4 WEEDS Consumption is a human weed flourishing best in weak lungs. Like other weeds it’s easily destroyed while young; when old, sometimes im­ possible. Strengthen the lungs as you would weak land and the weeds will disappear. The best lung fertilizer is Scott’s Emulsion. Salt pork 1’4 good too, but it is very hard to digest. The time to treat consump- ti >n is when you begin trying to hide it from yourself. Others see it. you won’t. Don’t wait until you can’t deceive yourself any longer. Begin with the first thought t > take Scott's Emulsion. If it isn't really consumption sc much the better; you will soen forget it and be better for the treatment. If it is consump­ tion you can’t expect to be cured at once, but if you will begin in time and will be rigidly regular in your treat­ ment you will win. Scott’s Emulsion, fresh air, rest all you can, eat all you can, that’s the treatment and that’s the best treatment. We will send you a little of the Eniul- sion free. Be sure that this picture in the form o( a label u on thè wrapper of every boule ol Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, SPARKS FROM MANY FLINTS. “Y’ovu cook is a very handsome girl.” “She i*. She mashe* potatoe* by link­ ing ut them.” lta—“Your friend. I hear, paints faces beautifully.” She—“(July one.” Syracuse Post. E ven a clothesliue becomea unsteady when it has too many sheets in the wind.—Ixmdoti Answers. E thel —“Mr. Passeigh haa a remark­ ably fresh complexion.” Maud—“Y'ea. I never saw such a young head on such old shoulders.”—Truth. **I tell you,” aaiil the inspector,'lean­ ing back in his chair, *‘ilet«*ctiv«* work is not the snap it's cracked up to be.” “Were you ever biullv taken In?" “Well, rather. The worst I was ever fixiled was by a pretty, baby-ejnxl. in- ns<>m friend. Nornh. "O. no! if I bite my linger nulls 1 catoil it over the kmick les. but the baby can cat hi* »hole foot, ule I they think it elever get-Me-Not. Synis—1 see that tliey bave organiseli a buuiding house kveper»' trust in l'iiil- advlphm. Suiyles Tlmt» « hat I've liecn look- ing for. You call i gel trust«*«! heru uoivadiiys -lirooklyn Life. A Point of sliull.rlty. Hicks— Your milk is like what we have on the const of England. Milkmuii lloiv is that? Hick* -Large cluilk deposits.—N. Y. World. A.k Tfcelr W lv®.. Breathes there u man w ith soul so dead Who never to himscit hath said. As home his footstep* he has turned: ••i elvau forgot that. I 11 t»e domed — Washington Star. r ’ Th® Es.le.t Way Ou». “If your boys doesn't reform, old fel­ low, you won't I k * able to keep him out of juil when he grows up.” “Don't you believe it. I'm going to make a policeman out of hiiu. Life. Really a Ser ion* Matter. Actor Hurry,or we’ll tuiss the tmln. Actress -I can’t find my diamonds or my purse. “Oh, well, never mind.” “Yes, but the purse had ten dollars in it.”—N. Y. Weekly. Slight lint National < h*nz®. A hotel in Switzerland bore on one of its walls the time-honor«d inscrip­ tion: "Hcspes, salve!” (IVelc mi*, stranger!) After rebuilding, the ubove legend had to lie restored, but the painter, who must have had some e\ pcrienee as a traveler, mnih* a ver« slight nltcrntion in one of the words nod the inscription now reads- “Ilospes, solve!” (Pay, stranger!) MRS. L. S. ADAMS. Of «■Mla.-'.li.a, -|'«’* iik . “Wine «>( Cerdui 1« indeed .1 b!»f»ln<| I j tired women. Having gulkred (1 r •even year« uith weakne»« and hear, ing.down |>.«in«, and having tried kv * eral doctor« and different re.nedlej with no luce«««, your Win» of ('.irdul was the only thing which helped nie, a.id eventL*.-.lly cured me It «rcin.