« of a network of
because these creature* are in c * mi -
railroatls which arc connected with the
We will send you Siberian system, while England has stnr.t »*: rrheus>on of pur it hunting
a little of the Emul­ constructed railroads ir. the southern aiumsK bare their car* turned for­
* •
section which tic it to India. With the
sion free.
I t ia »aid thr.t the Hist- ri *al society
that th« pseturw is death of Musarvr-ed-din the country is
of Bi nr
I-ar *>a has the m t
the farm o a label a on the expected to fall in hah vs. naturally,
w-m <r cd
boa* at
collection of American colonial laws in
LbuMM you buy.
the Vailed State*. It was xuadc by
most interested »-ill ace that it occurs
Charlemagne Towers and include* the
SCOTT & BOWSE, promptly .—St. Louis Kuj ublie.
bws of the iMnish and British West
IIant iur Dcwc> Ucllex,
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
The hou.*’ ih Montpelier. VL, which
Th«' usr ci argon for h»gh tempera-
roc and Jr- all drcpnat».
Dr. J ulius l)ew vy occupied and in w hie h
turv th-1■Riometer« ba* brvn pro|<»sc’\
all of his children were born was orig­
as the new gas apj»rar> to oflrr adva* -
inal)» small, but was acwrai time*
tagvs over hydrogen and nitrogen g-u
added to. Within the test two or three • craliy- employed.
years, wishing to replace t
tn Jest
Pocket <to»rs for policemen are th-
katiy neurwpuprru have lately rlvrn currency structure with a Land*-: er. rue re mod­
latest. They »»cigh only a few* ounce«,
tn ruportu by IrtvsiwsDstbitf parties to thvefivet ern edifice. Edward Dewey, the second
and tb~ firm that builds th«-ui my st hat
son. sold the dwelling and barn (retain­
they »»ill make the force comforta!'
THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO ing the grounds) Tor f lie. Thr*-c days in winter weather.
had entered a trust or rumbinaUon: we wish after»«ard the buildings were rescld for
A recent development in the u* < 9
to aiwnrr the puldie tlrnt there is ho f rwf Jb in |4uo. the Kit purchaser, who ¡»aid the
st I'd in the buildings is in the line of
»uh n porta. We have been nusnufarturinc cost of removal, j iacirg them cn a lot
sowing machine« ft»r over a quarter of a centu­
ceiling*, .sheets of thin steel >tuapoi
ry. and liare rata bl i »lied a reputation f,sr our- on State street. Since the battle of
with appropriate ort amcutal Jc«xgn«
»• Ivsm and our hum hi nr* that tai the envy of all Manila this house, as the birthplace and
are «ub*t .<utrd for plastrr.
other*, bur
Hontr" machine luaa early home of its hero, hus been an ob­
newer b«*n rivaled as a family machine.—Il
A Fre»teh scientist h;.« <Iisro»rrr<j
st nds at the head of all Hhjh (>radf sewing ject of interest to tourists and relic
how to solidify |»clrolrum. It is cab
machine«, and «binds on its oicm merits.
culatid that a single ton of th< nr*
The •• .Vrtr Home" iatheoaly really threatened to carry it away piecemeal,
fuel is « quhalent to ."M) I; n< >f
a rouvvnir '’.end in < xc ix..- ta:i< v »»reach­
HIGH GRADE Sewing Machine
is ixnok'-l. >-s, non-odoious ami cheap.
on the market.
ing <-ff a silver-plated faucet and hat­
It is not ncr»-«.iry fc»r us to enter Into a trust ing the water running in the bath­
to save our credit <»r pay any debts as we have room with the pressure of the full sys­
no debts to pay. We have never entered into
His I.ifr Savi d by (‘haiuberlain**
competition with nianutaeturvn of low grade tem of 15S pounds.—Bo**nn Transcript.
