Harney valley items. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 188?-19??, April 11, 1903, Image 2

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    SATFHDAY Al’Rll. Il I'M'.!.
Shamrock Illi» described a» ■
“wonder." It is probable however
that more Englishman than Amer­
icans are doing the wondering. \l e
confess ourselves to feeling some-
what confident.
Somebody started a story that the
clever men of the department of
agriculture at Wa-hington had pro­
pagated a grain known aa "corn
wheat." which is as big as corn and
a» good as wheat, and now the de­
partment. being overwhelmed with
request» for stwd, is busily explain­
ing that there ia no such thing as
corn wheal and that it is not at all
likely that such a hybrid could
ever be produced —BakerCity I'eni-
In his Milwaukee speech the
President defin'd the policy of the
Republican party as one to regulate
not destroy trusts, and tnat the
existing legislation is all that is
practicable at the present time.
Control of trusts bv means of the
tariff a futile remedy.
It pay. any business man to ad­
vertise. in season and out of season.
Keeping everlastingly at it is the
secret of many a man’s success,
while a half-hearted sluggish
neighbor with equally favorable
opportunities, falls bv the wayside.
“Keek a movin’ " should be the
slogan of every businees man, and
While the editorial »Cnbe of the in no way ¡is this more important
Commoner is following in mind than m maintaining a rapid,
and with quill the various mean­ fire choke-bore system of advertis-1
dering* of Mr. Roosevelt on 'his I ing.—Ex.______________
western trip he may be reminded
The man whose occupation, or
of certain rear platform sja-eches trade or business is the best in the
of his own in the campaign of 1SU6 land, whose town ia the best in the
and think. ‘‘Alas, what might have | county, whose state is the beet in
the union, whose nation is the best
President Roosevelt believes in
a stroug American Naw also that
in matters international we should
present the dignity becoming a
great nation. “Speak softly and
carry a big stick; you will go far,"
was bis trite quotation at Chicago
the other night, when referring to
our naval policy and the Monroe
Special agents of the United
States Land Office and the Interior
I tvpartment have discovered evi*
dence of extensive frauds in the
disposition of publ'c lands in this
state, and steps have been taken
towards prosecuting the offenders
Several United States Commission­
ers will be among those prosecuted
fur frauds as a result of four
months’ investigation by special
Dewey’s remarks comparing the
American and the German navies
to the detriment of the latter,
created considerable ill feeling
among the Germans, both in Ger­
many and in this country. Su ce
that occurrence, however, ten large
Dutch green bay trees have been
purchased for the White House
ornamentation, and this is believed
to have made the score a standoff,
says a Washington correspondent.
in the world, is a good citizen, let
him be a millionaire, a mechanic,
a teacher or a day laborer. He
will do his trading at home, even
, if he does have to pay a little more
He will take the home paper, even
if it is a little smaller than some
of the metropolitan weekly papers
Then as a reward he will have the
hlghi-et regard of his neighbors
, and will be forever prosperous.
The press dispatches announcing
preparations for a tremendous land
ru»h in June next when a million
acres in Southern California are to
thrown open to entry, indicate that
a good many of our people are
still looking for homes upon the
land Much of this land is desert
however and can only be made
habitable and productive through
irrigation. There ft little question
but that the wes'ern lands which
the government is preparing to ir­
rigate under the national irrigation
act. will tie taken up by thrifty
settlers from the east as fist as the
dams can lie built and the water
placed upon the lands
We never like to say anything
to injure a man's business, but this
juvenile courting on the streets of
our city breeds pneumonia. The
world loves a lover, but it has no
love for the kind that do the Romeo
and Juliet business oil the streets
From January 1, 1902. to March of the city, when they should be at
31. 1903, a period of 15 months— home reading or in bed dreaming.
the population of Oregon has in­ These young people who thus court
creased more than 44.000.
Un­ on the street» need to be mado ac­
questionably the immigration dur­ quainted with a shingle. There
ing that period has been larger than are youngsters in this citv who are
in any of the 15 months in the > talking of conjugal bliss when they’
history of the state, and the heavy cannot even conjugate the verb
tide is just setting in. Figures love. The boys are no more to
from all sections of the state ob­ blame than tne girls; it is a
tained by correspondents of the mutual thing with them. What
Oregonian tell the story without is needed is for every mother to
have a curfew bell of her own, ring
it and see that the girls and boys
hear it ring —Ex.
Many a child
has lieen fooled
by the story of
pot of gold which
a tie found just at
foot of the rain-
; and has started
out to gather riches
full of happy dreams.