-d <0 build up the weak parts, strcn«ther free, By “tirrd woiiuti ” Mrs. A'lnins lui-tina nervous women who have disonieretl lueust's, tailing of th«* womb, ovarian troubles <-r any of these ailments that women have. ) on can eure yourself at hoine « ith this great women's renuslv, Wine of Cunlni. Wine of t'arilui has cured thousands of cases which doctors liiive taileil to liem-tit. )) hv not lietiin to get «veil today? All druggists hav«* dl.oti luttles. For any stoma* h, liver or bowel disor­ der Thedford's Black-Draught •llould In* used. OREGONIAN and ITENIS. one Year, for $2.00. For Winter Heading yon onnnot find a more liberal offer. If any of the above, however, do not etrike you uh what you want, write uh . we will give you u good liberal clubbing offer with any periodical published in the United Suites. Don't put it otT. New in your time. Addreen, F««r.vlvl<’r atvll.lrr*iur»'.*«|itn,M, krivlntf tytupUMiid, ! Iiv IjttiifM* VdviiM'i v l»«'|utit- ¡«‘lit. Tho ClitttAiw® db A!»«i' In« t u.» Ivlin. WINE0FCARDU! BO YEARS’ EXPERIENCE The DifTerenco. Biggs— I am so stout that I know ex ercisv would do me lot» of good. Tanis—Then why don’t you get out and shovel that snow off the walk? Biggs- -That’s not ryercu»e, that* a work.—Truth. The I .ate Iubinented. “T don’t believe Mrs Jones grieves any 1'ion* over the death of her first hus­ band, now that .‘die has married a sec­ ond husband.” “No, the second husband docs thut.” —Texas Sifter., A grocer in CbapliD, Ky., recently found a diamond worth $7o in a burr ci of sugar. The oldest school-teacher in Connec­ ticut is said to be Horace Staples, of West|Mirt, wbocelebruted his 94th birth­ day recently. In Murray, Ky., a farmer arranged with an auctioneer to sell a mule ut auction. The mule brought one dol­ lar, and the furmcr paid 5u cents auc­ tioneer’s fees. T raoe M arks D esigns C opyrights A c . Anvono tending a sketch and deaciiptlnn may gnlcklv ascertain our opiniou free wnether an Invention w probably patentable, ( onirntinlcn th .*• *• ri.t'«■ <■• HULii-nt ml. 11 .null >• >< < di Patente »«•nt free. < »blest iitfenry for *«•<•»>ring patent«. Patents taken tiir- uuh Munn A Co. receive tpcrMl furttce, without charge, in tin» Scientific American. A hannaomely illuRtrated weekly, l./ircost cir­ culation of nny fcientlttc Jotirnul. Term», |:i a yonr; four months, fl. gold by all newsdealer*. MUNN & Co.36,B’°*d-'” New York Branch Office. 625 F Ht.. Wnshlngton, 1). 0. « In every town and village may be had, IF YOU ARE A FARMER -A-n.d His Life Saved by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. ‘‘B. L. Byer, a well known cooper of this town, says he believes Cham­ berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar­ It a file for a Preacher. rhoea Remedy saved his life last A Georgia paper tells of a raffle for THE NEWHOMESEWINGMACHINECO a minister that was recently held in summer. He had been sick for a that makes your Mod. >»y ORANGE, MASS Btanilnrd Parrott, Ga., the loser being compelled month with what the doctors call horses glad. Oil Cw. New York, Chicago, Ill., St Louis, Mo., Atlan­ to take him. The Methodist congréga­ ta, Ga., Dallas, Tex., San Francisco, Cui. bilious dysentery, and could get tion was having a revival which had dragged its length along until the con­ nothing to do him any good until gregation had become worn out with he tried this remedy. It gave him church-going and providing for the TRY A Manager Wanted. preachers, who came from all around immediate relief,” says B.T. Little, to assist in the cause. The la-t preach­ merchant, Hancock, Md. Foreale Trustworthy, either sex. by er that came was the straw that broke by H. M. Horton, Burns; Fred I Wholesale Merchandise ¡Company the back of the dromedary. No one wanted him. and a meeting* of the Haines, Harney. of solid financial standing, to man­ stewards waa held to consider bow age Local Representative who will THIS TRIP he was to be provided for. One of them Stop tin* Cough 100 rns TRAJFCTOftT JOO YD5 tsajfctort ^proposed to draw straws for him. organize clubs among consumers, Hat oh f at 50 yard« Height at 100 ,«rd* |..’J inche, 5 ftj iou-c» and Work off tlie