etieap machines that are made to sell regard-
Colic, Choh-ra »nd Diarrhoea
kws of any Intrinsic merit«. Do not be de­
ceived, when you wanta sewing machine don't
send your money away from leime; call on a
| “B. L. Bver, a well known cooper
•• .Vrw Homo •* Itrnler, he can aell you a
of tbie town, sayn he believes < 'ham-
Letter machine for iess Ilian you can purchase
else where. If there xs no dealer near you,
berltpn** Colic, Cholera and Diar­
write direct to us.
rhoea Remedy fav*»<l I hh life laat
IDo "Z~ou I^esuci'?
rn*n»Mivr t»f th«*
|lr**«>t«l»n la«t I M«l IrH Iwk
If uoinn wvhi I I pay m< rt attention to
; (Mir Maith mv w «» u M H»< mvM Knpy
wl»<« ii» »th<rt ami d.»ui;htvn. and ll (hey
MiHxlJ t .Sv-rw rvtultl th'V wo«M ftowl
that the d 'tìnti* prcicription» do not
»-m the nuny »urea they are (iun
credit lor.
•• I» ion«ultÌH$ ».ith r.yAu-«<l»t he atk
»¡v.d M.t Irce » Vine of t'ardvi erd Thed
! '-d t Uh. k Drajvht. .nd *<» I took it and
have <»erv re aeon t » think him lor a new
I lilt open'd up to me with restored health.
C 4.»d it only ti* A three month» to »art me.“
To any on* sending us ♦!.50, one year’s sulwoription to tha
w«> will mad the ('hicago Weekly Inlet (Vonn one year
fro* or to ntty one sending us three cash subscription for the
two p*|H'r we will give a year’» suberlptiou to each pa|ier ír>e,
I tkms .
>r The
J menstrual funvtione mid la a u’oat •/-
IUuiidtixig tmuv for wviurn. Il nine
* ,i-i • . ttipjrvsMxi. too frequent, irrrg-
I painful n roetruahon. ÍAlling
of lhe * -‘I i*», w lutea an I tlmaling. 11
it) q f.l «I.. .i#¡'ph4.-h.nif uiuiien*
1 »lurrig pregnane* . anar *l.ild-
birth an i xu change »I life. It frv
.i l i \ bring» a dear l ai y to boiuee
that ba»«
n • ir.• n ( *r tear*. All
U»w fl.uukdtk« of Wine
OREGONIAN and ITEMS, one Year, for £2.00.
Eor Winter Reading you oanimt timi a noire liberal offer.
If any of the al«>ve, however, do not «trike you a« what von
want, write us. we will give you a good liberal oluMdng offer
with any iieri.slioal published in lhe Tidied Niat«'» llou’l put
it off. New is yuur time. Address,
V !■ W—■» III
Burna, Oreuon,
In every town
New York, Chicago. Ill..Kt. trails. M o ., Allan-
la, ua., Dalias, Tex., bun Francisco, Cui.
jVí a r i i n
Marie—I tell yer yer arc
to the marrvr of yer h art’
you blindly, fondly, until
moment, and now I loath
i*?rn< TSAjrcrotr jee
tm t u * c * o « t
1U¡‘' •< V« . ,r4*
.!<<♦>' sf KM VW4«
l-ZJ toaetora
« 92 , wm >
M.3 Tish’: ▼SiJFCTOST
Me»»• ■
I O’ »tri*
iS M ,*.-*«•
Eleuretto—Heaven give me power to
restrain myself or I’ll knock the neck |
off her!—Life.
The Up-’o-d«’’' »rm m hizh
is the 1? 10 Y ar tin with »«lokrfri » Stool
Barrel using J? 4OHt?h Pressure Car-
Thu Ganridrc his a ve­
locity of over 2.000 feet per
second with consequent
flat trajectory ar.d
great t iling
WOuld 11« Altogether T< m » Ratio.
Cholly—Now. confess — ah—all you
girls don’t care a snap—for anylxMly
except a rnan.
Mi*s Caustiquc (significantly)—Oh. 1
would never be ungallant enough to
say so to you.—Chicago Record.
