w* « i Local and General. Mill Nettie Steele, of Greencastle Mo., was registered at the French Hotel this week. She was enroute Oregonian and Item». $2 tX> to Happy Valley where ah« lias relative*. Newt Lewie is up from I.swan. Atty. Dalton Biggs hna purchas­ Ed. Jordan was up from l.awiin ed the Rutherford ranch north of Thursday. town. We understand that he will W. J. King, of I.awen, was upon tak. up his permanent residence on the place soon. business Wednesday. J. D Billingely, of Ontario, waa Usiley Haves was up from I.awen among the arrivals this week. He on laud business Thursday. is here looking after some law F. Crowley, of I.awen, was doing matters he lias coining up in the business in town Thursday. circuit court at this place noon. CM prescriptions is uo child'« play Chairman Grant Thompson of N II. <'nr|>anter left Wednesday Il requires aoueciantious cars and the Republican County Central on a brief visit to the railroad. accurals knowledge of drugs mid Committee, and Mrs Thompson their ralatious to each other. We Mr. and .Mrs. Link Hutton wrre were guests at Mr. and. Mrs I. S. take «<• hoaast prills la ills purity visitors from Wagoutire Ibis week. Goer's Thursday. Mr Thompson of our drugs, si.d ths «kill and so- curacy with whisii wn eoui|iouiid Ham Greves,, of I.awen, was a was in to mike annual proof on h«sny's ranches tween Melschan statics aud Burns. at Barton I^keand in Happy Val­ 11. W. U KIXM1NK a CO., C. F McKinney returned last ley, and wife have been spending HruprieTun. Sunday from an extended trip the week in Burna, The latter who has not been well this winter came East. for medical treatment. Jorgenson has a complete line of A dispatch from Baker City to stationary, school supplies; books, the Oregonian of the Sth. says the etc. HirituutY. APittt. II. i «< b “Sumpter Valley Railroad Com­ Julius Chandler, of Wsrm pany has placed an order for 7U0 < httiart*» Ar|fya Springs,spent a few days in the city tana of steel rails to be used in con­ J M Vaughn, formerly deputy ibis week. structing the firat section of the ex. sheriff of Harney county, is in the Thus Howard has assumed his tension of the road from Whitney «•tty, the guest of hie old- Hme friend. duties a« janitor and gardener al to Burna, ¡Iarney County." (Iso. A Wright. Lakeview Herald: Mrs. Win. the court house. 8. H Williams, the O-B stags Burns, a daughter of Mr. and man, is in the city While in This paper and The Chicago Mrs. Green Linville, of this place, lloiao last wixtk hi* purcbasud an Weekly Inter Ocean Al AO for one arrived here from Burns, Or«., last elegant coach, to lie used between year. “Special deal” week. Mrs. Burns had a rough Ontario and Vale. trip having come by way of Prioe- C. P Rutherford has gone to lUvc Carey, under the «u|M-r Ontario to look over that section vtiieand Silver Lake, and came in vision of M N Fegtly, is becoia* with a view of locating there. on tbe Northern stage from Paisley. iug quite proficient as a harness The fire department will give a Mrs William Farrs who has maker. Ds re asya lie ca i now dance at Loeber'e Hall next Friday make a sat ri»{, ami hopes ere been seriously ill for the past few night, April 17. for the purpose of long to lie able to make the days, is now slightly improved. raising funds to build a cistern at thread snap like nil old "vet" at Yesterday was Arbor Day. It the intersection of the streets the bueiuraa when be draws a was also one of the most disagreea­ southwest of the courthouse. As Stitch. ble days of the past two months. this is a matter of general interest to all the dance should receive A certain preacher was striving One hundred and twenty years to »how his congregation the won- ago today notvd the cessation of liberal patronage. At the last regular meeting of the ilrrful works of ciration "The hostilities between the colonial and Burna fire department it was de- eaiue Creator," he said, "who made British forces. cidcd,to organize a ladies auxiliary, the tad mountain also made the Jorgensen is still to the front and a committee waa appointed to low foothill; ths same Creator who ma ir the mighty ocean mad« the with low prices. Call and see his solicit and aid in its organization. rivulet coursing down the moun­ line of watches, clocks, jewelry, It is hoped that the ladies will join earnestly in tbe movement tain aide, and the asms Creator stationery, etc. who made m« alao made a daisy,” Fred Haines, the jovial poat- and thus create an enthusiasm | master and mercbaut al Harney, among the fire “laddies” that has In consonanas with its name, the was doing business iu the county i hertoforebeen lacking. New Ides Womans Mag. line for Easter Sunday this year falls on seat yesterday. May pi nee ills many novel features April 12. somewhat later than last We are informed that parties year, March 30. The date of in dressmaking and in every do* parluiriil ot domestic Interest. it from Bowling Green, Kentucky, Easter regulates that of all the opens with a charming |**per by are negotiating fur a lease of the . movable feasts of the year. Thus 1 Constance Fuller McIntyre u|>on Oregon Hotel. Ash Wednesday occured February “ The Marriageable Age,” Emma John IL Jenkins, the Happy , 25, Passion Sunday, .March 29, and A .