Many a man and
woman have ><een de­
ceived by the tale that
there was health to be
found out beyond the
sunset, and they have
started out dreaming
of a healthful future,
never to be realized.
People who have tried change of cli­
mate in vain for the cure of weak lungs
hive Iwen perfectly and permanently
cured by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Golden
Sl .-iical Discovery. It cures deep-seated
coughs, bronchitis, bleeding lungs, ema­
ciation, and other conditions which, if
neglected or unskilfully treated, find a
fatal end in consumption.
"Last -primt I had a severe attack of pneu­
monia whi-h left me with a ver. bad cou^h.
an 1 also left inv Innes in a very I..V1 condition."
writes John M knssell. Ksq ofllrent Cherokee
N.it , Ind T;
"I had no appetite and was so
w.-.ik I >ul I scarcely walk
Mvbre,-t was all
a .re with running s .res I
t wo lerttles of Or.
Fierce s Gul leu Medical Discovery, which I he­
li, ve saved my life I cannot express my grati-
tilde to you I am able now to do very g'xxl
Any sulistitute offered as " just as good”
as "Golden Medical Discovery” is a
shadow of that medicine.
There are
cures behind every ilaim made for the
"Dis-overy," which no "just as good”
medicine can show.
The People s Common Sense Medical
Adviser, a book containing roo8 pages,
is given away. Send n one-cant stamps,
for expense of mailing OflZy, for the liook
in paper covers, or 31 stamps for the vol­
ume (round in cloi’t
Address Dr. R. V.
Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Some ot the Eas’ern papers are
expressing alarm and “I told you
so»" over the prospects the irriga
tion of the western lands by the
Government is going to cost more
per acre that, was indicated by
assessments ami state runts made
during the discussion of the irriga­
tion bill. This is needlei*» fear in
view of the fact that the money is
all Income buck to the Government.
If a certain dam and ditch costs a
million dollars anti provides for the
irrigation of 1'X).(XX) acre» of land
the settlers who take that land ‘
must pay flOan acre to the Gov-j
eminent. Neither is there any fear
that this money will ever be re­
mitted by hasty act of Congress.
Every western interest would op­
pose such a measure for under the
irrigation law the money when
paid back to the Government is to
be used over again for building
other irrigation work» in other
A Hunter'« I
Attempt to <•!»
tan» * I awm Al|v«s
A» a II*'« Ut the Wedding l*r«»«*eeded with
Au«»th«*r Urvom.
Catvhmg u wiki «leer b\ th** tail is
not to tv twoiiiiiK tided an u tlrM cl«»«
w . kj of grit ing \miaon. but it U n go*«l
at) far u txMiaviuntiou» mini while
»hooting deer I* prohibited by law.
The pnuvs*» of grubbing ihvr by the
tail la full of tlilTUulty, but it u* not
to be* compared, in that iv«qwt, wiuh
hanging on after getting u grab on th«'
Qu I. The «leer ia wary. Th« doer I*
fleet und it* tail ia »hot t, but in »pile of
all difficulties a mau w ha» 1« not 100 fret
from mo as I write caught a young
<h»er by the tail a few day» ago and
remained a sort of tail attachment over
v liHlfull and slough and »tump for n
«'tuiaklerabkv distance, any» u Glen
Flora special.
The man was out in the fores« vii hl*
big farm looking for wildcats with an
r.qveial eagerness on account of the
bounty of t i\ dollar* a ent offered by
th* authorities. A m he w na wading up
the creek with a pa r of old *hoe* pro­
tecting hi» f«et from the rocky l»ottom
he espied «* fawn at a lick, While hr
was looking at »hr little »¡x»tted beauty
it lay down beaidt u h»g. and the hunt
er retail ted to get the il't le iwtimaj ulhc.
He knew U.at If hr could get ludd .»f
one or I mu I i of the fawn’s h5n«l leg» hr
WOUld MlCtWll.
Luckily tl-c oowm of the form ap-
¡»•ansi at that umc moment on the
way to the crock for a drink, ind the
fawn, evidently a frequenter of the pas-
tun*, Mvnxed to bv unconcerned after u
quirk glance at the cow». S-ixing the
opportunity the hunter, while the
cows were coming and cracking
brnnehsw ind »tick». stole up to the
log. A mo nent Inter the fuwn | ui * m «I
direct-!* in front of him, and the hunt*
er mntlc a quick thrust of hi» urins to
catch the deer by the hind leg*. He
pnrtk muc . ‘ceded, but in the struggle
that fol low ct I. with the taring cow»
ami yearling* a» »|vctat«jr», th» deli­
cate liml* of the fawn Ivgnn to »lip
out of the *i*‘ of th«* human hamU ami
MMnrhow or other in <U‘»*|M*mtjv»n th«'
man gndd'ed the fawn*» tail.