New Idea
THIS s the cheapest ar.d best
Fa* ion Magazine now be-
f re the Amencar. public. It shows
New ideas in FashioitS ir. Millinery,
in Embroidery, In Cooking, in
W.mars Virk and in Reading:
beautifully fllustr. ted in colors a:4
in blac< a d white. Above ad, it
*s the very fas ,r.at ie N ew I dea
S t les . made from N ew I dea P at -
rERNS, w;.xh cost only IOc. each.
Send Fiv? Cents To-day
fo**gi'Els cory cf the Wiw I dka W cmaw ’ s
M agazine . ar:
at grsat vaius
tar tw morsy ,t on g va you
!f»w Ysrk, M
(»ouf n« ii <M-l«<ti<i > 1«, etrrv »ub-
Oalt Si» torni» j *rar.
b «•»?!• il
.. • «'.■«• «In
w.««k . h
l.i..' . l<
i» 4«r« «*.
ftiiiMi; fate.t
. ..«i.i, «
«.^i. «K
Ui« i <••»>»
t<M trrio.
ANowM .*i*4 FerfarriMMH UR*
tbr Cail ia «-f SrwiOS li«r»
Ill-fIS-ll/ Wrs! IBI $1. MW YhOM
i ■ ■ ■! —
(Patent Attorneys,)
EVana Building,
Work at your home. Xo canvass­
Work legitmate and horora-
hie. Address
21 t Spring St.
Seattle, Wash.
I •$1.00
.Stock InspcctorM.
Xotice is hereby given that I
have duly appointed the following
dej utv stock inspector for Harney
County, Oregon:
A. B. Colenbaugh................. Btirns
John Jenkins..................... Smith
Pick Smith........................ Andrews
Nt.wy H ooveii ,
•Stock Inspector.
Anyone «rnd!n< n akrtrh nnd d<-«ertn»l< n mnj*
qui- Mlr iu*<wPtain rmr opinion free whnhrr mii
iriVBtitlon I» probably riMtetitnlil«. < ommiiiilr«-
llona <rirt ly conflrlrfitlal. linrwlliook on I’M mt«
•••nt frrw. Otalwrt Mir«n<-y for •mirmir pairnt«.
I’atrrit« taken tbrouvh Munn A. < <i. r<-« elrr
•po-UiZ w/ttee, without c iinftre, in tho
Scientific American.
A hnnrlvinirly Ilin«*rn»wrrkSy. f.Mrtrrat rir-
r'linfion of Any Rrientlflc Journal. Trrni«, f3 a
year ; f->ur month«, 11. Sold by all new»«l<*M i-rw.
MUNN & Co.38'B'Mdw” New York
flrauch otflr*. C25 K KE. Waabinirion. I*. C.
(’ S Jan«) offir*. Burn«, Oregon, April 11. I'JCR
Notice la hereby frlven that the followlnf,
name«! pettier baa file») notice of I i I r Intention
to ntRke final proof In aii|>p<»rt of hl* • laim. arm
that -al<l pro«if will be made before Itexhterand
|{er«.-iver at Burn», Oregon, on Jone G, BMTJ,
vix Hd Entry, No l'»:;.'l. of
KI in nr (lark,
for the ME%SVt'4. Lot I, 4er ?.|, Tp 17R., RM
E . and l.o»a .T and I, Fee fl, Tp I* M , K *Jfl E.
II h nnniea th< following witncoe« to prove
hl a contliHioita r<*»ldenrr upon and enltl vatlon
of -aid land, v ix
Edwtotid B Wad«» and Pdrr Indore of Hnpler,
Or< gon. nt.d'Jrant Miller and John T. Faulk
ner, of f’a’tl! ha . Or, yon.
W m . F a rue , l!« vbtvr.
— T»i
! W eekly 1 i \1 tes < O cean
lhe Greate-1 Republic m I'noer of the West.
