I COMI’ENSA1'ION S VTl’KDAY APRII. I* IlKU. IMMIGRATION AND IRRIGA­ TION. The universe piv« eve.-y man in hi* own coin; if you mule, it smiles upon vou i.i return; if you frown, you will be frowned nt; if you sing you will be invited into gay company ; if you think, you will be entertained bv thinkers, and if votl love the world and earnestly seek tor the gi od that is therein, you will be surrounded bv loving friends, and ra ure will pour into your lap the treasure of the earth. «'ensure, criticise and hate, and you will be censured, eriticised and hated bv your fellow, man. Every seed brings forth after its kind. Mistrust begets mistrust, jealousy begets jealousy, hatred begets hatred, confidence and kindness begets kindness, love begets love. Resist and you will lie resisted. To meet the aggres­ sive assault every entity rises up rigid and impenetrable—while yonder mountain of granite melts and floats away on the Ixvsoin of love—N. \V. Zimmerman, in Wild­ wood Philosophy._______ Immigration and irrigation are words which are some times closely associated. .When anv large west­ ern irrigation project is contem­ plated, with cheap laud, the trans |»'rtation coni|iai.ies Iregm to talk about securing foreign settlers. Their desire is to secure the trans­ portation of people to occupy the la ill at once, and if they can bring them across the Atlantic and then haul them clear across the eourlry to the tar west, so much the belter for the transportation companies They are but slightly concerned whether the prospective settlers are desirable cititena or whether they are a ritr-ratfof Huns, Italians, etc. But the new lands of arid America which the government is beginning to reclaim should not be devoted too largely to homemaking for foreign citisens. however worthy Spokane is waging an anti cigar­ or industrious nor should the ques­ ette crusade. The schools of that tion of giving this kind of emplov- ment to steamship and railroad eitv have taken the matter up in companies be considered. The earnest. It is no longer a matter latter will secure their share of the of mere sentiment. Business men, increased business which will re­ railroad con.panics and other rm- sult from the settlement of the re- ploves ot labor are discriminating caimed lands. This is not the [ against the cigarette fiend. lie is object ot making the lands habit­ not so alert nor has he the stamiua able and productive. They should of the boy whose senses have not be utilised for the increase from been dulled by the insidious poison the loins of our own people. inhaled with the smoke of the cigar­ It is undoubtedly better to take ette. Besides injuring h's physi­ emigrants and spread them out cal well being of a growing boy, over the country than it is to dump it blunts his finer sensibilities. them in solid communities into the I No better proof of the statement is great cities, but the time has come needed than the fact that a boy, tor us to ask ourselves how much otherwise thoughtful and wellbred further we should go in the direc­ will smoke where the fumes mav tion of providing homes for the be offensive to others. It breeds surplus of other countries. Are we discourtesy and selfishness. He going to be forever the asylum for bolds his own pleasure aliove the the lowest and the poorest and the comfort ami feelings of others.— The Dalles Chronicle. most vicious of all nations? At Eugene. Thursday night of last week, Binger He mann was The case of the government a- nominated for congressman by the gunst the Northern Securities republicans of the First district on Com pan v has been d-cided in favor the 24th ballot to fill the vacancy of the former in the St. Paul court.