< I’nor in- writes a lx ml New York’s Valley sheepman, was in town | Palm Sunday April 5th. Easter Chinatown delightfully, Katherine Tuesday looking for men to assist Sunday ia always the first Sunday i-ouiee Smith tells of the new fad, him through lambing. after the firat full moon after the "Cal shows end Caltories,” Nancy Spring equinox. Thus Wir.gfield has purchased Hall line "The Living Boom" for John Martin who has been her theme; and Ebon Rexford the Jack Scarf place on the Island, circulating a petition to raiae funds This place presents 'Garden Gossip” in his consideration $1'200 to pay the expense of stockiug live years ago add for $300. authoritative manner. In addition Silvies River with catfish, tells us Frank Jordan is engaged in mak­ to these sfieeial feature«, the several that the amouul has nearly all departments are attractively set ing a plat of the Sisson property in l>een subscribed. Tbe fish are to forth, and in short stories and verse Pueblo Valley, which we under­ be brought from the Chewatican there is unusual variety and super­ stand is to lie placed on the market and a>e to tic of the blue variety, ior quality. The New Idea pat­ this summer. called “Channel cal.” Uncle' terns otfer« many tempting oppor­ Jorgensen will dispose of his en­ George Duncan of Silver Lake is to tunities to the home dressmaker. tire slock of watches, clocks, jewel­ furnish the fish. ry, books and stationery at below In the examination held at the For a bilious attack take Cham­ cost. He means business. Call close of the third scholastic term berlain’s Stomach aud Liver Tab­ and see him for bargains. at St. Joseph’s Academy at Pendle­ lets and a quick cure is certain ton last week, John Caldwell, of For sale by II M. Horton. Burns; Millluery! thia city, stood well to the front Fred Haines, Harney. Finest display of Millinery, receiving an average of 93.4, in a Ribbon, Applique and Silks. S tate or O hio ,C itv of T oi . kiio J class of 97. Only one excelled Lt'Nl'AM Cot STV. i Call al the home of Mrs. G. W. withan average of 95.5. In ad­ Cummins. Frank J, Cheney make« oath that dition to his high grade he received he is senior partner of the firm of a medal for his excellent scholar­ Il’s a real pleasure to wear the F. J. Chaney A Co., doing business ship. Young Caldwell is but 14 in Hie City of Toledo, County and tine lilting clothes made by Strauss years of age, but will complete the State aforesaid, and that said firm Bros., America's Leading Tailors, eighth grade al the end of the will pay the sum of One Hundred Chicago. They’re so reasonable in present school year which closes in Dollars for each mid every case of prices too. Robinion A Walton, June. Catarrh that cannot lw* cured by will take your order. Mr. I). I’. Daugherty, well known the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. “Blutch” Smith, colored pianaist throughout Mercer and Summer Frank J. Cheney. and chief evening attraction at the counties, W. Va., most likely owes Sworn to hefore me and subscrib­ Windsor Bar.’dc[>arted Monday for his life to the kindness of a neigli- ed in my presence, this (’»th day o pastures new, much to the disap- lx>r. He was almost hopelessly af- Decent I st , A. D. LSSCi. |M>intment of a large patronage of tlicted with diarrhoea; was attend­ A. W.Gleason. this ¡topular rot rest. ed bv two physicians who gave nitn J hkai . Notary Public. little, if any, relief, when a neigh­ WAGONS! WAGONS i We will sell you a Mitchell, bor learning of his serious condi­ Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in­ ternally. and acts directly on the Rushford or Webber Farm Bed tion, brought him a bottle of Cham­ berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar­ blood and mucous surfaces of the Wagon; rhoea Remedy, which cured him in 3 j Steel Skein $85.00 system. Send for testimonials, tree. less than twenlv-four hours, For „ 90 00 F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, (). sale by H. M. Horton, Burns; Ered 3| „ „ 10500 Sold by all Druggist, 75c. Send your orders to us, <). C. Co IKines, Harney. Hall's Family Pills are the beat Proper Compounding Burns Drug Store HARNEY VALLEY ITEMS. John T. Whictler, a government civil engineer who ia looking over th« irrigation possibilities of East­ ern Oregon, arrived in Burns Wed- j nesday to make a preliminary ex- j amination of the site of the Silvies river irrigation project