The little* unimnl legnn to run, and
t he hunter, w ho I» a tory strong man.
h«'ld de»;irrntcly to the tail. Down an
old lagging road they went a little
way. an«l then the fawn turned in. It
could not run eery fact w ith a man at­
tached to ita tail, but the tirwt quarter
of a mile an» done in good time. ncv»‘r-
thelraM. About the beginning of the
«second the fawn went over« log an if
hcade«l for • thicket. In spite of all.
the little ticuuty r«*nrhr«l the brush
and plunged in.
The hunter waa
<u ra(N'd <»lT. and hr hud the pleuuure of
narlng tlw fawn join ita mothrron th«'
other «Mr of thr thicket and dart off
with h<-r into the depths of the forrat.
— Milwaukee Sentinel.
“I attended a mouuiaia wedding ill
MvlktwrU «M»uniy, W \ a..“ »ui«l u writer
in the Washington Star. “Ewrythiug
wrul idong *ims»Ud) at first.
cabin was brilliantly light**»I with can*
«Iles and «me «»f the beat tiddler* in the
country wn* present to furnish music
for th«' danea to follow the wedding
Nothing oocurrrd to mar
th«* proceedings until thr minister ruin«'
to the point whrtv he »nvitrd anyone
who had a ny thing to »ay why thr cou­
ple hhoul«i n«»t cuter the bonds of mat­
rimony to »|>rak or thereafter hold hi»
|M'av«', when a lough looking mountain
rer arose and said;
“ ’ Aii) thing ter »») . ptraou? Wall,
I reckon I hev
I hev UI um intend«*!
ter marry that gal luyaclf, iu>’ lher
frlh'r knowed it, »0 ho j«*««« krp’ outen
my waj
I »"nt qm word to prrfiarr
for u lickin'. sn‘ hr Irf’ thr country,
but k«p* u writin ter the gal. Now.
I iu here ter make my wool good, an’
’fore this hya* rninl goo« any farder,
thr taller fiu'rd coward luu« me ter
“In vain the preacher tri«*! to restore
A ring was »«»on squared in
thr «‘enter of the room and thr men
wont nt it. In a tun it trn minutes th*
groom annvuu* rd that h« had enough,
ami the victor, taking the »rm of the
I hiabmg brute. «lohltcraU'ly chanp-d
th«* gmoin*» name In the marriage li.
tense to hia own. while thr »luiquishvd
lover made hia ruoa|M*. Evert I sm I j sp
|warrd to lw mi U m find, and the marriagr
took place an though nothing bod oc­
curred to mar thr solemnity of the orca-
miou .“
»•Itewte M-vUaU« Which Drtermlae»
ths Vocal Proper«Ire of Color,
One of the moat womferfrl diwoi-
rr re in »cirncv that haie been mud«*
within thr luat year or two h thr fa« t
that a txuui of light produce«* sound.
A beam of aunlight i» thrown through
a Ims on a gla*» wnmc I that contain*
lampblack, colon'll silk or w<*mtr«l or
other ftulmtamcM, »ay» a writer in Pint-
»on’» Weekly. A di»k having »lit» or
o|>ciiingM cut in it i» made to revolve
«wiftly in thia Iteain of light »0 a*
to cut it up, thu» making aitrrnuU?
Hamhra of light and uhiulow .
On putting tiic rar to thr ¿J iuam vea-
m *1 Htrang«* sound» are h«-nrd »0 long
a» thr thu«hing brum i» falling on thr
irMMrl, Hecrntly a more wonderful dis-
101 cry hua been made. A brain of »un­
light i» cuUM*d to pane through a prism
so ue to produce w hat iacallrd th«' solar
»¡M'ctrum, or rainbow.
Thr disk is
turned and the colored light of the rain-
bow I m made to break through ft.
Now place the ear to thr vcnjw I con­
taining thr silk, wool or ot her rnatrriaJ.
A m thr colored light* of th«* »prctruiu
fall upon it soiii ' i I m will I k * given by dif­
ferent parts of the spectrum and there
will I m * Milrnc** in other parts.
For instance, if the vesarl contains
red worsted and the green light Hash« *
upon it loud sounds will I m * given. Only
feeble aound» will l>r hrsrd if the red
a ml blur parts of thr rainbow fall upon
thr irssrl and other color»« make no
Mound at all. Green silk give» Hounds
beat in red light.