Colti. which was not agreed to. but finally 400 YARD«? trajfctory 40 per cent saved for our customers. Hripht at 1 *0 y»rj* the question was settled by a proposi­ Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets IA 38 ini bet I Business no experiment but it prov­ tion to raffle the minister off. and this Th* Up-»o-Hat* !jrrn in high power repute’** actually happened, the steward who cure’a cold in one day. No Cure, en success. Salary $1S a week, ex­ is the 12 40 Marlin with Smokeless Steel Barrel using 32 40 High Pressure Car­ made the lowest throw taking the un­ No pay. Price 25 centB. tridges This Cartridge has a ve­ penses advanced. Experience un­ welcome preacher and providing for locity of over 2,000 feet per second with consequent necessary. Address, I). B. Clark­ his physical wants during the clSsii:^ flat Stock Inspectors. hours of the long religious services. You great son, Mgr., 334 Dearborn St. Chicago. can u«e power rhe ordinary Notice is hereby given that I 32 40 Rlacb pow­ T here are 650 beasts, 1.391 birds and der cartridge ,v lo«r«| plair* ; latrai (. in I hihi * . «b<»m.ikiiiK « • «ni«'nn-.’» ; f.nn y work. In»«t“. I k 1 uhi . etc Suh <•< rii»«* I>« <1^v, <»r. sriHj a lor l.»t«-* t copy Lady aurais w.«V,. *• * -, 4 ' » ■! ' •* VICTOR J. EVANS & CO., (Patent Attorneys,} WASHINGTON, D. C. • Evans Building, ! »••••••••••••••••••woteeecaz««» $1.00 — TriE- si.oo: W eekly I a I ter O cea N. i • T is the most stalwnit ano unsweiv^ng Republican Weekly pub- • lislvil Io lay and can always be relied upon for lair and honest re-J noris of «11 political affair.«. T | The Weekly inter Ocean Supp'les A I of the News and the Best oi Current Literature. U ul U { It is Morally Clean, and as a Family Paper is Wiilioul a I’oer. I iternry columns arc equal to those ot the best magazines. Its Youtn’s Depart mi nt is the f nest of its k nd. ........ NOTICE FOB Pt'BLICATION, for the »HNWJi, »HNEJi, Sec. 2, Tp. 23 K SI E. W. M. He name, the following witnca.c« lo prove hi« continilou» re.idence upon and cultivation of «aid land, viz: Krneat William«, Ira William«, (leor-e W. Shaw and Bay Illcken.on, all of Burna, Oregon. Wii. F'Aititg, Keghter. i r Y Our fee returned if we fail. Any ono sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent­ ability of name. “IIow to obtain a patent ” sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. I atents taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in T he P atent R ecoup , an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, The Greatest Republican Paper of the West. U 8 I.niul office, Burn», Oregon, Mar' ll 4.1903. i Notice I. hereby given that the following, i named settler h». filed notice of hla Intention to make final proof In support of hl. claim, and that «aid proof w ill be made liofore Itcgixter and Keceiver at Burna, Oregon, on April 13,1903, vli: Hd Entry, No. sal,of I John H. Culp, One Cent Buy a postal card and send to The New York Tribune Farmer, New York Citv, for a free specimen copy. I he Tribune Farmer is a National Illustra­ ted Agricultural Weekly for faruiera ami their families, and Munds at the head of the agricultural press. The price is $100 per year, but it you like it you can secure it with vour own favorite local newspaper, The ITEMS, at a bargain. Both papers $1.50. Send money and order to The ITEMS. I It brings to the fiiin lv the cw« of the liitirc U 4»rl :ich week and being i ni» <1 ht h rugi» is letter ud a plod to ibe needs of the people west, of the Alle.-h >nv Mour>lalias Limn any olher paper. DO^ARJ^RYEAR $|,00: SI.0& The Daily md Sunday Edi- 5 n,t 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . RìS”" ”Mr? t'ODS of Tlæ Inter Ocedll nre S IMIIy and Bunday Ly m all. the IcU of IheJ k.nd . ....... 16 00 |)P, year J - . { Adilre«. THF! INTER OCRAN.Chleam.* •••••••«••••••••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••»••»•««