in order to report to the department a» to its 1 feasibility, upon which report de­ pends whether or not we are to : receive a government irrigation system in this valley. Mr Whist- ' ler spent Thursday meeting citizens and talking over the subject. Friday morning accompanied by I. H. Geer, he left for Silvies Valky to look over the site of the big reservoir. He will return today and tomorrow will take a drive out into the valley. He will also visit the Silver Creek section and prob­ ably sections of Crook County. .4 bout the let of March we will begin "taking stock" and will until that hme ciote out many uteful article» for lest than actual cost, We need room for our Spring ‘.Stock. The cash and room it worth more tu ut than the goods, the more we Now it the time to »ecure sell the lest we have to invoice. bargain». Call and»»» if we don't mean but me»». Lunaberg & Dalton !» STATE NORMAL SCHOOL MONMOLTH.tORF.GON. UraAsaZxs «4 the School a»« in constant Heman i al.wlsriss ringing from $40.G0 u, $100.00 per month. Students take ttia MstsfeMednsdoS« ¡during their courss in the school and jire jrrepared.to receive State Certificate« un graduation. Etix-nses range from $130.00 to $175 OS per year. Strong Normal course and well equife ped Training Department. Tbe tail term openv^Hept 10. For catalogue containing full informa­ tion.address E. D. KESSLER. A Remarkable Record. Chambei Iain's Cough Remedy hits a remarkable record. It has been in use for over thirty years, during which time many million battles have been sold aud used. It has lung been the standard and main reliance in the treatment of croup in thousands of homes, vet during all this time no case has or J B V." ft at Lev. Sec* y President, ever been reported to the manufact­ urers in which it failed to effect a cure. When given as soon us tbe chilears, it will prevent the attack. Il is pleasant to take, many children W. X. TXWCE. VrqwUtsr. like it. It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may ------- BUT OF WIN EK, LIQL'OHM AID Ci G ARAL-------- be given as confidently to a baby as to au adult. For sale by H. M. Drinks mixed to suit your tute. Courteous treatment cuarautod Horton, Burns; Fred Hames, Har­ ney. Your patrunage Solicited. The Capital Saloon The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean ia the only weekly newapa|>er pub­ lished in Chicago in connection with the great daily papers. It contains a judiciously selected summary ot the news of the nation and world, the best stories, home, farm, woman's, and other sjiecial departments, and fair, patriotic, able editorials, written from a Re­ publican viewpoint. It is by far the beat general newspajier ut the Western States. The regular price fur the Weekly Inter Ocean ia $1,00 and for the Harney Valley Items $1.50, but subscriptions will l»e re­ ceive«! at this otlice for the two pa;>ers in combination for one year for only $1.50. □ F § £ CÍ L Stoniaeli 'trouble. "I have been troubled with my stomach for the past four years,” save D. L. Beach, of Clover Nook Farm, Greenfield, Mass. “A few Jays ago I was induced to buy a l»ox of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. I have taken part of them and feel a great deal belter.” If you have any trouble with your stomach try a box of these Tablets. You are certain to be pleased with the result. Price 25 cents. For sals by II. M. Horton, Burns: Fred Haines, Harney. I Miller & Thompson, Successors to R. A. Miller «t Co. I I Stock Inspectors. Notice is hereby given that I have duly appointed the following deputy stock inspector for Harney County, Oregon : A. B. Colenbaugh....................Burns John Jenkins.................... Smith Dick Smith.......................... Andrews N ewt H oover , Stock Inspector. ESTRAY. Lost one two-year old cow with calf. Brand, on ribs OO, and 7 on one hip and 7*2 on the other. I will pay $5 reward for her recovery. Fred Mosier. Izee, Oregon. Have your measure taken for your new Fall garments. and satisfactory way of your clotlies. Make your selection from tbe tailoring line of Stop the Cough and Work oft'the Cold. Strauss Bros«, wh Chicago Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure's cold in one day. No Cure, N 3 pay. Price *25 cents. Good tailor« for over a quarter century. You’ll find a world of pleasure in wearing the clothes made by Strauss Bros.—faultless in style, fit, finish and materials. Oregonian and Items, $2.00. They’re so much better than the ordinary ran of clothes, yet prices are astonishingly low and you’re perfectly safe is ordering, because if garments are not satisfactory, CASTOR IA you needn't take them. We will he pleased to show you samples—CaO For Infants aud Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought ROBINSON & WALTON Bears th« Signature of It is the only proper buying I