Every kind of material gives more or
h's« sound in different color* sod utters
no-»ound in others.
In the Wronr Shop.
Canvasser- -I have a little device here
that will save you lot* of time.
Bti*inr*R Mnn- .My «icar sir. things
ar«» so quiet that I don*t knerw what to
do with thr tin»«' I have. I had :in hour’s
conversation with a book agent yester­
day anil I tried to get him to stay
longer, but hr wouldn’t—N. V. World.
(Jetting Kvnn.
“I’m putting up a prescription for
your wife’s milliner,’* said thr drug
clerk to his employer. “Wlmt shall I
rharg«' her?**
“What is the usual price for what she
is gelling?”
“Fifty cent«.“
“Charge her $2.75.**—Texas Sifter.
Not the Kight Man.
“Yes. dear, I had to decline him, l»c-
rniisr I knew hr could never make me
a happy woman.’*
“Why do you think that?”
"Hr told me he would never Jive )>e-
yond his income even for my sake.**—
Town Topics.
All Autumn l>ls*-r«*pnnry.
Another dark sorrow 1« Joined to 1 he sum
Of woes tbst embitter life’» drerim
The longer th» nights that nr«* «hilly I*«
The shorter the bed rovers «rem.
Washington Star.
And Thirty
The Kind Yon llnw Al»v«r* IV'iiirM. nn«l which hn« l>«wn
tn n»e (hr over 30 pnrx, tin* homo the *>l«iu»tnrm «»T
mid !»«»•* b«'« n iniwlo wilder hl» imit -
Miiud mi|>cr» l»lon «Inro It» Inftuiey.
_ __ _ ,
Alhnv no uno todei-el««' you In thl».
All Counterfeit». liuli.Ul.u.» mid <•
’’ *r*• ‘»***
Experiment» tlret trlllo with mid oiidm.u.-r th«. Iieulth »r
Infeut» mid Chlldreu-Exporlemo »«nlu.t l.xperlinenk
Owtorln I» I» linriillc»» •uhwtltut« fer < ««(or <»d, I’mw-
gorle. Drop» mid No«»tllhi|r Hyrnp». I« I» Heu-nu«. U
«xuitnlii» neither Opium, Morphin« nor «dh« r Nor. otlo
■iib.lnm-e. II» «K« I» I«*» «’»’»»*•’’’■ 11 dentro) I
*ii«l all»)» U.wrrMin««». It «•un » Dlorrlovu m.«l W Imi
«'olle. It relieve» Teethlmt Tnuihle». < un- ConatlpMUon
ami Uhituleiicy. It luodnillnte» the 1'« hh I, nuuluto* the
Ntoimu h mi«l Bowel», »Ivin* healthy m.«l i»»tuml »l«M«p.
Th«. Children*» l'miuccM The Mother’» I rh-ud.
After He Met and Mar-
rted Iler.
A romanUc marriage occurred at At­
lanta a few days ago, th»- parties toil
Icing Mr. II. F Iklilry. of Juckeon,
Mina., and Mwu* R«xlge», of Virginis
Mr. Hailey i- «omewhst past 50y<*urso(
uge and the bride is about 30. say» .in
< «change.
The couple 1lr»t ro«‘t during the wa*
when Mi mm llodgc» w tut u Imby. It hop
|M'ur«| when thr northern soldlara ap
preached J a-k son. S idw The parent*«
of Miss llotigra rrwtdrd there at the
time, and when thr grand rush u*
mold the Yankee« was made Mr.
IUiiley, then a confederate Mtldiec*. se­ I
cured 4 wagon und i.i«»ve«l the Hodges
family. In thr hurry ami •Bvlieuu-nt
the little girl was torgotlrn, nud she
was not mioaed uiwtd tho family had
g«x>e Mteral miles.
Mr. Hailey v*»lunte«*rrd U> go tack
and find her. which he did. The child
wan found in the rocs I near her hom<*
crying. .Mr. Hailey carrird her to b«*r
Hoot) after that Mr H«»!g«'« inov«*d
with hw family
Virginia, and Mi.
Hailey miw them no more for JO year«.
14Mt y*w. says thr ( hi«*»«go News,
hi» wife died, und it •»*’« urrtM to him to
tool up hia old frieD'ts and see what
had become ot th* little g»rl whoui hr
hod natcd from tin* iuvmlrr* in tl«e
long ago.