- caused by the death of Thos. II. under the anti-trust law. And so Tongue. Hermann represented this wasn't a mere bluff of the Oregon in congress for twtlve year* Roosevelt administration, after all. . continuously, having been elected The government has won before a I the first time in 1884. In 1807 he tribuual composed af men of high was appointed commission« r of judicial standing and against the the general land oflice by President most emi lent counsel whicn the McKinley, and served until No­ trusts coulo secure. A more nota­ vember last, when he resigned. ble victory has not recently been achieved and a more popular one There is no real rest for the man with the people it would lie d.llicult of afiairs. With the invention of to imagine. Congratulations aiedue wireless telegraph the “absolute to the President ami to the Attorney rest from business worries” former­ General, the first a man of firm ly obtainable or. an ocean voyage purpose, th* second one of the most has been rendered impossible. The accomplished and high minded of President will spend two weeks in of American lawvers. This de­ the heart of the Yellowstone Park. cision must be rather convincing ■ hut be will be in constant column- evidence to Democratic minds that I nication by special wire with the the Republican fight against illegal White H ouse. The sigh for “a combinations is not a sham battle. lodge in seme vast w ilderness,” has i has lost its meaning. WASN’T A MERE BLUFF. The distracting headaches from which so many women suffer make life a daily purgatory. If men suffered with head­ ache as women do. business would he almost at a stanstill. Does not the fact that men do not suffer from these severe headaches suggest that there must be a womanly cause for them ? When the womanly organism is dis­ eased, headache, backache, nervousnes» and sleeplessness are consequences which are sure to follow. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures heailaches and other allies and pains by curing their cause. It establishes regu­ larity, dnes unhealthy drains, heals in­ flammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It soothes pain and tniilds up the nerves. It transforms weak, sickly, nervous invalids into happy, healthy women. Thousands have testified to its marvelous merits. "I took two bottle. of Voor ' Fvvorlte Cr-srrip tion' atul tw"> the ' <>./!ap-r covers, or thirty-one stumps for t ie cloth • bound volume. Address Dr. R. V Pie-.tt, Buffalo, N. Y. Mr Cleveland is wise in p’rsist- ently refusing to allow his name to be mentioned as a Pre.identii 1 CAI! did air. None ofus are so young that we cannot remember tie last Cleveland adminis'ratior' -with its attendant bond issues and distress mil hard time features. It is stated that Senator Morgan will espouse the good road move­ ment at the next Congress. If he devotes the same energy as lie did to the Nicaragua canal route he may accomplish wonders and h ave behind him a monument to bis labors in the s< t.a'e Miss Cross, of Illinois, crossed the Pacific to marry her fiance who had preceded her to Manila. When she arrived he jilted her but she married another man and for his sake Jet us hope she will he cross no more. And now Mr. Bryan will give | forth his opinion as to what really should have been done in the merger case. A few Presidential possihilitii s are being mentioned, and not a few . impms bill ties. I THE POWER OF MUSIC. SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. II*»»» r « lr » rr liaksiuan «•«•!«! au Or**» Olif«»rnin has U’J.tHW acres of pruur trees. la* far It. Oil fuel is used exvluaivcly In thr lh melting furnace» «if the new riiilndrl In ont of the h»c.il music Storrs the ph in mint Vhc icmpemturc hi thr»v other »lax *rvvral »ulr»nirti were rrhvl furnace*» can be rni»vd t«» de lug «pern 'lire» connected with the green. craft, vv hen »'lie of the purtv. wh<» had It in »aid that the flint which forms hern a denier in orgntit in a »mail wav in a wotcrti «tale, where hr hail acted the substratum uf London is nothing An rxamina a« agent for a big concern in »tipply­ but p«‘trifled sponge» ing the h*cal trade, grew reiidnUcent. tion «»f th«' fossil apotigwor thui shows it* structure. relate» the Washington Star. I'lie »tick insect of Borneo, the larg •'I remember an incident ronnectetl with th»' >a'.c of th«»»v cottage organ* r»t in- « ct known, is sonivtinics 13 inch that ha» somewhat the flavor of the «-» long. It is wingless, but some ape civs of stick insevtn have beautiful David llarnin hom trade.