JTit th- mieti st.lwa, t nni unsn eiv nglfeptiltllcrn Weeklr puh
X loli-il lolay ani co, - w-y, ite rotimi ii|a>n lor l.or «mi lioii«si rr
noria ni all politicai afl.iirs
llt 'i'i
1 *,e " cek»v IntcrOccan Supp'les A I nf lite \e«s
noti thè Best <>t Curr. nt I. terni are.
It is Morali, ("Iran, and as a f.imily P.iprr i> V. iihuul a l’urr.
Its l iterary Columns ate equal
to those ot the lf.-si rti.iy.'.zmes.
Nr ' i.»l»k-. S iim - ’«•.
»Air. P,<>>if>>iit < 11 . ml A>>•■«•!iiUtijr
Perleci-FiiiiMK P.ijirf Paiiern«
Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of
any invention will promptly receivo our opinion free concerning the p.iteut-
ability of same. "II<>w to obtain a patent” sent upon request. Patent»
secured through us advertised for sale nt our expense.
l atent* taken out through ua receive sftecial Hotue, without charge, m
T he I a tent Rt.cout*, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, cousulUsi
by Manufacturers and Investor«.
bcud for sample copy FREE. Address,
I ing.
tliHii relieve you.
It lequireH an internal
r< me<ly to remove the caiixe
uii<l ••tied a pern,uui'Olcure.
Ai-k your ilriiggirt for l)r.
Perrin’s Booklet on the utib-
Buy a |MM<tal card ami reml to The New York
Tribune Farmer, New York Citv, for a free
specimen copy.
The Tribune Farmer is n National Illustra­
ted Agricultural Weekly for farmers and
their families, and stands nt the head of the
agricultural pre«*. The price is fl 00 per
year, but it vou like it vou can secur,. it with
your own favorite local newspa|>er, The
ITEMS, at a bargain.
Both pH|i«*rn f 1 «70.
Fend money ami order to The ITEMS.
Trurtvorthv. either sex. by
m I
Merehand I m ¡Company I
of »olid tinniH ia! standing, to man* |
■ gv I.o« al Representative who will
organize clul.a among consumers,
40per cent saved for our customers.
Busi1.1 hm no experiment but a prov­
en success. Salary Ils a week, ex­
penses advanced. Ex|erience Uli-
necessary. Address, It. B Clarks
son, Mgr . 33 I I>eart<oru Si. ( hicago.
$20 to $25 WEEKLY
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablet*»
cure’a cobi in one day. No Cure,
No pay. Piice 25 cents.
One Cent
Manager Wanted.
He had been wick for a
month with what the doctors call
bilious dysentery, and could get
nothin^ to do him any good until
he tried this remedy. It gave him
M ,\ X AG E !l W A XT EI »—Trust -
immediate relief,” says B.T. Little,
merchant, Hancock, Md. For sal** worthy Indy or gentleman to man­
by’ H. M. Horton, Burns; Fred age business in this County and
aujoining territory for well and
Haines, Harner.
favorublv known House of solid
financial standing. ♦20 (to straight
Bean tbs
cash salary ami expenses, paid eat h
Monday by check direct from head­
Expense money nd
vanced; position permanent. Ad­
dress, Thomas Cooper, Manager,
1030, Caxton Bldg , Chicago.
Stop flit* ( oligli
anti Work oil* the Cold.
Reduced to FIFTY
false! False
I’ve trusted
the present
and despise
Oreg, t.ian an i Items, 12.00.
Its Youth's fJcptiriment is the
f nest nf its k . nd...........................
Il bris«« to th-f.im I« th«
-w ,,r .rM «
th« b-st sft.i o.-.t <t «. HIMIon. of all qo-stion« nt th--:o
,. ..f . ................. „„ner .„"i
$1.03 RL!£ f ~ o * je
A, ;; t 7,
91 00
The Daily and Smrf ly Kdl }
•>» ™»'i
», >■>
t’ims of fie Inte- Orean «re | o,.'.; ;«2,«„„¿!”l.r?n'ii
SS ¡.V','
Hie best of their k.nd. .
A,i.ir>... tu ». nnsm-Kt, n,i«,gO
.......... .. .................................................... a....................... .. ............