Hr went to Virginia und
found Iter teaching «whool. They cor
icapnudrd and agrcr<1 to m«w*l »1 Al*
to during the fair and be married,
Visa raase* “How do you like mt
new photograph?’*
Little Girl
It »
perfectly lovely
Did you really »it for
.t ;. ■ • 1 i r * > 1 f ’"
I 11 ! -i tM
“Bridget, why didn’t you hrnt my
room better?
If» only Su degrrra.’’
“Oh. 1 thought that for au« h u »mall
room SO degree» would be enough.”—
Fliegrndc Blnrtler.
A Criticism.—“I <ion’t like her sing
ing. Iler notes come from her cheet.’
“Well, ot<hl they not?” “No indeed.
They ought to stay there.**—Indian
apoli» Journal.
“Ebryt’ing -ci nil right in :•» plarr.”
said Vnclc Ebrn.
“Er slia’p rax/rr
mcks er man a good bahberonr minute,
an* a trr’blc tough citizen de nc**.“--
Washington Star.
Explained.—“What makes you worn
cn kiss when you meet?” “It is a sort
of apology in advance for what we
m«Min to say about each other after we
part.**-— fndianafxilis Journal.
“Excuse me, fir.” said Barker to r.
boorish traveler, “but what i* your
business?” “I am a g<*utkinan, sir.
That’s my bu»in«is.** “Ah.” said Bar­
ker. “I ree. You arc udcirg a vaca­
tion.”—Harper’» Bazar.
“Whnt did you see in America, un­
cle?” cried the boys. “Oh. I raw the
( nbkill mountains,” «aid I’m !<• Peter,
j«x'OMcly. “1 expect it wus one of those
mountain»» that brought forth th«
mouse,” snkl Jock, thoughtfully.—
Household Words.
Always .Moving
“John,” »aid the
frightened wife, in thr middle of the
night, •’there*!» something moving down
cellar. I’m sure.“ John lists n» d inb-nt
ly. “Oh, it’s nothing but the gas meter
j>rgging away,” hr said with a sigh of
relief.—Harlem Life.
“Really,** snid Mr». De Porque, ”lt’>
very diatreasiDg to see how common
tilings are getting.” “Yrs.” r«*plied her
husband: “hiMirira an* a good deal
aheapcr than they w-cre.” “It’s |M»i
lively shameful. Why, it’s getting iu>
tlkftt anybody run afford a diamond
nowiday».“ — Washington
The Kind You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
« ««««TawM «•«•*•■<, «• rev««*« •♦•••• »«W »•••
Harney Valley Brewery
L WOLDENBEKG, •*»R , i*ro| rietoi.
The «ervice» of a brewer «if long yrnra experience ban been «•-
curtxi and the t>ro«luel of thia Brewery i» of the be»t griulc in the
Inland Empire. I'lace » trial order and you will not I* <li»a|>-
The bar in aupplinl with none
but the very best brand« of
Wioen, l.i<|u»re and Carbonateil
«IrinItH, and the Chom.t Cigars.
' our patronage solicitevl.
Courteous treatment to all.
Corner north of poet office.
Ono, Gent
Huy u | oatnl card ami ><-n<l to The New York
Tribune Farmer. New York City, for B frve
specimen copy.
The Tribune Farmer ia a National Illuatra-
^ Agricultural Weekly for farmer. .,.«1
their fi mil.ee, and Manda at the h. «.| „f ,h.
sgricultural pre»». The price i. tl (M, _
year, but if you like it you can secure it with
mrM-Wnt frri‘" 10‘"1
ITEMH.atabarfsin. Both paper, II 50.
Hend money and order to Tim ITEMS
Animal Poorhoase.
Calcutta contains a pan per nsylurn for
Indigent animals. There nrr now about
4.000 inmates, ranging from bulls tn
chickens, '¡'hr plnre is In charge .of an
experienced veterinary surgeon, with
a staff of 80 person«. N. Y. World.
ThcSoiilhorn Oregon Sfate Nnrm.l u 1 1
Srptember 10th. Full foculty ; improvèd ') “l ì
'V, ,l"’‘R,,n’r’
courae of etmly ; e.„h departmen. fllled by
and economica added for thè benefit of tll„/ hrU‘,n
in High Mchools, bui are optional I im i „
. ’ . *
lence in orntory ami athletics, » ’-^’""•'“hprizeaf.wrxcol-
ideal. Send for catalogue.
CI IF ni 1 11 1'’'^' ’ Lresidcnt,
LL'HORD I’II o M as , Secretar/