** »aid he “Mv rival in the organ buaine»« in the col«»r«’d wings that fold like fans, Several factories have been built in western town was one of the »|ieke»t salesmen that ex er cajoled the eluvhe Germany f«»r the manufacture «»f “forest w«»«d” out of pine needles. It civrrncy from a fohle»! fi»t. The fel is used f«»r making umlvrcloth«» anti low hi* name waa Bi»h«*p aold or gun« to nearly every family in three for stuffing mattresses nnd furniture countic«. We got our in*t rument» for One of the must imp«. now prt>duvcd by Niagara 1» fl»«* elc« “Bishop ha»l a light wagon con trical tearing apart «»f the molecule of structed especially for carry Ing a rot cotnimm »alt resulting in the forma tage organ, and hr would load in one tion of caustic, »«la ami blracbiug of the instrument» and, together with powder, hi» a»»i»tant. who was a flue mmdciuii. \ p*>rtable street light of great il­ would start for the country. luminating power is thr device of th«* “Due day he drove to a farm owned Westminster county council for les ami managed by a wealthy old Irish »cuing iiccnlcnt» from l.ond«»n fogs lady who couldn't tell a musk* »core A cylindrical tank H inches in diam from a baseball tally sheet X* Bishop rtcr and two fret high is charge«! with an»! hi» a»*i»tnnt drove np f o thr hou»r J?3 gallons *>f p«*troh*uui. nnd com , with organ in the wagon the old la<’\ pre»»««! air forces vapor fr«»m the «»il came out before the door, an»! with int«> tv standpipe provided with n her arms akimbo «truck a Dehartean burner. On igniting the torch Harrs po>e suggestive of the haughty deci­ up 1« inches to two fret, with a power sion. anil »aid: <»( l.ooo candles, ••'Take thot thing out of me yard* Leroy Beaulieu, a well-known rcon Move on wi»| yes. I won't have no music l»oxr» around me. lkin't w otnist of 1‘iirie. has declared that thr IrUurr class «»f men will hmt to work dare to take it out nv the wagin. or l”.l for their living in 1951 Hr made this break it open w hl an ax.' “ ‘Oh. I didn't intend tn take the interesting statement in a lecture <»n organ out. Mr« Murphy.'»aid Bishop, the coiiver»i«>n of thr French three and one-half per cent, debt into three |»rr 'I only wanted to water my horse».' ••It was a warm day and. after cent. I mhh I s . Hr said that th«' rate «»f watering the nnimaU, the two began interest 1» constantly decreasing, nt»I conversing pleasantly with Mr«. Mur­ prettivled that in the next S3 years phy until her aggre.«slvrre»* rrlaxr»! capital will be glud to gel two per years hence such Bishop declared it was too warm to cent., and that take to the road for a while and that first-rlas» securities na government bonds and railway securities will I war they w «»uld have to re«t. Hr present !y induce«! the oh! lady to let them one per rent. Interest, “which.“ »anl put the organ tinder a shade tree out the lecturer, “will r««mpel nil except of the »nn. The two rnr**’irnti r» the very large capitalist* lai work for a again«! the peace of the hum»rhoh! living, and the leisure < f the class of • trolled nimle»»!y nlwuit thr yard. am! pr< pie now culled well off will be uboi after awhile the voting fellow nr*rn««? ished." nn th«* organ and brr*«n pl.tv ir.g lively To Hhow That II CaralaL airs with the Irish »tickingout al! over , ‘•llarry,’* nakrd the young mm. « fair them. He wn* an excellent performer ! ami hr coaxed nil the Jrbh ont of that but mi’vchif'vous rouain. looking nt the smooth outlines of hi« youthful face instrumrnt there was in it. an«! pr» rntly Mr* Murphy m'ded «»»»t nt the “vv !iy i.-y onr ch’n like Bamiuo*» gu«»»t ’.**' And then, as if to sb«»vv the utter •l.wr. The aashtant placed through his li«t «»f airs an»! »tarted on some of t*roundlrs«n« «* «>f h«*r inMilt ng conun the ol»! songs dear to every native of drum. Harry’s jaw fell. Chicago Trib old Erin, using the stops and pedals une. with great effect. • llrr flesrt Mrlted. “’And nhvrat do vex sale frrathlnc Hr knew »hr had a hr»rt of lc*. I Y*t •till hr soueht for room within ft like thot?’ the <»kl lady presently I Jlr thnurht thr pl.v w a * . ••<»! and nice asked RUhnn. , And did ' emi • * in it “ ‘We tmuallv get $7* for that organ.' I An«! th« n hr r ur;«l out In u trice. he replied indifferently, »»nd went on » Her heart hn«l warmed since he be­ sought her sauntering al»ouf thr yard. nd « f kreplntr him on Ire. ••The music continued, and after a • ’ Inst« She keeps him always In hot water few minute« Mrs. Murphy a»ked • Cincinnati Enquirer. •W«mld ye ‘•ell it any cheaper fercash?' ► Two «»f a Kind. “ 'No.' savs Bishop, ‘that's thr low­ Trnm|>—Parding. but I heard yr any est rash price.' ‘ Mrs. Murnhy walked ha«'k tn the yr lived tn Dugout City. Kan., an’ il house. Finally thr young man closet! had th»* n akin’ of a great tow n. Kansas Man Yea, sirrre. All we thr organ with a map and barked un . w ant la < npital. the wngrin preparatory to reloading. Trump <»ue out w ith unn>i«tak able inter« «t visible in her c«iuntc- —X. V. Weekly. Ils'l Otttfmk. nance. She looked the <»rgan «jver a Citizen (to farmer) How arc things moment and then said: “ 'Now. Mr. Bishop, couldn't yr out your wav. Mr Ilayarr«!? Mr. Hnv M*r«l I gloomily ) — They th row off five dollar» if I'd give y e rash money?’ couldn't I m * much vvtiss, .My wife ami n a 11 h.' detiro pm u “ ‘No.’ «ai«! he. ‘this organ is the one three c< i art < I rcfm« d $100 apiece for ’em I arn using for a sample, and it's one monta. nf the I est. I don't care to sell it only liiMt week. Bay City Chat. anyway, but I have som** down nt the Moiix'tlHtiK of « VV i«<. store.' and hr went on reloading. “All the X d thll gs have been «Mid—“ “The «d«l lady*» Irish l»l< >d was up. fltaylate murmur« d with a «iffh. .M i’-« I > is • I nr <1 hook h«-r hsad— She rou’dn’t let un Instrument that ' “ Weil, supposo you try good-by ’ “ could express the sentiment» «»f those -LoutsvIU« Courkr Journal «dvr nwav thee could hear her hammering on the organ with excruciating results. Down thr road for half a mile they could hear ‘turn, tum-tum. turn, turn- turn.* ns she endeavored !«» get her motiev*« worth. The only thre It af- fnt^ed her satiufartion. however, was when some visitor who could piny dropper! in. nnd then the music «if
sitively he calls oftener than lu? «lid before. Maud—I suppose he think.» it safer now.—Town Topic. Ilampern«!. nost ito guest at turkey dinner»— Would you like to do the carving. Mr. Fitzsimmons? Mr. F. — No; thanks. I’ve just joined the church. N. Y. World. CASTOR IA For Infant« and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Fanny Who is that hiinds»»ni«j fel­ low? .Maude M v intended. Fanny Why, I didn tkuow you were engaged. .Maude ~Neither nm f.—Truth. On« for thr t'omplesIcMi. Mi1drcerlmeiit* tini« trillo iilth orni eiolntiuee Ilio Imulili ol liituiit* limi Ihlhlreii-l'viH-rleneo uunlm.t l.xperlmimU What is CASTORIA Cnxtorlti I* n Imrmle»* »iil>*tltu<«' Tor < ii«D ; <>il. I nm- K«>rle, Drop* nml Soolhlnu Kvrtip*. It 1* l’feoMiut. Il coiimln» m-itlier Opimo, llorplilne m>r o«l>< r Niireotlo ■ubKliim-r. Il* mie I* It» Rimnintee. Il erieiirc ha« lw<-n »r- cured ami the product oftiiiH Brewery 1» of the fid grade in Ihn ’ Inland Empire. Place » triul order und you will not be ili.np pointed. BURNS, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (»KEGOW The Windsor The Ixir in «upplird with nome bui Ihe v< ry I <-l branda of Wuie », Liquor« and Carbonati d drinka, ami ilo- (, hoiceat Ciitnr«. Vour patronage aolicihxl. Courteou« treatment lo all. Corner north of |H>at< ffn-n Bar LEE CAI.DWEI.L l'roprielor. IF YOU ARE A FARMER .A.xxcl Ifave On